Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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My 360 decided to crap out on me tonight, but it decided to EAT Lost Planet before it went. At first, I was getting four red lights around the power button. Unplugged everything and made sure all connections were secure. Managed to get it to boot up finally, but the picture on my TV screen (when I could see it) was all out of whack and distorted. As I'm getting up to turn the thing off again, I hear this terrible grinding noise start up. Yeah... my brand new Lost Planet disc which I just unwrapped about 10 minutes earlier has a nice big scuff around the entire center of it now.

Microsoft is sending a coffin for the 360, but they wouldn't do anything about the game that was ruined. So I'm stuck without a 360 for probably two weeks or more and out a game as well. Only had the thing since October '06 too :\ Oh well, at least they extended the warranty... if I was out $400 AND a game I'd have had to kill somebody :)
My launch 360 just bit the big one. Kept locking up during NFS:Carbon. Funny thing is NFS:Most Wanted would lock up on me at the beginning of the game too but I got past it and went on to finish the game. No such luck this time. 3 red lights ftl.

Just called M$ and furtunately it's covered. I read somewhere that launch consoles are covered till March which covers my butt and makes me glad I didn't spring for the extended warranty. At one point I was asked when it started and I said a few months ago. Two words of advice when calling Microsoft. Patient and Polite.

Bitch of it is my TV has been out of service and I just got it fixed only to have my xbox 360 die. But during this time I've been playing my PS2 on my non-HD TV and have been thoroughly enjoying Sly Cooper(the original). What a great game. Makes it downright pleasureable living w/o a 360.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Ouch, looks like my DVD drive has bitten the dust. I've tried 360 games, Xbox games, DVDs, DVD-Rs, CDs in both vertical and horizontal orientations and all I get is an 'unreadable disc' message on the blade.

Shitty situation because I've had it since June and even though it gets 20-30 hours of use a week I've never once gotten any errors or red lights beforehand. Hell, I can still login to live and play all the demos saved on my drive and my XBLA games.

Keeping in mind that the only problem is the DVD drive not reading games, do you guys think I'll still get a refurb or might they actually work on it and swap out the drive with a new one? Anyone have personal experience with that? I wouldn't give a shit if I just got a refurb except that I've got 4 different profiles on my 360, each with their own gold Live account, and we all share our purchased content(XBLA games, gamer pictures, game content).


I just had the same problem happen to me where it seems the drive just died and all i get are unreadable disc in the dash. Coffins on the way, but hopefully they just swap out the drive so they don't send me a refurb.
My year-old 360 seems to have died. I turn it on, it beeps, and nothing. All I have is a frozen image of the boot screen. The center power light is on, but no rings at all. Has this happened to anyone? Same result with/without disc and hard drive.

This thing is probably 15 days out of the new extended warranty...

Edit: After waiting a few minutes, it will boot. I loaded up a Live arcade game, and it lasted about 30 seconds. I can't imagine what's wrong with this thing. If it's over heating, it's doing it fast. When it freezes in-game, the rings stay normal (1 green ring for the connected controller).
CokeCola: I think you're experiencing the same thing I got before mine died.

It would almost always make a beep, lock up.. and that was it. It started occuring more frequently, and more quickly, in every game or on the dashboard. It eventually wouldn't power on anymore.
I'm confused about mine. I got the 3 red lights yesterday. Again. But I was watching Clerks2 HD-DVD, and all of a sudden the screen got weirdmesh over it and the light on the HD-DVD drive wasn't on. I tried again and got the same result, just sooner. Reboot a few minutes later, and I finally got the red lights. Now I have 2 malfunctioning next-gen consoles on my entertainment center.
Ok, so my freezing turned into Red Lights of Doom. I called MS, and I am happy to say it is still under warranty. They're sending a box, but not paying shipping... which is odd, but I'm not fighting anyone on my day off. I also get to keep my hard drive.

To those of you that have received replacement consoles, do they always send the same model? It might sound anal, but I'll be pretty pissed if my new system doesn't have a chrome disc drive.
Fellow CAGs in the coffin support group, tonight I join your ranks!

Bought my console on 30 Dec. Been playing the crap out of my Wii, so the thing's kinda languished... it's gotten probably less than 6 hours of play. The plan was to beat Zelda then divebomb into Fable and move on to Kameo.

I bought a remote for it and decided to try out the DVD playback capability tonight. Nada. At first I thought it was the remote, but it still worked with my TV. So I powered down and brought it back up to the 3 red lights. A beautiful sight, frought with nihilism, despair, and a cavalcade of other pitiable thoughts.

So I called customer service... the computer voice guy actually worked pretty well. Then some dude who was obviously from India came on. We got right down to it. Within about a minute he was prepping the coffin order.

I did ask him if he was from India. He said no, but I commented that it was a beautiful and remarkable country and he sort of hinted at the truth. Fun. At least MS isn't outsourcing to prisons like they had been (and may still be doing) with other processes.
anyone know if they manufacture these systems monthly or what?

im finally thinking of getting around to calling them. My system is a feb 06 system.. hopefully i get something a little newer...
lol im talking to some lady right now... had to go over some stupid steps.. which i had gone straight to the point..

shipping is free!!!

lol this lady is def not in u.s...sounded chinese or something...

anyways so just signed up for the coffin... i tried to buy warranty but she said to wait until repairs finished.. she also advised me that my 360 is warrantied until april 16 2007... so i guess its a year from the date you register it because my system is a feb 06 system..
[quote name='rabbitt']I though that I was invincible, but my 360 died this afternoon. Sigh.[/QUOTE]

Yup... there's a fair amount of that going around still... Sorry to hear about your loss, comrade.
[quote name='Scobie']Yup... there's a fair amount of that going around still... Sorry to hear about your loss, comrade.[/QUOTE]

I realize this is the topic for it, but what should my first step be?
[quote name='rabbitt']I realize this is the topic for it, but what should my first step be?[/QUOTE]

I guess call MS customer service. It's actually not all that bad... the voice activated computer guy works surprisingly well, and the people from India are kinda delightful. You'll have a coffin within about a week.
[quote name='Scobie']I guess call MS customer service. It's actually not all that bad... the voice activated computer guy works surprisingly well, and the people from India are kinda delightful. You'll have a coffin within about a week.[/QUOTE]

Thanks much! I shall do that when I get the chance.
Just got my box, surprised it basically has no padding, hopefully I won't get it back too fucked up.

2 things though.

1. I was told not to include personalized faceplates but what about the default one, should I leave it on?

2. They said to write the number and return address on the box, they mean the outer box right, not the smaller one that goes inside?

Thanks, the good thing is that the repair center is in McAllen so hopefully that'll speed things up.
[quote name='Mojimbo']Just got my box, surprised it basically has no padding, hopefully I won't get it back too fucked up.

2 things though.

1. I was told not to include personalized faceplates but what about the default one, should I leave it on?

2. They said to write the number and return address on the box, they mean the outer box right, not the smaller one that goes inside?

Thanks, the good thing is that the repair center is in McAllen so hopefully that'll speed things up.[/QUOTE]
You don't have to send it with a faceplate, though they will send you a brand new white one. The CS guy told me to write my service number on the sheet they included with the coffin. I wasn't told to write anything on the outside.
Please don't bash me if this is answered elsewhere. I just have a black screen and finally it loads with one flashing red light Error E68. Yes, I know it is the hard drive. Thank goodness for product replacement at EB (it was free) Anyway, will I lose my Gamertag? I just got this in December and I am NOT happy! Thanks and good luck to all! :cry:
How long is it taking for the coffin to arrive these days? The guy told me approx 3-5 business days last Sunday. I got an e-mail on Monday saying I was logged in and would receive another e-mail as soon as the next step was initiated, but I got nothin'.

Any thoughts?
I never received any e-mails. My coffin was just out on the door step one day. It was less than a week. Now, I'm just waiting to get my system back.
mine (Manfactured 11/30/05) keeps freezing during graphically intense portions of games. The same spot twice now on lost planet. a few times on GOW. All the time in Oblivion. But now it's starting to become more frequent. I don't think this console will survive the Arizona summer. Should I call for a coffin before my warranty runs out? Hopefully it's not out already!
today I join the ranks of the dead 360 people .... my 360 drive failed and wouldn't load up anything period ... 360 games, CDs or DVDs ... went through a bunch of steps with the Microsoft CSR on the phone, and put in a request for RMA. I now sit waiting for the coffin.
[quote name='mikeohara']today I join the ranks of the dead 360 people ....[/QUOTE]

Not you, too, comrade!! Theyr'e decimating the ranks of the Wombat Liberation Army!

I got my coffin tonight.. it's just... a box. I guess I was expecting a glossy white box with the 360 logo or something, but no, it's just a standard brown cardboard box of shame.

Anyway, I packed it up and dropped it off within an hour. Now I lie again in wait.
[quote name='Scobie']Not you, too, comrade!! Theyr'e decimating the ranks of the Wombat Liberation Army![/Quote]

Tell me something I don't know ... it's gotten so bad I've thought about buying a PS3 to tide me over until the 360 comes back from the factory.
My 360 just died. I'm very sad.

Update: I just got back from the post office, it felt like I was talking my pet to be put to sleep. At least Microsoft is fixing it for free, although I had to pay to ship it there.

So by "fix" do they really mean "send a refurb?" I'd kind of like to be reunited with my old pal.

It's also sorta strange that they had me send mine out while everyone else gets sent a coffin, strange indeed :whistle2:k
The thing is, I don't think anyone over at Microsoft has really decided one way or another if they should or shouldn't provide boxes and pay the shipping. Some people get boxes, some don't.

I'm not really sure if you'll get yours back or not. Supposedly if they can fix it, they'll send back the same unit.. but I think like the boxes, it's pretty random. They shipped another one out to me less than a day after mine got to them, so I doubt they really tried to fix anything.
ok im confused..

i just received my coffin(s)

yes plural.. they sent me two coffins... wtf

they both seem to have the ref number i was given on them but also have an additional ref number 2 (which is diff on each box)???

also do i have to arrange for a pickup or can i take to ups?
[quote name='guyver2077']ok im confused..

i just received my coffin(s)

yes plural.. they sent me two coffins... wtf

they both seem to have the ref number i was given on them but also have an addiotional ref number 2 (which is diff on each box)???

also do i have to arrange for a pickup or can i take to ups?[/QUOTE]

You can drop it off at a UPS store.
Just got my 360 back today, two weeks after I called.


I called them on the 16th, got my coffin on the 22nd, sent it out to them on the 24th so they got it on the 25th and I got it back on the 30th.

4 business days after initial call to receive coffin.
4 business days to get back in my hands after sending it out.

They ended up getting me a new console altogether even though it was working perfectly aside from the busted DVD drive. It has a June or July manufacture date but I really didn't want to try my luck on a new console after the older one was working fine. They did supply me with a brand new faceplate so that was kinda cool(I sent it to them completely bare, like was suggested earlier).

Since it's a new machine all the arcade games that weren't bought by my profile are now locked out to me and even the ones that I bought are only available when I'm connected to Live. Anyone have Microsoft rectify that situation for them or is it like pulling teeth? I'm aware of the workaround by playing with a second controller while the game purchaser's account is signed in on controller 1 but that's a pain in the ass.

Aside from that the only thing that pissed me off was that when I called UPS to schedule a pickup for my coffin they straight up refused unless I payed them something like $12. I told them that MS will pick up the bill(and that they said so themselves) but they said the label only covered shipping and they wouldn't budge. I could either take it to a UPS store or hand it off to a UPS man if he was delivering something. I had a package coming the next day so I just waited but that kind of miscommunication between UPS and MS pisses me off, the same thing happened between FedEx and HP when I had to get my laptop repaired.
[quote name='Mojimbo']

Since it's a new machine all the arcade games that weren't bought by my profile are now locked out to me and even the ones that I bought are only available when I'm connected to Live. Anyone have Microsoft rectify that situation for them or is it like pulling teeth? I'm aware of the workaround by playing with a second controller while the game purchaser's account is signed in on controller 1 but that's a pain in the ass.[/QUOTE]
Good luck getting points from MS. They gave me a random amount of points not for everything I purchased. I have been trying to deal with them to figure out what I was refunded and what I wasn't refunded for. I just gave up and DL the most I could out of the points I was given.
this was a sad night, after playing some zelda after getting off of work i thought i'd turn on my 360 for some gears. obviously it got jealous and commited sui360cide. 3 rings of deaths and froze up 6 times on me.

i had a free PRP plan from gamestop so i guess i could swap it out. just hope the new one lasts more than 2 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! yes i bought this in december.
Got the 3 red lights yesterday. It sucks because I only had my xbox 360 for 1 month and 2 weeks. Oh well I have 3 years of warranty. Anyways Im now waiting on the coffin. They are really nice me and ther service guy talked forever about Gears of War(How to beat RAAM). Only problem is he could speak english very well just had accent. How to spell everything out to me by letter.
Got my coffin yesterday, came with a prepaid shipper, 3-day select service both ways. I'm just impressed that I don't have to pay.
Damn it. Just a heads up. The 360 they sent me will NOT play burned DVD-R's or WMV CD's. My old one could play pretty much anything I threw at it. I'm a little pissed. I'd be a lotta pissed if I didn't have an XBox sitting right next to the 360 that can play anything the 360 can't, though.

360 plays CD-R's just fine, though.
Missed the ups guy yesterday. he didn't knock. More than likely I'm going to call and ask them to hold it and pick it up from the ups. So today i should have it back.
well the 360 i sold to my roommate died yesterday. We called in, free repair. So this is the second 360 i've bought that has died >_<

kept fucking up 5 minutes into Gears
I'm gonna send mine off today ... the coffin arrived yesterday afternoon around 4pm. I tried to arrange a pickup through the 800 # printed on the piece of paper that came with the coffin, but I was told that there was a $10 pickup charge to have a truck come out and pick up the coffin. Anyone had a similar issue like this??
I think its time for me to ship my fixed system back. It freezes on DVDS in about 15 seconds. It cant read a CD I burned for it for more than about 1 minute, while it plays on a friends 360 without problems. I get DRE from time to time on clean discs and it makes funny crackling sounds before it happens. Finally whenever I go to the Dashboard my system growls at me like GRRRR..grrrrr.
I'm also gonna bitch about it since this is my 3rd broken/breaking system. Do they dole out any games or points for making me wait another two weeks to play Gears again?
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