Official Mass Effect: Andromeda Discussion (Hype/Speculation/Anticipation)

Yeah. Four or five if I recall what the leak said. I have Shep, Garrus, Grunt and Miranda from the previous ME line, along with about 60 other Star Wars, game and Disney pops.
That is awesome, I am definitely going to buy Ryder.

Yesterday Funko revealed a shitload of new lines, including Andromeda - and Tekken!

Another nice upcoming Ryder figure (which maybe you guys already talked about) is the Color Tops line from McFarlane. They are very good quality (I have the Color Tops for Connor from AC3). 

Amazon link:


Supposed to be a new cinematic trailer tomorrow (1/26). But I won't watch it. I prefer going in blind to games.

Just show me the annoucement trailer and I am good.


Once again, I was tingly in my no-no places over the cinematic trailer and the team briefing.  :drool:.

Methinks I'm going to have to take March 21th off from work. 

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Another ME:A Funko spotted. Target will have the PeeBee variant with a gun.
Click that Gamespot link in the Tweet - they show ALL of the ME:A funkos. BB and GS are getting an exclusive too...
Sara Ryder with a helmet on is GS' exclusive.

Peebee with the gun is Target's exclusive.

N7 Sara Ryder is Best Buy's exclusive.

My wallet hates you now.

I watched that Team Briefing video and all I have to say is, they'd better not kill off Daddy Ryder in this first game (assuming there are more Ryder games in the future...).  That would be so cliche and lame.

I may be late to the party, but does anyone know if we will be able customize Ryder's looks like the previous Mass Effect games?
Yes we will. I don't know for sure if we get to customize their first name though. :/ No offense to people named Scott, but I don't want my character to be named Scott.

I watched that Team Briefing video and all I have to say is, they'd better not kill off Daddy Ryder in this first game (assuming there are more Ryder games in the future...). That would be so cliche and lame.
I have this feeling that Alec Ryder is going to wind up as an antagonist. Either because he becomes possessed by an alien or something, or he just turns out to be an asshole.

Sara Ryder with a helmet on is GS' exclusive.

Peebee with the gun is Target's exclusive.

N7 Sara Ryder is Best Buy's exclusive.

My wallet hates you now.
Bought bought bought aaaaand bought! No question. I'm going to preorder them all at gamestop and the Ryder from best buy, then hunt for the Target Peebee.

Nerdy fun times if you like Kingdom Hearts, as well. I saw the first images of those funko pops on facebook and damn they look good!

I have this feeling that Alec Ryder is going to wind up as an antagonist. Either because he becomes possessed by an alien or something, or he just turns out to be an asshole.
If you get a chance to read it, the bio on Alec they pop up has some interesting information.
it reads as him being pro-human and while that could be nothing.....when you take that and run with it and consider that Cora's last name is Harper, same as Jack Harper AKA The Illusive Man, it makes for some interesting continuation from the OT. Mac Walters did love him some TIM and all things Cerberus, after all.

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Apparently the internet thinks there's something about that Cora Harper crew member.
Being that the Illusive man was named Jack Harper.
Interesting or you know they could totally retcon things and there's no relation, just fandom murmors.

Edit: God, do I hate this forum's autocorrect.

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Probably 99% of Mass Effect players are unaware of any significance of the name "Harper" and it's not a particularly uncommon or unusual name. I could definitely see it just being a coincidence.
FYI, N7 Sara Ryder funko pop is up at Best here:

Release date is March 12, so looks like we'll get these a little bit ahead of release of the game.
Thanks for the heads up! Preordered it. Gonna get the other 2 Sara's ... and Target's Peebee whenever they go up.

(Hour 50+ of ME3. At the point of no return. Wrapping up Leviathan and some Citadel stuff before I do the final quests. Sad this will be over soon, luckily ME:A is right around the corner.)
It all comes down to this. Finally going to Earth. Final mission in ME3 later tonite. 

Completed all DLC and most of the Citadel (I don't care to go and scan planets for random dudes anymore.)

Thank you to all for recommending that I finish Leviathan. You were correct, my mind was blown and am glad I played it during this play-through. Lots of 'whoa' moments.

My first achievement in this game was earned in 2012. And my last will be tonite. (Backlogs will do that to a man.)

I have focused all of my gaming time on ME3 these past couple weeks, and it has been glorious.

Bittersweet moment throwing the party on the Citadel last night. 

I played ME1/2 on PS3 - so I had no imports to deal with but still feel a connection to these characters. I do have a question about one of the characters but will save it until after I finish the game tonite.

The mission is complete. Nearly five years after release, I have finished Mass Effect 3. Putting my (many) thoughts/questions below. I simply cannot wait for Andromeda now.

The original ending (something about picking a color) was ruined for me by internet complainers - this was why I put it off for so long (which was a mistake because I LOVED this game.) What exactly was the original pre-patched ending?

I thought this "complete w/ all patches and DLC" version I played was great. I loved the ending of this game. A perfect conclusion to the trilogy. Only thing I didn't care for was the endless (and optional) Citadel fetch/scanning quests. I did a bunch of them - was plenty for me.

I will really miss Liara the most out of all the characters - followed closely by Tali. Liara was my girl during my playthrough - and those goodbyes at the end were legitimately sad. I will declare her as my favorite ME character ever.

I cannot think of anything 'bad' about ME3. I loved it. Am I still in the minority with this thinking?

I never saw Jack, ever. She never appeared during the Grissom Academy quest. Her name was not on the memorial wall in the Normandy. And I did not bring in any ME1/2 saves as I played those on PS3. So, why was she gone from my game?

The music/score in ME3 was fantastic - especially that ending piece. 

The 'kid' at the end of the game was the same one from my nightmares/visions, right? Or does my brain suck at understanding things.

The ending is concrete, right? Like, Shepard actually went up there. Or is this "up to your interpretation, maybe it was in his head"?

Does Andromeda take place before or after the events of ME3? (I only watch reveal trailers, I like being surprised with games - so apologies if you have have discussed this already.)

F*ck Banshees.

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Some answers below.

The mission is complete. Nearly five years after release, I have finished Mass Effect 3. Putting my (many) thoughts/questions below. I simply cannot wait for Andromeda now.

The original ending (something about picking a color) was ruined for me by internet complainers - this was why I put it off for so long (which was a mistake because I LOVED this game.) What exactly was the original pre-patched ending?

Best way to compare them:

I thought this "complete w/ all patches and DLC" version I played was great. I loved the ending of this game. A perfect conclusion to the trilogy. Only thing I didn't care for was the endless (and optional) Citadel fetch/scanning quests. I did a bunch of them - was plenty for me.

I will really miss Liara the most out of all the characters - followed closely by Tali. Liara was my girl during my playthrough - and those goodbyes at the end were legitimately sad. I will declare her as my favorite ME character ever.

I did two playthroughs of ME1-ME3, one as a femShep and one as a Sheploo (male Shepard). femShep was with Liara through ME1 and ME3 and without a LI in ME2. Sheploo was with Liara in ME1, Tali in ME2 and ME3. There were lots of great characters in all the games, though the ones that were best were the ones through all three games, Liara, Garrus and Tali.

I cannot think of anything 'bad' about ME3. I loved it. Am I still in the minority with this thinking?

The only big complaint I had with ME3 was that there were supposed to be so much granularity in the ending options and it was just three, four with Refusal. In retrospect, not a big one.

I never saw Jack, ever. She never appeared during the Grissom Academy quest. Her name was not on the memorial wall in the Normandy. And I did not bring in any ME1/2 saves as I played those on PS3. So, why was she gone from my game?

Not playing ME2 is part of why you may not have seen her, though you should have seen her twice, one being in Grissom Academy and one on Earth. If you romanced her in ME2, then there's more dialogue with her at Grissom Academy.

The music/score in ME3 was fantastic - especially that ending piece. Agreed. ME as a whole has had great music.

The 'kid' at the end of the game was the same one from my nightmares/visions, right? Or does my brain suck at understanding things. Correct. The kid you saw in your dreams was the Catalyst sort-of messing with your head from past contact with the Reapers.

The ending is concrete, right? Like, Shepard actually went up there. Or is this "up to your interpretation, maybe it was in his head"? Not sure what you mean by "concrete". Depending on the ending you chose, Shepard is either dead (Destroy), turned into pure consciousness and merged with the Catalyst (Control) or merged into the Reapers (Synthesis). His bodily form is gone, except for a theory where if you really have a "perfect" game with enough EMS, then Shepard does supposedly survive:

That and the "Shepard has been Indoctrinated" theory that was making the rounds back in the day.


Does Andromeda take place before or after the events of ME3? (I only watch reveal trailers, I like being surprised with games - so apologies if you have have discussed this already.)

From what I've read, Andromeda starts out leaving Earth in the six month timeframe between ME2 and ME3, when the Reapers aren't a known quantity to the rest of the civilized worlds and primarily just to Shepard and company. There's probably more backstory we'll have as we get into the game, though that's what I've gleaned.

F*ck Banshees.

Amen brother.
Congrats and I agree that 99% of ME 3 was fuckin' baller. Of course our brains only remember the negative so that ending initially was a big let down but how would it not with how much that game built up over the epic struggle that took place in 3 that was carried over from 1 & 2. The biggest thing I didn't like was when
the grandfather was telling the kid this "story". Initially I got that and then the message of wait for the DLC! and was furious. After they changed the message with the DLC patch It was a little better but it's still a lot like a LOST it was all a dream, smack in the face I thought, imo.

So does that mean Andromeda is
just another Grandfather tellin' stories? Lol, god I hope not.

Ah, all in all the Mass Effect series changed my life. Dead serious. So I can't complain too much, it's a love hate thing for something you love. Lots of hours devoted to such an amazing series. I'm optimistic about Andromeda, I really hope it keeps up with the Mass Effect standards that Bioware built up last gen.

Thanks shrike. Good feedback/answers and good links. I chose the Control (blue) ending - which I was very satisfied with.

Looking forward to playing some Andromeda multiplayer with everybody.

Forgot to mention in my original post: I give honorable mention to Mordin. I always liked that character and was all "no way dude, no!" when he sacrificed himself for the greater good.

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Thanks shrike. Good feedback/answers and good links. I chose the Control (blue) ending - which I was very satisfied with.

Looking forward to playing some Andromeda multiplayer with everybody.

Forgot to mention in my original post: I give honorable mention to Mordin. I always liked that character and was all "no way dude, no!" when he sacrificed himself for the greater good.
Mordin is a guaranteed HOF Mass Effect character in my opinion. One of my favorite characters in any game I've played.

Thanks shrike. Good feedback/answers and good links. I chose the Control (blue) ending - which I was very satisfied with.

Looking forward to playing some Andromeda multiplayer with everybody.

Forgot to mention in my original post: I give honorable mention to Mordin. I always liked that character and was all "no way dude, no!" when he sacrificed himself for the greater good.
On each playthrough, I did the matching ending to their Paragon / Renegade leanings. My Sheploo was very strong Paragon, so he did Control, my femShep was very strong Renegade, so did Destroy on her playthrough. Was interesting too see how the other two endings worked themselves out.

Also looking forward to Andromeda MP, which knowing my dotty schedule for real gameplay on consoles, may be tricky.

Mordin is a guaranteed HOF Mass Effect character in my opinion. One of my favorite characters in any game I've played.
Mordin and Wrex are two other "not in all of the trilogy" characters that were top-notch as well. I'd also add in Samara, Grunt and Jack on lesser levels as well as good, strong characters.

Mordin and Wrex are two other "not in all of the trilogy" characters that were top-notch as well. I'd also add in Samara, Grunt and Jack on lesser levels as well as good, strong characters.
I loved Samara, but I felt that she was slighted and not given a bigger role in the series.

Now whenever I think of Samara, all I remember was her being a key member of the Suicide Mission by maintaining the Biotic bubble... and I know her character could have meant more than that. It was pretty much her sitting in her room staring outside and not having much interest in personal connections.

Currently replaying ME2 for what must be the 7th or 8th time.  I recently acquired Samara and after all this time, I still can't see a real use for her.  "maintain the bubble" is about her only real use.  On paper, she seems BA, but in execution she's just kind of there.  

But the game continues to surprise me.  The other day, I heard a line from Garrus that was new to me and is one of my new favorite quotes. This is the one:

Still one of my favorite lines. (Starts at 6:19)

Also, The Expanse Season 2 just premiered on Syfy last night, if you like Mass Effect I highly recommend it.
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New preorder trailer with some MP footage I haven't seen before.  Not sure which region this is, though, FYI.

Also, notice that this is a PS4 "sponsored" trailer.   I hope that doesn't mean any sort of exclusive deal in any way, shape or form.  Sony also featured the Nomad in their "King" marketing (which was admittedly pretty badass).

I have a PS4 and I'm loving it, but I prefer to play ME on the Xbox consoles.  That's where 99% of my gaming buddies are. 

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Good post Shrike.  I haven't watched it all, but I love looking back like this.

On a related note, of all the chatter around Mass Effect 3 and Indoctrination Theory and so on, there is one Mass Effect mystery that is pretty deep and not talked about much.  Bioware held an ARG while ME3 was in development.  I believe it started somewhere around the time that the original ME3/London trailer.  Here is a link that explains the ARG.

Anybody know anything about this?  If I could ask anyone associated to the development of the OT, this is the one thing I'd ask about. 

bread's done