Official MLB 08: The Show Thread - IGN: 8.7, GS: 8.5, 1up: B- - Out Now!

[quote name='$hady']Picked this up a little bit ago from Gamestop. It comes with a card inside the package (and a sticker on the outside advertising) that you go to the website, enter the code and request your favorite teams ugly ass hat. I won't wear it but hey it's free. Will make for a decent hat to throw on the woman when we go to the ballpark this year though I guess lol.[/quote]This is a really minor point, but is the promo sticker stuck onto the game case itself or on the outside plastic wrapping? I thought the hat offer was exclusive to CC or something.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']This is a really minor point, but is there sticker that's stuck onto the game case itself or is it only a sticker stuck on the outside plastic wrapping? I thought the hat offer was exclusive to CC or something.[/quote]

It was on the outer plastic. Says free with game purchase. details inside. expires 5/4/08 or while supplies last...
I would assume only some stores got this deal...who knows. I would like a nice D hat.

I may get the game Friday, just debating where:
- 10% off coupon (that starts FRIDAY) for Best Buy along with $40 RZ and GC to cover the rest
- GameRush with my $350+ amount of credit.

If GR gets it early, I may just get there...but they don't get anything until Friday
Picked this up at Best Buy today. The sticker for the free hat was on the outer plastic wrap and the card with the redemption code was inside.
[quote name='doubledown']I would assume only some stores got this deal...who knows. I would like a nice D hat.

I may get the game Friday, just debating where:
- 10% off coupon (that starts FRIDAY) for Best Buy along with $40 RZ and GC to cover the rest
- GameRush with my $350+ amount of credit.

If GR gets it early, I may just get there...but they don't get anything until Friday[/quote]

Was the Best Buy coupon sent in the mail? if so, I'll wait to buy it until Friday as well...
[quote name='doubledown']I would assume only some stores got this deal...who knows. I would like a nice D hat.

I may get the game Friday, just debating where:
- 10% off coupon (that starts FRIDAY) for Best Buy along with $40 RZ and GC to cover the rest
- GameRush with my $350+ amount of credit.

If GR gets it early, I may just get there...but they don't get anything until Friday[/quote]

is the BB coupon in the mail? if so I'll wait until Friday to buy it too...
Picked it up today and I can't wait to pop it in. Will need to polish my skills a bit before the league starts so I don't turn out to be the Tampa Bay Rays of the CAG league.
I just picked this up this morning and I'm having problems with it. First of all the black bars around the entire scream pretty much suck. I've set it to stretch the image but that's pretty piss poor for a next gen HD game. But the biggest problem is that when I select my teams in quick play and hit enter to move to the next screen the game crashes to the PS3 OS automatically. Anyone else having these issues?

EDIT: It seems to work fine when I load up into exhibition mode. This is strange.
[quote name='DestroVega']Was the Best Buy coupon sent in the mail? if so, I'll wait to buy it until Friday as well...[/QUOTE]

Yes, I just received them yesterday in the mail. They were the typical 3 RZ coupons....two 10%, one 12%.
I just ordered this off of and used the $10 gift card from the SSBB pre-order screwup. I also got two packs of baseball cards for free with it so I thought that was an alright deal.
Alright so I deleted my profile and it seemed to work after that (quick play). Isn't that strange? I did play my first game and damn this game is so much better then last years 2k7 where every game was a home run freakin' derby. The stadiums and such look kind of weak at times. I wish they would have spent a few more polys here and there on some of those models in the distance. But overall this game is great.

Still haven't heard anything from you guys in reference to the black bars around the screen. What is the reason for this?
Yea, I tried that. My TV is a 720p tv that can also produce 1080i. I've changed the settings to no avail. I'd be curious what you guys are running and if you're getting the black bars.

Also is anyone else having problems with crashing or hanging? I just spent 45 minutes creating a player for Road to the Show and right when I started my first game it hung and I lost everything.
Just go into the audio/video settings and stretch the image out to fit your screen. It did that with my HD monitor during the demo and I just did that when I played each time.
Anybody have any complaints?
I'm currently trying to decide between ps3 and 360 .. and I'll be picking up baseball on whatever system I'm going with, which seems to be leaning towards PS3 since MLB 08 got great reviews, while 2K8 so far seems to have disappointed.
I have only played a couple games and so far no complaints. It is the best baseball game of the year. I liked last years version a lot and this one is better than that. If you are on the fence I would suggest renting them both, from what I have heard 2K8 it is not impressing people like The Show is. I think The Show is hands down the best game available.
After reading the IGN review I am definately getting MLB The Show when I can dig out from the snow St. Louis got hit with.

I would like the Cardinals but since there was 1 CAG before me if I can't get them then I would like to use the Rockies.
Alright, I've compiled the initial list of league entrants and posted it in the OP. Once the you get the game, please post once more that you're still interested with your PSN name if it's not in your profile, and I'll confirm your entry.

I'd like to get the league to a full 30 team league, so anyone else that has the game and wants in should make sure to post here.
[quote name='sociopharm02']I have only played a couple games and so far no complaints. It is the best baseball game of the year. I liked last years version a lot and this one is better than that. If you are on the fence I would suggest renting them both, from what I have heard 2K8 it is not impressing people like The Show is. I think The Show is hands down the best game available.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I rented 07 on PS2 and felt it was pretty good .. thats why I'm tempted to pickup a PS3 so I can play MLB 08 in its full glory. I watched a video that someone posted on another forum of a full game and it looked pretty smooth.
Anyone having problems trying to redeem the free New Era baseball cap? I've been inputting the promotional code but it would "verify code" in a none stop loop of frustration. I am using Firefox by the way.
[quote name='Foladar']Yeah, I rented 07 on PS2 and felt it was pretty good .. thats why I'm tempted to pickup a PS3 so I can play MLB 08 in its full glory. I watched a video that someone posted on another forum of a full game and it looked pretty smooth.[/quote]
It's pretty much a sequel to the PS2 version in terms of quality, as the PS3 version of 07 was rather rushed and buggy. It's just a fantastic game of baseball.
[quote name='knightsdwn']Anyone having problems trying to redeem the free New Era baseball cap? I've been inputting the promotional code but it would "verify code" in a none stop loop of frustration. I am using Firefox by the way.[/quote]Mine just went through using Firefox without a hitch.
It's the same as my CAG username. RynoZebz.

Just for your info XPlay just rated MLB 08 3 out of 5 stars and gave MLB 2k8 4 out of 5 stars. I can't possibly see how this could be true. Then again this is Xplay...
This is starting to get extremely frustrating. The game 75% of the time won't go past the "Press Start" screen and when it does, it will try to retrieve the contract but will lose the connection to "Sportsconnect" and will be frozen at that screen. I've tried restarting the game and the system well over a dozen times but it keeps giving me the same bullshit.

Of all the copies out there I had to get the defective one... ugh.
I've actually had similar problems with this today. I'm hoping a patch will clear some of this up. Otherwise it's a great experience.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Alright, I've compiled the initial list of league entrants and posted it in the OP. Once the you get the game, please post once more that you're still interested with your PSN name if it's not in your profile, and I'll confirm your entry.

I'd like to get the league to a full 30 team league, so anyone else that has the game and wants in should make sure to post here.[/quote]

I would advise keeping the league to a max of 16. They tried to do a 30-team league last year on the 360 board with 2K7 and it was an epic fail. Most leagues with a cap of 12-16 teams work best IMO.
The game supports 1080i correct? My TV supports 720p & 1080i but the game is displaying in 720p. Any reason for this?

Also if anyone wants to play send me a FR. My PSN name is DomLando.
It will apparently only display in 720, I think.

MLB 2k8 was rated as 7.2 by IGN. Now I feel validated. Heh.
[quote name='DomLando']The game supports 1080i correct? My TV supports 720p & 1080i but the game is displaying in 720p. Any reason for this?

Also if anyone wants to play send me a FR. My PSN name is DomLando.[/quote]

I heard people on Operation Sports say that it runs choppy on 1080i/1080p yet runs best on 720p.
[quote name='TheRock88']I heard people on Operation Sports say that it runs choppy on 1080i/1080p yet runs best on 720p.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was reading that as well. I was just wondering why it was displaying in the lower resolution when I do not have it set to.
All I know is the Demo ran fine for me on 1080p... still interested in league play, PSN name... DESTROVEGA
[quote name='MSUHitman']I would advise keeping the league to a max of 16. They tried to do a 30-team league last year on the 360 board with 2K7 and it was an epic fail. Most leagues with a cap of 12-16 teams work best IMO.[/quote]
Good idea. We should start small and adjust for future leagues.

I took a look at the set-up for the leagues and will probably pick out these settings:

Slogan: N/A
League Type: Divisional
Division 1 Name: N/A
Division 2 Name: N/A
Max Teams: 16
Playoff Teams: 8
Games Per Series: 1
Series per Div. Opponent: 1
Series per Non-Div. Opponent: 1
Series Duration (days): 7

Game Settings
Difficulty: Veteran
Guess Pitch: On
Pitching Interface: Meter
Baserunning Controls: New
Strike Zones: On
Hot Zones: On
Fast Play: Off

This would lead to a 15 game season spread over 15 weeks. Feel free to suggest changes, names for the two divisions, and/or a slogan.
Slogan... we spend our per diem on games

Divisions Blu-Ray..... HD-DVD

I would like a 30 game season with 5 game serieses?... (possible?)

and the hot zones should be off...
I like the 15 game season spread throughout 15 weeks. It'll be hard for me to play more than one game per week while I'm in school. Weekends would probably be the best day for me to play my games.
[quote name='DestroVega']Slogan... we spend our per diem on games

Divisions Blu-Ray..... HD-DVD

I would like a 30 game season with 5 game serieses?... (possible?)

and the hot zones should be off...[/quote]
Doubt that's possible since that would mean only playing 6 others and I think it requires you at least play the others in your division just once, which would be 7 right there. It would most certainly increase the total games quite a bit for 5 games to a series.

It calculates total games based upon the settings, so it's not possible to decide that manually.

I will turn off hot zones though.
[quote name='Foladar']Quick question, is the online pretty choppy? I've heard people having lag issues ..[/quote]
Haven't played any online yet, but the devs have taken down the online for maintenance issues due to more people getting online than they thought.
I've been trying to connect online, I'm pretty sure the servers just went down though. :cry:

I won't even get into it on here the problem I had getting the game to start the second time I turned it on.
Thanks for getting this together Frisky Tanooki. I've been wanting to do a league for a long time now but haven't ever really know how it all went down. I appreciate you giving us an opportunity to join up.
Still interested in the league, PSN name is TheRock_88

I agree with turning off hot zones. Makes it more fun. Also, anyone know if you can have your own personal settings when playing an online game (IE, when I'm pitching, I can use the outfield camera instead of behind the batter?)

So how are teams looking to work out? Random drawing or just call out your team?
[quote name='TheRock88']Still interested in the league, PSN name is TheRock_88

I agree with turning off hot zones. Makes it more fun. Also, anyone know if you can have your own personal settings when playing an online game (IE, when I'm pitching, I can use the outfield camera instead of behind the batter?)

So how are teams looking to work out? Random drawing or just call out your team?[/quote]
Anything beyond those settings in the OP should be up to you.

As for teams, I think I'll take the numbers from the list, randomize their order, and send PMs to those people to pick their teams. That seems to be the most fair way to do it to me.
I am still interested in league play, I have been playing this game since Friday since walmart by me released it early.
friskytanuki, can we either merge this into or create a new signup thread for league play? Id be willing to help with anything league related if you wanted... What is the estimated start date for this? Potentially spring breakish?

I was in the MLB 2k7 league on 360 last year but that was just a debacle and am hopnig this is a stronger lived league.
Id love to participate. Based upon the bad reviews of 2k8 I will have this game in hand by Friday.
I got dibs on the Metropolitans if no one else called them first. The Show makes me glad to own a ps3.
bread's done