Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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anyone else get the headset lenses with scratches? just opened the skyrim bundle. set the whole thing up. when I get to configuring the headset with camera I noticed the lenses where scratched a bit? will the lenses having some scratches affect the view? didn't get to try any games yet but wondering if it's just best to return it and rebuy. bought it from Best Buy new. gonna suck having to put everything back in the box for a return.

anyone else get the headset lenses with scratches? just opened the skyrim bundle. set the whole thing up. when I get to configuring the headset with camera I noticed the lenses where scratched a bit? will the lenses having some scratches affect the view? didn't get to try any games yet but wondering if it's just best to return it and rebuy. bought it from Best Buy new. gonna suck having to put everything back in the box for a return.
Yes, the lenses that came on the trial unit seemed slightly scratched. Having tried it for a couple days, it’s cool but I’ve also found that I feel terrible after using it ... not like having to get sick but just very disjointed and I think part of it is eye strain from the blur (Skyrim really is blurry ... I’ve seen a bunch of people on message boards saying it’s not ... but it is). I like the bundle but not enough to keep it ... Skyrim was the game that interested me most and I think I’ll be all in for PSVR 2 when the resolution is improved. But for right now, it’s just not quite there enough for me.
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You need to use the teleport movement option not the smooth... It takes you a while to adapt to vr. My wife gets motion sickness, and she can play skyrim for over 5 hours without problems.

Also use a static chair, not a swivel chair. Sony just released updated move controllers, and they work great on skyrim, all thing considered. Try the demo disc first, with a bunch of shorter varied experiences.
To be honest, when looking at a device that is going to cost me $299.99 to keep, why do I have to do special things to use it? It seems like that ensures it won't be possible to ever hit mass market with things like that.

I will try the teleport movement again but I really hated it. It really doesn't fit the Skyrim world to me at all. Since my package included Move controllers, I am assuming these are the updated ones. They are terrible and very unfriendly to use in Skyrim. The UI in the game, with Move, is complete and utter trash.

I appreciate your feedback on the chair and control method though. I will give it a try but so far, PS VR is one of the most disappointing things I have ever used.

To be honest, when looking at a device that is going to cost me $299.99 to keep, why do I have to do special things to use it? It seems like that ensures it won't be possible to ever hit mass market with things like that.

I will try the teleport movement again but I really hated it. It really doesn't fit the Skyrim world to me at all. Since my package included Move controllers, I am assuming these are the updated ones. They are terrible and very unfriendly to use in Skyrim. The UI in the game, with Move, is complete and utter trash.

I appreciate your feedback on the chair and control method though. I will give it a try but so far, PS VR is one of the most disappointing things I have ever used.
It's a sliding scale. If someone said they love videogames and their friend told them to buy a PS4 only to learn that person meant the love Candy Crush they might easily be setting themselves up for hilarious disappointment. The media (especially tech media like Vox, Techcrunch, etc.) did an impressive job building VR up to be the second coming only to assassinate it once they learned the 1st generation was going to be extremely limited.

This is classic early adoption. Not only are there risks but they are new risks. Maybe you heard about VR sickness but it's especially bad to do something supposedly fun that makes you sick. There's plenty of experiences with better graphics that are static and will limit motion sickness but the barrier to entry for VR in the 1st gen is pretty high.

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I also apologize if this is not the place... but.... I was one of the 1,400 lucky ones that got the in-home trial of PSVR. My first experience is PS VR is terrible. I haven't been able to play more than 15 minutes of Skyrim due to simulator sickness. I have tried both Move Controllers and Dualshock (I find the Dualshock to be slightly better). I hate the button layout on the Move controllers and feel Sony really should redesign them.

Visually, the graphics on PSVR are so low-resolution compared to native PS4 games that it almost seems blurry at times. I have tried adjusting the settings for IPD and made sure the lenses are clear and on correctly. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I really want to love this thing but even the videos I have watched reminded me of low-resolution Andoid/iOS VR.

Is Skyrim just not a good game for a first VR experience? Maybe Sony should have done the trial with a different game?
I'd suggest trying out the demo discs on PSN to try out a variety of the PSVR games that are out there. The VR native games are much more impressive visually than the stuff that is just ported or retrofitted to VR.

It's a sliding scale. If someone said they love videogames and their friend told them to buy a PS4 only to learn that person meant the love Candy Crush they might easily be setting themselves up for hilarious disappointment. The media (especially tech media like Vox, Techcrunch, etc.) did an impressive job building VR up to be the second coming only to assassinate it once they learned the 1st generation was going to be extremely limited.

This is classic early adoption. Not only are there risks but they are new risks. Maybe you heard about VR sickness but it's especially bad to do something supposedly fun that makes you sick. There's plenty of experiences with better graphics that are static and will limit motion sickness but the barrier to entry for VR in the 1st gen is pretty high.
I definitely feel Sony should offer retailers to take back all PSVR hardware within 14 days if a consumer experiences issues. Not sure what the normal return policies are for this hardware out there. Also, if first gen VR is this bad and some people can't play it, wouldn't this kill it off? I don't see how VR can become the "next big thing" unless it can allow for 99.999% of its users to play with no issues. PS4 plays the same as all other PlayStation devices have played but with better visuals. The only issue is if a person is physically unable to use the controller. This allows for 99.999% of all users to play. Same goes for every other console.

Was really hoping I was just using PSVR wrong. This is really shaping up to be the most disappointing consumer electronic device I can recall in my adult life (I am 38). I have played some other VR games on Vive and Rift and never experienced any "simulator sickness." So I am wondering if it is just blurry textures and low resolution due to PS4 not being powerful enough to properly do this technology?

I'd suggest trying out the demo discs on PSN to try out a variety of the PSVR games that are out there. The VR native games are much more impressive visually than the stuff that is just ported or retrofitted to VR.
Will definitely give this a try. If I enjoy the other demos, I probably will still have to send back the $299.99 Skyrim VR Trial bundle as I hate to invest extra money on a title that I can't play though :(

I definitely feel Sony should offer retailers to take back all PSVR hardware within 14 days if a consumer experiences issues. Not sure what the normal return policies are for this hardware out there. Also, if first gen VR is this bad and some people can't play it, wouldn't this kill it off? I don't see how VR can become the "next big thing" unless it can allow for 99.999% of its users to play with no issues. PS4 plays the same as all other PlayStation devices have played but with better visuals. The only issue is if a person is physically unable to use the controller. This allows for 99.999% of all users to play. Same goes for every other console.

Was really hoping I was just using PSVR wrong. This is really shaping up to be the most disappointing consumer electronic device I can recall in my adult life (I am 38). I have played some other VR games on Vive and Rift and never experienced any "simulator sickness." So I am wondering if it is just blurry textures and low resolution due to PS4 not being powerful enough to properly do this technology?
It's completely unique to each game and person, not the hardware. Certain games and options in those games give me issues (like Skyrim VR with locomotion or Driveclub VR), but the vast majority is perfectly fine for me while others have different experiences. The same thing happens with Vive and Rift, so you could easily have been lucky to not play the games that could've caused issues there. It's not really an issue to generalize across everything when you've only experienced it from one game.

Will definitely give this a try. If I enjoy the other demos, I probably will still have to send back the $299.99 Skyrim VR Trial bundle as I hate to invest extra money on a title that I can't play though :(
You can easily sell the game and have everything else that's necessary for PSVR for a bit cheaper.

To be honest, when looking at a device that is going to cost me $299.99 to keep, why do I have to do special things to use it? It seems like that ensures it won't be possible to ever hit mass market with things like that.
Because everyone is physically different. Some people can't watch 3D movie no matter what.

All VR headset are basically using the same technology until there is a breakthrough using something else.

Might be you need to wait till what's in Accel World that using brainwave directly project the virtual world into your brain.

And it's doesn't need VR to enjoy video game (and it's limited to game using first person view), there are plenty of games to enjoy without VR.

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definitely play all the free demos, Skyrim may be a great game... but I for one will be trading/selling my VR copy I got. If I never played any Skyrim before, I may think differently. 

I thought I'd love doom.. It's ok. 

Absolutely love Farpoint, Rush of Blood. And for God's sake Sony.... MAKE A FULL LONDON HEIST GAME!!

The London Heist felt like a demo, of a damn near perfect VR game. I *need* London Heist 2.

Was impressed by the VR portion of Tomb Raider ... seems well done. The Spider-man promo was kind of fun too ... wouldn’t mind seeing some of these franchises put out a full fledged game, but I can understand they’re testing the water. Still really on the fence though, the Move controllers seem just as bad as I remember from the PS3 era ... and with the lack of the navigator controller they seem even more inferior. Wish Sony would invest in something closer to what the Rift offers.
If you are doing the test of the psvr, did you calibrate the psvr for your eye distance? That and position calibration is *REALLY IMPORTANT* This is advanced tech that requires adapting to.

The reason you need a non swivel chair, is Because while in vr, you are going to want to turn like crazy. Sit on a computer chair and just spin for 5 minutes, and then talk me you aren't dizzy/sick from it. That isn't the tech, it's is doing stupid things while trying to use it.
If you are doing the test of the psvr, did you calibrate the psvr for your eye distance? That and position calibration is *REALLY IMPORTANT* This is advanced tech that requires adapting to.

The reason you need a non swivel chair, is Because while in vr, you are going to want to turn like crazy. Sit on a computer chair and just spin for 5 minutes, and then talk me you aren't dizzy/sick from it. That isn't the tech, it's is doing stupid things while trying to use it.
If yhat makes you sick, but I like the swivel chair. Doesnt make me sick at all.
Has anyone tried an extension cable for the PS4 camera? There's an unofficial one that I think is out of the UK sold on their amazon website but I can't get. I think this is it on ebay

The reviews from amazon UK says it works fine for video but the audio is poor. I recently wall-mounted my tv and have conduits behind it to a media shelf off the the side so I can't run the cable since it's too short.
I received that extension cord a few days ago and have played PSVR using it a few times with no issues.

I looked into PS4 camera extension cables a couple of weeks ago and the only two I could find was this Calibur 11 one you linked to, and an Insignia (Best Buy's brand) one, which is twice as expensive as the Caliber 11 one even though it's the same length. For some reason, these both seem to have been discontinued and are hard to find and expensive, and Sony hasn't released an official one yet, so you're only option is try get one of the Calibur 11 or Insignia ones and hope for the best!

If that makes you sick, but I like the swivel chair. Doesnt make me sick at all.
It doesn't bother me, but I read several accounts of people switching chairs and it cured their issue.

At said, I prefer non swivel for skyrim vr, because without it instead of properly using the rotation buttons, I keep rotating the chair... and then the camera can no longer track properly because of my orientation, and I have to open the visor, reposition myself, and then close it again, a pita.

Its more immersive to play as its intended.
I got my $250 Skyrim bundle from NFM this morning! Can't touch it until Christmas since it's a gift for everyone in the household, how tragic...


Can anyone suggest a pair of headphones that'd work well with it? I don't really like earbuds and my current headset is USB connection only. I've been looking at the PlayStation Gold, which I hear gets the job done?

I got my $250 Skyrim bundle from NFM this morning! Can't touch it until Christmas since it's a gift for everyone in the household, how tragic...


Can anyone suggest a pair of headphones that'd work well with it? I don't really like earbuds and my current headset is USB connection only. I've been looking at the PlayStation Gold, which I hear gets the job done?
Mine just arrived as well though my partner is holding it hostage for the upcoming holiday. Not cool.

She bought it for $350 plus tax on Black Friday. I mentioned the NFM deal the night it popped up and she got in quick.

I have the gold headset though never truly used it. Does it fit right with the new VR?
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I received that extension cord a few days ago and have played PSVR using it a few times with no issues.

I looked into PS4 camera extension cables a couple of weeks ago and the only two I could find was this Calibur 11 one you linked to, and an Insignia (Best Buy's brand) one, which is twice as expensive as the Caliber 11 one even though it's the same length. For some reason, these both seem to have been discontinued and are hard to find and expensive, and Sony hasn't released an official one yet, so you're only option is try get one of the Calibur 11 or Insignia ones and hope for the best!
Thanks! I'll give it a try.
Never figured this was going to happen in the foreseeable future, but I just jumped on the VR bandwagon thanks to the $199 Gran Turismo Sport bundle at GameStop (and the end of my over-the-Summer built up credit).  I'm think the SW Battlefront VR mission will have to be the first thing I play, but any recommendations on other things to check out?

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Never figured this was going to happen in the foreseeable future, but I just jumped on the VR bandwagon thanks to the $199 Gran Turismo Sport bundle at GameStop (and the end of my over-the-Summer built up credit). I'm think the SW Battlefront VR mission will have to be the first thing I play, but any recommendations on other things to check out?
Exact same as me, I scoffed at the price tag when it launched. Demo'd a PSVR at Bestbuy... changed my mind.

Rush of Blood, go get it for free if you are PS+ (even if you dont have the move controllers yet, just go get it for when you do)

VR Worlds, I got it for $10 and worth every penny. 5 games all to showcase the PSVR, honestly you can say 1 is good, 3 are pretty damn good and 1 is outright awesome. (London Heist)

Demo disc 1+2, both free to d/l on PSN. Lots of great games to try out.

Any other demo on the PSN that interests you, try everything cause you don't know what will click with you. I have Dino Frontier on my wishlist cause the demo is pretty fun, but not sure $30 fun though (to me) Probably never would have even looked at it if there wasn't a demo.

Go get the Farpoint with Aim controller bundle if you like FPS. currently my #1 game on the PSVR, Rush of Blood 2nd.

I'm sure others will point out some other games, these are just the ones I've played. I have Star Trek bridge crew and the Batman VR but have yet to play them.

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I was at the playstation experience this past weekend and played the last guardian vr and Firewall Zero Hour. TLG is a pretty fun experience and will surely please any fan of the game. Firewall is the closest thing to Rainbow Six Siege right now and it was absolutely amazing. I used the aim controller with 30 degree angle turns. I cannot wait for the game to be released

Never figured this was going to happen in the foreseeable future, but I just jumped on the VR bandwagon thanks to the $199 Gran Turismo Sport bundle at GameStop (and the end of my over-the-Summer built up credit). I'm think the SW Battlefront VR mission will have to be the first thing I play, but any recommendations on other things to check out?
The first thing I played when I got my PSVR was the SW Battlefront VR mission. As a huge Star Wars fan, it was a lot of fun, though it made me feel pretty nauseous (hopefully I'll continue to get my "VR legs" so I can play it again and not feel sick).

Since then, I've played through London Heist multiple times (awesome!), and recently completed all the challenges in Danger Ball, which I also really enjoyed a lot!

Large list of games on sale (prices may be less with PS+)
100ft Robot Golf
Ancient Amuletor
ATV Drift & Tricks
Carnival Games VR
Digital Domain's Monkey King
Don't Knock Twice
DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles
Driveclub VR
DYING: Reborn Ultimate Bundle
End Space
EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone
Here They Lie
Heroes of The Seven Seas
Hustle Kings VR
Manifest 99
Mervils: A VR Adventure
Mortal Blitz
Moto Racer 4
NBA 2KVR Experience
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul
Pinball FX2 VR
Pinball FX2 VR: Season 1 Pack
Pinball FX2 VR: The Walking Dead
PlayStation VR Worlds
Raw Data
Sneaky Bears
Soul Dimension
Sports Bar VR
StarBlood Arena
Starship Disco
Super Stardust Ultra VR
The Solus Project
Time Machine VR
Trackmania Turbo
Tumble VR
Unearthing Mars
Virry VR: Feel the Wild
VR Ping Pong
Weeping Doll
WipEout Omega Collection
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It seems like from the PlayStation store listing of Eve Valkyrie - Warzone and 100 Ft Robot Golf that these are both games that can be played with or without VR.  Is that correct?  Also, are there any others?

It seems like from the PlayStation store listing of Eve Valkyrie - Warzone and 100 Ft Robot Golf that these are both games that can be played with or without VR. Is that correct? Also, are there any others?
Basically, if it says it's "PlayStation VR Compatible" as opposed to "PlayStation VR Required", it should also work in non-VR.

Did anyone read if the vr add on for Wipeout will be free?

"And this isn’t a separate slice of gameplay: you can race in every track, across every game mode, off or online, with this free PS VR update.

But not only that: we’ve created three new ships for PSVR pilots, featuring a special cockpit view for PS VR that includes head tracking, so you can check out the interiors of the new ships and see the futuristic racecourses like never before. And as you can now enjoy the game’s blistering soundscape in full 3D audio, this’ll be the most immersive WipEout experience ever.

But that’s not all: we’ve also created new ships that are exclusive for you PS VR pilots, and we’re also happy to announce that this update will also include the new remix of “Shake It” from our recent competition winner Vieille Griffe."
Very smart sale going on by Sony after selling all these VR units this holiday season. Picked up VR Worlds, Wipeout Collection, already got Rush of Blood free, own RE7, TR 20th Anniversay Ed, Battlefront 1 and GT Sport already so I’ll trade or sell the copy that comes w the VR I bought. The only one I want is Farpoint w AIM and possibly Robinson until The Inpatient comes out! This is shaping up nicely!!

"And this isn’t a separate slice of gameplay: you can race in every track, across every game mode, off or online, with this free PS VR update.

But not only that: we’ve created three new ships for PSVR pilots, featuring a special cockpit view for PS VR that includes head tracking, so you can check out the interiors of the new ships and see the futuristic racecourses like never before. And as you can now enjoy the game’s blistering soundscape in full 3D audio, this’ll be the most immersive WipEout experience ever.

But that’s not all: we’ve also created new ships that are exclusive for you PS VR pilots, and we’re also happy to announce that this update will also include the new remix of “Shake It” from our recent competition winner Vieille Griffe."
I'm also curious to see if Split-screen is now, Headset Player 1 / Full Screen for Player 2...
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul PSVR got a physical release.  I had never heard anything about this game getting a physical copy and haven't been able to find anything online but I purchased a copy today from Best Buy for $16 with GCU - $19.99 without. 

bread's done