Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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We weren't going to take the farpoint plunge, since I have little faith in believing Sony will support the gun, but seeing the reviews, and the bundle at best buy with gamers unlocked (and having a $15 rewards coupon, we took the plunge.

if we both only play through the campaign, thats 10 hours of gameplay for less than $50.... reasonable for the vr experience.

Games that allow for the Move controllers tend to feel way more immersive, if the implementation is done well. I can't imagine playing Rush of Blood with a DS4 after using the move controllers. I didn't have a chance to crack open my copy of Farpoint yesterday but tonight I'll see how immersive the Aim feels. From what everyone is saying it looks to be positive. 

Farpoint is getting killed by online reviews...  
Guardian kills it. 
Polygon gives it a 7.5...

I want the VR to do well...  I think it is a great experience...  Pureplaystation did a 6 month review... and it probably sums reality up.  

Farpoint is getting killed by online reviews...
Guardian kills it.
Polygon gives it a 7.5...

I want the VR to do well... I think it is a great experience... Pureplaystation did a 6 month review... and it probably sums reality up.
i dont think VR games will ever review well. especially if they compare these games to full non vr games. there are still too many limitations to the technology, especially with psvr requiring the camera. half of the game is the experience, and i dont think reviewers are reflecting that in their reviews.

I never listen to reviews. I loved "The Crew" but think Forza Horizon 2 is flat out boring and repetitive. Reviewers think otherwise! And frankly I don't care. VR is one of the best experiences ever. Farpoint is the best experience I've had on a FPS. I would rate it a Strong and solid 8 because there's always room for improvement. My wife played it last night and had to take it off because it was too scary for her.

Coop is an absolute blast. I can see myself playing that over and over trying to get on the top of the leaderboards. And they're going to start adding daily or weekly mission objectives which will give it some nice replay value.

Overall game is great!
I never listen to reviews. I loved "The Crew" but think Forza Horizon 2 is flat out boring and repetitive. Reviewers think otherwise! And frankly I don't care. VR is one of the best experiences ever. Farpoint is the best experience I've had on a FPS. I would rate it a Strong and solid 8 because there's always room for improvement. My wife played it last night and had to take it off because it was too scary for her.

Coop is an absolute blast. I can see myself playing that over and over trying to get on the top of the leaderboards. And they're going to start adding daily or weekly mission objectives which will give it some nice replay value.

Overall game is great!
Same, well as in listening to reviews. Everyone loved the new Prey, I gave it three chances, including the demo... Just couldn't get into it at all. It's not like I stopped playing after 20 minutes. Had a few hours logged, just never caught my attention to care to beat it. I haven't played Farpoint yet, so I can't judge.

Farpoint is getting killed by online reviews...
Guardian kills it.
Polygon gives it a 7.5...

I want the VR to do well... I think it is a great experience... Pureplaystation did a 6 month review... and it probably sums reality up.
For new tech like this with a new accessory and a game that is really the first of it's kind, I don't think scores of 70-75 are bad at all, which is what it seems to be averaging on Metacritic. There's always going to be more risk factors involved with something like this. Most reviews I looked at said the VR implementation and the game itself were great, it just didn't stand up to the wider depth of larger scale FPS games like COD or Halo. Let's face it though...was anyone expecting that? It's by no means a broken or unplayable game, just sounds like it's a little too light to push it into the deep water of what is probably the most competitive and cutthroat genre of gaming right now.

Played for about an hour and a half today. Really great vr game and the Aim Controller works really well. I agree with the review discussion. If you are comparing this to a modern day fps thats selling millions of copies, your not going to score it really high. I'd love to have some RE7 support for the controller but I don't see that happening. It'd be difficult with the melee combat parts. Maybe a House of the Dead or Silent Scope game could work really well. I use to enjoy playing The Shoot on ps3 with the move, I'd love a game like that.

First thing I did when I got the gun in game, aimed at myself and it actually let me die. I was pretty surprised actually.
Thanks bro really appreciate. Actually i am not going to watch movies it will be only for gaming and i hardly play games only 1hr per day.I can sacrifice little bit of resolution for the sake of screen size. It's impossible for me to afford another led :(.
You would be better off playing a normal game on a 24-32" HDTV than you would playing it on the PSVR cinematic mode. I love my PSVR, but cinematic mode is worthless. It does NOT make you feel like you are playing on a big screen TV.

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You would be better off playing a normal game on a 24-32" HDTV than you would playing it on the PSVR cinematic mode. I love my PSVR, but cinematic mode is worthless. It does NOT make you feel like you are playing on a big screen TV.
I have a 120" projection screen that I sit about 8 feet from. My vision has always been crappy. That screen size allows me to see things I never could before. In cinematic mode, I feel like I have to struggle to see on the screen because your point of view/perspective is too close to the display.

After playing 1 hour of Farpoint with the aim controller i actually like it. Idk how everyone else plays it but i play standing to make use of crouching and turning myself at some points. Other then a slow start but i say thats needed to get yourself acclimated to playing.
After playing 1 hour of Farpoint with the aim controller i actually like it. Idk how everyone else plays it but i play standing to make use of crouching and turning myself at some points. Other then a slow start but i say thats needed to get yourself acclimated to playing.
You can turn on smooth turn using the thumbstick in options. It ups the movement intensity and might cause a little VR motion sickness. IGN said it's likely necessary for Co-op because in those cases it's more critical to track and hit everything and apparently things can actually come from behind.

You can turn on smooth turn using the thumbstick in options. It ups the movement intensity and might cause a little VR motion sickness. IGN said it's likely necessary for Co-op because in those cases it's more critical to track and hit everything and apparently things can actually come from behind.
Thanks fir the tip and ill try that tonite.
I have a 120" projection screen that I sit about 8 feet from. My vision has always been crappy. That screen size allows me to see things I never could before. In cinematic mode, I feel like I have to struggle to see on the screen because your point of view/perspective is too close to the display.
You are right. It doesn't feel like you're watching a big screen. It feels like you're just sitting extremely close to a normal screen. I could get the same effect sitting 6 inches from my HDTV, minus the HD.

After playing 1 hour of Farpoint with the aim controller i actually like it. Idk how everyone else plays it but i play standing to make use of crouching and turning myself at some points. Other then a slow start but i say thats needed to get yourself acclimated to playing.
I played about 2 hours and ive really enjoyed it so far. Feels like Starship troopers the VR game.

Just ordered the Farpoint Aim Bundle for store pick up at Best Buy. I've been looking for a reason to get back into VR after not really playing anything since January. Hoping this is as fun as I hope, the Aim controller looks like a great time itself so I hope we get more games supporting it soon. 

Just ordered the Farpoint Aim Bundle for store pick up at Best Buy. I've been looking for a reason to get back into VR after not really playing anything since January. Hoping this is as fun as I hope, the Aim controller looks like a great time itself so I hope we get more games supporting it soon.
its pretty fun. I would suggest playing first time with controls on default then turn on smooth turning. default works very well for moving and shooting and it feels more natural in the world but you cant turn around fully. with smooth turning you can turn around but give me a little motion problem standing. but its way less then any other movement done in a vr game by a long shot.

its pretty fun. I would suggest playing first time with controls on default then turn on smooth turning. default works very well for moving and shooting and it feels more natural in the world but you cant turn around fully. with smooth turning you can turn around but give me a little motion problem standing. but its way less then any other movement done in a vr game by a long shot.
I went straight for the smooth turning and so far it hasn't bothered me at all. Farpoint is some of the most fun I have had in VR yet, definitely glad I picked it up. I'd say Farpoint is a must-have for PSVR owners. This is the game they should be demoing PSVR, I had my dad try the game and he absolutely loved it.

I played about 2 hours and ive really enjoyed it so far. Feels like Starship troopers the VR game.
That sounds pretty cool. But I heard its 5 hours long, does it have online multiplayer?

It looks fun, but is it $80 fun? Seems like a steep investment for a short game.

Can someone tell me if Farpoint has captions/subtitles?   I'm hard of hearing so I need them to understand what's going on in video games. 


It has coop. Once you start getting into the game, the next time you start you can choose Coop from the menu. There's 5 missions you can pick from. They're story missions, but you choose them from the menu and go from there so I recommend playing through the game first, or prepare for spoilers because you can play them in any order from that menu.
That sounds pretty cool. But I heard its 5 hours long, does it have online multiplayer?

It looks fun, but is it $80 fun? Seems like a steep investment for a short game.
In co-op mode, you and your partner can attack each other. Not a designated mode, but some people find it fun.

Any replayability on the single player or not really?   After not really getting my money's worth out of my psvr (due mainly to annoying cables and mild motion sickness), I'm not sure I want to shell out another $70ish for a 5 hour experience and peripheral that I'm unlikely to use again.

Any replayability on the single player or not really? After not really getting my money's worth out of my psvr (due mainly to annoying cables and mild motion sickness), I'm not sure I want to shell out another $70ish for a 5 hour experience and peripheral that I'm unlikely to use again.
about the same as a light gun game for replay. i am a light gun fan so i really enjoy what i have played sofar. as far as motion sickness goes i find movement to be natural for the most part. out of all the games i played i find this ones done it the best sofar. i think the price for a well built gun and new game was well worth it, its the first vr game that i dont mind hooking cables up to play,

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Farpoint thoughts:

  • Aim Controller is neat, tracking is about perfect save a few exceptions.
  • Easy to get spun around so I recommended smooth turning to get yourself straightened out. Was facing 90 degrees away at first on many occasions and having a hard time with the gun until I turned on smooth tracking.
  • The story has some interesting moments, surprisingly.
  • Environments are pretty drab. Takes a few missions for the enemies to get a little more interesting.
  • Overall I recommend it to those who are fans of VR. People who know its strengths and and can accept its limitations can appreciate it. I don't think this will be the the "a-ha!" game for those who don't have VR or are tepid about VR.
I don't think this was supposed to be a killer app, but there was quite a marketing push for it at least. Overall I'd have to say that I am left a bit...disappointed. Right now I'm in that 5.5 or 6/10 range. I don't judge those who are feeling it's a "9" or whatever. I'm interested enough in finishing up the last mission or two that I have left and working towards the platinum but may back away from it if there's a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I like being challenged, but if I'm not having fun then I'm out. Conversely, sometimes a challenge presented from a mediocre game can be fun sometimes too, so we'll see.

Here are some spoiler-laden thoughts about the game too. If someone wants to reply or chime in feel free to give your spoiler tagged thoughts too if you finished the main story:

The story was pretty interesting, but then seemed to jump the shark for me. I'm not quite done with the story yet so maybe some of this will get resolved but I have my doubts:

These video logs depict the two scientists after a few days, then a few months, then a few years. Wouldn't they age? Or have longer hair or unkempt facial hair or a different look at least? Clothes would be dirtier? Would her uniform fit a pregnant belly? Who are these "scavengers" now? i really hope some sort of scan or log will explain them because, while although I'm happy to have some different enemy types, their introduction seemed random. I was really digging the whole stranded scientists story and the wormhole thing but the story seemed to get a bit sloppy.

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Smooth turning is a stomach churner, do not recommend if you're just starting. I do small step, which is clicky turning which is fine since you can rotate your physical body for the most part, but smooth is D:

I turned smooth turning up to 11 right away. I don't mind it at all... It seems like the most normal way to play for me.

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Got my psvr today using the 15 off $100 gift card deal on eBay.

Tried out summer lesson and thought it was pretty good but lacking a bit of content. I only played a week and most of the time watched my friend play.

I also got job simulator and batman vr. I didn't realize you needed the move controllers so I bought a couple used at game stop.

The danganronpa demo was awesome but shorter than I thought. It was amazing seeing the characters up close and vr seems really good with anime characters.

Same thing with project diva x. I'll have to get the vr lives.

Kinda disappointed with the resolution especially with apps like YouTube and 360vr or whatever that Japanese app is.

Just wish there was a mmo vr like sword art or mine craft vr, but will soon get re biohazard.
Smooth turning is a stomach churner, do not recommend if you're just starting. I do small step, which is clicky turning which is fine since you can rotate your physical body for the most part, but smooth is D:
Small step is the best. If you need to turn around, just turn your body. The tracking is good enough that it still works fine. I tried large step too, but it was too disorienting. I had no idea which direction I was facing in relation to where I was before.

Youtube 360...  

Just a suggestion - look to download videos from the internet...  I found a couple of ones that were amazing...  I wish I could remember where they came from.  One was of a waterfall...  another was of a roller coaster.  I think they were 4K or something.  Downloading them - was a big file, but it really was impressive.  Not the grainy stuff available on Youtube.  

I finally got to play a couple of games in my backlog tonight - Moonshot Galaxy and Gunjack.
Moonshot Galaxy is definitely going to take some getting used to. I got a 46 on a par 30 course on my first game. It's a fun game, I'm just going to have to learn how to play it better.
Gunjack is really where it's at though. I picked this up last month when it was on sale for $3.99. I can't believe I waited so long to play it! I did not have very high expectations for this game, but it turned out to be a blast. I should have bought this game a long time ago. I strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys space shooters.
Gunjack is really where it's at though. I picked this up last month when it was on sale for $3.99. I can't believe I waited so long to play it! I did not have very high expectations for this game, but it turned out to be a blast. I should have bought this game a long time ago. I strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys space shooters.
Got to second that. Many thx to the CAG that recommended the game when it was on sale. I got a number of hours enjoyment out of it and it was the one VR game I have played where I didn't get the least bit queasy.
Farpoint thoughts:

  • Aim Controller is neat, tracking is about perfect save a few exceptions.
  • Easy to get spun around so I recommended smooth turning to get yourself straightened out. Was facing 90 degrees away at first on many occasions and having a hard time with the gun until I turned on smooth tracking.
  • The story has some interesting moments, surprisingly.
  • Environments are pretty drab. Takes a few missions for the enemies to get a little more interesting.
  • Overall I recommend it to those who are fans of VR. People who know its strengths and and can accept its limitations can appreciate it. I don't think this will be the the "a-ha!" game for those who don't have VR or are tepid about VR.
I don't think this was supposed to be a killer app, but there was quite a marketing push for it at least. Overall I'd have to say that I am left a bit...disappointed. Right now I'm in that 5.5 or 6/10 range. I don't judge those who are feeling it's a "9" or whatever. I'm interested enough in finishing up the last mission or two that I have left and working towards the platinum but may back away from it if there's a challenge. Don't get me wrong, I like being challenged, but if I'm not having fun then I'm out. Conversely, sometimes a challenge presented from a mediocre game can be fun sometimes too, so we'll see.

Here are some spoiler-laden thoughts about the game too. If someone wants to reply or chime in feel free to give your spoiler tagged thoughts too if you finished the main story:

The story was pretty interesting, but then seemed to jump the shark for me. I'm not quite done with the story yet so maybe some of this will get resolved but I have my doubts:

These video logs depict the two scientists after a few days, then a few months, then a few years. Wouldn't they age? Or have longer hair or unkempt facial hair or a different look at least? Clothes would be dirtier? Would her uniform fit a pregnant belly? Who are these "scavengers" now? i really hope some sort of scan or log will explain them because, while although I'm happy to have some different enemy types, their introduction seemed random. I was really digging the whole stranded scientists story and the wormhole thing but the story seemed to get a bit sloppy.
I find myself in the same pattern with VR where I'm too busy or tired to get everything setup. When I finally do (maybe once a week) I really love whatever I'm trying. Within the same session (maybe 30 minutes or more) all the excitement of immersion starts to die down and I'm left with the game and those experiences tend to be more shallow than "real" AAA games. I'm more inclined to be excited about Farpoint than RE7 since I don't like horror but I'd say Farpoint is still not a fleshed out enough game. That said I've only played a couple chapters, got the shotgun and got to the end of that section. So far I'd say it looks like it will be a 7.

Ever since the action increased I've really started to think about whether the setup could support a full fledged VR FPS. I'm more convinced now that a game like Call of Duty could get full VR support in some instances at long as some accommodations were made for VR.

Can't find a Farpoint bundle anywhere near me at BB, Target, or Gamestop. Will grab it when I see it in store, and it that doesn't happen within a week or so I'll probably order online.

I did grab Dirt Rally VR today though, about halfway through the 43GB download
Can't find a Farpoint bundle anywhere near me at BB, Target, or Gamestop. Will grab it when I see it in store, and it that doesn't happen within a week or so I'll probably order online.

I did grab Dirt Rally VR today though, about halfway through the 43GB download
I know you said you're looking in stores, but has them available to purchase online if that helps you at all.

You could always order one, then if you find one in a store, you could return the one you ordered online.

After playing through 4 levels, I'm pretty impressed with Farpoint. The game itself is a more basic FPS, but what it really needed to do, it did right. By that I mean the PSVR Aim tracking and 1:1 seamless integration. I know there have been complaints about the game itself not being anything special, but this was the most critical thing. I'm really excited about the Aim considering my love of rail shooting type games, and the potential it has. Fallout 4 VR with Aim compatibility would be an amazing and epic announcement for E3....

bread's done