Official Playstation VR Deals and Discussion Thread


54 (100%)
Just starting a thread for deals for the Playstation VR. 

I picked up the Core bundle off Amazon and I'm looking for a cheap camera and move controllers.

I found that best buy has some cheap playstation 4 cameras on sale for 39.99 with free shipping.

If you all know any good deals for move controllers or launch games, let me know.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PS VR) $15.99 via Amazon (Prime Price).
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Wipeout VR is the best VR game so far. If you hate the concept it won’t change that but it’s the best executed VR game by a country mile. Really feels like you’re playing a game from the future.
Wipeout is incredible. The game defaults all the settings to allow you to adjust to the speed of the game better, so I would recommend that you leave those on for a few races before you start messing with the settings.  It's really an amazing experience and is graphically incredibly impressive.  

The latest GT Sport update added a VR time trial mode.
One of the PS+ games for April is Trackmania Turbo, which has a good VR mode in it with a bunch of races to complete.
Wipeout VR is the best VR game so far.
Wipeout is incredible.
I've never been into racing games much, but VR might change my mind about that (especially with Ready Player One coming out).

Shame I missed out on WipeOut earlier this month. It was $15.99.

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I just PM'ed the $24 price at GameStop for Wipeout to Best Buy online and I'm going to pick it up during my lunch break tomorrow.  Should have some time to play it tomorrow night.

Damn. Wipeout is awesome. I had all three on the PS1, and those were the last ones I played. I gamed on Xbox the last two generations. Not only is it great to play the series again, having it in VR is amazing. I bought the game from a PSN sale last December, but I held off playing it so my return to Wipeout could be in VR.

Driveclub VR is nice, but now I'll probably never play it again. Traditional racers, and even arcade racers, aren't really my thing. Driveclub VR was nice because it was my first experience with VR racing, but Driveclub isn't a game I would play without VR. But a futuristic hovercraft racer with weapons is gameplay I find really exciting.

fuck Game Stop. I just went there to buy Wipeout Omega cause they had it new in stock according to online. I get there and they only had 1 left, and it was the display case one that they open and keep in a sleeve in the drawer. I asked if that was the only copy they had and he said yes. I was like nah I don't want that. He was like "you want me to call another store and see if they have it sealed?"

Nah ... not supporting that crap.
6 stores to get a sealed Sims 4 during the sale... loving the game, but 6 stores. The first 5 all tried to convince me "It's still new!" ...yea, if anywhere else sold opened shit as new there would be riots.

6 stores to get a sealed Sims 4 during the sale... loving the game, but 6 stores. The first 5 all tried to convince me "It's still new!" ...yea, if anywhere else sold opened shit as new there would be riots.
Yeah it's utter ridiculous. If a game is open, it's not new and shouldn't be sold as such. If GS wants to put a placeholder out on the shelf, then they should eat the cost. I mean they sell used games for like $2 cheaper than new so they are hardly losing any money anyways if they just made it a used copy.

Would they take a return on a game that you bought but broke the seal and never took it out of the case, claiming it is new? Hell no they wouldn't.

There’s a credible rumor on reddit that No Mans Sky will drop a VR update tonight
That would probably convince me to buy it, never played it but I was always curious. The reviews and my massive backlog kept me away.

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I guess I'll be staying away from the PSVR subreddit for a while.  99.9% of the topics are about Wipeout VR.  It's basically turned into the Wipeout board, including a temporary Wipeout subreddit theme to go with it.

According to “The Drop” there should be a new PSVR RPG releasing today...
It's been positively reviewed by the typical youtubers but after Wipeout everything looks amateur.

Andddd it's an announcement for the Xbox One and an update titled "Next". We can still hope for VR, right? :)
Upload VR and a bunch on Reddit are still convinced it's a big component of the update though with Xbox One it can't be the only upgrade. On the upside, good VR for No Man's Sky would be revelatory, just amazing beyond belief. On the downside, all engine development has been optimizing for 4K so Murray would need to be able to strip out a lot, clean it up, and then really tweak an open world engine for VR. Skyrim VS. Wipeout is a great example in terms of looking at the limitations of optimizing an open world versus as close one. I actually think NMS is getting a VR update, I'm just concerned they don't have the manpower to optimize it for PSVR properly.

I guess I'll be staying away from the PSVR subreddit for a while. 99.9% of the topics are about Wipeout VR. It's basically turned into the Wipeout board, including a temporary Wipeout subreddit theme to go with it.
It's well deserved, the game is phenomenal. That said, the endless number of hyperbolic Wipeout VR threads has run me out of there and I'm an absolute Wipeout fanboy. Hoping another decent announcement calms the group down. They can keep the skin though, it's cool.

This whole WipEout thing kind of annoys me. I remember when Redout was announced, they were all, "We made Redout because we wanted to make a WipEout game in VR."  I thought, "That would be so cool," so I picked it up anticipating this promised PSVR patch. In the time since then, there's been two expansion pack DLCs, and nothing but empty promises for the PSVR patch. Then to add insult to injury, Sony's all, "Hey, we're adding PSVR support to WipEout!"  It's fine since I picked up the WipEout Remaster, but still annoyed about the broken promises from the Redout team.

I guess I'll be staying away from the PSVR subreddit for a while. 99.9% of the topics are about Wipeout VR. It's basically turned into the Wipeout board, including a temporary Wipeout subreddit theme to go with it.
Agreed. I’ll never understand why so many people feel the need to create new topics praising a game. I’m happy that people love it, but just say so in one of the other 50 topics.
This whole WipEout thing kind of annoys me. I remember when Redout was announced, they were all, "We made Redout because we wanted to make a WipEout game in VR." I thought, "That would be so cool," so I picked it up anticipating this promised PSVR patch. In the time since then, there's been two expansion pack DLCs, and nothing but empty promises for the PSVR patch. Then to add insult to injury, Sony's all, "Hey, we're adding PSVR support to WipEout!" It's fine since I picked up the WipEout Remaster, but still annoyed about the broken promises from the Redout team.
I avoided Redout for that very reason. Small team with an OK product and promised future update. That said, still waiting for the Obduction patch...

Agreed. I’ll never understand why so many people feel the need to create new topics praising a game. I’m happy that people love it, but just say so in one of the other 50 topics.
even though they would deny it, I think it's a reflection on how poor PSVR support has been this year. When there's 5 threads on Ark Park you know a good like Wipeout is going to seem like the second coming.

I just PM'ed the $24 price at GameStop for Wipeout to Best Buy online and I'm going to pick it up during my lunch break tomorrow. Should have some time to play it tomorrow night.
How do you price match Best Buy online? The Best Buy near me has this game in stock, but I won't be off til 5.

With today being opening day I want to know where the update to the mlb app is to make it seem like I am in the stands behind catcher. VR sports viewing is lagging well behind where I want it to be.
It seems like PSVR is always left out of the neat experiences that the other platforms get.  I saw a commercial earlier today for NCAA March Madness which can be viewed on Gear VR and Daydream VR.  And this isn't the first time PSVR has been excluded.

How do you price match Best Buy online? The Best Buy near me has this game in stock, but I won't be off til 5.
I googled "Best Buy online price match" and it took me to a chat link where I chatted for like 15 minutes and got it taken care of. You basically place an order at full price then they refund you the difference after you give them the order number. So it was like $42 and change and then they credited me back $16 and change. I picked it up this morning and should be able to try it out tonight.

Just played 2 races in Wipeout VR.  Wow it's pretty fucking incredible and very immersive.  I wish the pilots hand moved though that's the only gripe I have so far.  Initially I did feel a little motion sickness, like for the first 10 seconds, but it quickly went away and I was fine.  

If I recall correctly, the game was on deep discount during one of the recent sales.  I know it doesn't help you much now, but I believe a lot of people picked it up at that time in anticipation for the VR mode.  It'll probably go on sale again sooner or later.

If I recall correctly, the game was on deep discount during one of the recent sales. I know it doesn't help you much now, but I believe a lot of people picked it up at that time in anticipation for the VR mode. It'll probably go on sale again sooner or later.
It's on sale right now lol, for $24.

I'm talking about in the PlayStation Store. PSPrices shows it was $19.99/$15.99 in December as well as earlier this month.
Kicking myself for not picking this up a couple of weeks ago. I expected it to be nonstop vomiting, and instead it is the greatest VR experience. Who knew?

Just played the first 2 event classes of the WIpeout HD version.  Game is really fun and fast.  There's definitely some levels that get me feeling a little motion sick feeling a little bit but not enough to get me of of it.  There was one level I played and it told me that the level is known to make people motion sick and it auto-turned on some settings to try and help with it.  They definitely helped and I can efinitely see why some levels turn this option on automatically.

i bought skyrim vr with a $25 certificate from gs. thanks for the heads up. did the same thing with wipeout soon after announcing the VR implemenation. 

I've been a bit sensitive with a few other games (mainly Farpoint and RIGS), but I'm happy to report that I was fine even after playing ~6 consecutive races in Wipeout (though I only played some of the earliest races, so I'm sure it gets more intense later on).

I'm very happy with the experience, especially considering this was a free update to a game I picked up for $16 on PSN a few months ago (I usually avoid digital if I can, but the price was right). :)  I just wish I could handle RE7 in VR, though my issue there isn't motion-sickness-related. :(

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Kicking myself for not picking this up a couple of weeks ago. I expected it to be nonstop vomiting, and instead it is the greatest VR experience. Who knew?
It's weird because there's a ton of camera locking options and FOV options that I've never seen before that really seem to make the experience easier. I played a bit over an hour and feel fine. I turned off some safeguards and there's definitely an increase but it seems manageable. On the upside, this game is a prime candidate to be in the easter flash sale that should happen tomorrow.

I'm glad I bought the Turtle Beach 350VR headphones when that 20% off ebay code first came around a couple weeks ago. They sound very good, and fit over the PSVR perfectly. My Stealth 520s kind of fit over the PSVR when fully extended. But after an hour of not having them on properly they started to hurt, and I was always afraid having them stretched might one day break them. I've played comfortably for three hour sessions with the 350VR.

When the sound gets quiet I can hear outside noise, but when playing Wipeout I can't hear a damn thing outside the game. I thought about getting active noise canceling headphones, but the ebay code lead to an impulse buy, and getting headphones that were certain to fit over the PSVR is what I was looking for the most.

Ready Player One was fun, but definitely not the juggernaut hit I was expecting it to be. I haven't read the source material, but I wasn't expecting it to feel so...formulaic. Of course, most of the fun is in all the references to retro gaming and movies of the '80s, and I'm pretty sure I missed a bulk of the blink-and-you-miss-it easter eggs on first viewing based on what I've read online. Anyway, I think it's enjoyable enough that even the most cynical among us would find something to like in it.

Right now would be a great time to jump into the Oasis beta content, which was released exclusively for Vive. :nottalking: I do hope the film and all the VR content takes off and lends even more public support for the medium. Spielberg was quoted as saying we're "4 years" away from the technology in this film, which would be incredible if it were true.

Last thing of note: I was watching Simon Pegg on Colbert last night, and he mentioned motion sickness being a sign of your brain thinking you've been "poisoned." I had never heard this theory before, but it's kinda interesting (skip to 5:56).

On the upside, this game is a prime candidate to be in the easter flash sale that should happen tomorrow.
Should we start taking bets now as to whether this fabled sale actually, finally happens?

These 20% codes are burning a hole in my pocket.

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In Ready Player One the book all the references predate NES and it bothered me so much that this nerd was this video game historian from the future was like the golden age was the early 80s.
I think Ready Player One has looked like a terrible movie from the get go. I doubt I'll even watch it when it hits Redbox.

I'm glad I bought the Turtle Beach 350VR headphones when that 20% off ebay code first came around a couple weeks ago. They sound very good, and fit over the PSVR perfectly. My Stealth 520s kind of fit over the PSVR when fully extended. But after an hour of not having them on properly they started to hurt, and I was always afraid having them stretched might one day break them. I've played comfortably for three hour sessions with the 350VR.

When the sound gets quiet I can hear outside noise, but when playing Wipeout I can't hear a damn thing outside the game. I thought about getting active noise canceling headphones, but the ebay code lead to an impulse buy, and getting headphones that were certain to fit over the PSVR is what I was looking for the most.
I too have the 350VR headphones and was playing Wipeout with them last night and was thinking about how great the music is in that game and how good they sounded with the headphones. I wish the sound effects were a bit louder and better, but the music for the most part gets me going.

Is it normal for the VR lenses to have a hazy look? Mine came like that new and it can’t be rubbed off with a cloth.
Some headsets come with a clear sticker over the lenses which may not be so obvious, so it may be worth checking if yours does as well if you haven't already.

bread's done