Official PAIN thread


15 (100%)
Discuss PAIN here.

I have yet to buy, but I eventually will...hoping for a sale eventually.

The PAIN wallpapers were nice also.
Hey just wondering,if i download PAIN and if i send in my PS3 for a new one,will i still be able to play that game on the new one ,or not.
Yep, all PSN downloads are tied to your user account, not to a specific PS3. I believe you can re-download each game up to 5 times.
the game isnt bad, but half the stuff is locked on mine, not sure if thats cause my download messed up or they are going to charge a ton later on.... Re-downloading it now though.. I did lose my connection several times during the download
You have to go through the crash course first before single player and multiplayer is unlocked. There is also a trophy room in the game.
[quote name='madportagee']the game isnt bad, but half the stuff is locked on mine, not sure if thats cause my download messed up or they are going to charge a ton later on.... Re-downloading it now though.. I did lose my connection several times during the download[/QUOTE]

I re-downloaded it and the same message still pops up. I am guessing it'll be free download content around Christmas.
[quote name='madportagee']the game isnt bad, but half the stuff is locked on mine, not sure if thats cause my download messed up or they are going to charge a ton later on.... Re-downloading it now though.. I did lose my connection several times during the download[/QUOTE]

I thought mine was corrupt as well when I couldn't get Santa Claus or his helper to load. Turns out they're charging $0.99 for each of them as a separate download.

[quote name='MaxDense']I thought mine was corrupt as well when I couldn't get Santa Claus or his helper to load. Turns out they're charging $0.99 for each of them as a separate download.


That is upsetting....I hope they have FREE content.
I have to say I was sceptical at first but I decided to plunk down the $10 for it because the trailers seemed interesting. Worth every penny! Between my self and twelve other friends who wondered in because of the noise, we played it for 5 hours straight. Definately a must own game if you like that sort of humor.
Anyone ever see the movie Idiocracy? If you have, this game is Ow! My Balls! It is a great game. I played for hours last night. Nothing like going nut first into high explosives.
I hate how the nickle and diming is already occuring. Thankfully it isn't to the extent of EA where they made Need for Speed Pro Racing and then charging like 6 or 10 dollars for new vehicles when they already charged you 60 for it, while the PS2 version is 30 bucks. But in Pain, I just launched the guy into the bowling ball, then Oomphed him into the railroad tracks. After that I put him in the middle of the road, got ran over then went straight into explosives. Great fun.
I'll add my recommendation to this game.

I was apprehensive, too, at first. I played it quite a bit this weekend.

It's a good, "Drink beer, play the game, don't think,"-kind of game.

Mindless fun. If you liked, "Calling All Cars," I'd recommend this. The gameplay isn't the same but it's got that same arcade/simple/fun kind of appeal.

There's nothing like seeing the guy laying in the street twitching and groaning a bit and then seeing a cop-car mindlessly drive right over him and, a few moments later you see the huge bowling ball slowly roll over him.
I was going to buy this, but charging extra for a single character? BS

I'll wait to see if they offer free DLC in the future. I just got Motorstorm for $12, so the value here is questionable.
[quote name='chodax']So is the only way to unlock all of the locked stuff is you have to buy it?[/quote]

No, the only locked stuff you have to buy is Santa and his helper Cookie for $1 each.
This is money printing machine for Sony. Not only do they sell you characters, they are selling their ad space based on the number of players online.

I think they should give you the game free, then let you purchase the extra charcters and such. Ultimately, it would increase their ad revenue.
[quote name='MaxDense']Has anyone bought either of the add-on characters? Are they worth buying?

I bought both of them and I have to say Cookie is better than Santa. She has funnier phrases and poses. My friends and I also noticed that Santa is a heavier character to play as.

To me, both were great add ons, and I know my family will enjoy playing this game when I go home for break, so that was a small incentive to get them both.
[quote name='CardThrower21']I bought both of them and I have to say Cookie is better than Santa. She has funnier phrases and poses. My friends and I also noticed that Santa is a heavier character to play as.

To me, both were great add ons, and I know my family will enjoy playing this game when I go home for break, so that was a small incentive to get them both.[/QUOTE]

OK, great. Thank you.
[quote name='cheezhead430']off-topic i know but uhh howd u get motorstorm for $12[/QUOTE]

It's $22 on gamefly, and I had a $10-off coupon. My first PS3 game purchase. :)
well its all about trust, you send the person you want to trade with a psn friend invite, then you send a message with your psn login info to your friend and they create a totally new user on their ps3 and on that one they login as you and go to the playstation store and go to download list and download the game he wants all the while you would have his info and be downloading his game too but if you do this make sure you delete your billing info before allowing them to access the store from your account
I'm having WAY too much fun with this game. I keep finding new things every time.

For instance, if you shoot yourself down in the subway, across the tracks is a fenced up area.. if you smash through that, it shoots you up through a vent and back towards the place where you start out at, essentially letting you land in the area behind where you shoot yourself from, an area that you couldn't previously get to.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm having WAY too much fun with this game. I keep finding new things every time.

For instance, if you shoot yourself down in the subway, across the tracks is a fenced up area.. if you smash through that, it shoots you up through a vent and back towards the place where you start out at, essentially letting you land in the area behind where you shoot yourself from, an area that you couldn't previously get to.[/quote]

Turn on the free camera during a replay and check the city out, there is all kinds of cool stuff that you wouldn't see during normal game play.
I was all hyped about this game and bought it. Even after playing for 2 hours, I thought it was awesome. There was only the one level and character, but I figured more got unlocked somehow. Then I read the IGN review and learned that’s just all there is. There is more stuff planned, but that is all premium content.

Another thing I thought was cool was the different game modes. Then I learn that half of them can only be played multiplayer and multiplayer is only local.

My feelings for this game quickly went from it being awesome to just good. It is a fun game, but now I feel like I only get to play half of it. Even then, there are few modes and only one map. I think I’ve learned to not buy a DL game immediately. Wait a day or two for at least one review.
There's tons of little achievements to try... granted it's in one place, but once you score 1.5 million, you'll have 2 places (albeit similar) to master. The amount of things you can destroy, in addition to the little things to find while launching your hapless player into town is quite fun for the price. The other content might be useful for some, but I imagine you can (if you want to put the effort in) spend quite some time before you've mastered all there is to do with catapulting your player into buildings.

I don't mind the additional fee-based content, because it's not really required to enjoy the game... I've not tried local multiplayer though... I'll have to give that a whirl over Christmas. :)

(I finally unlocked the cow-suit fellow last night... took a bit of practice to 'bomb' the cow... but once I got the hang of it, it was hilarious...) "...ooh my teats!"
bread's done