Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I'm down for tonight hopefully again, assuming the wife doesn't steal the TV again. Ha. I got my light level up a bit more, so hopefully I don't drag the DPS too much again.
I'm down for tonight hopefully again, assuming the wife doesn't steal the TV again. Ha. I got my light level up a bit more, so hopefully I don't drag the DPS too much again.
Well, I was watching a video where they made the Warpriest look easy. The thing is, they had Hunters with their new super and they were doing ridiculous damage because of that. They had him down in almost 2 turns. We had no Hunters when we did it last night. So once again you need a stupid Hunter to do the Raid (just like with Crota). I really don't like that they do that sort of thing.

I would be down for NF and Raid tonight with my Hunter. My Warlock by the way is 290 so I already have two "Raid ready" characters I just love this damn Shadow Step so much!!

Oh shit. Wife passed out and I'm home free. But my console is now updating... new dashboard preview. Uh oh. I hope not to get locked out of Destiny.
Finally getting back into Destiny after taking the summer off. Started the raid for the first time and got to golgoroth. Warpriest was a pain but what we found was whoever has the red buff and needs to kill adds, needs to kill one at a time every 5 seconds or so. Made the fight much easier.
First raid clear tonight. So much fun!

Almost had 2 clears. First one we made it to Oryx with no issue. Unfortunately people had to leave. Finishing that run tomorrow. Got Ghost shell, and heavy machine gun.

2nd run got Pulse and Shotgun.

Well, I was watching a video where they made the Warpriest look easy. The thing is, they had Hunters with their new super and they were doing ridiculous damage because of that. They had him down in almost 2 turns. We had no Hunters when we did it last night. So once again you need a stupid Hunter to do the Raid (just like with Crota). I really don't like that they do that sort of thing.
Uh no you don't... My team took him down pretty much at 3 turns. Did it on 4th when he had a sliver of health. Neither of the hunters used their teathers either. You guys must not have DPS'ed enough
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Black Hammer Exotic:  Black Spindle.

From what I understand you need to get to the door that needs three keys without dying.  Then rather than go through the door you go through an elevator up to the ship.  In the room with the final boss you have to kill all taken before finishing him to get the reward.

I might have time tonight if anybody wants to try.  :)

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I made it over 280 today if anybody wants to run the Nightfall or strikes I will be on tonight after 11:00 est..

Also with that "Control" bonus crucible worth 10 Legendary Marks do you only get them once you win a match?

[quote name="GLOCKGLOCK" post="12934332" timestamp="1443027822"]Nice, I love hidden stuff like this! I'm around all day if anyone wants to try to get Black Hammer 2.0[/quote]
Looks like I will be on around 7:30 central or shortly after if you don't try before then.
I'll give this a try with my son today after work, maybe I'll run into some of you guys.
We've been doing all of the daily crucible & story missions.

I guess I'll have to buy something again.... You can only hold 200 Marks correct?
Holy poop, farming for that Exotic Sword quest took FOREVER. I ended with just shy of 400 Relic Iron. You need to farm the natural nodes and not the chests and from what I did it seemed like every 12 - 18 things you harvested gave you the legendary material and you need ten. Plus then getting ability kills takes forever, I was on my Hunter and needed Void and was getting 1% for every 3-6 enemies killed with Void abilities.

Then I stayed up at reset to do the Strike and it is the Sunless Cell but there are three other Ultra Knights in the boss fight, one Warden for each sword type. One has a sword, another an axe and the other a hive boomer gun. You have to kill the Warden and then Alak-Hul within thirty seconds of each other to get it to work and that means if you have people in your group that need different wardens you have to keep anywhere from 1-3 of them alive and try and time it. It is a pain. Oh and it is a level 300 strike so there is that too.

Regardless I finally got it then and it is pretty damn sweet. I originally wanted my Arc one done first but since I have been playing on my Hunter I had to do the Void one which is pretty damn awesome. It is a super intense spiral slash with Void that just wrecks. I was patrolling Venus and it would one hit the Taken Lieutenants, plus it is about 2x the size of the normal sword.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... you get to keep the legendary sword. I know I and many others were concerned about that but I still have my legendary.

Oh and one last thing, the sword is 310 Attack! : D

Sorry about not Raiding last night then guys I would be down to tonight. I had not expected the farming for that sword to take as long as it did and I had to have that step done before Armsday came today.

Speaking of Armsday all the guns I got were really lackluster, though I do appreciate that we get to pick between two different rolls per order. 

According to some users you don't even need to do it as the Daily. You have 10 minutes to get through the ship before you get a mission end screen. Not sure if that includes killing the boss or not.
First, you have to kill the boss and adds before the timer runs out.

Second, we won't know until tomorrow if this still works if the mission is not chosen as the daily. Right now, if you specifically pick the mission from the planet itself and select the heroic version, it loads you into today's daily heroic. The ketch does not open up on normal difficulty.

[quote name="gogomo" post="12934589" timestamp="1443035168"]First, you have to kill the boss and adds before the timer runs out.

Second, we won't know until tomorrow if this still works if the mission is not chosen as the daily. Right now, if you specifically pick the mission from the planet itself and select the heroic version, it loads you into today's daily heroic. The ketch does not open up on normal difficulty.[/quote]
Just read that information off Polygon. Thanks for added info.
Uh no you don't... My team took him down pretty much at 3 turns. Did it on 4th when he had a sliver of health. Neither of the hunters used their teathers either. You guys must not have DPS'ed enough
It might be that the person with the red buff thing wasn't killing adds to extend the timer. I think they were hitting the boss too. It seems like we only had 7 or 8 seconds each time. I dunno - we only tried it a handful of times too then went to the tower to cash in engrams. When we came back we were at Golgoroth because someone had that checkpoint - they don't reset apparently.

Nice, I love hidden stuff like this! I'm around all day if anyone wants to try to get Black Hammer 2.0
Just read that information off Polygon. Thanks for added info.
I'm available all day to give this a shot. Just send me a message on Xbox Live and I'll see it on my phone. I can hop on for a bit to try this - would like to get it done before my regular playing time tonight since we'll probably be raiding then.

A 310 item will push me really close to 300 so I can then decode all those exotic engrams!

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Ah! Crap I wanted to Raid tonight so I had better somehow get it done quick! Seems like with a solid team it isn't that bad getting that sniper so hopefully I can squeeze that in really quickly when I get on tonight.

My Hunter is 297 now with all my highest gear. Have a 298 primary, 300 special, 310 heavy, 300 helmet, 300 gauntlet and a 300 chest piece. It is really largely just my darn Ghost and Class armor that are keeping me from getting up even higher and yet I haven't gotten a single usable ghost or class armor in over 3 days now. Ugh. Those are such lame pieces to be keeping me from a higher level I hate it!

Crap I was getting close to 200 Legendary Marks and I couldnt make up my mind if I wanted the FWC rocket launcher or a updated Suros Regime. I went with the Suros and I am really regretting it. I dont know if the stability is different than the orginal but it seems a little off to me. I also used like 300 motes to get one more faction package from FWC and to power level Dead Orbit to level 3 so I can buy that scout rifle when I get to 150 marks again. I did get a decent legendary scout rifle from a Vanguard package today which was in the low 290's. When I did level up my FWC I got another one of their pulse rifles "The Villany" I think its called. Out of the 3-4 FWC packages I have received I got this same gun 3 times. It has crappy perks but the light level on it is in the 280's.

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I'll be on tonight around 9:30 and would love to hit the daily heroic for that sniper rifle.  I'll see who's around when I get on or feel free to hit me up later.  I'll run multiple times to help people out, too.

The mission is very difficult to complete in the 10 minute time frame. If you aren't 290 or higher with good weapons (not just weapons that get your LL higher) I wouldn't waste your time. 3 times we killed the boss but couldn't clear out the adds in time. Bungee confirmed it would be available any time this mission is the daily and they said it would be 'frequently'

So who is down to raid tonight? I am up to LL 296 so should be good to go.
The mission is very difficult to complete in the 10 minute time frame. If you aren't 290 or higher with good weapons (not just weapons that get your LL higher) I wouldn't waste your time. 3 times we killed the boss but couldn't clear out the adds in time. Bungee confirmed it would be available any time this mission is the daily and they said it would be 'frequently'

So who is down to raid tonight? I am up to LL 296 so should be good to go.
Gah! Ok, I'm only 267, so maybe I'm not ready yet. Thanks for telling us so I didn't waste my time.

The mission is very difficult to complete in the 10 minute time frame. If you aren't 290 or higher with good weapons (not just weapons that get your LL higher) I wouldn't waste your time. 3 times we killed the boss but couldn't clear out the adds in time. Bungee confirmed it would be available any time this mission is the daily and they said it would be 'frequently'

So who is down to raid tonight? I am up to LL 296 so should be good to go.
I am getting on at 11:30 est with Linkin to attempt the Daily for the Sniper and after that I would be down to Raid for sure. I am at 297 now though I prefer my other helmet so I am only 296 but not really a difference there.

Saw on Reddit where Bungie said that the next time this mission comes up as the daily, you'll be able to try this again.
We'll get 'em next time.

I was a 287, and the two I was with were in the 260's, and we got beat up pretty bad in that last room.
God damn this fuck ing game.  I mean, fuck ing fuck fuck.

So after spending 4 hours trying that story mission early in the day and a few times later in the evening and getting oh so close, we finally get a real pro to help us late tonight.  Thing is, he's running some Crucible first.  So we start around 1:40.  We finish the mission not more than 1 minute after reset and no god damn rewards.  Not even the legendary marks.  fuck you Bungie.   fuck each and every one of you.  :bomb:

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What a horrible day of Destiny.  I have hit the wall HARD.  I mean, this is 100x worse than forever 29.  I can't seem to get a damn thing done.  I couldn't even get 3 more crucible wins which is all I need for my Dead Orbit quest.  After getting the first 7 with only 1 loss over the last few days I went into like 6 matches tonight and was on horrible teams across all sorts of different play lists.

After that 1 minute after reset finish on the story, we tried Oryx for a bit.  That was my first time seeing him so I didn't expect much but we tried 5 or 6 times before someone had to go.  I think we damaged him once.

At least fruitless efforts like the Story and Raid now give you lots of engrams so there is always a possibility of getting something.  But no, just loads of 260-270 crap (even though I decoded them at 296). 

I also found out I'm missing calcified fragments from the Antiquated runes for both last week and this week - because the game won't ever give me a rune even though I've leveled up Crota's Bane to 5 and 6 on two characters.  I know those have something to do with better Raid rewards down the line.  What was that about better RNG?

I never spent all that much time at 29.  I got into Atheon and got a steady stream of gear for all 3 of my characters and got them all to 30 pretty quickly.  It seems like the game is actively working against me this time.  Even when I "luck out" and get the ghost shell on the one Raid checkpoint we managed to clear a few days ago, I get the worst possible one (300 light) which others get them at 308.  So unlike in Atheon when you got something you got it, now I still have to get a better one of those too.  Ugh.

Oh yeah, and to top it off I wasted more of my own time helping a guy get his exotic sword.  I helped him with the modified Sunless Cell strike (which was a breeze compared to that Daily story for the exotic sniper).  But of course I'll never get one of those myself because no way am I getting 25 sword kills in Crucible - that would take me 50 matches probably.  I think I have 1 now.  Though perhaps we can get a CAG crew together to farm those off of each other in Rumble.  I am totally down for that since this game is so full of BS anyway.

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What a horrible day of Destiny. I have hit the wall HARD. I mean, this is 100x worse than forever 29. I can't seem to get a damn thing done. I couldn't even get 3 more crucible wins which is all I need for my Dead Orbit quest. After getting the first 7 with only 1 loss over the last few days I went into like 6 matches tonight and was on horrible teams across all sorts of different play lists.

After that 1 minute after reset finish on the story, we tried Oryx for a bit. That was my first time seeing him so I didn't expect much but we tried 5 or 6 times before someone had to go. I think we damaged him once.

At least fruitless efforts like the Story and Raid now give you lots of engrams so there is always a possibility of getting something. But no, just loads of 260-270 crap (even though I decoded them at 296).

I also found out I'm missing calcified fragments from the Antiquated runes for both last week and this week - because the game won't ever give me a rune even though I've leveled up Crota's Bane to 5 and 5 on two characters. I know those have something to do with better Raid rewards down the line. What was that about better RNG?

I never spent all that much time at 29. I got into Atheon and got a steady stream of gear for all 3 of my characters and got them all to 30 pretty quickly. It seems like the game is actively working against me this time. Even when I "luck out" and get the ghost shell on the one Raid checkpoint we managed to clear a few days ago, I get the worst possible one (300 light) which others get them at 308. So unlike in Atheon when you got something you got it, now I still have to get a better one of those too. Ugh.

Oh yeah, and to top it off I wasted more of my own time helping a guy get his exotic sword. I helped him with the modified Sunless Cell strike (which was a breeze compared to that Daily story for the exotic sniper). But of course I'll never get one of those myself because no way am I getting 25 sword kills in Crucible - that would take me 50 matches probably. I think I have 1 now. Though perhaps we can get a CAG crew together to farm those off of each other in Rumble. I am totally down for that since this game is so full of BS anyway.
Friendly reminder that it took some of us over 2 months to hit 30 ;). I didn't even hit it on my Warlock until that Iron Banner event right before TDB.

For CoO you can "help" your RNG, just get a group together and have everyone buy a bunch of tier 2s from Eris. I have been organizing an hour or so there every night and have another tier 3 saved for next week.

Also for sword kills it's not as bad as it seems since you can use the hilt (2 hit kill) if you don't have heavy ammo. If you see someone around the corner on the radar, pop into third person with the sword and peek around the corner while waiting for them, it's basically cheating.

I'm with io on the unhappy factor. Cryptarch is back to his old ways. That and spending at least 4 hours trying that daily heroic story special boss killed me. One attempt we were down to the final mob and time ran out. Sigh. - The one that released on the heels of Oryx.

With the first week of Destiny: The Taken King behind us, we're taking an opportunity to address and tackle some of the immediate issues that are impacting the player experience.


  • Fixed an issue with Year 1 Moments of Triumphs in which Golden Chest node completions were disappearing after TTK release



  • Fixed an issue where players who reached Level 40 before turning in the Reach Level 30 objective did not properly receive the Level 40 quest
  • Fixed an issue where the quest "High Value Targets" did not correctly reward Legendary Marks upon completion

  • Fixed an issue where Year 1 Strikes were not dropping Uncommon and Rare quality gear as intended

  • Some treasure chests in the Dreadnaught are now in a location that only allow them to be looted once per spawn


  • Three of Coins now provides a smaller increase in Exotic Engram drop chance when rapidly killing Ultras


  • Dismantling leveled-up Exotics now have a reduced chance to produce 2 Exotic Shards

^ 3oC changed but looks like no Black Spindle "nerf" yet

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I can see the frustration io but like got said, it is still SUPER early in the game. Looking back it seemed like it went quickly to 30 but really that was months in and here we are barely over a week in. I for one am very happy with the sheer amount of content. Two nights in a row now I have wanted to Raid and yet other things came up IN THE GAME that kept me from doing so because I wanted to get them done instead (due to timing of the missions/quests). That has never really been a problem before but that is a great one to have I would say.

That definitely sucks that you guys came so close to getting it and yet you were just a minute late on the reset. We ended up trying for I think like 4 hours and finally managed to get it. The ideal strategy for us when it would all work together (which of course it never did perfectly but whatever) was that we would jump in, fight the first wave of adds and blights so that there were no adds for a brief period. We all would have supers ready, swords with ammo and we would go after the boss. I would throw a smoke grenade to cloak us all then do a quick tether (with Black Hole for added duration) H00PTIE would throw a weapons of light on top of the tethered boss then all three of us would stay in the Weapons of Light bubble and just murder him with our swords. Once he became un-tethered and more adds came Linkin had his revive ready so if we all got knocked out he could pop up and revive us and we could go back to finishing off the boss. Then once the boss was dead dealing with the adds was still a pain but far more doable.

At the end then I definitely took advantage of the whole high attack value thing and instantly used the 310 Black Spindle on my Conspiracy theory shotgun to bring it to 308. I then also re-bought a handful of the now 300 Spindle from blueprints and made my Tolesto 300 as well as my Jabberhakke Sidearm that has increased range when aiming down the sights, quick reload upon a kill and swap weapons faster (so the ideal sidearm build in my perspective). 

I am now sitting at 298 and I will say it is quite annoying that the thing keeping me down is my Ghost shell, class armor and artifact... all things that shouldn't really matter but eh I don't really mind as like I said I am thoroughly enjoying the dlc.

One last thing on my huge massive post, that Dark Drinker is AMAZING. At 310 with the boosted right trigger attack it just DESTROYS Ultras in one, maybe two hits if they are extra tough. We blazed through the Black Spindle stuff and ended at the boss with plenty of time since I just would go up to the problem Ultras like the Cabal and Witches and just destroy them in 5 seconds tops. While the uppercut Solar attack looks cool and the Arc ranged is awesome to have as a fallback when using a sword, the Void spiral of death on the Dark-Drinker seems the best for quickly destroying high level targets.

That all being said io I would not get discouraged with the sword quest, getting those kills should happen for you over time without problem. Like mentioned you can two-hit kill in PvP just like a melee with the hilt alone. It may seem daunting but I am sure it will be more quickly finished than you think. Plus like I mentioned earlier, the biggest pain in the ass with that quest is just gathering the freaking material and crap.... I hated it.

That all being said io I would not get discouraged with the sword quest, getting those kills should happen for you over time without problem. Like mentioned you can two-hit kill in PvP just like a melee with the hilt alone. It may seem daunting but I am sure it will be more quickly finished than you think. Plus like I mentioned earlier, the biggest pain in the ass with that quest is just gathering the freaking material and crap.... I hated it.
I keep hearing people say that. But man I'd rather casually farm materials (while doing patrols/bounties) for 2-3 hours than spend 20 hours in Crucible getting those kills. I'm aware of the 2 hilt hit thing, but I can't even get close to someone for one hit let alone 2. I've just gotten the hang of shotgunning someone and then meleeing them so I got the 15 void melee kills for the Warlock quest done - though that took me like 12 matches. But I'd never be able to shotgun then switch to heavy so that's out.

On the plus side all those runs at the Daily yesterday got my 50 major/ultra kills part of the sword quest done super quick :roll:.

Blah. And on top of everything else I'm awaiting Amazon to grade my Taken King trade-in. It isn't looking good since they accepted another game I sent at the same time. TTK is sitting at "processing" still. If they reject that it would just make the miserable day complete.

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Blah. And on top of everything else I'm awaiting Amazon to grade my Taken King trade-in. It isn't looking good since they accepted another game I sent at the same time. TTK is sitting at "processing" still. If they reject that it would just make the miserable day complete.
I sent in a batch of trades with TTK and oddly enough only TTK has processed and given the giftcard whereas all other 8 items or so are still processing. I wonder if they are just backed up for whatever reason with the trade ins. The other things I traded in were books and they were all in perfect condition, one even still had shrink wrap on it so it is not like they are questionable condition even.

Blah. And on top of everything else I'm awaiting Amazon to grade my Taken King trade-in. It isn't looking good since they accepted another game I sent at the same time. TTK is sitting at "processing" still. If they reject that it would just make the miserable day complete.
Mine was accepted and processed today for the full value of $34, I sent it in last Tuesday afternoon. I really screwed up with it to because I put it in a regular mailbox not remembering that Amazon uses UPS but somehow it got there.

I sent in a batch of trades with TTK and oddly enough only TTK has processed and given the giftcard whereas all other 8 items or so are still processing. I wonder if they are just backed up for whatever reason with the trade ins. The other things I traded in were books and they were all in perfect condition, one even still had shrink wrap on it so it is not like they are questionable condition even.
It is not unusual for different types of items to take different amounts of time since they are probably processed by different people. It looks like a lot of people in the Amazon trade-in thread are getting TTK accepted. We'll see how my RNG works out. I'm not hopeful.

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Blah. And on top of everything else I'm awaiting Amazon to grade my Taken King trade-in. It isn't looking good since they accepted another game I sent at the same time. TTK is sitting at "processing" still. If they reject that it would just make the miserable day complete.
Mine was accepted and processed today for the full value of $34, I sent it in last Tuesday afternoon. I really screwed up with it to because I put it in a regular mailbox not remembering that Amazon uses UPS but somehow it got there.

I ran that quest with randoms early and my 3 best tries were the first tries.  We had a 283 with us, but he was very good and if he was in the 290s we probably would have finished the mission.  We killed the boss each time but couldn't get the adds in time.  One time we had like 2 full minutes to take out adds and failed.  None of us had the exotic sword, which seems like a game changer for that mission.  By the end we had no supers, no ammo and no ability to synth.  But oh well, it will be back again as the daily in a week or so and we will be more powerful at that time.

When do you actually get the exotic sword quest?  Do you have to get the Leg sword up to 280 and fully maxed out as well?  I will be down to get a group to go into rumble and do the sword kills.  If we can bring in a team of 3 or 4 it shouldn't take very long to boost them out.

io you are the most reserved person in game chat, I don't think I have ever heard you drop an f-bomb but you really let fly in the thread today. I don't think you have been this angry since ToO.

io you are the most reserved person in game chat, I don't think I have ever heard you drop an f-bomb but you really let fly in the thread today. I don't think you have been this angry since ToO.
Yep, that experience yesterday reminded me of Trials and why I took a break from this game over the summer. I contemplated sending my Xbox out the window and onto the street last night. But for crying out loud, imagine struggling with the Raid for so long and then finally beating it only to get no rewards because of what time it was. Man, that sucked. Apparently if you try the story mission at 240 now, the door to the ketch is not open so you can't do it. If the door is open, you should get the reward, no matter the fuck ing time of day.

But yeah, the sword quest you get when the sword is maxed and over a certain level. I'm not sure what, exactly. Mine was 295 when I got it (but I hadn't maxed out the perks yet). And when we beat it at reset we did have 2 guys with exotic swords so that probably did help quite a bit.

Let's do that rumble thing tonight if possible. I'll want to do it twice (and eventually 3 times) for all the different swords but first things first I just want to get that initial one. I want to make progress somewhere on this game after yesterday's fiasco. We might also be raiding from the start. If we can get the guy who helped me with that mission and then took us into Oryx we can probably get pretty far. He's a beast.

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bread's done