Official San Diego Area CAG List

So i got home and found out there is a hole in my Xbox 360 box. I couldn't see it since they just gave my friend the bag and didn't let him inspect it. It's no biggie, i'm going to play with it anyways but this is a warning if anyone is planning to get a copy to save or sell.
dam going on saturday.. im screwed!!!

if u dont mind....can someone stop by to see how much the mighty muggs are selling for at SDCC?? i need to know how much $$ to bring...

[quote name='Sway']

On a side note. the Plaza Bonita Gamestop has one more copy of the Limited Edition of Prince of Persia for the 360 as of 30 min ago. Inside the box/slipcover is a regular copy of the game. How do I know it's limited edition or not? Is it supposed to get inside the case?


It's basically that sweet brown cardboard cover with the regular game cover inside. The only difference is the LE comes with an extra disc inside. So that's the only way to tell. GS only sold the LE version and didn't even stock the regular version so I'd say you're good to go if you want to pick it up.
Adult swim has venture brothers season 3 blu-rays for $25, cheapest I've seen it anywhere... and DVD is $15.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']It's basically that sweet brown cardboard cover with the regular game cover inside. The only difference is the LE comes with an extra disc inside. So that's the only way to tell. GS only sold the LE version and didn't even stock the regular version so I'd say you're good to go if you want to pick it up.[/QUOTE]

Cool, thanks for the info.

Btw, I swung by the Capcom booth again today and they have a certain amount of the TE sticks that they sell each day with a limit of 2 per customer. They still had PS3 sticks by 1pm.
Anyone bought a grab-bag from the Capcom booth? I'm wondering what's inside and if I want to take the bait.

Hey Sway, how was Hall H? I may check it out tomorrow.
[quote name='Panda']Anyone bought a grab-bag from the Capcom booth? I'm wondering what's inside and if I want to take the bait.

Hey Sway, how was Hall H? I may check it out tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if it was just because of the Twilight panel today, but the line was ridiculous. It took up all of the green lawn area in front of Hall H then stretched across the street in front of the Hilton. There might have been people who weren't able to get in for the first panel. There was also a lot of people looking to get in to see Cameron's Avatar. I thought I would get in by hitting the line at 2pm when the panel started at 3pm but I wasn't able to make it in. Just don't underestimate the amount of people waiting to see the more popular panels and you should be fine. I personally plan on getting in line as early as I can for Fri/Sat and just hanging out in there for the whole day.

Not sure what it is yet, but this Twitter feed was mentioned today during the Alice in Wonderland panel:
Had a great Con yesterday, swag, panels and girls accompanying me. Tonight, is another party night. Me + girls= Korean Karaoke. Con is a great time of year.
[quote name='Sway']Cool, thanks for the info.

Btw, I swung by the Capcom booth again today and they have a certain amount of the TE sticks that they sell each day with a limit of 2 per customer. They still had PS3 sticks by 1pm.[/QUOTE]

I'm buying another TE stick tomorrow. If anyone is interested. I will be there early and snag a 360 TE stick. Final total 3 TE sticks from Comic Con.
[quote name='Sway']I'm not sure if it was just because of the Twilight panel today, but the line was ridiculous. It took up all of the green lawn area in front of Hall H then stretched across the street in front of the Hilton. There might have been people who weren't able to get in for the first panel. There was also a lot of people looking to get in to see Cameron's Avatar. I thought I would get in by hitting the line at 2pm when the panel started at 3pm but I wasn't able to make it in. Just don't underestimate the amount of people waiting to see the more popular panels and you should be fine. I personally plan on getting in line as early as I can for Fri/Sat and just hanging out in there for the whole day.

Not sure what it is yet, but this Twitter feed was mentioned today during the Alice in Wonderland panel:[/QUOTE]

I saw that line yesterday and damn that was insane. I went in line for the Disney one (cuz they had Miyazaki appearing today) and that was hell. They started the panel about 45 minutes late and I had to cut it short cuz I had to go for the Stan Lee autograph. :/
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I don't understand Comic-Con *shrugs*[/QUOTE]

you mean, the phenomenon itself? i get why it's popular, but it doesn't "do anything" for me, either. my wife loves it and this is her 3rd year going, but i just can't stand the crowds -- when i dropped her off today there were hundreds, maybe thousands, of people strolling the streets downtown and most of them had badges! on a similar note, i went to E3 for about 6 years before i just finally got fed up with the heat, the noise, the crowds and the drive, and stopped going. today i just relaxed playing video games by my lonesome. it was great. :lol:
[quote name='RiCeBo1']I don't understand Comic-Con *shrugs*[/QUOTE]

cause it only happens once a year..

its a change of pace for San Diego!
and theres a lot of cool stuff to see.

and for allyourblood, its not hot in there ;) i think they have a/c on full blast the entire time.

chopsuey, thanks for the mighty muggs tips. ill probably only get two.
[quote name='Furashu']

and for allyourblood, its not hot in there ;) i think they have a/c on full blast the entire time.[/QUOTE]

E3 was insufferable -- a sweaty sea of people. if only they had something that could eliminate the 100,000+ people... oh wait, they do: Monday. :lol:
[quote name='allyourblood']you mean, the phenomenon itself? i get why it's popular, but it doesn't "do anything" for me, either. my wife loves it and this is her 3rd year going, but i just can't stand the crowds -- when i dropped her off today there were hundreds, maybe thousands, of people strolling the streets downtown and most of them had badges! on a similar note, i went to E3 for about 6 years before i just finally got fed up with the heat, the noise, the crowds and the drive, and stopped going. today i just relaxed playing video games by my lonesome. it was great. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I started going to Comic Con in 1987 when it was at Golden Hall and actually focused mostly on comics and comic artists. I stopped going in the mid-90s and started up again in 2000. I've gotta say that in the last four years, it has rapidly become something completely out of control and not in a good way. The convention center can't accommodate 125,000 people comfortably and frankly, between the exclusive action figures, weird costumes, and the panels that require lining up a day in advance, it's just not a fun event. I get that comics, movies, television, video games and everything else are technically popular arts, but really, there should have been some effort to limit the focus of Comic Con. As it stands now, it is very difficult to even find any comics on the floor. I think this will probably be my last year of attendance. By the way, E3 this year was very nice. The fact that they limited attendance really improved the experience. It was easy to walk around and actually try some games and grab some swag. I wish I could say the same about Comic Con, but sadly it keeps getting worse and worse.
[quote name='bojay1997'] I get that comics, movies, television, video games and everything else are technically popular arts, but really, there should have been some effort to limit the focus of Comic Con. I wish I could say the same about Comic Con, but sadly it keeps getting worse and worse.[/QUOTE]

yeah i agree, its so mainstream and theres like so much mixture of everything now. theres even video games! might as well call it the Pop-Culture-Mainstream Convention featuring games, movies, and sometimes comics.
[quote name='Furashu']cause it only happens once a year..

its a change of pace for San Diego!
and theres a lot of cool stuff to see.

and for allyourblood, its not hot in there ;) i think they have a/c on full blast the entire time.

If you're near the WB or Fox booths whenever they do signings or have bag giveaways, the crush of people negates the A/C... so over there it feels much hotter than elsewhere in the exhibit floor.
I've always felt that the organization who puts the Comic Con together is going to wise up and get it out of the convention center. Which means relocating away from SD. I mean, we would all hate that but they would totally benefit from a move to a bigger place. Or fuck... just use the entire Qualcom Stadium and parking lot. hahaha
[quote name='h0mi']If you're near the WB or Fox booths whenever they do signings or have bag giveaways, the crush of people negates the A/C... so over there it feels much hotter than elsewhere in the exhibit floor.[/QUOTE]

yeah, when i told my wife and brother what Furashu said, they both told me that yes, AC is running everwhere but that it makes little difference -- it's still really unpleasantly warm.
[quote name='allyourblood']yeah, when i told my wife and brother what Furashu said, they both told me that yes, AC is running everwhere but that it makes little difference -- it's still really unpleasantly warm.[/QUOTE]

lol the a/c was good in the morning till about 2pm then it was crowded as hell and then.. it was hot.

it was cold in the morning, i had my longsleeve on!

got my mighty muggs.. woo!
Today was crazy. Got up at 4am in order to get in line for Hall H today. Got in line around 6am and had to wait till 11am for the first panel. A few Lost cast members showed up, but the Iron Man 2 and Kevin Smith panels were awesome. I was able record both panels (barring any trailer footage) and want to upload them somewhere. The Kevin Smith footage is about 75 min long and 6gigs big, which is too long for the 10 min limit for YouTube. Any recommendations on how I should get them on the web?
[quote name='Furashu']
got my mighty muggs.. woo![/QUOTE]

glad to hear it!

oh, and Sway... 5 hour wait in line?! unbelievable. you at least have your DS with you or something?
[quote name='allyourblood']glad to hear it!

oh, and Sway... 5 hour wait in line?! unbelievable. you at least have your DS with you or something?[/QUOTE]

I don't think I'd have it any other way. For me, Hall H is 90% of the Con. The waking up early, getting in line, conversing with like minded people, geeking out. It's all too awesome for me and it's why I didn't hesitate much when I saw that it cost $100 to pre-reg for all 4 days for next year.
dam sway thats nuts!

i was there at about 8am! i saw the line for the simpsons+futurama and it was already at the big ass tent!

i volunteered for 3 hrs but they let us off 30 mmins early.
the booths felt kinda lacking this year...

my friend and i attended the... Marvel Super Heros Panel kids tv show.. got to see Stan Lee+ the dude that produced Xmen from the 90's+ sponge bob voice guy...

then we wandered the exhibition floor... saw god of war 3, dantes inferno, uncharted 2, dissidia, wii dead space.... the lines were MASSIVE!
its getting ridiculous! it was fun chatting with the people that were volunteering with me though.
no idea about the videos. Sorry.

I see 2 problems with comic con in san diego, and they're related but IMO very different because there are myriad ways to solve each.

1- The exhibit floor is out of control. There are too many booths where there is just a crush of people trying to either get shwag or attend a signing. Signings can be handled by doing those at a different site altogether, either in an upstairs booth or somewhere else entirely. Moving to LA or Vegas or expanding the convention center will not help because CCI will simply sell more tickets and the underlying problem- poor line management and too many people in too cramped of an area will not be resolved. At all. IMO the biggest culprits here are WB and Fox, and I think Capcom & the XBox booths were problematic as well. Paramount's lines are huge but they limit the size of the lines fairly effectively AND THEY PUBLISHED A DAMN SCHEDULE as to when they're giving out which goodies. Adult swim's lines were long but they limit the size of the line as well. Same with the people trying to get twilight vouchers to spin the wheel. I think Viz media did a decent job here since their stuff was popular and Hasbro's lines seemed reasonable to me.

Caveat- the problem with the twilight and hasbro lines appears to me to be that they regulated the lines sufficiently well so as not to overcrowd other events, but if you wanted those things, you were SOL. I don't know how you'd ever buy or get those things outside of rushing those lines at 9:30.

2- Conference rooms. There is a huge demand for the events they hold in room 20, parts of room 6, and Hall H. They could easily, easily fill a 10k seat room with most of the events in Hall H, and the events in room 20/6 could sit 5k easily. I don't know what kind of amenities could help... does it really make sense to have this at an arenal like Cox Arena, Staples Center, SD Sports arena or Petco park instead? If you move to a bigger arena, a bigger facility, all CCI will do is sell more tickets which will not solve the problem but cram even more people into a larger area. Expansion of the convention center would help here but only if it meant more rooms (not merely bigger ones) and more events were simulcasted. And I think CCI needs to do more of that. If an event has many more people than expected, simulcast it to other rooms. Keep a room or 2 at the ready just in case.

I think the 1 thing Comic Con ought to do, and I think it would go a long way to making people have a more pleasant experience because there would be less demand for entrance on the other days, would be to sell or stream video of the events. Or rebroadcast conferences on other days which probably would be better. With extra rooms at the convention center, re-broadcast at the con what happened during Twilight, or the Kevin Smith panel, or Iron Man 2. Etc. etc. They could even relegate those to special "rebroadcast" days or even areas, and sell tickets just for that.

For 2010, tickets are starting at $100 for a 4 day pass, and they are going to sell 4 day passes without preview night access. So I suspect they're going to limit preview night access. I would not be surprised if they stopped selling 1 day passes either.
how was the trailer 4 ironman 2?? can u describe it haha? did we c warmachine?

i went to the boondock saints panel instead totally worth it best one ever 4 me
[quote name='The Chop Suey']how was the trailer 4 ironman 2?? can u describe it haha? did we c warmachine?

i went to the boondock saints panel instead totally worth it best one ever 4 me[/QUOTE]

Going on from what I remember:
Tony is in the Iron Man suit (without his helmet) sitting in the doughnut hole atop a doughnut shop eating donuts. The camera angle changes to a ground view as the back of Nick Fury walks onscreen. Then it cuts to Fury and Tony (who's sipping on some coffee). Fury was talking to Tony about joining him (I'm assuming Fury is trying to assemble the Avengers).
The next scene is Tony talking to a government committee about the existence of the Iron Man suit being a weapon. The lead government official is played by Gary Shandling. Tony says that the suit does not fit the definition of a weapon and that he is Iron Man. He would not give Iron Man because that means he would be an indentured server or a prostitute, depending on the state. Rhodes is then called into court.
(not sure of the order of the following scenes)
Then it showed Sam Rockwell's character, who appears to be an arms dealer. He's in a military facility showing Rhodes a variety of weapons. Rhodes states that he'll take them all and then it shows an upper body shot of War Machine firing a lot of guns (which was really awesome).
Whiplash is introduced next. Not sure what he was saying but it seems like he was explaining some sort of revenge on Tony over a montage of creating his suit. He's then shown using whips.

I'm sure there's more that I forgot, wish I could of taped it. I found a way to compress the videos and I'll post Rapidshare links to both the Iron Man 2 and Kevin Smith panels once they get done. Slight chance it'll be tonight but more likely tomorrow. Pretty tired and I plan on trolling the exhibit floor all day tomorrow.
[quote name='Sway']Today was crazy. Got up at 4am in order to get in line for Hall H today. Got in line around 6am and had to wait till 11am for the first panel. A few Lost cast members showed up, but the Iron Man 2 and Kevin Smith panels were awesome. I was able record both panels (barring any trailer footage) and want to upload them somewhere. The Kevin Smith footage is about 75 min long and 6gigs big, which is too long for the 10 min limit for YouTube. Any recommendations on how I should get them on the web?[/QUOTE]

Heh....don't tell me you were interested in the Iron Man 2 and Kevin Smith panels.....

My friend and I went got in about halfway thru the Solomon Kane panel thanxs to all those who left after the Lost panel.

As for recommendations, I've seen people split up stuff in order to post them on YouTube.
I didn't catch too many panels but i did catch the Kick Ass Panel which was awesome. I pretty much stayed in the video game area mostly the Capcom area. By spending the entire 3 days in that area, i was able to get two TE sticks, Tatsunko vs Capcom towel, MVC 2 Capcom vinyl album and Mr. Sir Om Nom Nom (big one).
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Footage of the Iron Man 2 and Kevin Smith panels, from the 5th row/left side from the stage:

I tried to get closer as the day went on but it was nigh impossible. Very few people left the front sections after each of the panels. The best I could do was move closer to the middle while staying in the 5th row/left side after the Lost panel.
I went both Friday & Sat, and got into most the panels I wanted to see. Only one that I was unable to get into was Ironman 2, but I am still satisfied.

I got to see

24, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Stargate Universe, Fringe, V, & Big Bang Theory.
[quote name='dan13l858']I didn't catch too many panels but i did catch the Kick Ass Panel which was awesome. I pretty much stayed in the video game area mostly the Capcom area. By spending the entire 3 days in that area, i was able to get two TE sticks, Tatsunko vs Capcom towel, MVC 2 Capcom vinyl album and Mr. Sir Om Nom Nom (big one).[/QUOTE]

Lucky..... I would love to have even the small version...
Is it just me or the exhibit hall was super crowded today compared to yesterday? I had somewhat fun. Not so much fun waiting in so many lines with massive amount of crowds, but still had some fun.

Just wondering what everyone end up buying at the con.

I bought:
+ Prinny stylus
+ Tokidoki pillow case (for the bf - well, mostly for me when I'm in his room)
+ Tokidoki tote bag (bf's sissy)
+ Rin - Fate/Stay Night anime figure
+ Kingdom Hearts version of Cloud mascot cell phone lanyard

I would've bought some Tokidoki shirts for myself, but I didn't see anything I like.
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[quote name='Panda']

Just wondering what everyone end up buying at the con.[/QUOTE]

i bought the wolverine + optimus mighty muggs!
i bought the domo face t-shirt, domo as a baller t-shirt
i also bought the Dark Knight and Iron Man Limited Edition Head Case Blu-rays for $10 & $15!


has anyone been to anime expo? if so how big is it?

does it compare to comic-con?

im considering going next year and just want a bit of insight please.
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[quote name='Furashu']
has anyone been to anime expo? if so how big is it?

does it compare to comic-con?

im considering going next year and just want a bit of insight please.[/QUOTE]

No comparison. Dealers room at AX just seems to be getting worse and worse. Without the influx of the gaming companies to make up for the lack of animation companies, there really wouldn't have been that much there. I was actually surprised to see Crunchyroll have a huge presence (and impact) as well. The one area where AX is better than Comic-con would have to be the concerts. More of the panels are geared towards anime of course and you'll be more likely to hear about new licenses at AX.

I was actually disappointed by this years AX. It was a lot better last year, but I had actually heard a rumor that AX was in the red due to the shuttles last year and may have had to cut corners.
thanks fieri!

anyways i went to TJ Maxx today in Clairemont

they had like 5 differnt charger hat styles!
theyre the flex fits baseball style caps.! usually for 24.99 in the mall

they were only 7.99!


nothing wrong with them. i work at the stadium... checked them out for flaws. perfect!

they had the powder blue sideline hats too! they also had the dark blue of the hat in the middle.
they had padres hats but they were fugly!

no fitted ones though sorry

Balboa Target
Burn Out ps3 $13.98
Madden ps2 9.99
PoP ps3 19.98
riddick 41.xx
nhl 09 41.xx

their clearance is still at 30% for their clothes+shoes
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[quote name='Fieri']No comparison. Dealers room at AX just seems to be getting worse and worse. Without the influx of the gaming companies to make up for the lack of animation companies, there really wouldn't have been that much there. I was actually surprised to see Crunchyroll have a huge presence (and impact) as well. The one area where AX is better than Comic-con would have to be the concerts. More of the panels are geared towards anime of course and you'll be more likely to hear about new licenses at AX.

I was actually disappointed by this years AX. It was a lot better last year, but I had actually heard a rumor that AX was in the red due to the shuttles last year and may have had to cut corners.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't disappointed at AX this year. It the one event i look forward each year (hint hint Comic Con). AX usually has some unique things that Comic Con doesn't have. concerts, arcade room, many specific stores (Gothic Lolita Clothing/import gaming) and the costumes are better. I get weak in the knees just thinking about the cute school girls everywhere at AX. I worth checking out. The only difference for me is
AX - hanging out with Cosplay Girls
Comic Con- hanging out with Geek Girls.

In the end, i win in both situation.

Finally, i can walk around at Anime Expo. sigh (Comic Con)
[quote name='Panda']Is it just me or the exhibit hall was super crowded today compared to yesterday? I had somewhat fun. Not so much fun waiting in so many lines with massive amount of crowds, but still had some fun.

Just wondering what everyone end up buying at the con.

I bought:
+ Prinny stylus
+ Tokidoki pillow case (for the bf - well, mostly for me when I'm in his room)
+ Tokidoki tote bag (bf's sissy)
+ Rin - Fate/Stay Night anime figure
+ Kingdom Hearts version of Cloud mascot cell phone lanyard

I would've bought some Tokidoki shirts for myself, but I didn't see anything I like.[/QUOTE]

The problem is that they group the different industries together. (Video game section, Movie/TV section, Comic book section, and random crap section near the North side of the Hall).

I think if Comic Con would space everyone apart like the TV/Movie section than i can walk around in that area. It was murder going through the WB, FOX and Paramount gauntlet. If you notice the Golden Age comic section was nearly empty and you can walk around that area. I really think if they moved to LA Convention Center which has 4 different halls it might help with the crowds. Also, use the Nokia Theater for the Hall H/Ballroom 20 stuff. Probably the quick fix would be is ulitize the nearby hotels more which they kind of did with the Hilton this year.

My pickups were:

Mostly Capcom stuff (i don't want to spam the room with my pickups again) but i did get a buzz lightyear toy for my god son so it was pretty good.
[quote name='dan13l858']I wasn't disappointed at AX this year. It the one event i look forward each year (hint hint Comic Con). AX usually has some unique things that Comic Con doesn't have. concerts, arcade room, many specific stores (Gothic Lolita Clothing/import gaming) and the costumes are better. I get weak in the knees just thinking about the cute school girls everywhere at AX. I worth checking out. The only difference for me is
AX - hanging out with Cosplay Girls
Comic Con- hanging out with Geek Girls.

In the end, i win in both situation.

Finally, i can walk around at Anime Expo. sigh (Comic Con)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I totally agree with you on the walking bit. But I did so much more walking around at Comic Con.

So if you like Gothic Lolita clothing, does that mean that you wear it too?

And I'm not really interested in looking at girls either, although I did hang out with one. At AX she was mostly Lolita, at Comic Con mostly Ritsuka.
I don't go to cons looking for guys, but because I have a lot of interest in anime and to a lesser extent games and manga. ;)
[quote name='dan13l858']The problem is that they group the different industries together. (Video game section, Movie/TV section, Comic book section, and random crap section near the North side of the Hall).

I think if Comic Con would space everyone apart like the TV/Movie section than i can walk around in that area. It was murder going through the WB, FOX and Paramount gauntlet. If you notice the Golden Age comic section was nearly empty and you can walk around that area. I really think if they moved to LA Convention Center which has 4 different halls it might help with the crowds. Also, use the Nokia Theater for the Hall H/Ballroom 20 stuff. Probably the quick fix would be is ulitize the nearby hotels more which they kind of did with the Hilton this year.

My pickups were:

Mostly Capcom stuff (i don't want to spam the room with my pickups again) but i did get a buzz lightyear toy for my god son so it was pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Actually it was just terrible trying to go through the WB area every time they closed off an aisle..... They need to stop doing that. Paramount was far enough away that it didn't cause that much of a problem. Their problem was the line against the wall which got out of control at times. The Sony booth was a madhouse at the one time I got stuck after picking up 2 shirts (the extra for my friend who was also trying to get one). The problem was, my friend was in line, I wasn't. They wouldn't even let me out! I'm surprised no one got hurt there. But yeah, I wish things would get more evenly spread out. I was actually surprised to see one empty booth this year.

Oh, I totally forgot! I was surprised that SyFy didn't have a booth. They were passing out stuff outside the con.
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[quote name='Fieri']Yeah, I totally agree with you on the walking bit. But I did so much more walking around at Comic Con.

So if you like Gothic Lolita clothing, does that mean that you wear it too?

And I'm not really interested in looking at girls either, although I did hang out with one. At AX she was mostly Lolita, at Comic Con mostly Ritsuka.
I don't go to cons looking for guys, but because I have a lot of interest in anime and to a lesser extent games and manga. ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm not one of those crazy dude. My GF likes to outfits. I can't be mad about that.
[quote name='dan13l858']The problem is that they group the different industries together. (Video game section, Movie/TV section, Comic book section, and random crap section near the North side of the Hall).

I think if Comic Con would space everyone apart like the TV/Movie section than i can walk around in that area. It was murder going through the WB, FOX and Paramount gauntlet. If you notice the Golden Age comic section was nearly empty and you can walk around that area. I really think if they moved to LA Convention Center which has 4 different halls it might help with the crowds. Also, use the Nokia Theater for the Hall H/Ballroom 20 stuff. Probably the quick fix would be is ulitize the nearby hotels more which they kind of did with the Hilton this year.

My pickups were:

Mostly Capcom stuff (i don't want to spam the room with my pickups again) but i did get a buzz lightyear toy for my god son so it was pretty good.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, totally agreed. WB, Fox and all the movie booth were a pain to walk through. It's awesome right when it opens. Other times, I just avoid that area at all times (at least I tried to). My least favorite booth is Mattel because they were so awful about being organize how to get their exclusive toys. They sold out all their He-Man toys on Thursday (or Friday). Capcom was really busy, too. I wanted to get the grab bag, but they sold out on Friday. I only wanted the bag, I couldn't care for the content. Sometimes I wonder if anyone got anything good in the goodie bag.
[quote name='Fieri']Oh, I totally forgot! I was surprised that SyFy didn't have a booth. They were passing out stuff outside the con.[/QUOTE]

Yeah! That's what I thought was weird this year, too. I was looking for it after I saw a bunch of people carrying their bags, but NO BOOTH. I missed the purple glow-in-the-dark lollie pop they were passing out in pervious years.
[quote name='Panda']Yeah, totally agreed. WB, Fox and all the movie booth were a pain to walk through. It's awesome right when it opens. Other times, I just avoid that area at all times (at least I tried to). My least favorite booth is Mattel because they were so awful about being organize how to get their exclusive toys. They sold out all their He-Man toys on Thursday (or Friday). Capcom was really busy, too. I wanted to get the grab bag, but they sold out on Friday. I only wanted the bag, I couldn't care for the content. Sometimes I wonder if anyone got anything good in the goodie bag.[/QUOTE]

As for Mattel, they were passing out voucher tickets at like 8:00 - 10:00 am each day in the autograph section. After you get the ticket, then you can buy the item. Yeah, it's a real pain. It also doesn't help that exhibitors are allowed to line-up at certain booth before the event is open. Hence, the reason why that every line looked like it was an hour wait when the event opening in merely minutes.
[quote name='dan13l858']I'm not one of those crazy dude. My GF likes to outfits. I can't be mad about that.[/QUOTE]

I didn't think so. ;)
However those outfits are very expensive.
bread's done