I just finished the game after about 50 hours, and it was incredible! (Taking vacation time from work has it's privilages.) And somehow, I did it without a single hint, guide, or bullet through my brain, though there were definitely times when it would have been easier that way. I didn't break any controllers, either, but I am on my 3rd set of batteries. (I've played more than just Zelda, don't worry.)

Here are few stats about what I finished with, if you want any ideas about length (spoiler taged, just in case):

  • 16 hearts, so I guess there are still 20 pieces out there
  • all 7 hidden skills
  • 30-something poe souls (I think it's on the lower end of the 30s)
  • Magical armor
  • biggest quiver (holds 100 arrows)
  • but no bomb upgrades, go figure
  • only 3 bottles, I tried but didn't get the one in the fishing hole
  • And I completed the Cave of Ordeals (or Cave of Trials, whatever)

Now about the last one mentioned there:
The Cave of Ordeals... it's hard as hell, great for bragging rights, and it makes getting through the final stage seem like a piece of cake, but the "reward" at the end isn't worth it. You only get one of your bottles filled with Fairy Tears; you don't even get a new bottle for the trouble, no piece of heart, nothing! However, if you're trying to raise money for Malo, you can't beat a run through the cave, because everyone drops rupees. I didn't finish on my first run, so I went through a second time and kept a record of what you fight on each floor. If anyone would like to see it, I'll post it here under another spoiler tag.

A question that's killing me for anyone else that's beaten it yet, about the last stage:
Okay, so on the 2nd or 3rd floor, there's a room that's barred off from both sides. When you approach it from the long back hallway, you'll be on the other side of the wall from the main chandalier room. There's a chest that I couldn't get to in that main room. But when you go down this hallway, just after the bend in the hallway, before the barred door, if you use your wolf senses, you'll see a big group of spirits/ghosts/zombies/whatever circled around the wall pointing straight at the chest (which is on the other side of the wall according to my map and compass). What's up with that? I tried everything I had on the wall, but no effect. Did anyone else figure that out?

Okay, with that all out of the way, I'd say that yes, this game was incredible. People have been comparing it to Wind Waker, and while I don't remember WW perfectly (I only played through it when it first came out), I don't think this was too challenging, in the combat sense. OoT's final battle was a pain, and I remember that WW's was tough, too. While I think the ending to TP blows them both away, this one wasn't that tough. There were a lot of little catches to figure out, but I never died, and I only used a single blue potion and one fairy. So in that respect, it's a little disappointing, but the immense scope of the final battle makes me smile and forget about it.

Overall, though, the boss battles may not have been extremely difficult, but they were very satisfying. They did a great job of keeping the bosses different so that they didn't get stale. I found myself looking forward to the bosses more than the dungeon treasure! All of the sword combat tricks work out well, and aiming with the Wiimote for the bow and clawshot was so fast and fluid that I wonder what's wrong with the people that say the controls feel "tacked on." Seriously, I don't think that I could pick off the moblin archers on the cliffs with a standard controller anywhere near as quick and easy as I could with the Wiimote.

So yeah, awesome game, well worth the attention and acclaim it's been getting. And yes, Nintendo, *this* is how you launch a system!

Now I can finally start playing something else. :)
[quote name='pop311']My Timer says 29 hrs and I am just starting the Dessert Temple[/quote]Maybe you have had too much pie this weekend.
I just found out something cool about the chickens

In the older games if you hit the chicken enough times they would start to attack you. In TP (at least in Link's village) if you hit a chicken enough times you will, for a few seconds take control of the chicken and be able to jump and flutter around. BTW I am sorry if this was mentioned earlier in the thread.
50 hours, nice. And I'm glad to hear the aiming works well...thats always been so annoying to me spending a minute tapping the analog stick as lightly as possible to line it up. Anyway, with the fishing thing being only on the Wii, and the widescreen option for the future if I ever get one, I'm 90% sure that I'll get the Wii version. I know a lot of the people beat it at around 40 hours, but all did no sidequests and many of them got help. So I think 40-50 hours is a good estimate at how long this game takes...and for me thats at least probably 2 months + since Im real busy...but I cant wait to get it >O. Oh and I'm glad to hear the story is better too. I loved Wind Waker but I didn't find the end too...shocking...although it was cool watching Link stab ganons head lol. Can't wait to see this ending. BTW is that snow level a good one?
I've used the Thanksgiving holiday as an excuse to take my time with Zelda, and I'm 28 hours in. I'm one poe short of 20 and I'm 4 bugs short of completion (24?), and as the story goes, I'm currently ready to start Snowpeak.

I think everything but the play control is outstanding. I like the graphics--even for the Wii, I think they look terrific. If that's what they look like on the GC, I'm even more amazed at how underutilized the GC was. I like the story so far, and I wasn't as bothered by being forced into the twilight realm as others seem to have been.

The overworld is big enough to allow lots of exploration: I really got that "Zelda" exploration feeling around the 18-20 hour mark when I could flip between human/wolf Link and take advantage of the warps. (One little thing, though, is that there doesn't seem to be as many side quests. I'm hoping that the game sticks to the Zelda tradition and more side quests in store.)

At first the Wiimote controls didn't bother me, but the more I play it the more I realize that swordplay isn't as precise as it could be. While aiming is incredibly smooth, when it comes to swordplay, 60% of the time I feel like I'm shaking the Wiimote just hoping something good will happen on screen. Or I'll stab the nunchuck and get a spin attack when I want a shield attack (or vice versa). If I take my time and go at enemies one by one, I can get Link to do what I want, but if I'm swamped by enemies and need to kick ass quickly, I feel like I can't get what I want from the Wiimote for play control.

Overall I like the game. While WW was an easier, quicker game than TP (thus far) for me, I've revisited WW a few times simply for its play control, which was nearly flawless. I doubt that I will revisit TP, simply because the inability to get combat to go exactly as I like is a major disadvantage.
it might interest you to know that all you get at 20 poes is a bottle with some kickass potion. you need 60 for the full prize. also I think the controls are good. In fact I have gone back to play old zeldas (specifically LttP on my DS) and I have found myself shaking the DS trying to elicit some sort of sword attack. the only problem I have had with the sword is the spin attack, which is better than the charging up in all other Zeldas, but so hard to use. I often have to shake that damn nunchuk like mad and then there is still a delay of a second or so before he actually attacks. I like TP so much I have already started back in. though keep in mind I lost my old save and I need to play something on my Wii besides sports.
(spoiler is over just after the third dungeon)

Wow, they evoked more emotion out of me for Midna than any character in a game or movie before. The combination of rain, night, and classic piano music in the midst of intense action, as well as Midna crying on my back. I found myself ignoring monsters and flying as fast as I possibly could to get to the Castle. Seriously that was an incredible piece of drama, and I'm looking forward to more of it.
I have played this game for 40 hours and im still not done with the game. Im still on the fourth dungen. I have been collecting bugs and hearts and poes though, and technieqs. Its pritty fun. I hope it takes longer then 70 hours. Im not going to beat it untill i think i have everything the fortune teller makes the hearts alot easyer to get though. I dont know what i think of that.
I heard some crap news. Not sure if this is true, but I heard that when you get all of the Poes (60) all you get is some money. no prize or anything.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyone know about the old guy asking for donations in Castle Town? Do you get anything from him?[/QUOTE]
Dunno, but my guess is most likely a piece of heart once you reach a certain amount. That's the way these things go. Would be awesome if he wound up giving me a .50 Desert Eagle or Lightsaber, though. I'm 600 rupees into the dude and have yet to see a friggin' thing.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyone know about the old guy asking for donations in Castle Town? Do you get anything from him?[/QUOTE]
dothog is correct. After you give him 1000 rupees, you'll get a heart piece
I'm on the temple for the last fused Shadow. I was kinda pissed when I didn't have enough bombs to shoot down the stalactites. Will I need water bombs in the dungeon again? (That is other to open the entrance) Otherwise I'll just go for the regular bombs.
[quote name='sisk']where is the freaking slingshot? or am i just an idiot?[/QUOTE]
You need to buy it in the shop in Ordon. However, there's a series of mini-quests you need to complete in order to be able to purchase it.
Finished it this morning at probably just over 37 hours. I may go back and try and finish finding the remaining gold bugs and poes. Still have 8 more heart pieces to find as well...
So i got a question.. I didn't howl or whatever, so I didn't get shield attack and now I still have the same shitty shield going into the second dungeon. Am i screwed?
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']This might have been asked before, but how many dungeons are there?[/QUOTE]
There are 9

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']So i got a question.. I didn't howl or whatever, so I didn't get shield attack and now I still have the same shitty shield going into the second dungeon. Am i screwed?[/QUOTE]
The shield attack and the 2nd shield are two different things. The attack is helpful in the events preceding the dungeon, but not so much in it. If you're worried about the wooden shield,
check out the Malo Mart in the village before you go to the dungeon.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyone know about the old guy asking for donations in Castle Town? Do you get anything from him?[/quote]

I am a completionest and the game gives you way too much in the way of money, and you can't really eliminate chests in dungeons if your full on rupees, so I would donate a lot of it to the guy in hyrule city. It does in fact give you something that’s worth it. So just keep giving I’m your dungeon loot. It’s not like you’re ever in short supply, and its not like thiers anything thats to expensive except for the shields (at least i havent found anythign yet). Now I’m pissed because I can’t give away my loot anymore. I have to buy bombs. I use one bomb and buy a full 30 to get rid of my rupees so I can get all the chests in dungeons. I know it sounds nuts, but it’s the best way to get all the heart pieces that’s in the dungeons if you know what chests you have gotten already.
[quote name='White-Wolf']I am a completionest and the game gives you way too much in the way of money, and you can't really eliminate chests in dungeons if your full on rupees, so I would donate a lot of it to the guy in hyrule city. It does in fact give you something that’s worth it. So just keep giving I’m your dungeon loot. It’s not like you’re ever in short supply, and its not like thiers anything thats to expensive except for the shields (at least i havent found anythign yet). Now I’m pissed because I can’t give away my loot anymore. I have to buy bombs. I use one bomb and buy a full 30 to get rid of my rupees so I can get all the chests in dungeons. I know it sounds nuts, but it’s the best way to get all the heart pieces that’s in the dungeons if you know what chests you have gotten already.[/quote]

There are wallet upgrades right? There's no way to go through the whole game with a 300 rupee limit.
[quote name='SpazX']There are wallet upgrades right? There's no way to go through the whole game with a 300 rupee limit.[/QUOTE]
Yes, when you get to Castle Town. Seek out Agatha and give her a hand. You just need 1 at first, but she'll be your biggest source of 'easy' income aside from the dungeon chests.
[quote name='White-Wolf']and its not like thiers anything thats to expensive except for the shields (at least i havent found anythign yet). [/QUOTE]

Once you get a Malo Mart in Castle Town you'll see something very expensive. I'm just not sure it's actually worth the price tag.
[quote name='SpazX']There are wallet upgrades right? There's no way to go through the whole game with a 300 rupee limit.[/quote]Yes they have a wallet upgrade , but you have to get it on a little sidequest , but it really takes 2 seconds to get the Wallet Upgrade.
[quote name='Bazz']Yes they have a wallet upgrade , but you have to get it on a little sidequest , but it really takes 2 seconds to get the Wallet Upgrade.[/QUOTE]

so wait, what's the wallet upgrade sidequest?
[quote name='lordwow']Spoiler Tags Guys.[/QUOTE]

I suggest not coming to the thread if you don't want anything spoiled. Or should we just put spoiler tags on every post? It can't be helped to a point.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Once you get a Malo Mart in Castle Town you'll see something very expensive. I'm just not sure it's actually worth the price tag.[/quote]I would say not worth the price tag. Its one of the most worthless items in the game. looks nice though.
[quote name='pop311']Once Malo starrts taking donations, is therte really anything else important to spend your money on?[/quote]there will be a large item to buy. costs 598 rupees.
Screw the guys who said this game has bad graphics :bs:

Okay, so it isn't exactly Gears of War, but I have an sdtv from the early 90s, wii hooked up with composite cables, and it still looks pretty freaking awesome.

I think it looks better from a style point of view than a lot of the gratuitously shiny games on the 360.
where can i find the lure fishing guy? i have started the third dungeon and i felt like taking a break from the dungeon to go lure fishing.. got a letter from the mailman saying that there was a fishing hole in lanayru? where is it exactly in lanayru? or do i have to beat the third dungeon?
so how do i get into malo mart? do i have to do something or does it just open at some point in the game? use a spoiler tag.
[quote name='top-ramon']where can i find the lure fishing guy? i have started the third dungeon and i felt like taking a break from the dungeon to go lure fishing.. got a letter from the mailman saying that there was a fishing hole in lanayru? where is it exactly in lanayru? or do i have to beat the third dungeon?[/quote]its just south of zoras domain. you dont have to beat the dungeon to go there.
[quote name='White-Wolf']so how do i get into malo mart? do i have to do something or does it just open at some point in the game? use a spoiler tag.[/quote]
it opens after you beat the 2nd dungeon.
[quote name='White-Wolf']is malo mart the place with the guy who wont let you in becuse of your shoes?[/quote]umm im not sure. where is it on the map? malo mart is near the south entrance of kakariko.
oh i know what your talking about now. I was thinking of the place hyrule town in the square. I couldent figure out how to get in, wasent looking hard enuff i guess. I got it though and i think i know what iteam your talking about now. the 598 one or close to it.
about swords

after i get the sheild from the house when i'm a wolf.. how do i get the sword?
[quote name='sisk']about swords

after i get the sheild from the house when i'm a wolf.. how do i get the sword?
theres a hole on the right side of the house that the sword is in that you can dig to get in.
I just finished the water temple and man it sucked. I have enjoyed the game a lot so far but the swimming controls aren't too good. Glad I got that dungeon out of the way!
[quote name='Staind204']I just finished the water temple and man it sucked. I have enjoyed the game a lot so far but the swimming controls aren't too good. Glad I got that dungeon out of the way![/QUOTE]

I was never a big fan of swiming in any game. But this water temple didn't have alot of swiming. I liked more than I thought I would.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']I was never a big fan of swiming in any game. But this water temple didn't have alot of swiming. I liked more than I thought I would.[/QUOTE]

Oh thank GOD. I'm not at the Water Temple yet, and I just HATE HATE HATE HATE water levels in ANY game. Swimming in games have always been so boring to me.
But at least you said there isn't much swimming.. so yay :)
bread's done