Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

Gears 1 because you must be doing non-ranked matches, which explains everything since Gears 2 doesn't have non-ranked matches.

blitz I added you, I can help you out on insane whenever I'm around and not playing with friends. We can talk if you see me, though late at night I don't talk much because I've got a sleeping gf next to me.
I've recently switched to Hammerburst, and it seems to work better then the Lancer. The Chainsaw can easily be counteracted with bunts from the hammerburst, lol.
When it's looking for people I usually go do something else.

I don't know, it works for me. I can complain about the times sometimes, as you are in a party with your friends waiting for a match to happen, then you guys stop talking, waiting for the match, then it's like.... So... when's the game going to start?
[quote name='genfuyung']It seems like the more people in your party the faster you'll get games. So try and get as many people with you as you can. The last few nights I've played with 5 people and we get matches in literally seconds.[/quote]

I get seconds when im by myself or with two or three people :)
So I just need one more annex win (canals) and last night I'm in a match...we all vote annex, we force a tie and Canals pops up. Of course the other team starts quitting and it reverts back to mansion before the match even starts. :wall:
[quote name='thrustbucket']But the close combat really drags it down, as it usually feels like a coin toss most of the time; and it seems most players tactic is to get as close to you as possible as fast as possible, which keeps the game in mediocre land.[/quote]

I think it's the slower walking speed (no longer a jog like Gears 1) that drags it down. I've never played a shooting game with such a slow strafe speed. There's almost even no point in strafing because Epic has made the shotgun spread more consistent and when you're on the attack, the rate of fire is so slow - that's why everyone is two-piecing. Add in the slow movement, and it's all about who gets in the first shot. People used to get juked and miss with the shotgun all the time in Gears 1 and the unpredictable and skilled guy usually came out on top. In Gears 2, nobody misses with the shotgun, nobody.
I got accused of Lag Switch cheating Yesterday.

And a complaint filed on me.

This is what I get.

I have not touched Gears 2 in a Month or 2

Yesterday when I play for a few hours and do well, I get accused by the team we beat.

#1. I have no idea what lag switching even is.

#2. Now my Rep dropped.

Thanks Again EPIC

At least I'll get $32 Trade in credit at Gamestop. When I take it in today. By the time Street Fighter 4 comes out Gears 2 will be worth $9 trade in
[quote name='Ice Cold']I got accused of Lag Switch cheating Yesterday.

And a complaint filed on me.

This is what I get.

I have not touched Gears 2 in a Month or 2

Yesterday when I play for a few hours and do well, I get accused by the team we beat.

#1. I have no idea what lag switching even is.

#2. Now my Rep dropped.

Thanks Again EPIC

At least I'll get $32 Trade in credit at Gamestop. When I take it in today. By the time Street Fighter 4 comes out Gears 2 will be worth $9 trade in[/quote]
yea douchebags will do that. I just played a game and someone accused me of putting it on standby(?) just because he lost a mid-range shotgun battle against me.
The people who play this game are getting as bad as it is in halo 3. I cant get through a single night without getting some kind of hateful message from someone who lost.
Think some people dont understand what those words actually mean, so when they lose they heard other people being accused of it and decide to throw it around...
[quote name='genfuyung']The people who play this game are getting as bad as it is in halo 3. I cant get through a single night without getting some kind of hateful message from someone who lost.[/quote]
i got 7 of those playing 1 game.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']i got 7 of those playing 1 game.[/quote]

I would guess that your connection is terrible which causes huge lag in the game. People with terrible connections dont seem to notice the lag as much as other people notice it. So I would say that your connection causes you to wait up to 40min to find a game and causes other players to think you are cheating.
For those of you waiting more than 30 seconds to get into a match, restart it.

Whenever I am waiting more than 30 seconds to find other players I restart it and it usually works within 10 seconds.
[quote name='killmak']I would guess that your connection is terrible which causes huge lag in the game. People with terrible connections dont seem to notice the lag as much as other people notice it. So I would say that your connection causes you to wait up to 40min to find a game and causes other players to think you are cheating.[/quote]
then how do I fix it?
I don't have this problem on other online games.
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']then how do I fix it?
I don't have this problem on other online games.[/quote]

Tell them to move closer to your house. :D Or avoid being party leader so you'll never be chosen to be host.
[quote name='bs000']Tell them to move closer to your house. :D Or avoid being party leader so you'll never be chosen to be host.[/quote]Could it also be because I have my router connected to a wireless router, and then my dad is also on his laptop, and the computer in my room is on the internet?
Plus I have my xbox live cable hooked up to my wireless router...
I am selling GEars 2 today for $30 at FYE trade in Cash FYE gives out actual cash and does not take 10% off like Gamestop for cash.

Basically I gave Gears 2 a second chance after the Patch.

Its still broken, Host shotgun, and waiting minutes to start a match only to have it be 5 on 3.

Thats unacceptable

Worst part is the time you must wait before and after each match WHY? do they make you sit there for a minute?

Ultimately Gears 2 poor quality and buggy multiplayer will end up Hurting Gears 3 sales

And tarnishing the Gears IP. Now its just meh.
Update: just got back from FYE they took Gears 2 off my hands for $30 cash. I am so happy, now Street Fighter 4 will only cost me $30.

The reality is Gears 2 was much improved since the newest patch for example.

#1. When I shoot the shotgun I see the bullet effects and damage right away, before I could go make sandwich, and come back to see the round comeout, and now we can also hip fire and not have it hit the ground or sky.

But the matchmaking sucks, People quit Horde.

The easiest way to beat HORDE was on Easy with a Party of buddies who would not quit.

Once I beat Horde it lost all value.

Gears 2 is a perfect example of Ship now Patch later, which is Microsoft.

I saw at least 5 Executions that were removed from the E3 DEMO. They just ran out of time.

Also Having a person who is almost Un killable on one team THE HOST is no fun.
I went back to Gears 1 last night after playing this post patch and seeing that it still sucks. The maps in Gears 1 is better, the gameplay is faster, and all around it is more fun.

I really hate Epic for sucking so much and ruining this series.
They are already working on another patch? That was quick.
Honestly this is what they should do to fix a majority of things

1) Allow public matchs - Who cares about rank anymore?

2) If you quit ranked matchs, de-rank them to level one. No one would ever quit anymore :p

Come on, how many of you guys actually lose broad band connection? I think I've lost it once in the last few years.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']They are already working on another patch? That was quick.
Honestly this is what they should do to fix a majority of things

1) Allow public matchs - Who cares about rank anymore?

2) If you quit ranked matchs, de-rank them to level one. No one would ever quit anymore :p

Come on, how many of you guys actually lose broad band connection? I think I've lost it once in the last few years.[/quote]

I think they wanted to get a patch out to address as many problems as quickly as possible. So a second patch was probably planned before this last one was even released.

I agree with you about the loss of broad band connection, I have never lost it during the game but I have lost power twice during a ranked match (thanks to local construction). Sadly, I think I was on a dominating team the first time. I think they should come up with a strike based system for people who bail, and do 3 day game bans or rank-loss (which is why they are bailing in the first place, for their eF'ing stats).

The game also severely needs a team auto balance feature, when half my team bails during the pre-game sync their is no reason the server can't pull a player or two over to rebalance the teams before the match starts. That's when I get really pissed, when it's just me and other guy (or just me). I have asked another guy if he wanted to bail in a 5 v 2 match and he did, so I did (this has happened a handfull of times).
I don't know what happened all I know is that I remeber having endless hours of Fun in Gears 1.

Tons of shouting and fun and friends with Mics communicating.

However in Gears 2 for some reason

#1. Few people have Mics
#2. no one works as a team.
#3. I get chainsawed way too much
#4. I never really had alot of fun in Gears 2
#5. All the new Maps in Gears 2 Suck hard they are so confusing and booring, and Small

In the end I recalled Gears 1 the other day when I finally had a fun Match of Gears 2, But I am glad I sold Gears 2.

Also Gears 1 on PC, Looks Way better than Gears 2, because Gears 1 had HDR lighting in Multiplayer, Gears 2 Has no HDR lighting in Multiplayer.

And Gears 1 on PC graphically Textures and Framerate 60+ frames looks way better than Gears 2.

If you have a good PC get Gears 1 on PC the Brumack Fight is worth it, Because even Gears 2 does not have a Legit Brumack fight.
For visual reference alot of people forget how great Gears 1 looks vs Gears 2.

Look at the beauty of Mansion lightning rain and nice deep colors, and Look how fast the Frame rate and gameplay is.

Try not to cry when looking the the shotgun, Its fires 2 shots in the time it takes Gears 2 shotty to fire 1.

these graphics are even better on PC.

But its clear that both 360 Gears 1 and PC version Gameplay wise are faster better frame rate, and are more fun than Gears 2
[quote name='Nathan_Sama']Could it also be because I have my router connected to a wireless router, and then my dad is also on his laptop, and the computer in my room is on the internet?
Plus I have my xbox live cable hooked up to my wireless router...[/quote]

Whenever I play Gears online I turn off all my downloads and if I am still having problems I disconnect my wireless router and plug my xbox ethernet cable right into my modem. Other people in my house dont apreciate it but I get a great connection :)
[quote name='Monsta Mack']They are already working on another patch? That was quick.
Honestly this is what they should do to fix a majority of things

1) Allow public matchs - Who cares about rank anymore?

2) If you quit ranked matchs, de-rank them to level one. No one would ever quit anymore :p

Come on, how many of you guys actually lose broad band connection? I think I've lost it once in the last few years.[/quote]

Since I started playing Gears my internet has crapped out at least 5 times. I have broadband but with limited choice I am stuck with my ISP.
I wont debate the graphics because I just dont feel like it, but the shotgun shooting that fast was a joke. People switched to shotgun as soon as they spawned, only really competitive games did people really use the lancer. I know it was fun to shotty fight everyone but really it was just horrible weapon balance.
the big difference is that the shotgun isn't as powerful from long range in gears gears 2 you can literally shoot at people with the shotgun from across the map and do damage, which is ridiculous.

Give me the old shotgun rate of fire, and improve the blind fire/shoot from the hip power to where it was in gears 1....that'll stop the chainsawers and two-piecers.
Or better yet.
Make it so you have to pick up the shotgun like the Sniper or Bow.
With that much power it shouldn't be a default weapon.

I'm keeping my copy.
Campaign was a blast, so I think I'll go through it again later
The range is pretty much the same in Gears 2 and they have improved the blind/hipfire....

Stoping chainsaw and 2piecers requires tactics not a weapon upgrade.
[quote name='Ice Cold']what is 2piecers? have not heard that term.[/QUOTE]
It's where you get ripped in half by a shotgun.
I like that three strikes rule. If a person quits three times within a week give them a few days ban, atleast from Gears. Good call.
I looked up 2 piecers on Youtube, now I know what it is, basically thats all people do on multiplayer is melee then shoot, and blow you in half, Whats sucks is that you are stunned and can not even fight back, so your frozen waiting to get blwon in Half. That is not fun and why Gears 2 is broken online.

I mean you can not even fight back, at the same time you can empty to entire Lancer clips into aperson and they probably will not die.

Most important is the cahinsaw they can walk through all gun fire and still chainsaw.

All that Has to be done to FIX

2 piecing and Chainsawing and host shotgun

is to add a momentary Stun when you get shot by ANYTHING.

If someone is walking up to you with Chainsaw or shotgun,

And you shoot them with Pistol Lancer whatever, It stops the chainsaw or stuns them with shotgun.

That would end 2Piecers and Chainsawers

Just have gunfire stun shotgun users or Chainsaw users.

As it should be.

Getting shot should hurt more than getting punched,

and If you are reving the Chainsaw and get shot, It should stop the Chainsaw Period.
Nothing wrong with the 2 piece, if you let someone get that close to you then you deserve to die. If they did it from behind you then again you deserve to die. Chainsaw same thing, if someone gets that close to you and you arent prepared for it then you deserve to die. I agree getting shot should hurt more then being punched, but that isnt the problem with the 2 piece that is the damage value for melee being to high. Chainsaw is not broken the majority of tactics people use are just flawed or you dont play with a team to help counter it....
Its unbelievable how many people bitch and moan about the shotgun. Its the weapon the game is fucking based on. If you dont want to be killed by it THEN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY.
BigC is right. Instead of bitching, learn from the experience and adjust your tactics. It's a good thing to do anytime something keeps beating you down.
[quote name='depascal22']BigC is right. Instead of bitching, learn from the experience and adjust your tactics. It's a good thing to do anytime something keeps beating you down.[/QUOTE]

But wouldn't you rather just whine about it some more?

I did the Halo 3 equivalent of 2piecing all the time. It only works when you have people who don't know what they're doing. Once you learn how to avoid it, you not only live longer, you get better at the game.
Now that I know what 2 piecing is, I am ok with it.

However what is not fun is the frsutration of getting meleed and just having to stand there frozen until you get blown apart.

Fine ok melee is fine but reduce the stun time to half or eliminate it totally that way you are not frozen and helpless.

Because thinkabout it not even a shotgun blast at close range will freeze you like a Melee does.

And all people do is stand around corners and 2piece or meleee then shoot.
Variety will always create classification. There will always be top tier weapons/characters in every game. No matter how much the system is tweaked, "balance" is always relative, never absolute, and there will always be superior weapon. Only way to eliminate this is to wipe out variety. Lancers only in Gears. Ken/Chun-Li only in Street Fighter. Fox/Sheik (and maybe Marth) in Super Smash Melee. Protoss race only in Starcraft. Brilliant! NOT!!!1!!1!

Would be a boring world...
bread's done