Official 2011 Yard Sale Thread

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I would try a storage auction but its a little too much work for me and the fact that the local resale market around here is pretty poor wouldn't make it really worth it. Selling anything here on craigslist is usually a long waiting process for a buyer. I also have absolutely no where to store the big stuff while its waiting to be sold.
Well today was quite the bust. There were literally only 9 or 10 sales today of which we only went to about 5. The rest were filled with baby clothes and stuff like that.

My only find was a :360: Rock Band wireless guitar and drum set for only $7. Works perfectly. They also had some random PS2 and Game Boy games in a little box, but there was nothing of significance so I passed.

I'm hoping the weather is a bit nicer next weekend so there will be more sales. It was a little depressing today.
[quote name='Tsel']Well today was quite the bust. There were literally only 9 or 10 sales today of which we only went to about 5. . . . It was a little depressing today.[/QUOTE]

Same here . . . I think its the holiday weekend. :whistle2:(
I figured the holiday weekend would actually make it more active. You know, people having the whole weekend free and stuff.
A pretty good morning, but only one video game.

DDR Konamix $1

no picture - camera died over the winter

other crap, spoiler to save room
Books, Hardcover ($3.25 total)
Stephen King "Different Seasons" (sealed BCE) "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" "Salem's Lot" (sealed BCE) "The Shining" (sealed BCE) "Skeleton Crew" (sealed BCE) "Thinner" JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 25 cents each
Andrew M Greeley "The Archbishop in Andalusia" 50 cents
"Heroes V1" $1
-- thought Heroes would be worth more than 18 cents
-- the sealed books aren't worth much, but they are minty
-- already had Harry Potter 3, but for a quarter...
-- also purchased two homeopathic books and a gardening book for my mom

Books, Softcover ($3.20 total)
Kay Redfield Jamison "An Unquiet Mind" Wayne M Weaver "Dust Between My Toes" 10 cents each
Edward Lodi "Witches of Plymouth County" (signed - selling) Jane Ruggles Thomas "The Most Beautiful Dolls" (selling) William Watson "The Last of the Templars" "Captain America Battles Baron Blood!" 25 cents each
Shusaku Endo "Silence" Homer "The Odyssey" (Penguin ed) Alice Sebold "The Lovely Bones" "Making America Fifth Edition" (selling) 50 cents each
-- hadn't realized the Lodi book was signed at the time
-- thought the Captain America book would be worth more... but i thought the textbook would be worthless
-- The Odyssey replaces an older copy

Games, Non-Video ($1.25 total)
Bicycle Automatic Card Shuffler $1
Yahtzee Jr. Toy Story 25 cents
-- i bought a shuffler three weeks ago, but this one's boxed.
-- Yahtzee is missing a die

Movies, DVD ($3 total)
"Heroes Season 2" $3

Movies, VHS ($1.35 total)
"Best of Abbott and Costello Live" "I'll Remember April" "Project X" 25 cents each
"Alice in Wonderland" "The Barefoot Executive" "Follow Me Boys" "The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit" "Nuts About Chip 'N' Dale" "The Willows in Winter" 10 cents each
-- all but Alice and Project X are going in the free box

Music, CD (1.25 total)
V/A "Heart & Soul" (sealed) 25 cents
Charles Brown "In a Grand Style" (sealed - selling) The Presidents of the United States of America "s/t" 50 cents each

Music, LP (75 cents total)
George Carlin "An Evening with Wally Londo" The Cars "The Cars" Mireille Mathieu "Bonjour Mireille"
-- Carlin goes in the free box

Toys ($5.35)
Plastic Disney cup 10 cents
Happy Meal Collections: Ice Age 2 / Narnia / Teenie Beanies (all sealed) 75 cents each
Bag of random, but new toy train parts $3

Misc ($13 total)
small framed blue jay signed by "Mike Holland" ? looks original 50 cents
Fotron camera, not sure which $3
Nishika N8000 $7 completely worthless, but neato
Vivitar 285HV Auto Professional flash $2
Yongjiang tea thermos ??? (very pretty box, needs cleaning) 50 cents
[quote name='schultzed']Same here . . . I think its the holiday weekend. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

[quote name='Tsel']I figured the holiday weekend would actually make it more active. You know, people having the whole weekend free and stuff.[/QUOTE]

This weekend is usually dead by my house. This is when I normally have my sale, but the neighbors aren't ready yet.

I took Thursday off since the weather was bad and there were only 5 or 6 scattered sales. I did go out today and found some pretty decent (mostly games) stuff.

Tomorrow there are only 2 new sales, so I might not even go out. I usually only go out Thursday and Friday, so I am not expecting to miss much tomorrow.

Hopefully everyone will have some finds to post this week...and if they don't; they can live vicariously through my posts. ;)
[quote name='Tsel']Are Thursdays usually good? I hardly ever go out on Thursdays, but more so on Fridays and Saturdays.[/QUOTE]

Thursday is traditionally the first day (here in Illinois), but probably the most bang for your buck is Friday -Mainly because you have the Thursday and Friday sales running.

There are FAR less people on Thursday, so I usually find my decent game finds on Thursdays (or really early on Fridays).
Thursday yard sales are literally unheard of here, and even Friday usually just amounts to two or three sales - not worth the trip at all. And yes, any holiday - no matter how minor - will drastically cut the number of sales.

Also, I hate Sunday-only sales.
[quote name='Tsel']I may have already asked you this, but what part of IL are you from slowdive?[/QUOTE]

I'm North of Chicago. That's about as specific as I am going to get ;)
Friday sales are somewhat big here, we have a ton of unemployed people in this area, Saturday morning starting at 10am is the busiest time here and Sunday is relatively dead for sales.
Finally got some money together, gonna go to some yard sales tomorrow if it isn't raining. I have to bike since I'm only 15, but that's fine since I'm going with 2 other friends. There's quite a few on CL, some even mention games, so we're hoping for some luck.
[quote name='slowdive21']I'm North of Chicago. That's about as specific as I am going to get ;)[/QUOTE]

Well I'm about 2 hours South of Chicago. :cool:
Next weekend is going to be nuts, its the annual Lake Tapps WA garage sale, 50+ houses owned by generally well off people selling stuff for dirt cheap.

I spent $20 or so last year and tripled my money easily.
I think I did okay today.

PS1 $1 for all, all disc only

ATV: Quad Power Racing
Motorcross Mania
MGS-black label disc
kind of a bust, the ones listing video games were priced way-y-y-y-y-y too high or had all sports titles (come on, Halo Wars for $20 or Batman:AA for $25?). One did have a couple of Futurama DVD collections for $10 each but the boxes were beat to hell (I'm kinda anal, when I look to buy DVD sets to keep I like them to be "minty" or "VG" condition - I mean I have a local library & Netflix to get shows to watch).

With everyone talking about getting textbooks at garage sales for flipping, I tried my first one and was a bust. I may read it (Terrorism Today - The Past, The Players, The Future 2nd Ed for $1, currently found on Amazon for 1c), I don't have a cellphone or iPhone with a scanner app so I'm shooting in the dark.

I did pick up some cool books for cheap, "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" (a book of early poems by Tupac Shakur), "The Tightwad Gazette II" (if your truly a cheap-ass, this is a great read), & "Blue Like Jazz" (Donald Miller is one of my favorite authors).

There's a local "Christian" charity resale shop having a parking lot "garage sale" which may be promising (sounds like they may be clearing out inventory they can't sell - hopefully video games will be a part of it).

Good on ya for those that have had success this weekend...
Got some stuff this morning . . . price was a little high for it to be a real score . . . but it was still cool. I'll give pics in a few days.

I also have a couple Amazon sales to relate . . . one with a tip for buyers.

Just short on time right now.
I'm taking a break too for the holidays; some of you might want to check the "free" section of your local craigslist though, as there's a good chance that the few weirdos who do have yardsales on Sunday won't get a lot of foot traffic--meaning some people will get discouraged enough to just curb everything they've got!
Got out at about 8:45 or 9 this morning with a list of only 2 sales. The first didn't have much - just a huge collection of Manga junk and a nice older lady with bright pink hair. The 2nd was a multi-condo sale, which turned out to be a few retired folks with cassette tapes and exercise equipment. I wander around for a little while there just looking closely at everything, making sure there's nothing at all I want (there were only 3 stands which was disappointing..). Then I spot a Game Boy Advance SP on the table with a couple of games. I ask how much and he says $5. I counter with $3 which is accepted and he says take the games :D

So, everything in the pic below for $3:
Then I pass by some signs for one sale that's right on my way home and I decide to stop by. At first I don't see much; just a bunch of VHS tapes. I pick up "Beatles: Yellow Submarine" VHS thinking it's worth something. Then as I'm going over to the runners of the sale I see on the table a whole bunch of Wii, Xbox 360, and PC games. The only ones worth anything were the Wii ones though. They were each priced differently but all relatively cheap. It looks like a little kid wrote the prices (I find that this happens a lot - the little kid prices the games based on how much he liked playing them). I pick up 5 games whose prices add up to about $20 and the VHS and offer $15 for all, which is accepted.

Everything in the pic below for $15:
This is way more then I ever find, and all in about 45 minutes of yard saling :D
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Didn't get to any yard sales friday, as I was too busy emptying the storage units I bought thursday. Made back $262.80 in scrap metal on the one large unit, so that paid for itself, now anything else I sell from it is profit.
Only a handful of sales advertised in the paper, but I went out this morning. Found one sale that had a LARGE table of video 360 system and approx 20 games, wii with all the extras and a pile of games, lots of DS games, some PS2 games. and all priced way to high to be srious about selling. $25 for pokemon soul silver/gold, $20 for a used xbox 360 wireless controller, etc. just shook my head and walked away.
The only 2 things I bought today was a nerf vulcan gun for $4 with two ammo belts, but only enough darts for one, and a Rob Zombie CD that I didn't have yet for $1, but that's staying in the collection.
Finally had an awesome day yard sailing.

If my first buy was my only buy I would have been satisfied $10 all together, $5 for all the game boy stuff, and another $5 for the N64 stuff and racing wheel.
$14 and they came with a controller (chinese knockoff)

I hope I did the spoiler buttons correctly, if not sorry for taking up so much room! Hope everyone else does well this weekend!
^Three awesome scores dude!

Fun sales today. Didn't get that much game stuff but plenty of neat stuff to flip.


Early game finds.
:gc: Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life - $2
PS1: Disruptor (complete) / Namco Museum vol. 3 GH (complete) / Spyhon Filter GH (no manual) - $5
I've wanted Disruptor for a while, it's the first game developed by Insomniac.
Note to self, Namco Museum 2, 4, and 5 are the only ones worth anything.


Wired official :360: controller - $5
N64 - Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Stadium 2 - $.50 each
Game Boy: Pokemon Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal x2; GBA: Pokemon Ruby - $3 each

Weird sale. I first asked about the 64 games and the kid told me $.50 each. Cherry picked the best - should've taken more. Came back after finishing the route to pick up more stuff and the prices were, let's say, different. $3 each for Pokemon games is more than I'd like to pay but they're still a good flip.

$5 for an official 360 controller seemed fine, and I bet it's pretty useful to have a wired one.


Resident Evil novels 1 - 5 - $.25 each
How does a game series with such bad writing and voice acting get so many adaptations?


Myst 3: Exile big box complete - $.50
Watchmen - $.25


Ninja Burger Secret Ninja Death Touch tabletop/card game
Opened but unused. Seemed amusing for $2.

At the same sale where I got the rest of the books above, there were also a bunch of textbooks. You booksellers would have loved this sale! I left some stuff behind - this was one of those times where I wished I was the guy with the barcode scanner. Here are the textbooks I picked up, spoiler tag 'cause it's not gaming stuff. Everything was $.25 each. You get to see my successes and failures!


Macroeconomics - worthless.
Physical Anthropology - Amazon TIV $60.35 :drool:

2 Unused MathXL access codes. I had a Stat course where we had to use MathXL - it was $45 to access for a semester. One of these sold on eBay this morning for $32!
Introduction to Statistics - worthless. Custom edition apparently.

Business Law Today - Amazon TIV $24.
All I found was a Silver Neo Geo Pocket Color with no battery cover and a scratched screen for $1, a Final Fantasy III guide for $1, and Windows 98 for......$1

Set my alarm to 5 but it didn't go off, I woke up 5:50 and a yard sale was supposed to start at 6, got there at 6:30 and of course all the games advertised were gone. The other on craigslist that was supposed to have games was all the way across town, like 45 minutes from my house in the middle of the desert with no other sales nearby, didn't mention they mention in the ad they were also open on friday and all the games got sold then. i hit up probably 20-30 other sales and they all didn't have anything other than those 3 items for a dollar each. Hopefully I have more luck at the swpa meet tonight.
Went to probably 30 yardsales and didn't find much until after at least 2 hours.

$2 - DDR Mario dance pad in box but no game. I have the game stashed somewhere so it can be pieced together. Wasn't sure if it was worth it, but it had the original square box so I said what the hell.

$13 - Metal Gear Solid 4, Silent Hill Homecoming and Amstel Light glass sign. Sign was 3 bucks - look like real bar/restaurant quality (not like Spencers or Newbury Comcis stuff). Both PS3 games were complete and near mint condition.

$3 - Super Mario Kart and Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island along with a few extra SNES controllers and cables. Lone video game stuff at a sale of mostly baby stuff.

$15 - Snowboard Kids, Mario Party 1, Mario Golf, and Kirby all for the N64. I offered 12 because the guy/kid (probably 17 - 19) wasn't sure if he wanted to sell. Decided he wouldn't sell Paper Mario, but his mom made him take $15 for the 4. Wasn't super awesome but I thought pretty good.

$2 - Blade Master - board game. There are a ton of pieces but I haven't counted it all to see if it is complete. If it is complete I will probably keep it, but if it missing pieces I will probably just sell it off - either piece by piece of as just a whole incomplete set. Either way it should go for much more than I paid and it should be worth it. The box is in real good shape in my opinion.

So overall okay - not as awesome as last week but what can you do? I won't be able to go next weekend since I will be working.
[quote name='N3UROP0D']At the same sale where I got the rest of the books above, there were also a bunch of textbooks. You booksellers would have loved this sale! I left some stuff behind - this was one of those times where I wished I was the guy with the barcode scanner. Here are the textbooks I picked up, spoiler tag 'cause it's not gaming stuff. Everything was $.25 each. [/QUOTE]

This is one of those times when a scanner isn't really necessary. If you can get the books cheaply enough, just buy them all and sort it out later. The other thing you can do is use the copyright date as a rule of thumb--overall the older date, the lower the value.
[quote name='ex_eBay_buyer']Got out at about 8:45 or 9 this morning with a list of only 2 sales. The first didn't have much - just a huge collection of Manga junk and a nice older lady with bright pink hair. The 2nd was a multi-condo sale, which turned out to be a few retired folks with cassette tapes and exercise equipment. I wander around for a little while there just looking closely at everything, making sure there's nothing at all I want (there were only 3 stands which was disappointing..). Then I spot a Game Boy Advance SP on the table with a couple of games. I ask how much and he says $5. I counter with $3 which is accepted and he says take the games :D

So, everything in the pic below for $3:
Then I pass by some signs for one sale that's right on my way home and I decide to stop by. At first I don't see much; just a bunch of VHS tapes. I pick up "Beatles: Yellow Submarine" VHS thinking it's worth something. Then as I'm going over to the runners of the sale I see on the table a whole bunch of Wii, Xbox 360, and PC games. The only ones worth anything were the Wii ones though. They were each priced differently but all relatively cheap. It looks like a little kid wrote the prices (I find that this happens a lot - the little kid prices the games based on how much he liked playing them). I pick up 5 games whose prices add up to about $20 and the VHS and offer $15 for all, which is accepted.

Everything in the pic below for $15:
This is way more then I ever find, and all in about 45 minutes of yard saling :D[/QUOTE]

Hmm, just as a quick tip, not all manga is junk. I got this boxset for $2 last year.

Usually the thing to look for is larger runs in chronological order...if you can get an appealing series for 50 cents each or less it's usually worth the risk. Try to find yourself some Berserk manga ;)
[quote name='N3UROP0D']


Resident Evil novels 1 - 5 - $.25 each
How does a game series with such bad writing and voice acting get so many adaptations?[/QUOTE]

I loved those books; especially when Leon S. Kennedy acquired 200 magnum rounds from the Kendo Gun Shop :D
[quote name='schultzed']This is one of those times when a scanner isn't really necessary. If you can get the books cheaply enough, just buy them all and sort it out later. The other thing you can do is use the copyright date as a rule of thumb--overall the older date, the lower the value.[/QUOTE]

Oh I know how to deal with textbooks, it's kind of easy to figure those out (plus I just graduated college myself two weeks ago so you could say I'm familiar.) It was all the other stuff, tons and tons of sci-fi and fantasy novels among other things. I'm sure there were some treasures among them, I just don't know enough about 'em.

Also I'm not THAT hardcore of a reseller and I'd probably end up with tons of Aliens vs. Predator and X-Men novels clogging up my house. ;)

[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Hmm, just as a quick tip, not all manga is junk. I got this boxset for $2 last year.

Usually the thing to look for is larger runs in chronological order...if you can get an appealing series for 50 cents each or less it's usually worth the risk. Try to find yourself some Berserk manga ;)[/QUOTE]

I can get behind this. Cheap manga is damn hard to come by and depending on the series it can just be a cool thing to have. It's really a shame that online scans have become so popular because they look terrible compared to the real thing.

Also, Berserk at a yard sale would be the most awesome / weird thing ever.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Hmm, just as a quick tip, not all manga is junk. I got this boxset for $2 last year.

Usually the thing to look for is larger runs in chronological order...if you can get an appealing series for 50 cents each or less it's usually worth the risk. Try to find yourself some Berserk manga ;)[/QUOTE]

Speaking of Berserk - Last year I found a box set of one of the seasons at a HPB. I waited for the 60% off sale they do every now and then and snagged it for very cheap.

On a more related note, I dont think I've ever seen manga being sold at a yard sale, but flea markets theyre everywhere
I found a few things today that were pretty interesting.

All items were 2 dollars a piece. Except the Game Genie. That was $4

Don't have pictures but I had a great weekend.

Friday (only stopped at 2 sales):
SNES Mario All Stars and N64 Super Smash Bros and an empty crisp N64 system box (no styrofoam) for $10. Was asking $30 for SNES and $40 for N64 system so I passed on those and cherry picked the only good games there.

Saturday (~ 15 sales):
Found 2 N64s, 1 SNES, and 1 Genesis ($25 total across 2 different sales)

Best find was at the next to last stop on Saturday.

For $22 ($35 IAP):
Sega Saturn + 2 controllers + 7 sports games (needs video cord)
Sega CDX with 4 games (including Sonic CD) :bouncy:

I knew the CDX was hard to find, but didn't know it's value until I searched eBay afterwards. I guess the value doesn't really matter though as it's staying in my collection.
[quote name='mdc921']Don't have pictures but I had a great weekend.

Friday (only stopped at 2 sales):
SNES Mario All Stars and N64 Super Smash Bros and an empty crisp N64 system box (no styrofoam) for $10. Was asking $30 for SNES and $40 for N64 system so I passed on those and cherry picked the only good games there.

Saturday (~ 15 sales):
Found 2 N64s, 1 SNES, and 1 Genesis ($25 total across 2 different sales)

Best find was at the next to last stop on Saturday.

For $22 ($35 IAP):
Sega Saturn + 2 controllers + 7 sports games (needs video cord)
Sega CDX with 4 games (including Sonic CD) :bouncy:

I knew the CDX was hard to find, but didn't know it's value until I searched eBay afterwards. I guess the value doesn't really matter though as it's staying in my collection.[/QUOTE]

Nice! There are two things I actively look for. A CDX and a cheap copy of Chrono Trigger for SNES lol. Haven't found either yet, but good to see at least the CDX is out there. Congrats.
[quote name='N3UROP0D']

[quote name='N3UROP0D']
Resident Evil novels 1 - 5 - $.25 each
How does a game series with such bad writing and voice acting get so many adaptations?

I don't know, but I know I must've read each of those books like 5 times in high school. I know, but I'm obsessed with everything Resident Evil.
Got these yesterday:


The Nations and the Bacardi lanyard was $1 total. The three VHSes were $1.50, talked down from $3. The rest were $15, with both seasons of Friends still sealed, and the CDs are also sealed.

They advertised games, but the younger brother that was supposed to bring them wasn't up. They told us to email them, but they never got back to me. I even paid their asking price just hoping they'd contact us back. Should have just haggled.
You know on those storage auction TV shows, how they'll have finds that just don't seem to 'fit in' with the other stuff in the unit? I had one of those moments today....I've been sorting through boxes of stuff that came out of the back of the 'scrap metal' unit. Up until now, there's been scrap metal (LOTS of scrap metal, this guy saved every piece of copper electrical wire he found...which I'm not complaining about) lots of reptile and rodent care supplies, and ceramics supplies. Then in the bottom of this one box I see a blue case, and windering what it is, pop it open only to find a very nice copy of Dragon Warrior 2 for NES inside. ok, so it's no rhino tusk bowl, but I was still like 'what's this doing here?'
[quote name='JediKiller24']You know on those storage auction TV shows, how they'll have finds that just don't seem to 'fit in' with the other stuff in the unit? I had one of those moments today....I've been sorting through boxes of stuff that came out of the back of the 'scrap metal' unit. Up until now, there's been scrap metal (LOTS of scrap metal, this guy saved every piece of copper electrical wire he found...which I'm not complaining about) lots of reptile and rodent care supplies, and ceramics supplies. Then in the bottom of this one box I see a blue case, and windering what it is, pop it open only to find a very nice copy of Dragon Warrior 2 for NES inside. ok, so it's no rhino tusk bowl, but I was still like 'what's this doing here?'[/QUOTE]

Jedi, that is awesome.

I didn't get to hit many sales this weekend but one. Saw a copy of Xenogears; guy wanted $60... Passed.
Damn, we went to a family party hours away yesterday--still got to some morning sales :) Stayed at a hotel and on the drive home (Sun. noonish), I saw a bunch of rural rummage sales but didn't have the time to stop. It was very, very painful to drive past sales and not check them out.

Here are two recent finds that have paid off for me:

A few weeks ago, I saw some CDs at a garage sale but the guy said he had more in the basement . . . I picked out a few from his basement collection. I saw this one and literally said, "you don't want to give up Dark Side of the Moon, do you" Sure enough, he showed me it was a gold disc and then sold it to me for $1.

Just sold for $40. Keep an eye out for these "Master Recording" discs . . . they carry a premium.

I was marveling at Slowdive's robot post last week and a day later I found this beast:

NIB but the box is a bit beat up. Robosapien was marked $30 but I got him for $20. I put him up on Amazon for $199 and figured I'd just get to keep him in the long run. But I got a buyer.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Hmm, just as a quick tip, not all manga is junk. I got this boxset for $2 last year.

Usually the thing to look for is larger runs in chronological order...if you can get an appealing series for 50 cents each or less it's usually worth the risk. Try to find yourself some Berserk manga ;)[/QUOTE]

Thanks, that is actually really helpful for me because I see anime / manga around here at yard sales all the time :) Maybe next time I'll take a closer look.
[quote name='Potatoeman']Speaking of Berserk - Last year I found a box set of one of the seasons at a HPB. I waited for the 60% off sale they do every now and then and snagged it for very cheap.

On a more related note, I dont think I've ever seen manga being sold at a yard sale, but flea markets theyre everywhere[/QUOTE]

I have seen manga quite a few times at yard sales, its usually very cheap, 25 cents a book. Our area is pretty good for anime type stuff, I don't run into it often but usually a couple times a summer, but there are quite a few anime fans here though at this point in my life most would be much younger than myself. In the case of cheap manga I buy it, read it then donate to my local community college's anime club because they put the books in the school's library for everyone to enjoy and they can always use more. Its an easy and cheap way to give back to the club and donate to the school library.
[quote name='ex_eBay_buyer']Thanks, that is actually really helpful for me because I see anime / manga around here at yard sales all the time :) Maybe next time I'll take a closer look.[/QUOTE]

Keep an eye out for Sailor Moon...,I think there's a harder to find Battle Angel Alita as well.

If you find anything cool, report it here! I'm trying to grow my mental database :)
Thats pretty cool Jedi! Finding gems among junk is just too satisfying.

Thanks for the tip Schultzed - I hardly ever look through CDs only because of the daunting library of items I have NO clue the worth of.

Also thought I would comment - last year I talked to you about some fisher price toy sets I bought from a yard sale. I sold them in December for about $370 total, paying $8 per set back when I bought them.
[quote name='Potatoeman']Thanks for the tip Schultzed - I hardly ever look through CDs only because of the daunting library of items I have NO clue the worth of.


That was a great haul of Fisher Price toys that you had. I don't see very good sets much at rummage sales . . . I've only bought them at thrifts and its very rare that I get good ones. I think they get scooped up fast.

A little story about CDs. A few weeks ago, I was at a neighborhood/subdivision sale and there were about 20 homes in a long horseshoe shape several blocks long. It gave the sale a kinda natural progression. I was going along and then I spotted this guy with a very beatup station wagon. I was about a step ahead of him but I noticed the kind of stuff he was buying was nifty collectibles. He made me think of slowdive because he had some valuable looking toys in his car--I'm sure he would buy lawn Jarts. Mostly, I thought that this guy and I could be good picking buddies because I don't generally go for ebay-type stuff. But on the other hand, I also bet he would scoop up classic videogame stuff :whistle2:(

Anyway, we were pretty much neck and neck until I hit a sale with a ton of CDs and then I had to stop and look through. I wasn't slowed down too much because it was all very common stuff and overpriced but it still took a few minutes to assess--maybe 4 or 5 mins. I did pick up a few winners. But as I left this sale, I could only watch helplessly as the cool-collectibles guy had moved on well ahead of me. Luckily, there aren't that many people near me who are close picking media the way I do but one the other hand this kind of buying probably kills my ability to pick up FP toys, Jarts, and probably even classic videogames.

If the sale had been a gold mine of CDs or books, I'd have been dead in the water.
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