Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I think you kill the brand knight because he's what allows you to attack Oryx. The rest gets ignores until after Oryx is staggered, but you have one person with ToM keep shooting to keep him staggered.
Interesting . . . just watched a video highlighting the strategy and I don't even see the knights.  Hrm . . .

I wonder if someone killed the brand knight (the roamer?) before they got up top, which is why you never see it?  I know the knights themselves don't spawn to kill the orbs until after each ogre drops.

Either way, if someone wants to try this with me tonight I'm down (assuming my wife falls asleep early again)!

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I guess I never knew what the vessel was for. But here's a post in that reddit thread that answers this:

Noooo you do have to go slam the vessel to get the shield, but don't worry about killing him yet is what I meant. Get the shield, run back to the daughter tower, stagger Oryx, THEN worry about vessel. You don't have to worry about killim him quickly because the Ogres don't die until after her does.
So the relic guy has to slam him, but not kill him. You stagger Oryx, then kill the vessel, then kill the ogres, then everyone jump down mid and detonate.

I just beat Oryx on hard with my titan using KackisHD's strategy. We were all 311+ and we beat it on our first attempt, it was pretty easy.  I didn't have 20 moldering shards so all I got was a 311 shotgun but I got the last achievement I needed and that's all I really wanted. I'll be available tonight and tomorrow if anyone is going to attempt it and needs another 310+ to help.

I guess I never knew what the vessel was for. But here's a post in that reddit thread that answers this:

So the relic guy has to slam him, but not kill him. You stagger Oryx, then kill the vessel, then kill the ogres, then everyone jump down mid and detonate.
Interesting. Another important thing to note is that the timer starts when the first person starts to detonate the orb. So, everyone should touch the orbs as close to the same time as possible to avoid someone dying.

Hopefully we can get a CAG group together tonight to knock it out using this strategy.

So ran my Hunter through HM last night and with the drops I received I was able to push up to 311.  Did a few runs at Oryx, but it was late and the group was tired.  The Deathsingers platform strategy does seem pretty viable once everyone gets the timing down. 

Anybody going to do a normal run tonight? I'm hoping I can get two in this week if I do it tonight and another after reset. I'm pretty sure I'd get slaughtered on hard.
Ran my Titan through hard mode (hadnt touched normal this week with her either) and didn't get any new usable weapons unfortunately or a Ghost. I got a 312 Fusion that I put into Black Spindle and a 302 Rocket Launcher that I am not sure what I will even do with. Perhaps put it into a legendary sword? I got two armor drops, normal and hard, at Golgoroth. The chest was I believe 309 and the arms were 313. Was enough to bring my low level Titan up to 306 now at least! Still nothing at Deathsinger for me and then we tried Oryx with the "no knights" strategy but we kind of failed. We kept making stupid mistakes though seeing as it was late as hell.

Oh and yet again I ran a nightfall and now all 3 this week for me net me 9 legendary marks!! I am getting so annoyed with this crap. All were sub 300 legendary weapons that were horrible rolls anyway. If Halo 5 has enough oomph I will basically just getting on each week to run King's Fall Hard and that is probably it. 

Yeah I am all over those dances though I wish there were more too the masks?

Perhaps there will be some sort of weapon or armor that can be obtained later having gotten them but since they are just purely cosmetic and you have to remove your actual helmet to wear I just do not see the point right now myself.

Yeah I am all over those dances though I wish there were more too the masks?

Perhaps there will be some sort of weapon or armor that can be obtained later having gotten them but since they are just purely cosmetic and you have to remove your actual helmet to wear I just do not see the point right now myself.
Well I am going to require any LFGers looking to join my Oryx raid to have Touch of Malice/Black Spindle/Paper Mache Crota Helm or they are no go.

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Well I am going to require any LFGers looking to join my Oryx raid to have Touch of Malice/Black Spindle/Paper Mache Crota Helm or they are no go.
I have an Atheon mask, will that work? (It drops me from 311 to 280 when I wear it though ;)).

And dammit I may have to throw some money at the screen for the "Boo" and one of those dances.

So now that I'm on the Crucible step of the candy collection, do we have any idea how long this goes for? I assume up through Halloween on Saturday but it would be nice to get a little confirmation - especially with all those expiring materials things. Of course now I gotta catch 'em all without spending any real money so that means grinding Crucible I guess.

Edit: I only saw "enemies" and "Crucible" and just assumed it had to be Crucible - but it can be any enemy kills. According to a reddit thread, 10 for ultras, 5 for majors, 1 for regular enemies. So any strike, or Exclusion Zone, or just the hive majors on Cosmodrome will work.

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I have an Atheon mask, will that work? (It drops me from 311 to 280 when I wear it though ;)).

And dammit I may have to throw some money at the screen for the "Boo" and one of those dances.

So now that I'm on the Crucible step of the candy collection, do we have any idea how long this goes for? I assume up through Halloween on Saturday but it would be nice to get a little confirmation - especially with all those expiring materials things. Of course now I gotta catch 'em all without spending any real money so that means grinding Crucible I guess.
November 9th

The Eris Morn thing is quite funny.

I have Xur, Traveler, Cryptarch and an engram so far.
.....and I think I'm going to have to buy the Thriller dance. Its pretty awesome.
So my buddy and I make fun of Skolas pretty much every time we play Destiny. We just will randomly talk like him for a bit and yeah it is stupid but enjoyable. Regardless, now that I see there is a Skolas mask suddenly I REALLY want it hahah.

Can I do everything on each character or are some things account bound?

Oh know, I used my free silver to get a couple emotes, then some funny money from my Bing Rewards points to buy a few more and said, "That's it.  Not spending any real money on stupid emotes."  

And now...Thriller dance. resolve is weakening.

So my buddy and I make fun of Skolas pretty much every time we play Destiny. We just will randomly talk like him for a bit and yeah it is stupid but enjoyable. Regardless, now that I see there is a Skolas mask suddenly I REALLY want it hahah.

Can I do everything on each character or are some things account bound?
I got a Skolas mask ;).

Other than that, though, RNG strikes again. I've gotten two Eris masks and two exotic engram masks. I didn't realize how rare the glue things would be or I might have held off on upgrading my first two masks (Atheon and Exotic engram) (Edit: I may have only upgraded one - the Atheon mask, which was my first, may have come as a legendary already - in any case I probably would have upgraded that regardless!). I switched to another character and didn't get nearly the amount of goodies I got on the first one. So to answer your question, Broly, I think the first package Eva gives you is one per account. That one had the Jackolytes, and glue to make the masks legendary (and permanent), and a few other things (did the first mask come in that as a legendary?). I did NOT get that package when I went on to my Titan. For him it just did the initial candy collection around the tower Eva gave me a blue package, and then gave me the same 3 quests where you do stuff with different masks on.

My masks so far: Atheon, Exotic Engram (x2), Eris Morn (x2), Skolas, and Traveler. If you dismantle a rare mask you get one piece of paper scraps and with 4 you can get another blue package from Eva. So at least duplicates can lead to more masks, eventually.

So I've done just one part of all three different quests: jump off the Tower as Atheon, get 30 kills in Crucible with an engram equipped and do a Stolen Rune as the Traveler. I need to get Crota, Speaker, Tiger, and Cryptarch masks for the rest of the quests. But it looks like those quests just give you the rare goodie bag - same as you get from filling the candy bag. So they really aren't all that great - though perhaps completing them all unlocks something else.

We need to figure out how you get the glue (which upgrades the rare masks to legendary and makes them permanent) without buying it - otherwise most of our masks will go away when the event ends.

I just took a quick break from work/family stuff to check this out. I'll be back on later this evening to do it all for real so see you guys then. I'd still like to kill Oryx on hard, but we'll see if my group can get it together for that tonight before reset. I kind of doubt it.

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Looks like completing the quests gets you the little goody bags you can buy with silver. In those you have a chance at glue (and other things) and a guaranteed legendary mask. The legendary masks can dismantle and will provide you with one glue.

So I already bought both dances because.. I DONT HAVE TO JUSTIFY MYSELF TO YOU.

My legendary mask was the Legendary Engram (how fitting) and then I have for Rares so far... Cyptarch, 2x Eris Morn, Oryx and Xur.

You can easily farm the candy by doing the first inside hallway over and over on Siege of the Warmind. You should be getting arounf 45 kills per wipe (just dont kill the ultra knight in the room on top of the stairs). You should be able to get a bag filled every 6 minutes or so. Even easier with Bad Juju as usual!

I just beat Oryx on hard with my titan using KackisHD's strategy. We were all 311+ and we beat it on our first attempt, it was pretty easy. I didn't have 20 moldering shards so all I got was a 311 shotgun but I got the last achievement I needed and that's all I really wanted. I'll be available tonight and tomorrow if anyone is going to attempt it and needs another 310+ to help.
That totally seems doable...Vash we gotta try this.

That totally seems doable...Vash we gotta try this.
We tried last night after we did our fresh run and it was still harder than it seems... mainly because it was like 5am and we were all super tired and we had some randoms (you were offline). One random threw me off and I mean no offense by it but I am pretty sure one of our LFGers we snagged was a fifty year old sassy African woman hahah


When I get on tonight we were going to try and kill Oryx a few times this way with a fully competent team before it is Halo time.

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My luck on these mask drops is just as good as with loot drops

3x Xur
3x cryptarch
3x blue engram
2x green
2x warden
2x Atheon
2x Petra
Exotic engram

I have been having atrocious drops lately.
Even doing the Nightfall a bunch of times yesterday, with the supposed better drops, I got garbage.
Halo is coming at a perfect time, I think I should take a little break.
Looks like completing the quests gets you the little goody bags you can buy with silver. In those you have a chance at glue (and other things) and a guaranteed legendary mask. The legendary masks can dismantle and will provide you with one glue.
I thought the bags from the quests were just the same ones she gives you for completing the candy bags. If they are really the legendary mask ones then that is good - can get 3 per character and pretty much get all the masks you would want.

I wasn't aware there was a Xur mask. I need that!

Broly/Linkin - if you guys are trying Oryx and need 1 let me know. My self-res Warlock is 311 (when not wearing an Atheon mask)! I think the key on that is to detonate the lights at the same time. In the groups I'm in people just randomly run to their orbs and start them at different times. The person who is last often can't make it back. On Normal that's no big deal since you just revive them but on hard it is critical to stay alive there. On one run I did with a really good player who ran relic, he did a countdown from 5 and what everyone was supposed to was head to the orbs and then detonate them when he hit 0. That way they are all at the same time and everyone can make it back.

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I completed one of the quests and it is definitely the same reward as completing the regular candy bag.  So the only way to get more legendary masks, it appears, is to buy them.  You get the one freebie, then one glue to make a second one legendary.  Beyond that, though, you will have to use silver.  If only the 2 were per character and not account I'd probably be set.

So what do the silver packages have in them?  I know you are guaranteed a legendary mask.  Do you also, for sure, get a glue?  Because that, at least, means two more masks you can keep.   For $2 I could see doing that, or maybe buying the 3-pack for $5.  And if you get a duplicate legendary it breaks down into a glue, right?

I got the Xur mask and an Oryx.  the Oryx one is pretty cool.  The Xur one isn't as good as I thought it would be as the tentacles don't move.  So far for keepers I have Atheon and Exotic Engram.  I'd probably also want Oryx and Skolas.  I'm not too interested in Speaker, Traveler, Xur, or Petra.  Of the ones I haven't gotten I might want Crota and the Tiger but probably not the Cryptarch.  I'm not sure what else there is.

I'm still holding out hope that if you do all three quests you get a new quest that leads to a chance for the glue if not directly to a legendary mask.   I'm sure someone has done them all.  The one I completed led to nothing by itself.

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Played this game way too much Monday night trying to get masks.  I still don't have the Cryptarch or Crota for two of the quests, but I have everything else done on all 3 characters.

My regular raid group is looking a little iffy this week so if anyone is running Normal and/or Hard I'm up for it.

[quote name="io" post="12990119" timestamp="1445937928"]Played this game way too much Monday night trying to get masks. I still don't have the Cryptarch or Crota for two of the quests, but I have everything else done on all 3 characters.

My regular raid group is looking a little iffy this week so if anyone is running Normal and/or Hard I'm up for it.[/quote]
I'll let you know if my group has room. Still working out our schedules, but it'd probably be like your group anyways.

I got a Skolas mask ;).

Other than that, though, RNG strikes again. I've gotten two Eris masks and two exotic engram masks. I didn't realize how rare the glue things would be or I might have held off on upgrading my first two masks (Atheon and Exotic engram) (Edit: I may have only upgraded one - the Atheon mask, which was my first, may have come as a legendary already - in any case I probably would have upgraded that regardless!). I switched to another character and didn't get nearly the amount of goodies I got on the first one. So to answer your question, Broly, I think the first package Eva gives you is one per account. That one had the Jackolytes, and glue to make the masks legendary (and permanent), and a few other things (did the first mask come in that as a legendary?). I did NOT get that package when I went on to my Titan. For him it just did the initial candy collection around the tower Eva gave me a blue package, and then gave me the same 3 quests where you do stuff with different masks on.

My masks so far: Atheon, Exotic Engram (x2), Eris Morn (x2), Skolas, and Traveler. If you dismantle a rare mask you get one piece of paper scraps and with 4 you can get another blue package from Eva. So at least duplicates can lead to more masks, eventually.

So I've done just one part of all three different quests: jump off the Tower as Atheon, get 30 kills in Crucible with an engram equipped and do a Stolen Rune as the Traveler. I need to get Crota, Speaker, Tiger, and Cryptarch masks for the rest of the quests. But it looks like those quests just give you the rare goodie bag - same as you get from filling the candy bag. So they really aren't all that great - though perhaps completing them all unlocks something else.

We need to figure out how you get the glue (which upgrades the rare masks to legendary and makes them permanent) without buying it - otherwise most of our masks will go away when the event ends.

I just took a quick break from work/family stuff to check this out. I'll be back on later this evening to do it all for real so see you guys then. I'd still like to kill Oryx on hard, but we'll see if my group can get it together for that tonight before reset. I kind of doubt it.
You do get one free legendary mask. I didn't get any Jackolytes, though. Just some candies.

Played this game way too much Monday night trying to get masks. I still don't have the Cryptarch or Crota for two of the quests, but I have everything else done on all 3 characters.

My regular raid group is looking a little iffy this week so if anyone is running Normal and/or Hard I'm up for it.
I'd be down for another normal run if a group is getting together.

I managed to get some fun things this week. Joined an LFG group and got to Oryx before a couple had to go. Luckily I have some good Destiny buds and Odi and Drunkz jumped in to help finish. It made a big difference with their higher level characters. I'm glad to finally have that under my belt and managed to get two pairs of gloves (the second being lower than the first, of course), a sniper rifle, and pulse rifle. An exotic engram I picked up in the raid even decrypted to 4th Horseman, which I didn't have. Not bad for a nights work I think. I really need a ghost since mine is 282. If anybody wants to run Nightfall I'd love to tag along. Otherwise I might work on my Touch of Malice quest and trick or treating if nothing else is going on.

It is a little disappointing that it isn't easier to upgrade the masks. I'm glad I didn't use my glue and will have to wait and see what I get and what I want to keep.

Nah bro, you died the least of all of us. We'll get him this week.
I finally beat Oryx last night after ignoring Halo the whole time haha. I beat it just after reset but we never went to orbit and so I checked my progress for this week and it counted for last week's. The group was 3 Australians and 3 Americans and the connection was atrocious. It would be fine and then randomly just lag/glitch out. I have a few recorded on my account but yeah it was bad. It was to the point where we kept doing it flawlessly and it was the game that effed up and not us; it was the worst. The no Knight strategy is pretty much the best, we had that down to the second and we were doing each run perfectly. We only had one Titan and he only had the bubble up once in a while up top and we still did it no problem.

And io I read somewhere that we could get more glue and stuff without paying... hmmm

Got it, it is just super rare but you can get glue from the bags you get from the quests or just filling your candy bag. So just a bunch of farming and you can technically get all to legendary if you wanted.

And yeah got you were the one who died the least it seems no sweat man.

So I know most of us are hopelessly addicted to this game and the grind but tell me again what the significance of grinding for masks are?  Just being able to keep them after the event ends?    and it is pure rng if you get the ones that you need to complete the tasks given out by Eva anyways, right?

I'm down to run NFs and HM tonight.

To anyone that has already ran HM this week are people still getting guaranteed drops from Warpriest and Golgoroth or was that a first time thing?  and has 320 exotics dropped yet from engrams decoded once you get to 310 or is that still just a rumor?

So I know most of us are hopelessly addicted to this game and the grind but tell me again what the significance of grinding for masks are? Just being able to keep them after the event ends? and it is pure rng if you get the ones that you need to complete the tasks given out by Eva anyways, right?

I'm down to run NFs and HM tonight.

To anyone that has already ran HM this week are people still getting guaranteed drops from Warpriest and Golgoroth or was that a first time thing? and has 320 exotics dropped yet from engrams decoded once you get to 310 or is that still just a rumor?
There is no point in the masks, I know it is stupid but I want them all. :wall:

I read someone over on Reddit test out the exotic engram theory and he decrypted like 20 of them at light level 315 and they all turned into 310.

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[quote name="GLOCKGLOCK" post="12991154" timestamp="1445973403"]So I know most of us are hopelessly addicted to this game and the grind but tell me again what the significance of grinding for masks are? Just being able to keep them after the event ends? and it is pure rng if you get the ones that you need to complete the tasks given out by Eva anyways, right?

I'm down to run NFs and HM tonight.

To anyone that has already ran HM this week are people still getting guaranteed drops from Warpriest and Golgoroth or was that a first time thing? and has 320 exotics dropped yet from engrams decoded once you get to 310 or is that still just a rumor?[/quote]
I'll run nightfall. Just drop me an invite if I'm on. Don't think I can run HM yet, though.
And io I read somewhere that we could get more glue and stuff without paying... hmmm

Got it, it is just super rare but you can get glue from the bags you get from the quests or just filling your candy bag. So just a bunch of farming and you can technically get all to legendary if you wanted.
Congrats on the hard mode Oryx kill. I still need to get that done. Glock and I were in an LFG group but I didn't join till Totems (so I want to go back and redo the start for the shards and ghost shell potential...). A couple of the guys in it were pretty much dickwads and telling everyone how horrible we were when they were the ones dying from stupid shit all the time. I just kept my mouth shut when the death screens continued to show I had max or near max damage every time and maybe only one wipe (out of dozens) the entire time was due to me. Somehow, though, we got to Oryx before everyone bailed. That was fine with me - didn't want to try Oryx with those jerks anyway.

So this time the game gave me ghost shells - I got TWO of them at Totems, but they sucked. I think one was 304 and the other was 310. 310 is nice and all, but considering that was my hard mode drop it is always horrible when you get the lowest of the 11 possible values (from 310-320). That only improved my ghost shell slot by 1. I got a 313 rocket launcher whereas I'd gotten 318 and 316 ones last week, so Warpriest was a bust (still no freaking sniper). The only weapon slot I've gotten anything over 310 for is heavies - like 4 of them now (2 RL, 2 MG). So I infused that 313 into my Truth - whoohoo... I'd really like multiple snipers to infuse into my 1000-yard stare and Black Spindle but the game won't even give me a normal mode one let alone hard mode.

Then on Golgoroth I got some arms that were 313 - so 3 better than my old ones. The 4 total light point improvement was not even enough to move me from 311 to 312, so Raid was kind of a bust. Oh yeah, then the deathsingers teased me and let me down: 304 shotty, 304 class item. WTF!? Shouldn't one of those be a hard mode drop? At least I was able to use the 304 class item as a step towards infusing my Void Flayer Cloak up to 306.

I also have the No Time To Explain quest and just need to kill Atheon now. I forgot to carry over the Atheon checkpoint I got from Vendetta at reset. I'll just try to LFG (shudder) Atheon I guess. I also got the gunsmith rank 5 hand cannon quest. I tried getting the 7 precision kills (in one game) in Crucible but I couldn't get more than 2. The gun totally sucks (no range, low rate of fire) and you get easily outshot by just about anything else. I'm surprised I got 2, frankly. It is confirmed that you have to use that gun right, not just any hand cannon? For some reason I thought it could be any hand cannon. We might have to get a group from CAG and boost that in Rumble.

Still need to run 3 Nightfalls and 2 Raids in addition to everything else.

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I ran Nightfall and normal raid last night. The raid group was pretty chill and very well organised. The nightfall gave me strange coins. The other guy was disappointed to get a 303 ghost, which is what I really need.

I managed to get the shotgun, boots, and another pair of gloves from the raid. Still no ghost. It is holding me back, but I managed to hit 300.

I have a 307 raid pulse, 300 raid sniper, 296 machine gun, 282 ghost, 294 helmet, 306 gloves, 307 chest, 302 boots, 297 bond, and 310 artifact.

I'm probably going to try to use up my tokens for Oryx's Funland and maybe run some strikes in hopes of a ghost dropping.
Yea, the leader of that LFG group was pretty lame.  I don't care if people tell you what to do during the raid or like to talk shit, but at least be able to carry your own weight if you are going to do so.  But he was easily one of the worst players in that raid team. The team was good enough to get through the dps phases of the raid, or I probably would have bailed on that group.  

Also, can I say that the Black Spindle is the worst thing that has happened to this game?  Not that it is bad, but every noob that gets it goes on and on about they have it for the boss fights and they will "wreck some shit" with it.  In reality, if you cannot string together head shots with the Spindle it will never out-dps other snipers.  I swear that 9 times out of 10 I out-dps people bragging about their spindle with my 1000 yd stare with Casket Mag. Always do so on warpriest, not as much on Golgoroth, but if you cannot string together crit shots when you are 10 feet away from golgoroth thern I'm not sure I can help you.

Raid armor. I need raid armor. I'm lucky to be at 300 because all of my armor is 294 to 299. I'm in the middle of moving so I'm hoping to get back to my routine this weekend and knockout a normal raid. I'd like to get the first chest in the hard raid, if possible, but I don't have delusions of getting past that in hard mode just yet.
Wow it looks like I will never get to run the raid if I have to use Destinylfg. From the two groups I got in this morning both were filled with giant d-bags so I just gave up.

Wow it looks like I will never get to run the raid if I have to use Destinylfg. From the two groups I got in this morning both were filled with giant d-bags so I just gave up.
I have run into quite a few duds lately on LFG. For the record though I feel like for every two duds you get one decent person. Just keep a positive outlook! : )

[quote name="ajh2298" post="12992935" timestamp="1446052757"]Wow it looks like I will never get to run the raid if I have to use Destinylfg. From the two groups I got in this morning both were filled with giant d-bags so I just gave up.[/quote]
I must have had great luck. I used it Monday for the raid and last night for nightfall and raid and all three times had great luck. I did have to run to the tower Tuesday because my moldering shards were going to the postmaster. I thought maybe they won't invite me back since we were at Oryx and I had read lfg horror stories, but they sent me an invite right away.
I must have had great luck. I used it Monday for the raid and last night for nightfall and raid and all three times had great luck. I did have to run to the tower Tuesday because my moldering shards were going to the postmaster. I thought maybe they won't invite me back since we were at Oryx and I had read lfg horror stories, but they sent me an invite right away.
y u no use DIM

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I also got the gunsmith rank 5 hand cannon quest. I tried getting the 7 precision kills (in one game) in Crucible but I couldn't get more than 2. The gun totally sucks (no range, low rate of fire) and you get easily outshot by just about anything else.
Yes, Imprecation is absolute garbage in crucible. Save yourself the trouble and farm it with others.

Because it was in the postmaster from my inventory being full not my vault. I waited until the end to see if I would hit 20 without going back and I was a few short.
Well you can use DIM to move things from your inventory to the vault and then from the postmaster to your inventory in two clicks ;)

Well you can use DIM to move things from your inventory to the vault and then from the postmaster to your inventory in two clicks ;)
Ah, thanks. From the screenshot it looked like just the website where I could only go between characters and vault. Didn't see the postmaster section on there.

Edit: Well, I tried it, but it doesn't let me transfer items from the postmaster.... At least the ruins anyway.

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Ah, thanks. From the screenshot it looked like just the website where I could only go between characters and vault. Didn't see the postmaster section on there.

Edit: Well, I tried it, but it doesn't let me transfer items from the postmaster.... At least the ruins anyway.
CoO runes are character bound if they are "charged" so only uncharged (0 charge) stolen runes and antiquated runes can be moved between characters.

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[quote name="gotdott" post="12993538" timestamp="1446069298"]CoO runes are character bound if they are "charged" so only uncharged (0 charge) stolen runes and antiquated runes can be moved between characters.[/quote]
They're not charged. They were drops that went to postmaster. Haven't even taken them out yet.
Anybody want to run a normal Oryx raid tonight with a newbie? I have done the first part with the orbs, the part where you run from the left and right circle to the middle circle and the Warpriest.

bread's done