Official Final Fantasy III DS thread

How do I get the Invincible over mountains? Whenever I press A it just goes up really fast and then comes back down, I suppose I've exhausted all other button combinations and just can't figure out what I'm not doing correctly (something incredibly small I'd wager). I really should've paid better attention when the old lady was telling me how to use it...
It doesn't go over every mountain. Just the smaller ones that come in pairs. So it really doesn't fly over mountains as much as it "jumps" over certain ones.
[quote name='zer0-cool']Garuda the bird man is stomping my butt.Any advice?I usibg two dragoons/w.mage/thief.I could change the thief i supose but up untill this encounter hes been putting out the most damage.Even my dragoons are dropping from garudas lightening before they can jump again.[/quote]

four dragoons each armed with the best lances you can get. Its a game of keep away. Keep away from bird guy as much as possible. Five hits should take him out. He doesn't have all that many hit points. I ended up taking him out with 3 dragons and a white mage. The mage never got a chance to heal anyone so I see him as wasted dragon spot that could have been used to take him down one turn sooner.
Dammit, I'm a completist.

I want my onion knight job class. Can someone hook me up with a few wi-fi messages? I think I need to receive 4 more and send 1 more. (I've sent 6 total, I think, and received 3.)

My Friend Code is: 210544995065

I appear as Jx2 once mail has been sent.
I just beat the game today after putting it on hold for a month after beating Xande. I just wished my Blackbelt had been more useful than he ended up being.

I also want to unlock all the crap.

Friend Code: 403811539460
[quote name='mdkohm']I have never played any of the FF games. Would you still recommend this title for a complete FF newbie?[/quote]
No, FFIII is probably the worst title to start with as a FF newbie (don't let the graphics fool you, it is still a basic NES game with basic gameplay and a basic storyline). If you have a GBA then start with FFVI, PS2 start with FFX, and PS1 start out with FFVII.
Im playing this now *got it for xmas but had a dead DS) and its really wicked fun in an old school way. Its alot like the first FF but with the 3d graphics. The only thing that really annoys me is the classes. I dont know which ones to use at all. Im in the temple of time with a low level viking (he is a 50 warrior too), a low level thief (job 30 black mage), 50lvl white mage and a 20something dragoon (30 or so red mage). It just still seems wrong somehow. I think Ill switch the viking back to a warrior and what to do with thief and dragoon? eh who knows, so frustrating.

Ah and for those thinking about getting this as the first FF game? Why not? Its very old school like the originals (it is just a revamped FFIII afterall). Although I highly recommend FFXII over FFX. Its a MUCH better game through and through (from story to battle system, graphics, etc).
[quote name='kittycatgirl2k'] Although I highly recommend FFXII over FFX. Its a MUCH better game through and through (from story to battle system, graphics, etc).[/QUOTE]
Lies and slander. FF12 is an abomination IMO. FFX is one of the greatest FFs. I would also rank FF3 as one of my least favorite FFs. This "remake" did not add very much beyond graphics, and what little story that was added did not add very much to what is basically a nonexistent story. If you're gonna add named main characters and everything, at least give them a decent story to go with it that doesn't culminate into a 2-minute cutscene when you meet them.
I've been playing some FF3 recently. If anyone doesn't have Onion knight and whatnot yet (I still don't) I'd be willing to help out, friendcode is in my profile, just PM me so I know to add you too.

FF3 is a good game, but I did start out on 1 and just even so much as getting hints for the next location is a huge improvement over the true old school of hard knocks.
What exactly made FFX so "great"? You pushed buttons to advance the "story" (underwater soccer religion...bleh), it was extremely linear and the characters were horrible (has their ever been a whinier or more feminine character than Tidus?)

FFXII has a well done story that is a much bigger picture than mere snapshots of the lives of the characters. The battle system is far superior (I much prefer the real time feel than having my game interrupted every few steps with "random" encounters in the "lineup to kill em" screen). The graphics are gorgeous for a PS2 game and the architecture is stunning. Its just a superior product in every way imaginable, IMO.

And yes Ive played nearly every FF that has come down the pipe, starting with the original release of FF on the NES the month it hit US shores and am not one of these newbies that became acquainted with RPGs after FFVII.

With that being said, Im glad that Squeenix didn't severely alter FFIII's story. Its suppose to be a remake, and if they had redone the story segments as well, they might as well have chucked out this project and done another one from the groundup. FFIII retains the charm and simplicity of its original release and just spruces it up enough to look up to date but with yesteryear's gameplay. That's what its suppose to be, and Im fine with that.
Need 4 more friends' codes for onion knight, here is my code


I added


So please add me when you get a chance
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Lies and slander. FF12 is an abomination IMO. FFX is one of the greatest FFs. I would also rank FF3 as one of my least favorite FFs. This "remake" did not add very much beyond graphics, and what little story that was added did not add very much to what is basically a nonexistent story. If you're gonna add named main characters and everything, at least give them a decent story to go with it that doesn't culminate into a 2-minute cutscene when you meet them.[/quote]

Valid points, all of them (except for FFXII being an abomination, I loved it quite a bit).

In a way, the story in FF3 is even a step back from FF2, it had established characters/conflict and even started en media res. I still think FF3 is better than FF2 (the levelling up system in that game frustrates the hell out of me!), but I still managed to enjoy it a lot. I was raised on the NES Dragon Warriors, so hard, unforgiving dungeons/boss-fights make me happy :)

The only huge complaint I have about FF3 DS is the lack of extras. All the other remakes (Dawn of Souls, FF4-6 Advance) have had quite a bit of content added, even if it takes place after beating the game. What does FF3 DS get? A new job class, which is useless until you're an incredibly high level, and 1 hidden boss. No extra dungeons, and no real worthwhile reward for doing either one other than being a completionist.
So I'm playing FFIV and I'm having a good time with it. I'm wondering though, if FFIII might be the better game? Or if it's even worth getting. I'm kind of new to Final Fantasy, so if this is "weaker" in comparison to some of the console versions, I'm fine with that. I'm more just digging the old school system in IV and finding I have more of an attention span for that than I do for one of the PS2 ones.
I just picked this up in the target sale and i'm looking for people to do mognet letters with. Thus far it's a solid remake of the game and i'm digging it. The buffs they gave to scholars are awesome! Anyway my code is 524082191418.
Started playing this game again after taking a break for a while. If a few people wouldn't mind sending me some mail I would greatly appreciate it. Friend code is 055930819059. PM me and i'll add you to my list. :D
Resurrecting a dead thread. Hazah.

My onion knight is level 99. It took Refia goodness knows how friggen long to get there. And her base (no equipment) stats are still in the teens. I was told after level 93, the onion knight stats are supposed to kill. As in, shoot through the roof.

What the heck am I doing wrong?
Her stats are low because... she's a girl!! jk jk jk :D

Anyway, it might be because of the previous classes you were using with her. I think the character's stat growth is determined by the class.
Character stats are determined by character level (not job level) and job. Their stats are not really tied to the character, although HP is, and how much that boosts by level is determined by Vitality.
[quote name='Aberforth']Her stats are low because... she's a girl!! jk jk jk :D[/quote]Don't mess with Refia.

[quote name='EXStrike']Character stats are determined by character level (not job level) and job. Their stats are not really tied to the character, although HP is, and how much that boosts by level is determined by Vitality.[/quote]OOOOOOOOOOOOOoh. Okay. So. Back to grinding.
what you guys recommend to do in term of the approach at the crystal tower?
i am at level 47 and have ninja,knight,magus,devout.
since you can't save in the tower, how you regain your hp/mp? i am at level 2 in the tower.
[quote name='yester']hey,
what you guys recommend to do in term of the approach at the crystal tower?
i am at level 47 and have ninja,knight,magus,devout.
since you can't save in the tower, how you regain your hp/mp? i am at level 2 in the tower.[/quote]

Well, I brought a bunch of Hi-Potions into the tower, and picked up a few elixirs along the way to help regain MP. You'll fight some "smaller" bosses before the last battle and get recharged after each of them, which is nice.

One word of advice--level 47 may be too low. I recently took my first shot at the tower, with 3 of my 4 characters (almost the same as your party; just substitute a summoner for the magus) at level 51 and the other at level 50. I think everyone was around level 53 when I hit the final battle, and I got destroyed within 5 or 6 rounds. I'm going to take a little more time to level up before trying the tower again. I've found that the best way to do this is simply to go back through the Ancients' Maze, fighting everything I can find, recharge my batteries (and refill my Hi-Potions) on the Invincible, and then work my way back through the maze.

Of course, you may want to wait for advice from someone who's actually beaten the game. ;)
i hope we were talking about the same.
my character have level 47, joblevel is lower. around 30-40.

i achtually have level 49. and i paid a visit to eureka and got everything there. bought arise,holy and the rest shuriken (have 12).
Yup, we're talking about character level. I did switch jobs a little late with some of my characters, though--particularly the ninja and summoner--so it's possible that they're just under-leveled jobwise, and that's my particular problem. Or, I just had terrible luck on the last battle and my character levels are just fine.

Heck, give it a try and see how you do. I had no problems any of the bosses before the final battle, so I suspect I just did something wrong there.
well, i have right now level 51. i went the crystal tower up to level 9 and then went back to save.
now i will go back again and make the jump to the darkness.
i haven't meet any of the dragons so far. i just assume they are in the darkness area.
i may switch my magus to devout later on, just for healing purpose. that saved me in any ff so far, to have two healers in the final stage. perhaps thats here the same.
want to finish this one, so i could get ffvi.
now i am p****d.
i am at level 54 and had devout,summoner,ninja,ninja. i got all the ribons and tried to fight the cloud.
i got wiped out at round 2 with a ray (hit with 10000hp or more).
my dudes were all backrow, maybe thats the mistake.
how you survive the ray? the lightning i can handle, but the ray is aweful strong, which was targeted on all characters at the same time.
[quote name='yester']now i am p****d.
i am at level 54 and had devout,summoner,ninja,ninja. i got all the ribons and tried to fight the cloud.
i got wiped out at round 2 with a ray (hit with 10000hp or more).
my dudes were all backrow, maybe thats the mistake.
how you survive the ray? the lightning i can handle, but the ray is aweful strong, which was targeted on all characters at the same time.[/QUOTE]
Just try again. I got absolutely rocked the first time I tried with Knight, Ninja, Devout, Summoner (average level 53).

I was a little more conservative the second time, casting Curaja every turn no matter what, and it was a breeze. The best strategy would probably be to keep everyone in the back row, have the Ninjas throw shurikens until you're out, have the Summoner keep using Bahamut (or whatever the hell it's called now), and cast Curaja with the Devout. It might take a couple tries, but you should manage if you can avoid that nasty attack.
one moment. what you saying is, that if this stupid cloud uses the ray, the game is over?
darn, thats really bad. i mean you work an hour to get to the point and the this final boss blows you away with one spell and you can't do anything?
did you already pass the part where the boss does a scripted attack that kills your entire party? then you fight the minibosses in the spectral area or something?
Just finished getting all my job cards and weapons today (finally!), along with the Metal Card for beating the Iron Giant. Now I can get around to finishing the actual game.

Edit: Just finished. What do the three yellow stars indicate at the bottom of my save screen? That the game was finished, or is it a ranking?
yes, i did already pass all the area and was at the final boss.
i hate if they let you die so cheap.

[quote name='banpeikun']did you already pass the part where the boss does a scripted attack that kills your entire party? then you fight the minibosses in the spectral area or something?[/quote]
[quote name='defiance_17']Just try again. I got absolutely rocked the first time I tried with Knight, Ninja, Devout, Summoner (average level 53).

I was a little more conservative the second time, casting Curaja every turn no matter what, and it was a breeze. The best strategy would probably be to keep everyone in the back row, have the Ninjas throw shurikens until you're out, have the Summoner keep using Bahamut (or whatever the hell it's called now), and cast Curaja with the Devout. It might take a couple tries, but you should manage if you can avoid that nasty attack.[/quote]

Finally beat it--the "cast Curaja every round" approach was money, and like you said, it was super easy. I only lost one character, my Ninja, during the entire fight and had plenty of time for my Knight to resurrect him in time for the next round of healing spells.

Hopefully yester had equally good luck ...
I wish this game would drop in price. It's soo good. I'd love to play it again. Can't wait for the FF4 remake, too.
[quote name='jer7583']I wish this game would drop in price. It's soo good. I'd love to play it again. Can't wait for the FF4 remake, too.[/quote]

$20 at TRU, plus 20% off.
All I have to say is "I killed the Iron Giant".

If anyone is desperate to swap friend codes, PM me. I might send you some job stamps also if you want (so you can get the ultimate job items before reaching level 99 in that job, however you have to be in the endgame so you can turn the stamp in to the forger lady). This offer expires one week from this post.
Hooray for resurrecting my save game with 10 hours in it! Just need to take a quick look in the guide for where the hell I was supposed to be going, now I'll plan on wrapping it up. Looks like after
beating Hein and getting the wind crystal
I'm about halfway through it. Note to self: When you need to cast mini to get through a small hole, don't feel you need to stay miniaturized afterwards. Man did that make things difficult for a few minutes.

rodeojones, I sent a message back to you a few months after you probably sent yours over to me. :lol:

I forgot how beautifully done the 3D work was in this game.
They were sold out at my TRU. I did get SNK vs Capcom Cardfighters for $20, though, so that's okay.
[quote name='jer7583']They were sold out at my TRU. I did get SNK vs Capcom Cardfighters for $20, though, so that's okay.[/QUOTE]

Is that game fixed now or what's the deal?
[quote name='Sideswiper']All I have to say is "I killed the Iron Giant".[/quote]Same here. And being the idiot I am, I maxed out all the job classes, so I have a card for every stinkin job.

Why? Again. I'm an idiot. When I play a game I like to complete it. perhaps I tend toward OCC. =\

[quote name='Wlogan31']Is this the new price at all TRUs? What is the 20% off?[/quote]Clearance items get an extra 20% off for a limited time. Check the TRU clearance thread in the Main Deals Forum.
Should I plan on switching jobs once I hit job level 99 (i.e. will I be stunting character growth if I don't continue getting job level-ups)? I have my White Mage and Geomancer in the 80s, figure they'll probably max out soon enough since I haven't gotten the Fire Crystal yet. My Viking and Dragoon have a ways to go yet.

I have a feeling I need a better party configuration, but I'll do some more grinding, see how it goes. I got pretty well smoked by the optional boss
and the required one

Re: the optional boss:
I like how in the strategy guide they warn you that once he's below half HP, "there's a chance" he'll use the Z-spell (not even gonna try to remember the name). And by chance, they apparently mean one of his two attacks every round.
bread's done