Official NHL 12 CAG Team - We're Back Baby!!! WifeBeaterz on Parole!

[quote name='jza1218']I can play friday at the earliest.[/QUOTE]

Friday as well, won't be around all weekend because of tournaments and practices.
[quote name='DarkTower80']Friday is fine for me.[/QUOTE]

I'll be on Friday if there is room for me.. If not that's cool.
For anyone wondering, the CAG team fell short in its playoff run last night, losing 2-1 in the championship game, snapping our 15 playoff game winning streak. Up to that point, we had dominated. Rob scored something like 13 goals. But in the last game, we took some bad penalties, our passing wasn't too good, and we gave the puck away a lot. They outshot us 22-12, so losing 2-1 isn't really that hard to believe. Tough one to lose, but we didn't really deserve it.
[quote name='jza1218']Given the hour and the hijinks that ensued, we probably should have stopped at 3 and resumed tonight for the final one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you're probably right. Though, to be fair, what we pulled on that team was almost as good as winning a banner, haha.

For those who weren't there, while we were looking for a team for our final playoff the Amateur playoffs, we got matched up with the #35 overall team, whose name was "Just Quit Brah". So, before the puck dropped, we did. Immediately, the hate messages begin. Brandon gets a message that says "scrubs". We look for another matchup, and end up getting them again.

Sensing that we could have some fun with them, I told everyone to ready up so we could just quit before the game started again. So, we did. Next, I get a voice message asking "After quitting on us the first time, why would you ready up the second time, just to quit on us again?" We again look for a matchup, and AGAIN, get this same team. This time, they all back out pretty quickly. Brandon suggests that I send that guy a message like the one he got that just says "scrubs". So, I did, lol.

Now, this is where we went for the kill. We're all hoping we get matched up with them one last time, and that the "scrubs" message will be enough to get them to think that we actually want to play them. We search for a match...and yes, we get them again. We ready up. They reluctantly all ready up. The game loads...and we pause and quit again, lol. I really expected more messages after that, but never got any. My next response was going to be "WE R SCREWING WITH U BRAH". We also joked about "We didn't know it was your team name. We thought the game was having an error and telling us we needed to quit", hahaha. It was pretty damn hilarious though.
Hey guys, it's been a while. Is there any way I could come back to the lineup as a backup? I know I'm not good enough to even hold a light to you guys, but I'm more than willing to try. I've been working on my passing and I'll be the first to admit that it isn't great, but it is better than it was a year ago, same with my defense and my attitude. Is there anything else I had to improve on? Also, late congrats on that huge winning streak!

Just going to give it to you straight. I don't have nearly as much time to play as I used to. This also means I don't have time for stupid drama, arguing, or trying to teach people how to play hockey properly. When I get to play now, I just want to have a good time. In general, for that to happen, I need to not be annoyed, and we need to not be getting our asses kicked...or be losing games because we play right and our opponents decide to glitch to win the game.

Regardless of personality quirks or anything, I don't really enjoy playing with ANYBODY who doesn't play the game right. If your passing sucks/your defense sucks/you take bad penalties/you turn the puck over/you puck chase and end up on the opposite side of the ice from where you should be, you're going to cause us to lose...and therefore will be wasting our time. Obviously, this isn't to say that people need to be perfect. Hell, I even "pulled a Matt Young" last night. It happens. But I (and I'm sure most of the other "playoff roster" guys) don't have the patience to be constantly reminding people of how to play, or what they should be doing, or where they should be on the ice.

As I said, I haven't been able to play as much, but what I have noticed lately is far less "coaching" than before. We don't really bother to correct people as much because 1. at this point, everybody should know what they're doing. And 2. if it's a matter of staying disciplined, having to remind you every 30 seconds is exhausting. So, what happens is when people play like that it ends up being a short night, because it's frustrating watching people do the wrong thing for more than 2-3 games. And then, eventually, those people start getting avoided because it's just not worth the energy.

So, having said all that, should you come back? I don't see the point. If ANYTHING could cause any "outsider" to become valuable it would be playing an absolutely SICK defenseman position. We don't need any more forwards. If myself, Brandon, and Rob are on, it makes zero sense for any of us to drop back to defenseman, so somebody else can play wing who's not as good at scoring. If you can score and pass just as well, that's different (but I'm pretty sure we're all shooting 15% or higher). But it just doesn't make sense to hurt our chances at winning so one person can have their way. However, we very rarely have two defenseman on at the same time. Sometimes we don't even have one.

Until Gary rescued us last night, it was a great example. We had 3 forwards, and any time we ran into a team that felt like being douches, they were successful. That's why when you messaged me asking "do you need another player", I responded "yes". It had nothing to do with you specifically. We need good human defensemen who can prevent us from getting raped by glitch shots. Period. I hope I'm not on my own in saying this, but I feel like ANYBODY who wants more playing time, learn how to play defenseman.

Alright, I'll gladly work on my defenseman, my only concern would be getting used to playing with you guys again after 8 months or so. I'm much better than I was, and I know I'm not ever going to have a chance to make the "playoff roster". That's why I had asked you if I could come as a backup, I wasn't planning on going back to wing anyways because I'm not confident in my scoring up front anymore. I checked, and my turnover ratio is actually about the same as everyone else, so at least that's improved. I want to see what everyone else thinks before I get my hopes up though.
I'm not on as much as I was now that baseball season is in full swing. Pretty much some Thursdays and Sunday nights. That said, I know I wouldn't be opposed to having someone else who could and would be willing to play D. I wouldn't worry about "gelling" with anyone, I would just concern yourself with playing good, fundamental D. As for the rest, well, I didn't really recall any problems, but if others have then perhaps you should consider that when putting on the mic and tone it down. Simple as that.
What Rob said. You don't need to even know your teammates to play a solid DEFENSIVE defenseman position. It's just about knowing where to be, and recognizing when you have support and can apply pressure, and when you're on your own and should just try to get in the way. Passing is passing. Yeah, you may not know how everybody moves without the puck, but as long as you're not turning it over in your own end, it's not going to kill us.

On offense, for things like pinching in to get a loose puck, or carrying the puck in yourself (which shouldn't happen THAT often), that's really on the forwards more than it is the defenseman. The forwards here need to be recognizing those opportunities, and dropping back to cover for the d-man.

Related to that is one thing I would point out for Destro specifically. Last night, I pretty much didn't forecheck at all because if the puck was in the right corner in our opponent's end, Brandon would go after the guy, and then I would try to cut him off, and then I'd see Destro high in the left corner, leaving us with only the defensemen if the puck got around the boards. The way we usually do it is to rotate and always have the backside winger be on the boards around the blue line.

THEN if the puck gets dumped around the boards, you can intercept it, or even move up to get it (while the forwards who were forechecking can fall back/go to the front of the net). And if it gets past you, you're at least not all the way in the corner, trying to get back on defense. We can't just have certain people aggressively forechecking all the time. It should be situational depending on where the puck is and where your teammates are. That's something we each need to be aware of, so we know if we should help forecheck, or fall back to prevent an odd man rush.

Geez...and I said I was done "coaching", lol.
Forwards aren't an island on the forecheck. You need to be aware of what the other guys are doing. Frankly, that goes for all facets of the game. Offense too. I feel like sometimes we're not cognizant of what our teammates are doing, and throw a pass to no one, shoot when there is someone open, etc.
Just let me know if you want to run a left wing lock. I usually just try to play the position by the book. I'm used to the wings forechecking the center switching high on the sides the puck is on. It's just two different ways to forechecking. I have no problem with either.
[quote name='DestroVega']Just let me know if you want to run a left wing lock. I usually just try to play the position by the book. I'm used to the wings forechecking the center switching high on the sides the puck is on. It's just two different ways to forechecking. I have no problem with either.[/QUOTE]

But if we don't know that you're doing that, it doesn't really work, lol. Whether or not I forecheck is usually dependent on where I am and where our other two forwards are when our opponent gets the puck. If I'm near the puck and at least one of our wingers is behind me/on the opposite side of the ice, I figure "Ok, he can drop back for support, so I can apply pressure and see if I can get us the puck back quickly." If one of the wingers is forechecking, and I'm the next closest, I'll jump up and see if I can help him trap/overwhelm the puck carrier (again, assuming that the other winger is able to drop back for defensive support).

If I'm the furthest away from the puck or both wingers are already behind the net, I'll drop back. IMO, it makes sense to play it situationally, rather than having the puck carrier right in front of me, and thinking "You're lucky I'm not a winger, otherwise I would try to take the puck from you." Especially when, meanwhile, the furthest away winger has to come from the other side of the ice...creating a huge opening for them to move the puck through. I rarely will dig hard for a puck behind the net though (unless we're on a power play or a winger clearly has a guy pinned) because I don't like putting myself too far behind the play defensively. I'd rather just cut off their angles and force them into making a bad pass at that point.

I don't know if that really helps anything or not, but it at least explains how I approach playing center. I just try to balance being efficient and being aggressive, but not too aggressive. I like to strike when the opportunity is there and see if I can catch the other team off guard. It seems to work when we have guys in position. I don't know if that speaks to it being effective, or just that the other guys have gotten used to it though.
Yeah I mean, when you play with a same group and approach forechecking that way it becomes how you play together which is understandable. I guess we just both need to talk it over so we both would know how to approach it. I'm always fine with taking advice and or strategic directions.
[quote name='Matt Young']Haha... you're going to have to be more specific. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, I didn't say "I pulled MY Matt Young", now did I? :lol:
I figure I should let you guys know I've been playing NHL again and getting back into it. I'll be down next time there's a game night.
Congrats guys!!! Thats awesome!! I need to join back up! I miss our hockey games.

What has everyone been up too for the last two years?

So since 2010, Ive won 3 real hockey championships! Playing center now. I play for the
Hated Duluth red wings. As a pens fan this pains me to put this jersey on every week. It makes it better that it's an uncrested jersey. I,ll wear the colors but not that damn winged wheel!

We Tried for another baby, got pregnant, had a miscarriage, got pregnant and had another little boy. He is going to be 1 in June! Time flys when you're having fun right?
[quote name='DarkTower80']Looks like the last few wins put us into the pro playoffs. Are we shooting for a hockey night playoff run?[/QUOTE]

Well, I'll be available both Friday and Saturday night. So, tomorrow would work fine for me.
I can try to play Saturday night but I cant be certain. Sunday is easier for me, but don't wait on my account if another day is better.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Congrats guys!!! Thats awesome!! I need to join back up! I miss our hockey games.

What has everyone been up too for the last two years?

So since 2010, Ive won 3 real hockey championships! Playing center now. I play for the
Hated Duluth red wings. As a pens fan this pains me to put this jersey on every week. It makes it better that it's an uncrested jersey. I,ll wear the colors but not that damn winged wheel!

We Tried for another baby, got pregnant, had a miscarriage, got pregnant and had another little boy. He is going to be 1 in June! Time flys when you're having fun right?[/QUOTE]

Meant to reply to this yesterday, but I've got my own little monster to keep up with now, so I'm constantly distracted, haha. My wife and I had our first child, a girl, in December. Glad to hear everything is going good for you, Mr Hockey! I was just thinking about you a couple weeks ago when I saw you on XBL and was wondering how you were doing. The team has definitely come a long way since you last played with us. We actually know what we're doing now! :bounce: lol.

[quote name='moojuice']Going to the rockies game tonight so I won't be able to play tonight.[/QUOTE]

Oh, well look at you, Mr. 5 Time Rookie of the Year. I'll still be up for regular games if anyone wants to (though I do have a Madden league game to play around midnight EST). We'll just have to remember not to accidentally go into a playoff game, haha.
Hey, Domingo has to keep an eye on the competition so he don't turn semi-pro :p

honestly though,weather might not hold up by tonight, so who knows.

And congrats Mr. Hockey, Donny know how I missed your post, but glad to hear everything Is going good
I should be on in the next 10-15 minutes. Not sure what time people were thinking of a playoff run tonight, but if anyone is around, we could at least get some warm ups going...if certain people aren't stuck in a "cool down period", lol. ;)
Not sure what everybody has planned for the playoff run, but I work until 8:30 tonight. Probably won't be home until about 9. If that's too late go ahead without me.
[quote name='Matt Young']You never got back to me about our league game Rob.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't really sure what to respond to. I'm not around during the day and you blocked off three hours during prime time. I know you're not usually on late so I didn't see a time.
You said you probably wouldn't be available until Sunday. I said I'd be available before 8 Eastern and after 1Y1 Eastern. I was under the impression that you'd be available more than just that time frame on Sunday. Oh well; not a big deal. When are you going to be available next?
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