Official 2008 Yard Sale Thread

[quote name='kube00']30 miles total and about 20 sales nothing. Almost bit on a Halo edition xbox he wanted $50, so I decided it wasn't worth it and I passed[/quote]

Oh!! That is a tempting prce, but a bit thigh. Did you try CIF or anything?
Only went to about a dozen sales this weekend. First sale I went to had "Sega Game With Games" advertised. I probably got to the sale about 5 minutes after it started and when I asked about games they mentioned the Sega being sold which somebody must have bought well before the sale started as it was long gone.

NES (Lid Broken Off)
AC Adaptor
1st Party Controller
Ice Hockey
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Super Mario Bros. 2 (hair stuck to it yummy!)


I asked about video games at a sale and they had this NES stuff, it wasen't actually put out for sale but it was under a bench which had abunch of books they were selling. The girl said she didn't think it worked hence the reason why it wasen't put out with a price but they wanted to get rid of it when I asked. I offered $2 for it. I'm just glad that this NES is missing the RF Adaptor (instead of power) as it seems as if most NES systems I find at yardsales are missing the power adaptor or even have some makeshift power adaptor that acts up if it does work with an NES.

I forgot to take a picture of it but I also got a Sonic The Hedgehog plush at one sale marked $1 offered .25 which was taken.

I also left my name and number with a guy that said he had a NES. One thing that kind of scared me is that he asked me how much I'd be willing to pay for it without telling me anything about it. I said I don't know and it would depend on how many games it had with it which he said it had about 25 games.
[quote name='urzishra14']i do have one story.. i saw a game cube without any controllers or games.. had the hook ups.. the girl had to call the person in charge of the prices on the phone.. and she comes back and says " 20 bucks" .. i said " but it doesn't come with any controllers or anything.. i'll give you 5 bucks"..and they acted like i was insulting them.[/quote]
Gotta love people like that!! :)
Saw a handful of Cube games here and there.

One house had a Halo Xbox, but I didn't really care and didn't notice the price, as someone was buying it as I sat pawing through the substantial game collection. Nothing worthwhile though.

I paid a quarter for a booklight, and my husband paid a dollar for a chili-shaped salsa dish, and I ALMOST paid 50 cents for a Tupperware bento box, but decided against it in the end.
Today was quite interesting! I had planned to leap out of bed in the wee hours of the morning and be on the road by 8, getting breakfast before hitting up some 8 AM sales and showing up early for some 9 AM ones on my way up to a community about 25 minutes away that was having a block sale.

Unfortunately, I woke up, hit snooze, and my alarm never went off a second time...nor did my failsafe second alarm clock. Fortuitously, as I later learned, it had ended up pouring between 8 and 9:30, and apparently had just stopped when I woke up at 9:45.

Since it was so late, though, I grabbed a Red Bull for my breakfast and made a beeline for the community sale....which, due to the rain, only had a dozen or so houses participating, and the finds were few and far between, although the first stop did have something, though:


First sale of the day -- I saw these labeled $1.50 each, CIF'ed $1 for both, and they took it.


This was the first of many items today that were produced when I asked about old games. Some kids running a sale went into their house and came out with this lone Tetris. They wanted $6 for some reason, but I got them to take $2.

That was all for the "community sale," so I started working my way back home, including the sales that I had passed on the way.

I asked about games, and the woman running the sale came out with an old, dirty DreamCast with Sonic Adventure inside and a couple of PSX games. I offered $3 for the DC and Scrabble, which she gladly accepted.


I asked about games, they found their incredibly dusty NES with Power Pad, zapper, and no more than ten games, which they refused my $10 offer for. So I just picked up a few games at $1 each. The top three are going to be for selling/trading, the bottom three are for my collection.

This was a two-family sale, and, right down the block, was another. They had some really awesome dinosaur plushies that I would have picked up, but I have absolutely no room for them. Dinosaurs kick ass.


Charlie's Angels, Scary Movie, a knife, and a pocket watch! $4

Another two family sale, one had nothing, next door had a long box of comics that they wanted $60ish for (my $10 offer got shot down, and that would be the most I would pay because figuring out what to do with them would have been a huge hassle).


Once again, I asked about games, and this is what was found: N64, no controller, AV cable, or jumper pack. Chip on one of the controller ports. $1, but I probably didn't need to pick this up.


Originally asking $10, I offered $6...which dropped to $4 when we realized that the wires were missing. They also had a Sears Telegames (allegedly) complete in box (it was taped closed), but wouldn't go lower than $10 so I passed -- the box was huge and I have had zero luck getting any kind of profit on Atari stuff. After buying this, they found a Sega Sports Pack in box (Genesis with a sports game, whee!) they said that they wanted $10 for. Looking back, I should have offered them $6 or 7, because boxed console variants are nice. I think it was missing the manuals and paperwork, though.

This last find was just through awesome chance. I was on my way back from an advertised sale (which I'll be doubling back to tomorrow, since one of the ladies running the multi-family at one house event said that they had lots of Nintendo stuff at home that they would bring for me on Sunday), and decided to ignore my directions since I knew the area, trying to find another community sale that may or may not have been rained out. I saw a flier for a sale that may or may not have been canceled (as it would drizzle for a few minutes and then stop) and decided to check it out anyway.

It was at the very end of the block, and there were no games of any kind out. But when I asked...


The last sale of the day -- I asked about games, they came back with a stack of Genesis games and a bucket of SNES games with manuals. They were firm at $25 for everything (but that included two MAUS comics and a porcelain Rafiki), and said they had a PlayStation with games somewhere, so to check back tomorrow -- right after I bought these, it started POURING.

But Boogerman + Lester the Unlikely = two neat finds!

I've got to get to bed pretty soon, since I'm hitting those two sales again first thing in the morning!
[quote name='FOnewearl']
I forgot to take a picture of it but I also got a Sonic The Hedgehog plush at one sale marked $1 offered .25 which was taken.
Dude, seriously, take a picture. I wanna see.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Dude, seriously, take a picture. I wanna see.[/quote]

and once agian we see that sonic=PRON to some people. lol jk.
SEGASONIC, Did you see those statues of Sonic that Kotaku posted pics of last year? suposebly they are in a antque store in LA, and they are for sale!!!
[quote name='Segasonic01']Dude, seriously, take a picture. I wanna see.[/quote]

That reminds me...I have a SEGAWorld T-shirt (uniform) from when I worked at segaworld London that somehow found it's way into my suitcase when I came back to the US! Actually the lead "SEGA"-I'm not kidding they are called SEGAs- said it was okay for me to take some since they changed the uniform. I willl have to dig it out. I had 2 but I gave one to a friend. I would have put the full size Sonic suit in my suitcase, but the head had a 3 foot diameter. I wore it once (1st day hazing). It had a ventilation system that was broken, but it would have been pretty nice if it worked.

BTW: The SNES prototype had to be returned to Japan as part of the contract. I heard back from my friend. His Dad designed some of the artwork for the US marketing of Super Mario World, so he had to use screenshots from the game for part of it and also come up with original art. He actually had to reutrn the (his) original art to Nintendo as well or destroy it.

On topic: I have to swing by the sale where I got the Optimus Prime, he said he is going to look for his NES and games! :bouncy:
[quote name='Sinnbox']SEGASONIC, Did you see those statues of Sonic that Kotaku posted pics of last year? suposebly they are in a antque store in LA, and they are for sale!!![/quote]
I just looked at it. Nice statue but not worth $300. I almost bought one on Ebay for $100 but shipping woulda been like $200 so I passed.

Slowdive... I would love to buy/trade for the Segaworld shirt if you can find it.
Had some fun yesterday and this is my first attempt at posting pix.
(just learned

Dropped by the only 7 a.m. sale to find GC Pokemon Colosseum (complete), Mario Sunshine (no manual) and GB Pokemon red, blue, crystal, silver, gold, yellow with GBA Leaf, Saphire plus a Disney watch (not pictured as I forgot to take it off) $22, accepted $10
Great Start!

Off to a neighborhood sale of maybe 30-40 homes-
Phil Gordon Poker Book $.50
Spongebob Season One, PC Half-Life 2, & PC Black&White Deluxe Offered $2
PS2 sealed Frequency, Family Guy Vol. 1 (seasons 1 & 2), That 70's Show Season Two (missing disc one - left number), Starcraft Battle Chest (missing Star Craft disc, rest is mint) & unicycle (which I ran over later in the day, sigh...) $9
Beattles CD 2 disc Anthology (mint) $3 accepted $2
DVD Fat Man & Little Boy $.50
Silver GBA SP/charger with 5 games $10 accepted $5 (covered with smiley stickers but cleaned up nice)
Game cube with case and one meh game $30 accepted $10 (wanted the case!)
Also a nice Router with a bunch of bits $3 accepted $2
Bunch of nice Polo and Ambercrombie shirts 6/$2
Silly disc only PS1 Goofy game for $.50 (from a sale I went back to just in case the son decided to sell any games...)

Off to single sales near my home...

Sealed Apprentice Season One $6 marked down to $3, accepted $2

Black outdoor side table $1 and a Photo Timer $1 (these are great for Hold'em tourneys, I found one last year but gave it to a friend who hosts tourneys all the time and loved it)

All in all a fun day with the exception of missing discs in sets and being an idiot for running over the unicycle....just finished cleaning it up...blew the tire (no biggie) but also bent the seat post...doh!


went yesterday to a couple of rummages and got some pretty good pickups. i was looking for more of the classic stuff so this is what i got.

N64 w/5 controllers,expansion pak,old school nintendo power mario lunch box, and inside the lunch box were games. the games were: legend of zelda ocarina(gold),mario party 2&3, mario kart 64, crusin usa and donkey kong 64. All for $20
Snes w/2 controllers, yoshis island, mario world, mario kart, mortal kombat 2, street fighter 2, jeopardy, SHAQ-FU, and mario all stars. all for $20

Nes w/ 2 controllers, zapper and mario bros 2&3, mario/duck hunt, and two crap games that didnt work. this for $20

I picked these up last week

ps2 w/2 controllers, dvd remote, memory card, gta san andreas, gran turismo 4, hitman 2, legends of wrestling, the getaway, gun, xmen legends, thps 4, mortal kombat deadily alliance, and need for speed most wanted. All for $20

Snes w/3 controllers, and junk load of games. notable ones are mario allstars, mario kart, legend of zelda, mario world, street fighter 2 and 2 turbo, megaman x, castlevania 4. All for $20.

The lady was selling both the ps2 and snes and i offered her 20 each and she bit on it. she was like her boyfriend gonna kill her but she just wanted it gone. his lost, MY GAIN.

Pretty good day today.

$35 for:

Dreamcast with 3 controllers, AV, power and RF hookups, 5 VMUs, 3 rumble packs and the following games:

Sonic Adventure, NFL2k, Vigilante 8, Sega Bass Fishing, Monaco Grand Prix, Toy commander, Rayman 2, Soul Calibur, Star Wars Racer, Aero Wings, Web Browser, Rippin Riders, Tee Off, Mortal Kombat Gold, Airforce Delta, Hydro Thunder and Rainbow Six

$2 for the Monster Gamecube AV cables in the package

$5 for Paper Mario and Zelda OoT

$3 for Castlevania Bloodlines

$4 for Silent Scope

$2 for the Royal Tenenbaums (Criterion Collection)

$20 for Microsoft wireless 3000 notebook mouse (retails at $25) and the VX6000 web cam (retails at $60)
Just some surgical strikes today:


I went back to the house where I bought the Genesis and N64 games yesterday, since they said that they would try to find their PSX games. No PlayStation titles, but they found these -- their SNES console (no hookups, 3rd party controllers) and N64 (hookups, 4 controllers, 3 first party), and five and six games for each, respectively, including:

Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
WaveRace 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Star Fox
Cruis'n USA

Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart
Sim City

Tetris (disc-only)

The PSX isn't pictured; it was missing the hookups so I brought it along with the necessary cables and various 3rd party controllers and memory cards, along with some spare disc-only games, to a friend's house for his nephews.

Total on this haul is $20.


The woman who promised to bring whatever gaming stuff she could find delivered. She told me to "make an offer" so I didn't lowball too much since I didn't want to offend her after she dug all this stuff out for me. I offered $15 and she accepted it on a lot of mostly Master System games, three consoles, Mario All-Stars, a boxed Super Gameboy, and a controller and AC adapter for the Master System.

$15 here...putting the total for the weekend at about $90. But with the finds I had, money well spent.

Also, when taking my little brother to get Darkrai at TRU, I ended up finding two Xbox Live Vision bundles for $38 each.
Man I always find last gen stuff and a few PS1 things, but never retro stuff like Slim. I guess its somewhat geographical.

PS2 games come easy to me lately.
Once again Slim you blast away the competition with some great finds! You keeping the stuff or selling/trading some of it?
Wow some great hauls, i went to my first garage sale (2 actually) looking for games....

One of the guys was an idiot and said the only thing he had was a regular xbox with no controllers for 200!!!!!! Because he remembered paying 300 something for it. Shesh
[quote name='Segasonic01']Dude, seriously, take a picture. I wanna see.[/QUOTE]

I don't know anything about Sonic toys but I'm thinking it safe to assume that this one is rather common as far as Sonic toys go :D
I have a Sonic book that's similar to Where's Waldo. It's based off the old Sonic cartoons (not Sonic X).

My old elementary school library gave it to me for free. :)

Not sure where it went though.
[quote name='Samus']Man I always find last gen stuff and a few PS1 things, but never retro stuff like Slim. I guess its somewhat geographical.[/QUOTE]

Definately geographical, I find it rather hard to find anything retro around me with the pickins being slim although I've been fairly lucky lately. Just wish I could find some better lots with gems in the form of popular games still worth playing and maybe even some good rare/uncommon stuff from people just wanting to get rid of the stuff!
[quote name='FOnewearl']
I don't know anything about Sonic toys but I'm thinking it safe to assume that this one is rather common as far as Sonic toys go :D[/quote]
Ya, it is. It was given away as a pre-order bonus if you pre-ordered S&TSR or Sonic 06.

Samus- Find it. Seriously. I need it.
[quote name='FOnewearl']Definately geographical, I find it rather hard to find anything retro around me with the pickins being slim although I've been fairly lucky lately. Just wish I could find some better lots with gems in the form of popular games still worth playing and maybe even some good rare/uncommon stuff from people just wanting to get rid of the stuff![/quote]

I'm lucky that the area i live in has tons of classic gamers, about 5 years ago a guy started a store and ordered tons of boxes of crap from Ebay about the time other stores were liquidating their NES/SNES/ect... inventory, It was amazing some of the stuff that he brought into our area. It has realy increased the volume of GS finds.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Ya, it is. It was given away as a pre-order bonus if you pre-ordered S&TSR or Sonic 06.

Samus- Find it. Seriously. I need it.[/quote]

lol. Would you seriously be interested in trading for it?
[quote name='Samus']lol. Would you seriously be interested in trading for it?[/quote]
Not anything expensive, but yes, I would trade for/buy it.
Thanks! I've been getting really into the retro collecting lately, and everything that isn't a duplicate goes straight into my collection (after being thoroughly cleaned and tested). Any extra stuff, though, if friends or family can't use it (like the spare PS2 in the living room or the PSX for my friend's nephews) tends to get Goozexed/GameTZ'ed/sold -- generally, I try to keep the inflow from selling my spare stuff above what I'm buying. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to afford the $50-100 a week plus gas that I've been spending at sales. =/

I've been doing the odd convention as a dealer (I design some shirts and stickers and the like, so its a nice mini-vacation - a weekend of a little business in the day, and a lot of partying at night), and I brought some spare retro stuff as a lark last year and people were snapping them up. So, I'll probably bring some to the cons I go to this summer, in addition to bringing a few spare consoles and popular-yet-common games for retro consoles on "permanent loan" for their game rooms.

And I need to make some room, so a couple might be getting game guide lots donated to their charity auctions.

Right now, though, I've fallen way behind on cleaning and testing since I've been so busy with school, so most of it is just piling up every week. My family is ready to kill me.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Thanks! I've been getting really into the retro collecting lately, and everything that isn't a duplicate goes straight into my collection (after being thoroughly cleaned and tested). Any extra stuff, though, if friends or family can't use it (like the spare PS2 in the living room or the PSX for my friend's nephews) tends to get Goozexed/GameTZ'ed/sold -- generally, I try to keep the inflow from selling my spare stuff above what I'm buying. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to afford the $50-100 a week plus gas that I've been spending at sales. =/

I've been doing the odd convention as a dealer (I design some shirts and stickers and the like, so its a nice mini-vacation - a weekend of a little business in the day, and a lot of partying at night), and I brought some spare retro stuff as a lark last year and people were snapping them up. So, I'll probably bring some to the cons I go to this summer, in addition to bringing a few spare consoles and popular-yet-common games for retro consoles on "permanent loan" for their game rooms.

And I need to make some room, so a couple might be getting game guide lots donated to their charity auctions.

Right now, though, I've fallen way behind on cleaning and testing since I've been so busy with school, so most of it is just piling up every week. My family is ready to kill me.[/quote]

LOL you should see my room right now. It is a crazy mess of games. I have way to many duplicates...and they arent sellign fast enough. But i keep buying them because they are cheap.
[quote name='Sinnbox']LOL you should see my room right now. It is a crazy mess of games. I have way to many duplicates...and they arent sellign fast enough. But i keep buying them because they are cheap.[/quote]I only have about 120 games at my mom's and dad's house total and no duplicates except for rereleases/complitations.

For retro games at Garage sales, my area sucks because there is a store the size of a walmart called bookman's that has 4 locations in town and gives decent-great tradeins on retro games. Plus, if the people don't want to buy videogames with the store credit they can buy books or dvds with it. >,>
Only scored a PS1 with third party mem card, two controllers, and a ps2 controller for $5 this Sat :( AskdjDJKF!
Went back to the guy's house that I bought optimus from and picked up mario/duck hunt, S mario 2,s mario 3, TMNT 2, Wizards and warriors, the Original release metroid, and Ghostbusters 2 for $3.50 total.
[quote name='Sinnbox']I'm lucky that the area i live in has tons of classic gamers, about 5 years ago a guy started a store and ordered tons of boxes of crap from Ebay about the time other stores were liquidating their NES/SNES/ect... inventory, It was amazing some of the stuff that he brought into our area. It has realy increased the volume of GS finds.[/QUOTE]

All of the pawns around here quit taking old games except for one since they were surely making little to nothing on the old games. I still remember when EBgames first started taking used games late in the 16-bit systems' life. The selection never really took off at the store at the mall 5-10 minutes away from me and they never had more then a bin in the center of the store dedicated to used 8/16-bit stuff. I seem to recall them not carrying 16-bit and older stuff anymore at this store about mid way though the 32-bit systems' life. I was talking to a guy at a yardsale a few years ago that said he used to go to the one mall about 50 minutes away from me fairly often since they had a much better 16-bit selection.

I still remember buying about a dozen Sega Master System games from a pawn/used furniture store around here that wouldn't have anything older then PS2 nowadays. This was over 10 years ago (B.E. - before eBay as in before eBay went mainstream :)) The guy's reaction was something like you want these old games! when I asked about them. He said I could have them all for $7 and was just tickled pink to be getting rid of them lol
[quote name='FOnewearl']I still remember when EBgames first started taking used games late in the 16-bit systems' life. The selection never really took off at the store at the mall 5-10 minutes away from me and they never had more then a bin in the center of the store dedicated to used 8/16-bit stuff. [/quote]

Wow, I remember that! The one I would go to while visiting family in Florida for the summer seemed to always have complete games in that bin. That store is even where I got Earthbound...ah, young Gatsby, there's so much advice I wish I could impart on you - like finding a way to get a second EB to keep sealed...and yet, I cannot.
[quote name='Sinnbox']Where is Snotknocker this weekend? He must still be out CIF'ing the snot out of people.[/quote]

Actually I was, and I came across quite a few items but my mojo was'nt working. There must of been about a dozen sales but for the life of me I could'nt score a deal. I think I'm in a slump.

I did manage a couple of items though

Pokemon red , yellow and gold - $3

Warriors xbox complete - $2

Castlevania SOTN GH complete and in impeccable condition - $10. This was steep, but it was in such like new condition I could'nt pass it up.

General Chaos, Contra Hard Corps, Atomic Runner - $3
I'm actually playing Atomic runner and to my surprise it's an excellent contraesque style game. I've never heard of or played this before and I think this would fall into the hidden gem catagory. I think this game has slipped under a lot of radars
Woot. Just scored a SNES that's so freaking uniformly yellowed it looks like some kind of Gold plated Zelda edition system. Cragslist.

For $20 I got:

SNES w/ two controllers and hookups
Mario Allstars
Magic Sword
Mario World
Sim City
Sim Earth
[quote name='Samus']Woot. Just scored a SNES that's so freaking uniformly yellowed it looks like some kind of Gold plated Zelda edition system. Cragslist.

For $20 I got:

SNES w/ two controllers and hookups
Mario Allstars
Magic Sword
Mario World
Sim City
Sim Earth[/quote]

in 2000 I was at a pawn shop buying a saturn and I saw a SNES that was all yellow and even had yellowed controllers, I thought it was a Zelda edition till i told my friend and he told me there was no Zelda ed. SNES.
Not sure if I'll do any hunting this year with gas prices the way they are. Though I might stop by a few if they're on the way.
First yard sale of the week for me, a small(ish) one at the local Catholic School.

Picked up the Nintendo U-Force accessory thinger for three bucks. It's what they asked, it's what I paid. I was semi-excited because I've never heard of it. Now that I've read up on it, looks like it's filled with suck. Sweet.
Today was good considering it is Thursday. Here is what I found:

NES unit with power supply
NES Advantage
NES Zapper
Castle of Dragon game
Mario/DH game
Donkey Kong Country game
PS1 Sampler Disc
All for 5 bucks. Lady said it doesn't work, but I haven't tested it and I could always use it for parts.

Sonic Plush
GBA Holder
.50 cents. I have heard people talk about the Sonic plushes, and I had a small one, but this one was pretty big so I decided to buy it.

Nascar '98 Disc Only PS1
Lord of the Rings:Two Towers Disc Only PS2
$1.50. I usually don't buy disc only copies of stuff, but I have wanted to try out both games for a while.
I was pretty excited when I stumbeld across this ad on craigslist, and I picked this up yesterday evening. It looks like the lady already removed the ad.

It was an ad entitled "Super Nintendo Japanese version - $20", and was listed as being close to me. There was a pic of about 10 Super Famicom games in the ad as well.

So I contacted the person, she told me it was "in Japanese, games in Japanese" I told her no problem, and met up with her after work yesterday. I was wondering what she was doing with a Super Famicom, but considering she was located in Little Osaka (west LA's Sawtelle Blvd), it made a bit more sense. When I saw what she had, I didn't bother haggling it down, $20 was fine for me.

For a $20 bill I score from a Japanese lady:

1. Super Famicom, complete with original box, styrofoam insert, instructions, the AV cables, power supply, and 2 controllers.*
2. 13 Super Famicom games...the only ones I recognized are Super Mario World (with instructions), Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island (recognized by the pic of the island on the cart), some Dragonball game, one of the Street Fighters, and the rest I will need to test out to be sure what they are. Haven't had a chance to do so yet.

* = Note, the outer box top is a little beat up..but overall in very nice condition. HOWEVER, the whole package smells a little it has come from a Japanese/Asian home (or maybe a Japanese restaurant)...smells like tempura cooking oil, I don't know how else to describe it LOL. I will clean it up and test the games. I also told the lady to call me if she finds any more games, as she said she may have others.
[quote name='Undrallio']First yard sale of the week for me, a small(ish) one at the local Catholic School.

Picked up the Nintendo U-Force accessory thinger for three bucks. It's what they asked, it's what I paid. I was semi-excited because I've never heard of it. Now that I've read up on it, looks like it's filled with suck. Sweet.[/quote]

Isn't that the retarded "3-D Field" thing where you punch above the red/black screen and it registers the movement or something? Prehistoric Wii type technology, along with the Power Glove?
^^^I got one of those u forces. I was excited too until I tried to use it!

Only hit 2 sales today since we had heavy rain. Picked up several movies and cds for .25 each. Some old punk stuff and powel skate videos. My best score were several glass sets for $10. Warner bros pint glasses, mC dolands glasses, disney, muppets, chalire brown, etc. No games though.
I'm hoping it dossent rain on saturday, we have a 40% chance. even if it does I wll go out, there are somtimes people that are in an actual garage!!
[quote name='Sinnbox']I'm hoping it dossent rain on saturday, we have a 40% chance. even if it does I wll go out, there are somtimes people that are in an actual garage!![/quote]

That was actually what happened to me last week -- an hour of rain in the early morning and scattered drizzling had that effect on sales. I hope the weather holds up this weekend, though.

And I got a tipoff last week by one of the salerunners for a church sale on Sunday that will definitely have a lot of gaming stuff. =)
bread's done