Official Mass Effect: Andromeda Discussion (Hype/Speculation/Anticipation)

I'm going to start going into a Mass Effect media black out.
I'm with you. I don't need to see more. They already have my money.

Also not feeling the whole "you can swap specializations at will" thing. One of the great things about an RPG is making choices. Hopefully this means we won't have to do multiple playthroughs for all the achievements though...
I think I agree with this. The great thing about the past games was a basically guaranteed good time with another playthrough due to the different specializations. It really made the game and each playthrough different and interesting. guess we'll see.

I'm with you. I don't need to see more. They already have my money.

I think I agree with this. The great thing about the past games was a basically guaranteed good time with another playthrough due to the different specializations. It really made the game and each playthrough different and interesting. guess we'll see.
In theory we're up for two playthroughs at a minimum, as each Ryder, right?

Here's a vid from CES of the Nomad CE unboxing and operation, including the mobile app interface.

Guys, this is pretty slick.  It does have a front facing camera, as well.  I have the large die-cast $100 version on preorder, mainly because I know I won't use the R/C more than once or twice.  But I admit I'm thinking about this version now. 

Here's a vid from CES of the Nomad CE unboxing and operation, including the mobile app interface.

Guys, this is pretty slick. It does have a front facing camera, as well. I have the large die-cast $100 version on preorder, mainly because I know I won't use the R/C more than once or twice. But I admit I'm thinking about this version now.
Put a pre-order in for it, you have until mid-March to decide on keeping it.

The ME:A Collector's Edition is $200 and doesn't even include the game!?!?!?  WTF is with these CE's not including the game.  It's not technically a collector's "edition," but more of a collector's item.

The ME:A Collector's Edition is $200 and doesn't even include the game!?!?!? WTF is with these CE's not including the game. It's not technically a collector's "edition," but more of a collector's item.
That used to be the case but now they have the game with it in a game and CE bundle for $170.
Ahh, nice!
I'm with you. I don't need to see more. They already have my money.

I think I agree with this. The great thing about the past games was a basically guaranteed good time with another playthrough due to the different specializations. It really made the game and each playthrough different and interesting. guess we'll see.
The thing is The Witcher 3 is part of the RPG landscape now and class switching was very popular in that one so I'd assume Bioware took note. Yeah I know what you mean but I always wanted to do all the cool stuff and not have to wait for another playthrough to be able to throw some biotic shit in an enemy's face because last time I was a gun-toting human tank, cough sentinel. :D/
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Also not feeling the whole "you can swap specializations at will" thing. One of the great things about an RPG is making choices.
Yeah, I'm iffy on this.

From what I've read, the way it works is you can mix and match skills from what were traditionally Soldier, Engineer, etc. The profiles are like sets of passive bonuses. So it's not exactly like you can switch between being a Soldier and an Adept at any time. You can switch to a profile that enhances biotic skills-- but you have to have unlocked those biotic skills in the first place.

Still, I generally come down on the side of making things more restrictive/class-specific. The ability for any class to equip any and all weapons was something I did not prefer about ME3. But I'm playing the game regardless so I'll judge then!

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That used to be the case but now they have the game with it in a game and CE bundle for $170.
Interesting that they only have that from their own store. The Amazon CE listing specifically states game is not included although steelbook case is.

And their own store's price is cheaper than Amazon and Best Buy...

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Custom paint jobs for my Nomad?  I don't know why, but I got really excited over that bit.  I think I'm going to love the Tempest.

Well, I went ahead and got the $99 Nomad with the Visa Checkout promo at Best Buy.  Ended up being $80 after the discount and a $5 USB drive filler.  Combine this with my $34 Deluxe edition preorder on Amazon and I kinda have a $120ish CE which is around what I would have been willing to spend in the first place...

Well, I went ahead and got the $99 Nomad with the Visa Checkout promo at Best Buy. Ended up being $80 after the discount and a $5 USB drive filler. Combine this with my $34 Deluxe edition preorder on Amazon and I kinda have a $120ish CE which is around what I would have been willing to spend in the first place...
Double check to make sure your Deluxe version is still $34. Amazon "fixed" mine and it's now $45. Never received an email about the "fix".
I am playing through Mass Effect 3 (and all of its DLC) currently (via XB1 BC). I never finished it back in 2012 since its ending was ruined for me by internet nerds. Now is the time though. And, man, this game is incredible. (I know, I know - insert whatyearisit.gif)

I am going to try and dedicate all of my gaming time toward finishing ME3 (and its DLC) before Andromeda comes out.

I only just secured the primarch and am on the main mission Priority: Sur'Kesh. I know I have a long way to go. I spent a ton of time in the Citadel last night just side getting quests and talking to people. 

Even though I know how this ends plot-wise, I am enjoying every second of this game.


- What happens on the galaxy map if those Reaper ships catch me?

- Is there a specific order I should play things? (I have Omega, Leviathon quests to do, should I wait until the priority questline is over?)

- Can I keep playing after the priority quests are complete?

I know you guys are like... dude... that was 4.5 years ago... but I am balls deep now. Loving this game. I could not believe when EDI entered the robot body. And was laughing at how Joker wants in on that. 

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I am playing through Mass Effect 3 (and all of its DLC) currently (via XB1 BC). I never finished it back in 2012 since its ending was ruined for me by internet nerds. Now is the time though. And, man, this game is incredible. (I know, I know - insert whatyearisit.gif)

I am going to try and dedicate all of my gaming time toward finishing ME3 (and its DLC) before Andromeda comes out.

I only just secured the primarch and am on the main mission Priority: Sur'Kesh. I know I have a long way to go. I spent a ton of time in the Citadel last night just side getting quests and talking to people.

Even though I know how this ends plot-wise, I am enjoying every second of this game.

- What happens on the galaxy map if those Reaper ships catch me?
- Is there a specific order I should play things? (I have Omega, Leviathon quests to do, should I wait until the priority questline is over?)
- Can I keep playing after the priority quests are complete?

I know you guys are like... dude... that was 4.5 years ago... but I am balls deep now. Loving this game. I could not believe when EDI entered the robot body. And was laughing at how Joker wants in on that.
There is a pretty specific point before the end where the game tells you "this is it" so when you get there just go back and clean up any extra missions.

For DLC I would do Omega, Leviathan, and make sure Citadel is last.

- What happens on the galaxy map if those Reaper ships catch me?

- Is there a specific order I should play things? (I have Omega, Leviathon quests to do, should I wait until the priority questline is over?)

- Can I keep playing after the priority quests are complete?
This really is a special game. Forget the ending hate, you're playing through the best version of the game with Citadel and the upgraded ending in place. Honestly, I was perfectly fine with it during the shitstorm of hate and prior to these additions.

As for what happens if the Reaper catches you, I honestly don't remember. Couldn't find the answer on the internet either. Just be stealthy. ;)

Leviathan does have some lore-heavy stuff, but could technically be played in any order. I would probably go with Citadel last, but you could do Leviathan after it, I suppose. Play Omega first.

There is a Point of No Return and they let you know. Do as much as early as you can to make sure you knock out everything you want.

Enjoy the game and welcome to the Fellowship of Hardcore Mass Effect Nerds. See you in Andromeda for some MP?

Both, since the Dlx was cheap from the Amazon mistake. I'll most likely do it on XB1 since the regular bunch in here leans XB1 over PS4.
Definitely for Xbox One and that's where I'll be playing the multiplayer.  But, I'll likely get it for PS4 eventually, assuming it is as good as the original trilogy. 

Lol, if the Reapers close in on your ship I'm pretty much sure it's game over (as like when you die in a firefight), reload save. It doesn't happen very often, you can spam that scanner button til the cows Reapers come home.

Leviathan def has the most crucial story and yeah Citadel should be last.

As for Andromeda Multiplayer, I'll be on Xbox One but only in spirit - as of now I can't play multiplayer (without raking up data).


I went PS4 for the Deluxe Edition but you guys really have me thinking about an Xbone copy with the Visa deal at Best Buy. Could work nicely if they add it to the $10 rewards....
Commander's Log... Hour 23 of ME3.

Stumbled upon a bunch of scary scientists. They all stared at me. Told me to go back. That it wasn't safe here.

Then one of them talked in a deep scary voice. Me, Liara and Garrus chased him down. But then he blew himself up.


*I know you guys said to save Leviathan to the end. I accidentally started this quest. Will not continue it until I finish the main stuff and Omega, etc.*

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Blink, Leviathan has some deep, meaty backstory that will blow your mind when you get to the end of it.    Super cool with a side of nitrogen.   If you've started it, go ahead and finish it. 

Blink, Leviathan has some deep, meaty backstory that will blow your mind when you get to the end of it. Super cool with a side of nitrogen. If you've started it, go ahead and finish it.
Agreed. Dive into it and enjoy. I really, really, really need to replay ME3 with all the DLC intact.

Chubby, don't buy it. It's literally a piece of plastic.
Don't worry. In my old age I am become rational and wise, and didn't spring for this. It really is a piece of orange plastic. But it's darn-tootin' cool!

Commander's Log... Hour 40 of ME3.

The things I have seen. The things I have done. This. Game.

  • A crazy ninja-like dude stabbed my drop ship.
  • I restored peace to Omega... and its strip club.
  • Found Tali. Ran into Jacob. Still haven't seen Jack...
  • Made out with Liara.
  • Trying to bang Ashley.
  • I killed my clone.
  • I have a new apartment that I redecorated. Gonna throw a party there eventually.
  • Next up... dealing with a Geth signal that Tali told me about...
I think about this game when I am at work (like right now).

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Commander's Log... Hour 40 of ME3.

The things I have seen. The things I have done. This. Game

  • Made out with Liara.
  • Trying to bang Ashley.
I think about this game when I am at work (like right now).
Careful messing with the affections of the Asari. You might end up singularity'd!

bread's done