Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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I already know I don't like teleportation movement. What is locomotion movement, exactly?
Walking around freely, I think?

I'm the same way, I don't like teleportation or quick turns or anything like that, when it causes skips in frame animation. I know some people got sick from RE7 and preferred the auto-turn and movement features, but I like full analog movement control better.

I can see why Sony held back some of these bigger Aim support announcements but I'm impressed to see pretty quick support by devs that are confident it will be a great experience.

Got my Summer Lesson today. Happy with the overall price I paid and speed of delivery. (Link to ebay seller is a couple posts back)

Not trying to write a review, but damn. I was hoping this game wasn't going to be as fanservice-y as it kinda is...
I enjoyed what I played, but again DAMN. It's so borderline cringe, I don't 100% know how to feel about it...

Gameplay-wise, you look at visual cues as to what to talk to her about and how you're going to 'handle the lesson' (For example: During reading comprehension studies, do you A. Read the passage out loud fast or B. Read slowly and talk about the passage. This is all arbitrary to how much you want her to 'learn') and shake your head for Yes-or-No Questions she asks. You also use items to initiate 'events' during break times. (Again, For Example: Picked a fan and she went for a run on a break and wanted me to fan her for what seemed like a uncomfortably long time.)

I only went through 2 days out of 7, so that's about all I can really say about the game right now.


Got my Summer Lesson today. Happy with the overall price I paid and speed of delivery. (Link to ebay seller is a couple posts back)

Not trying to write a review, but damn. I was hoping this game wasn't going to be as fanservice-y as it kinda is...
I enjoyed what I played, but again DAMN. It's so borderline cringe, I don't 100% know how to feel about it...

Gameplay-wise, you look at visual cues as to what to talk to her about and how you're going to 'handle the lesson' (For example: During reading comprehension studies, do you A. Read the passage out loud fast or B. Read slowly and talk about the passage. This is all arbitrary to how much you want her to 'learn') and shake your head for Yes-or-No Questions she asks. You also use items to initiate 'events' during break times. (Again, For Example: Picked a fan and she went for a run on a break and wanted me to fan her for what seemed like a uncomfortably long time.)

I only went through 2 days out of 7, so that's about all I can really say about the game right now.
You seriously thought this wouldn't be total fan-service/cringe?
Got my Summer Lesson today. Happy with the overall price I paid and speed of delivery. (Link to ebay seller is a couple posts back)

Not trying to write a review, but damn. I was hoping this game wasn't going to be as fanservice-y as it kinda is...
I enjoyed what I played, but again DAMN. It's so borderline cringe, I don't 100% know how to feel about it...

Gameplay-wise, you look at visual cues as to what to talk to her about and how you're going to 'handle the lesson' (For example: During reading comprehension studies, do you A. Read the passage out loud fast or B. Read slowly and talk about the passage. This is all arbitrary to how much you want her to 'learn') and shake your head for Yes-or-No Questions she asks. You also use items to initiate 'events' during break times. (Again, For Example: Picked a fan and she went for a run on a break and wanted me to fan her for what seemed like a uncomfortably long time.)

I only went through 2 days out of 7, so that's about all I can really say about the game right now.
Did any of you 2 perverts try to look under? Is it censored? Thanks in advance senpai
Got my Summer Lesson today. Happy with the overall price I paid and speed of delivery. (Link to ebay seller is a couple posts back)

Not trying to write a review, but damn. I was hoping this game wasn't going to be as fanservice-y as it kinda is...
I enjoyed what I played, but again DAMN. It's so borderline cringe, I don't 100% know how to feel about it...

Gameplay-wise, you look at visual cues as to what to talk to her about and how you're going to 'handle the lesson' (For example: During reading comprehension studies, do you A. Read the passage out loud fast or B. Read slowly and talk about the passage. This is all arbitrary to how much you want her to 'learn') and shake your head for Yes-or-No Questions she asks. You also use items to initiate 'events' during break times. (Again, For Example: Picked a fan and she went for a run on a break and wanted me to fan her for what seemed like a uncomfortably long time.)

I only went through 2 days out of 7, so that's about all I can really say about the game right now.
I was considering buying it, but I had a feeling the game would feel really cringey/creepy. Not sure if I want to splurge on it or just pass for now, I sure as hell would NOT show it off to anyone I know.


I bought it from (  Listing: (

It's the best price I could find post-PlayAsia going OOS for the foreseeable future. It's a weird listing because it says that it ships from HK but it came from NJ USPS. 

And from what I can tell from doing a little bit of Internet Detective work, That seller is also (
I'm sure because I also got a copy of Shadow of the Beast supposed to be from HK, shipped from NJ USPS and they both came with card from a Mario128(I think, I throw that shit away).

I'm almost 99.9% sure they are also this seller on Amazon (
They have all the Asian and Euro titles you'd seeing coming out of somewhere like Play-asia and they ship from NJ. They also have listings on all 3 differents ASINS that are duplicate listings for Summer Lesson English sub as well... Lowest Price 75$ on amazon  :wall: 


I was trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt in the sense that this game wasn't made with some kind of ulterior motive. And the Weeb in me thought maybe since they were doing a physical release with English Sub, that MAYBE it could possibly be considered as a Japanese Conversation skill builder. (Hikari-chan is teaching me too. :tear: )


No, I haven't tried a peek. I was considering it, but you basically would have to lay all the way down and I have more respect for Hikari than that. Also, I read in this article that if you do peek, she fuck  tells her parents and they file charges. The fact that'd even be a thing makes me want to attempt it just to confirm though...

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Saw that yesterday when I was double-checking my links. Personally, I would stay away from that one. When I checked it yesterday the shipping said it was from China, now it just says 'us'. -_-

Lately, if a deal is too good to be true from a 'no feedback' seller; it's probably just a scummy cash-grab from some lowlife.
Worst case scenario, you just put in a claim when it never arrives to get your money back.

No, I haven't tried a peek. I was considering it, but you basically would have to lay all the way down and I have more respect for Hikari than that. Also, I read in this article that if you do peek, she fuck tells her parents and they file charges. The fact that'd even be a thing makes me want to attempt it just to confirm though...
You misread that, it was some review talking about why the game is "gross"

"but in actual reality, she doesn't just giggle this off and let you continue teaching her in a secluded bedroom. She screams, runs to get her parents and they file all the proper charges against you."
Basically "if you like this is fantasy you're a bad person"

You misread that, it was some review talking about why the game is "gross"

Basically "if you like this is fantasy you're a bad person"
My bad, I did misread that (Guilty, I just skimmed it). The whole intention of even digging that article up from Google was cause I wanted to see who made the game and surprisingly enough it's the guy that is directing/producing Tekken 7.

Looks like the Farpoint bundle is sold out at a few places (Amazon, Best Buy, Target). Can always get it at GameS.... *PUKES* Sorry, I just can't say it. 

Looks like the Farpoint bundle is sold out at a few places (Amazon, Best Buy, Target). Can always get it at GameS.... *PUKES* Sorry, I just can't say it.
Best Buy's price for the Farpoint Bundle at $64 w/GCU is a good deal. Too bad it's sold out.

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Maybe I missed these deals before but Gamestop has the following

Eagle Flight $22.97/$19.79(Used Pro)

Werewolf Within $14.97/$12.49(Used Pro)
Amazon matched the Eagle Flight price, but only for Prime members. However the digital download is $22.97 as well.

Amazon just notified me that my Farpoint bundle was delivered. Excited to get home to play. Also picked up Eagle Flight for $22. Thanks for the heads up on that been waiting on a lower price for it. Now that Robinson game needs to drop
For those that didn't know Dick Wilde has PSVR Aim support. Game uses a variety of weapons but my understanding is the game was modified to support the aim as the input in most cases.

Picked up Farpoint at best buy today. Awesome game. The aim controller works really, really well and the overall game is pretty sweet. I only played about 30 minutes or so and so far the enemies are pretty much the same. Wondering if the enemies change as you progress through the game. I only have encountered 3 different types of monsters so far. But overall the game is just really neat. Digging it a lot!

Picked up Farpoint at best buy today. Awesome game. The aim controller works really, really well and the overall game is pretty sweet. I only played about 30 minutes or so and so far the enemies are pretty much the same. Wondering if the enemies change as you progress through the game. I only have encountered 3 different types of monsters so far. But overall the game is just really neat. Digging it a lot!
I am very impressed with this game and controller. moving around with gun works very well for what i played so far.

this might be the first vr game that hooks me into wanting to play all the time. hope its not to short.

I am very impressed with this game and controller. moving around with gun works very well for what i played so far.

this might be the first vr game that hooks me into wanting to play all the time. hope its not to short.
Good to hear, waiting on my delivery. Also bought Dick Wilde so I'll report on that functionality when I try it out.

The fish jumping at the screen in Dick Wilde remind me of the Asian carp that have overpopulated the Mississippi river and literally jump back and forth out of the water landing in boats and hitting people in the face. Certain parts of that river have had their natural ecosystem completely destroyed by those Carp. Wouldn't be surprised if they were the inspiration for the game, but it is pretty weird to make a game out of something like that. 

My 60" sony led is almost dead, i bought 2 years ago and Leds are quite expensive here so decided to go for VR only for Cinematic mode... anyone here please share views on cinematic mode. Thanks.
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My 60" sony led is almost dead, i bought 2 years ago and Leds are quite expensive here so decided to go for VR only for Cinematic mode... anyone here please share views on cinematic mode. Thanks.
If you are only going to use it for cinematic mode, I don't think it's the best idea. It doesn't put out 1080p visuals so you aren't going to be getting the cleanest picture. Secondly, even thought it's a cool feature, I've found that it isn't easy to sit and watch a 2+ hour long movie with VR. It wears your eyes down more quickly than watching on a regular television, and you'll probably find yourself wanting to take a break partway through. If you are tired, forget it. It will be much more difficult to stay engaged. And obviously if you have people over only one of you would be using the headset. It's a cool feature and I'm glad it's there, but I just don't see it as the best way to watch a movie. The good news is it supports 3D Blu-Ray and you don't get the negative aspects of the 3D glasses, like ghosting or dropping in/out if your head moves out of range of the sensor.

Thanks bro really appreciate. Actually i am not going to watch movies it will be only for gaming and i hardly play games only 1hr per day.I can sacrifice little bit of resolution for the sake of screen size. It's impossible for me to afford another led :(.
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Farpoint coop is a blast. Played a couple rounds last night and if you can get someone who is serious, it's extremely satisfying gameplay. Getting each other's back, talking, trying to push through the levels!
Played Farpoint and Dick Wilde last night. I'd give Farpoint a 9/10 from the first hour alone if I thought it would stay that interesting but I can kinda tell that the game is hitting the baseline of quality and probably not going to stay as exciting 4 hours in. I don't think  Dick Wilde is a perfectly good wave  based shooter that uses the Aim controller extremely well. I hate wave based shooters so I'd put it at 7/10 just based the on the controller because even though game does things well for a 15 dollar game it doesn't feel particularly complex or exciting.   

The Farpoint bundle is a steal with the game and the controller. Farpoint is in my opinion the best looking game for psvr(playing on pro).  I would also give it 9 out of 10. The first time you set foot on that new planet and look around is amazing.  Aiming and tracking are great.  I also have Dick Wilde and am loving that game.  I love wave based shooters and Mortal Blitz to me is the best wave shooter out right now, but DIck Wilde is a close second.  The graphics are really nice(more of a cleaner job simulator style) and the tracking has been perfect.  I will say the game is pretty tough.  With Star Trek and Arizona Sunshine coming out next month, I am going to be busy.

bread's done