Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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What world is that in?
The 5th world. It's 5-3 I believe.

I finished the game last night and the final boss had me smiling the entire time I played him. It's such a great final boss and even the damn credits in this game are awesome lol. You will see what I mean once you play him and defeat him.

Man this game is great and now I have to go back and get all of the little guys I missed on the main levels, then get all of the ones on the challenge levels. I only missed like 1 or 2 chameleons and probably 5 total bots outside of the challenge levels. The 5th bot on the 2nd level took me like 5 play throughs of that level to get. I'm not going to be using any guides at all to find the missing ones, that will take away the fun.

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So outside of the bundle, was Astro Bot just a limited physical release or something?

Amazon shows 1-2 month wait, Best buy says sold out and wont even sell online..

I do want it but I guess i'll wait for a digital sale.
I don't think so. I just think that with the raving reviews it has gotten that people bought it up, and I just don't think they make nearly as many copies of PSVR games as they do non-VR games due to a much smaller audience. Target has it in stock for shipping right now.

I don't think so. I just think that with the raving reviews it has gotten that people bought it up, and I just don't think they make nearly as many copies of PSVR games as they do non-VR games due to a much smaller audience. Target has it in stock for shipping right now.
Gamestop also has it for shipping and in many local stores. I think Best Buy will eventually restock too, just give it a little time.

Yeah I don't think Astro bot is gonna become scarce any time soon, remember when we thought paranormal activity would be just cuz it went oos
Well, I had a lot of luck snagging Astro Bot at Bestbuy today. My local Bestbuy here in upstate NY did not have/carry it, so I figured I'd have no shot. But my girlfriend wanted to take a road trip this weekend to Rhode Island for a Jack-O-Lantern Festival. We drove through Massachusetts and Connecticut to get from NY to RI. On the way back home today, we're on the highway in Massachusetts when we pass a BestBuy in a huge building reading Holyoke Mall. It was crazy, I'd never seen a shopping mall with a parking garage before, let alone multiples. Anyway, I remembered Bestbuy's site saying the Holyoke Mall store had a copy, so we got off the exit and I ran in to see if I could get it. Couldn't find it on the shelf, but I asked someone who soon returned with a copy from the back. Last copy, he said.  :)

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All of you staying committed to physical releases for VR are crazy. So much easier to VR digitally.
So much more EXPENSIVE to go all digital. (For the most part) And when I'm done with a game, sell it. (and possibly buy the digital for super cheap later on)

I'm not against digital, but when I have a choice of $40 or $30 for the same product... Now when my GCU dies next may, i'll for one be buying a lot fewer games, and probably only buying digital on deep discounts.

All of you staying committed to physical releases for VR are crazy. So much easier to VR digitally.
All of you are crazy for going digital and you're just paying full price for a rental

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
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All of you staying committed to physical releases for VR are crazy. So much easier to VR digitally.
I will never go digital if physical is available unless it's a huge price difference. I'd rather own my item than own the rights to use a digital copy. I paid $13 more to buy Dead Cells physical over digital on Switch.

Here is the thing though. No one owns any of this stuff anymore. If your system is online you don't think someone could hit a button and deactivate your physical game (fully installed to your system to run like a digital game)? It is delusional adherence to tradition that makes you think otherwise. Consumer rights are on the decline and this specific battle is already lost.
I'm just shocked that someone has never seen a shopping mall with a parking garage. You must live in the sticks like shit lol.
No, not at all. I live like 15 minutes from the New York Capital. It's not a city on the scale of New York City, but it's still a big city. All our malls have parking lots, but never seen one with a parking garage before.

Here is the thing though. No one owns any of this stuff anymore. If your system is online you don't think someone could hit a button and deactivate your physical game (fully installed to your system to run like a digital game)? It is delusional adherence to tradition that makes you think otherwise. Consumer rights are on the decline and this specific battle is already lost.
Ive always been more worried about getting an account ban for something I knew nothing about or wasn’t in my control. If my account was hacked (its been hacked once before) and they charged thousands of game purchases on it, I reverse the transactions and Im banned, something stupid like that. I would much rather have the majority of games physical, could just start a new acct and still have my games. Had a friend with a profile pic of a broom that looked like a vagina get his psn account banned.
Ive always been more worried about getting an account ban for something I knew nothing about or wasn’t in my control. If my account was hacked (its been hacked once before) and they charged thousands of game purchases on it, I reverse the transactions and Im banned, something stupid like that. I would much rather have the majority of games physical, could just start a new acct and still have my games. Had a friend with a profile pic of a broom that looked like a vagina get his psn account banned.
This for sure.

This 2nd part i've heard of before as well, account suspended/banned for a profile pic that was "offensive" to some soccer mom. And it wasn't even what they thought it was... (it's also why my PSN profile pic is a stock avatar from the old ps3 days, still have not changed it. and I won't)

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Here is the thing though. No one owns any of this stuff anymore. If your system is online you don't think someone could hit a button and deactivate your physical game (fully installed to your system to run like a digital game)? It is delusional adherence to tradition that makes you think otherwise. Consumer rights are on the decline and this specific battle is already lost.
You do realize you can turn off wifi or unplug your network cable, right? It's a sad state when people don't realize that you can't "disconnect" when you please. I think that's just part of the new generation though.

There's legit no way in hell that my physical media will ever not be playable on current consoles. Maybe when new consoles come out that will be part of it, but with current ones, nope, that ain't happening. And if it happens with future consoles, that's when I'll be out of the market.


And this is coming from someone who has been a software engineer professionally for 14 years.

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Debating about picking up some titles on the PSVR before the sale ends.  Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on any of the following titles?

Brookhaven Experiment (not part of the sale but is on sale)

One Piece Grand Cruise

The Assembly

Dick Wilde

Castlestorm VR Edition

Mortal Blitz

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Debating about picking up some titles on the PSVR before the sale ends. Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on any of the following titles?

Brookhaven Experiment (not part of the sale but is on sale)

One Piece Grand Cruise

The Assembly

Dick Wilde

Castlestorm VR Edition

Mortal Blitz

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
mortal blitz is essentially time crisis. If you like TC, then you will enjoy Mortal Blitz

Ended up buying Superhypercube, Pixel Junks Dead Hungry, Headmaster and Gunjack. I haven't played Gunjack yet but the rest are awesome and should keep me busy for awhile. 

You do realize you can turn off wifi or unplug your network cable, right? It's a sad state when people don't realize that you can't "disconnect" when you please. I think that's just part of the new generation though.

There's legit no way in hell that my physical media will ever not be playable on current consoles. Maybe when new consoles come out that will be part of it, but with current ones, nope, that ain't happening. And if it happens with future consoles, that's when I'll be out of the market.


And this is coming from someone who has been a software engineer professionally for 14 years.
Yes, but I own numerous games that won't even work properly without a day one patch. Assuming your console ever fails and you need to reinstall, you could very easily be out of luck if the publisher delists the game. I do, however, agree with you that many physical games, even many recent ones are generally safe from publisher delisting.

Yes, but I own numerous games that won't even work properly without a day one patch. Assuming your console ever fails and you need to reinstall, you could very easily be out of luck if the publisher delists the game. I do, however, agree with you that many physical games, even many recent ones are generally safe from publisher delisting.
Serious question - what games are these? And I'm talking single player only games, because obviously if you're playing multiplayer you will be taking your console online.

The only game I know of that requires a patch to even play it is Tony Hawk 5. ...because they rushed the disc out the door before the game was done and the patch is actually the entire game.

Serious question - what games are these? And I'm talking single player only games, because obviously if you're playing multiplayer you will be taking your console online.
There are quite a few but the one that really sticks out to me is Assassin's Creed Unity. There are sections of the game where you literally can't move your character and/or progress without the day one patch and the subsequent patches. So, while you can load the game and start playing without access to the Internet, you certainly can't play the full game without the patches, at least not in any manner that resembles a working game.

There are quite a few but the one that really sticks out to me is Assassin's Creed Unity. There are sections of the game where you literally can't move your character and/or progress without the day one patch and the subsequent patches. So, while you can load the game and start playing without access to the Internet, you certainly can't play the full game without the patches, at least not in any manner that resembles a working game.
Link to more info about this? I'm not saying I don't believe you but I find that very hard to believe a company would release a game like that.

Link to more info about this? I'm not saying I don't believe you but I find that very hard to believe a company would release a game like that.

Ubisoft has been doing this for years. That's why as an AC diehard for a decade, I gave up on day 1 purchases long ago. Funny enough AC Unity was the game that I first started my launch day boycott on any and all games. In today's world, games release broken and are patched months later, and often half price at that point too. Why pay more for less?

I broke a many year boycott of launch day games with AC Odyssey and picked up the gold edition on October 2. Put 20 hours in launch week, never touched it since. The game not only was broken, they made it worse with subsequent patches. I will not suffer through the game until it's fixed properly. Unfortunately, I paid 'full price' (minus GCU and preorder bonuses) so I already was suckered in. Never again.

Dammit, I have less than an hour to make some hard decisions, and no PSN credit to spare. I just hate not knowing when the next major VR sale is coming.

Pull the trigger on everything in my cart or nothing? I feel like I'll regret it either way.

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Dammit, I have less than an hour to make some hard decisions, and no PSN credit to spare. I just hate not knowing when the next major VR sale is coming.

Pull the trigger on everything in my cart or nothing?
It doesn't matter when the next sale comes, anything you buy will eventually be cheaper at some point down the line. What you're really doing is paying extra for the privilege of playing it now rather than later.

It doesn't matter when the next sale comes, anything you buy will eventually be cheaper at some point down the line. What you're really doing is paying extra for the privilege of playing it now rather than later.
With that mentality, I might never buy a game again!

I've narrowed my cart down from 10 to 4. Might possibly lose another. Trying to take advantage of my PS+ subscription while I still have it...

I came away with a pretty big haul from this sale. Would have been nice to get a 20% off coupon or that $10 birthday code. Spent right around $50 on 8 VR games plus one ps3/vita game

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality $4.99
DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles $1.99
Shooty Fruity $8.99
Headmaster $4.99
The Lost Bear $3.24
Just In Time Incorporated $7.49
The Brookhaven Experiment $4.99
Ethan: Meteor Hunter $1.99 (Vita)
I came away with a pretty big haul from this sale. Would have been nice to get a 20% off coupon or that $10 birthday code. Spent right around $50 on 8 VR games plus one ps3/vita game

Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality $4.99
DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles $1.99
Shooty Fruity $8.99
Headmaster $4.99
The Lost Bear $3.24
Just In Time Incorporated $7.49
The Brookhaven Experiment $4.99
Ethan: Meteor Hunter $1.99 (Vita)
If someone can post a link to the sale, I'd appreciate it. All I can find is the sale of the dead.

So here's what I bought PSVR wise this month:

Digital (Anniversary Sale)


Raw Data

Killing Floor: Incursion

Final Fantasy Monster of the Deep


Home Sweet Home 


I'm not a huge fan of buying digital but in most cases these games were 50% off or more with no sign of a physical version coming, so I went ahead and bit. 

So far the only thing I've had time to try is Monster of the Deep. I wanted to relax and play something with a more casual feel at the moment and what I've played so far of this game is pretty cool. The move implementation to simulate fishing is simple and easy and there were no tracking issues at all. I played 3 levels of the story mode and spent a good deal of time in free fishing mode just randomly catching fish and practicing casting out and such. I can see why some people would say this game is too simplistic, as so far it hasn't really been much of a challenge to reel in any of the fish, but at the same time I'm glad it isn't overly difficult either. There's nothing more frustrating than wanting to play a fishing game to relax and have the fish break the line or take the hook on nearly every encounter.  

I also picked up Home Sweet Home and Astrobot as my two physical PSVR games this month.

I grabbed Monsters of the Deep last time it was on sale and tried it briefly (played through the first stage after leaving the cabin.)  My biggest issue was that there is no left-handed option. Now, I don't fish in real life, but it seems to me that it would be more comfortable and natural to reel with your dominant hand and hold the rod with your off-hand. Doing it backwards was possible, but very awkward. 

Some of the bots in Astro Bot are pretty tricky to find.  My first play through of all levels I finished with probably 5-7 that I did not find, if I had to guess.  Maybe a couple more.  But the levels I've gone back to so far, it's taken me quite a while to find them.  And I love it.  I'm glad they aren't all just in your face.  I'm also not going to look at a guide or anything because most of the fun is trying to find them.  The one I found last night I could hear him yelling "HELP ME!" but damnit I could not find him!  I knew I was in the right area but just couldn't find him for like 20 minutes lol.

My biggest issue was that there is no left-handed option. Now, I don't fish in real life, but it seems to me that it would be more comfortable and natural to reel with your dominant hand and hold the rod with your off-hand. Doing it backwards was possible, but very awkward.
In "real life" its kind of a toss up I guess. Alot of people cast with their dominant arm and then switch arms to reel in with it also. Some people learn to cast with their supporting arm, or they cast two handed. I am left handed also. Having said that I could swear I played with reel on the left side in this game. I gotta get my daughter off Astrobot so I can play it again.

When I joined the Army I was forced to learn to shoot right handed, so I guess I'm semi-ambidextrous. I still can't throw a football or baseball worth a damn with my right hand but at least I can aim and shoot accurately when the zombie apocalypse actually happens. Seems like fishing might be the same thing for alot of people. They were probably forced to do it right handed at a young age.

I am left handed and do pretty much everything left handed.  I fish a lot in real life, and when I fish I typically cast with 2 hands, but I have my right hand lower than my left hand.  Like if I were to hold my fishing rod like a baseball bat, my right hand would be on the bottom.  The same way it is if I grip a golf club and hold it like a baseball bat.

When I reel in, I have my reel handle on the left side of my reel and reel with my left hand.  Most spinning reels allow you to put the handle on whichever side you want though.  I don't know if this is considered casting/reeling "left handed" but that's just how I've always done it.

Some of the bots in Astro Bot are pretty tricky to find. My first play through of all levels I finished with probably 5-7 that I did not find, if I had to guess. Maybe a couple more. But the levels I've gone back to so far, it's taken me quite a while to find them. And I love it. I'm glad they aren't all just in your face. I'm also not going to look at a guide or anything because most of the fun is trying to find them. The one I found last night I could hear him yelling "HELP ME!" but damnit I could not find him! I knew I was in the right area but just couldn't find him for like 20 minutes lol.
Found a few by accident myself, just a hint look *everywhere* before you even start a level.

A few levels i had to “scout” out my path by moving my head to see where i could jump.. i jumped once and was knocked off by one of the enemies i didnt see.
I really cant find anything wrong or bad with the game.
Astrobot is just that damn good.


And thats exactly how i cast also. Cast with right, reel with handle on left side. Totally backwards from what everyone else does... works perfect for me. (And yes im semi ambidexterous also, not super great with left but better than most people who try off hand stuff)
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Hmmm...  Maybe I had the opposite problem now that I think about it, the game wanting me to cast and hold with my right hand when it would have felt more natural with my left?  I don't know, it's been a while since I tried it, I just know it was pretty awkward for me.

"We'll follow it up with another patch that adds the requested inverted Y-axis option..."

Add another one to the list of games that are unplayable without a patch.
technically you are wrong on this one.

Unplayable to some. I want inverted controls or I just won't play it myself, but it's NOT broken if it doesn't have it.

Got all of the bots in the main world of Astro Bot and found all chameleons.  I'm glad I have like 19 of the challenge levels left so that I still have a reason to play this game!

Haven't logged into CAG in forever, but it's getting to be that season.

Should I be looking to pick up a PSVR today (or something like the Gear) or be waiting for Black Friday? 

But if you know of a great deal today...I'd be down. Haven't found anything too stellar right now.

When you get a missing bot can you exit the level or do you have complete it?
I am not sure. All of my missing bots were either the 7th or 8th one so I just finished the level.

I know in the challenge if you beat the level and hit 'play again' by accident, and quick from your next run, you have the bots.

I'm sad because I'm probably going to be done with this game after 1 or 2 more play throughs. All I have left to do is beat like 12 more challenges.

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bread's done