Official "The Dark Knight Rises" Thread - Now Out on Blu-Ray/DVD

[quote name='KingBroly']One thing creeps into my mind here.
Who's the mayor now? I mean, the mayor was killed, right? It wasn't touched on at all the rest of the film. It seems like it was one of those things that happened for no good reason.

The whole point of the montage was that Bain was killing all of the city's leaders. That's why the 2 guys went after Gordon. They had no need to have a mayor during the movie because most of it occurred during the "occupation" and a new mayor really isn't important enough to include in the epilogue (unless it was Jim Gordon or another already established character, which would have been cheesy anyway)
Do you really think they were inspired by that Iron Man scene from the Avengers?

I'm going with impossible unless they somehow saw the movie or for some reason read the script for the Avengers years ago.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Also, it felt like this was the story of "John Blake Rises". Batman himself felt like a side character since Bruce/Batman didn't have a lot of scenes compared to John Blake and his story. You could've taken out Batman and it would still be a good film nonetheless.[/QUOTE]
That's because Nolan
subverted the idea of Robin by having Robin in the movie the whole time without us even knowing it.
[quote name='rpg']
when i saw that scene i was like they must have watch 24 with Jack Bauer
skip to 1.30

That's reasonable, but that kind of thing happening has happened a lot, so I don't think it would be easy to say one particular thing inspired it.

I think it's safe to say that a movie that came out a couple months earlier definitely didn't though.
[quote name='whoknows']That's reasonable, but that kind of thing happening has happened a lot, so I don't think it would be easy to say one particular thing inspired it.

I think it's safe to say that a movie that came out a couple months earlier definitely didn't though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it's a pretty common trope.
This movie for me was hard to enjoy by Nolan's design. I think he was trying to take us deeper into the psyche of Batman, but went too deep. From that respect, it did a great job dragging the audience down into the depths of hell by constantly knocking Batman down when he was already there. For that, I hated the movie.

There came a point where I just couldn't take the convoluted story, with so many elements going on and just not having fun with any of it. I felt like this was more of a wrapup where it tried to do too much, too fast. Plot points were also pretty paper thin with few surprises, so it didn't come off as very clever regardless of whether it was trying to be or not. And while I didn't particularly hate Hathaway, I still didn't like her as Catwoman.

As for the ending,
I almost had a moment of redemption for the movie when they immortalized Batman for his sacrifice, only to be ripped away minutes later by not really killing him. That was when I realized the whole movie was a waste.
So to me, it was a great movie for Nolan; I thought he did a stellar job for his vision. Sadly, it wasn't a movie for me and I'll always have Dark Knight to revisit as the true pinnacle of Batman movies.

From here out, it's all downhill.
[quote name='GUNNM']Will there be a robin movie? And what was with the ending was alfred hallucinating?[/QUOTE]
It was Fox hallucinating. INCEPTION'D BIATCH!!!!
[quote name='GUNNM']Did anyone else want to come home and jack off to anne hathaway pictures after the movie?[/QUOTE]
After? I Did it during.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']I liked it, but didn't love it.

I thought it was interesting that the film borrowed so many elements of past superhero and sci-fi films i.e.

8 or so years since Batman was seen (Superman Returns), the Fusion Reactor destroying the city (Spider-Man 2), Batman taking the bomb and flying it through the ocean to save the city and sacrifing himself (The Avengers - Iron Man scene). I also predicted the "Bourne Ultimatum" ending of this movie months ago.

Also, it felt like this was the story of "John Blake Rises". Batman himself felt like a side character since Bruce/Batman didn't have a lot of scenes compared to John Blake and his story. You could've taken out Batman and it would still be a good film nonetheless.

I didn't care for how...
Bane was just killed like that, with a Catwoman blast from the Batpod, and that was it, just... dead. So anticlimactic, to die just like that after everything Bane's done.

Overall I liked it and thought it was a good film, but imho not as good as The Dark Knight.

Definitely not a kid's film either, the 2 families on my row, there kids all fell asleep.[/QUOTE]
Funny you mentioned the borrowed from other superhero plots.

TDKR basically was like a Batman Begins remake on a bigger scale!

With the whole Bane being the new Ra's setting up random explosives to blow up Gotham, and both movies releasing the prison inmates out on the street.

I can see why they would do that with the whole League of Shadows history, but it felt unoriginal and "been there, done that" already.


Also how many minutes was Batman on screen?

It felt like what, 15 mins total out of the whole 2:45 hour movie?

Overall it the movie was okay but my least favorite of the trilogy.
[quote name='GUNNM']Did anyone else want to come home and jack off to anne hathaway pictures after the movie?[/QUOTE]

You mean like to YOUR house? Or our own houses?
I really enjoyed the movie. It was better than I was anticipating. Following the Dark Knight is an impossible task and they did the best they could with it. All of twists at the end were complete suprises to me. I haven't read anything about the movie as I hate spoilers.
[quote name='ITDEFX']What did everyone think of Hans Zimmer's score? Better than TDK/BB?[/QUOTE]

BB is least fresh on my mind as I haven't actually watched it in years, but I thought the score in TDKR was superb. Made me want to pick up the album, something else that I haven't done in years(I used to buy up tons of soundtracks).
Does Gordon know/suspect that Bruce Wayne is Batman in the hospital scene? Pretty gutsy move to do considering he wasn't wearing any gloves..
I love to watch trailers etc. My machine totally froze though. I wonder why this happened? Surely not because of the videos as there is nothing wrong with them but I have no idea what is causing it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
Does Gordon know/suspect that Bruce Wayne is Batman in the hospital scene? Pretty gutsy move to do considering he wasn't wearing any gloves..
Nope. Gordon was drugged up and barely conscious.
Saw this in IMAX Friday night. Worth every penny. Posting my thoughts in spoiler tags below:

First of all, I have to give credit to Anne Hathaway for her performance. I wa not expecting to be able to take Selina/Catwoman seriously and she proved me wrong, bringing her A game to the movie. She had the devilish nature with a good heart down, and had good chemistry with Bale, they did a good job defining that relationship in a couple hour movie. Tom Hardy also did great as Bane, delivered the voice very well in addition to the physically menacing form I knew we'd see.

I thought overall it was really good, maybe not as good as TDK but I think they were very different movies. TDKR definitely felt more like a follow-up to BB than TDK, but still did a great job. I liked the ending (and I completely believe it was real) and that Bruce Wayne got the girl and could ride off into the sunset. He earned that.

My only gripes were:
-People automatically knowing Bruce and Batman were the same. Bane just knew with no explanation for how he knew, and Blake's explanation was really weak. Little hard to believe that.
-Not enough Gordon (and a little too much Blake, though JGL did well in the role even though the Robin set-up was incredibly predictable)
-The "get the bomb out of the city" tack didnt seem to fit very well. It reminded me of the very comical Simpsons movie where Homer takes the bomb out of Springfield and I kept chuckling the whole time it was going on.
-No Batmobile. As soon as I saw the military looking cars I wanted a Batmobile 2.0 so not having that sucked. (Though the Bat was awesome)
-Pacing felt a little slow at times (beginning could have used less of the congressman and the Dagar guy and the middle went too long without showing Bruce after Bane breaks his back) but then again the movie was long enough as it was so I wouldnt have wanted more time.

I said before that I liked the ending, and I still do, but I think that instead of the last scene being Blake going up the Batcave, we had seen a Riddler question mark or a Penguin statue, something to show the audience that even when Bruce was gone, Gotham would still need someone to save it from the next villian. I would have enjoyed that at least.

Overall though I really enjoyed it, already have plans to see it again this week and possibly 2 more times afterwards, which is unheard of for me with a theater release. Very good sendoff for the Bat.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
Does Gordon know/suspect that Bruce Wayne is Batman in the hospital scene? Pretty gutsy move to do considering he wasn't wearing any gloves..
He found out in the end when he mentions that blanket covering him is when he figured it out.
[quote name='GamerDude316']
My only gripes were:
-People automatically knowing Bruce and Batman were the same. Bane just knew with no explanation for how he knew,


I thought this at first too, but after thinking about it I assume Bane knew because Talia knew, and Talia knew because her father/League of Shadows knew.
Anne Hathaway was awesome. I have a much higher level of respect for her. Totally loved her.

For people saying Batman wasn't on screen a lot, he really wasn't in a lot of the entire trilogy.
I feel sorry for Bruce...
Other than leaving behind Wayne Manor for the orphans of Gotham...he is mostly going to remembered as being the man who flushed his company down the toilet.

Oh that one scene where Selina trips Bruce...that kinda felt harsh...and I was hoping that Bruce was faking it and was going to get up without the cane...but I was wrong.
Have to be honest, I didn't care for it as much as I thought I would.

A few of my gripes:

Bane's voice sounded ridiculous. just didn't fit the character I think.

I called Blake-as-Robin as soon as it was mentioned he was an orphan. But I thought his name would turn out to be Grayson, not that Robin was his actual name.
So what, pseudo Robin is going to become Batman now? Nightwing? Who the hell knows.

Bane gets killed by a shot from Catwoman on the Batpod, that was convenient.

It makes no sense that Bruce wouldn't have extra money somewhere else, he isn't that stupid.
[quote name='Cry Havoc']
I thought this at first too, but after thinking about it I assume Bane knew because Talia knew, and Talia knew because her father/League of Shadows knew.

It's definitely a foreshadowing moment along with

When they go to court Miranda Tate is sentenced with Gordon and the other "insurrectionists" but Bane has her brought over to him after their sentencing. The very next scene shows her meeting with Bruce and Lucius like nothing happened but then we go to the scene where Batman saves Gordon from "exile" and it's mentioned that Bane is "holding" Miranda hostage. It struck me as odd but the break-neck speed of the plot made me quickly forget about it. I was a little concerned that it was an editing error but its clearly in there as foreshadowing that there's something off about her
[quote name='RedvsBlue']It's definitely a foreshadowing moment along with

When they go to court Miranda Tate is sentenced with Gordon and the other "insurrectionists" but Bane has her brought over to him after their sentencing. The very next scene shows her meeting with Bruce and Lucius like nothing happened but then we go to the scene where Batman saves Gordon from "exile" and it's mentioned that Bane is "holding" Miranda hostage. It struck me as odd but the break-neck speed of the plot made me quickly forget about it. I was a little concerned that it was an editing error but its clearly in there as foreshadowing that there's something off about her

I actually thought this was an editing mistake and I already had figured out the "twist"
If you're on this page and haven't seen the movie yet, Clak posted spoilers without tags on the previous page, so be careful if you're going back in the thread.


Hey, after like 4 tries they finally got a decent portrayal of Catwoman on a non-comic book form of media. Pleasantly surprised.

Main gripe:

Robin "just knowing" that Bruce was Batman was fucking awful.

Other stuff:

Loved the serve about Ra's kid. I was actually fine with the switch from a daughter to a son with the son being Bane, figured it was just a way to convienently tie everything together. Having the Talia reveal was definitely one of my favorite parts.

Enjoyed the film quite a bit, but man that was a long movie. Not sure what they could have cut out though. The last 30 minutes was especially fantastic and I did like the way they ended it. In your summer comic book battle I preferred Avengers, but that's like saying I preferred a 40 dollar steak over a 30 dollar one.
I was really disappointed by this movie. It was easily the worst of the three. Nolan built such a great universe in the first two where it was all pretty believable, and then he made this movie which was so comic-booky. This movie reminded me more of the 90's batman movies then the other two movies of this trilogy.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Clak use spoiler tags!!!![/QUOTE]
Anyone reading this thread should be aware that we're discussing the movie, and if they don't want to read it, should probably stay out. If they don't have the common sense to do so, too bad for them. I'd be happy to discuss my post if you'd like though.
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Saw this movie yesterday. I think it was the least awesome of the three; it was too over the top, and the speed at which both the villains and heroes were accomplishing things seemed to be stretching it. Maybe I just couldn't get a sense for the passage of time, though. I didn't know Bane's backstory, but everything else was pretty predictable. It didn't surprise me like the first two movies and seemed the most comic book-ish of the three. Also, I really hate when movies (or TV shows) use
nuclear weapon plotlines.

Two things bothered me the most:

First, why did Batman attempt to fight Bane (as well as a number of lackeys) in mere hand-to-hand combat. Why not cripple him with some electroshock, poison, flash grenades, etc? That whole fight was just terrible to me.

Also, did Batman really have enough time to get the bomb out to a safe distance? I can't remember how big they said the explosion should have been, but there didn't seem to be enough time left, especially since he wasted a few seconds talking before even leaving. I begrudgingly chalk this up to Hollywood theatrics, but I thought Batman was better than this.
[quote name='ID2006']Saw this movie yesterday. I think it was the least awesome of the three; it was too over the top, and the speed at which both the villains and heroes were accomplishing things seemed to be stretching it. Maybe I just couldn't get a sense for the passage of time, though. I didn't know Bane's backstory, but everything else was pretty predictable. It didn't surprise me like the first two movies and seemed the most comic book-ish of the three. Also, I really hate when movies (or TV shows) use
nuclear weapon plotlines.

Two things bothered me the most:

First, why did Batman attempt to fight Bane (as well as a number of lackeys) in mere hand-to-hand combat. Why not cripple him with some electroshock, poison, flash grenades, etc? That whole fight was just terrible to me.

Also, did Batman really have enough time to get the bomb out to a safe distance? I can't remember how big they said the explosion should have been, but there didn't seem to be enough time left, especially since he wasted a few seconds talking before even leaving. I begrudgingly chalk this up to Hollywood theatrics, but I thought Batman was better than this.
[/QUOTE]to your 1st ? think about what Alfred had been telling him in not so many words your too damn cocky now use your head it's clear there more to him & that's what he was using. He did try 1 thing but it's clear that didn't work.
[quote name='ID2006']Saw this movie yesterday. I think it was the least awesome of the three; it was too over the top, and the speed at which both the villains and heroes were accomplishing things seemed to be stretching it. Maybe I just couldn't get a sense for the passage of time, though. I didn't know Bane's backstory, but everything else was pretty predictable. It didn't surprise me like the first two movies and seemed the most comic book-ish of the three. Also, I really hate when movies (or TV shows) use
nuclear weapon plotlines.

Two things bothered me the most:

First, why did Batman attempt to fight Bane (as well as a number of lackeys) in mere hand-to-hand combat. Why not cripple him with some electroshock, poison, flash grenades, etc? That whole fight was just terrible to me.

Also, did Batman really have enough time to get the bomb out to a safe distance? I can't remember how big they said the explosion should have been, but there didn't seem to be enough time left, especially since he wasted a few seconds talking before even leaving. I begrudgingly chalk this up to Hollywood theatrics, but I thought Batman was better than this.

Regarding the 2nd
They mentioned early on that it was only a 4 megaton bomb that would have a blast radius of about 6 miles. If he flew for about a minute he would need to be going about 300 mph to get far enough out. You're right about it being a bit of a stretch but not so much so that it's completely unbelievable.
[quote name='GUNNM']Will there be a robin movie?[/QUOTE]since they need a break from this timeline I'd like to see them move towards a batman beyond movie with clint Eastwood as old grumpy bruce not sure who would be terry though. They'd have more room for ideas that wouldn't screw up the batman legacy & new villians(or a new take on them) that would make another trilogy seem "fresh"
[quote name='Clak']Anyone reading this thread should be aware that we're discussing the movie, and if they don't want to read it, should probably stay out. If they don't have the common sense to do so, too bad for them. I'd be happy to discuss my post if you'd like though.[/QUOTE]

Well not everyone get a chance to see movies opening weekend...I've been bitched about this before as well... I think the rule should be spoiler tags until Monday.
I think it's making a big deal out of nothing. Just use spoiler tags, it takes like 2 seconds to add them.

Some people may just be reading this thread for impressions, they probably don't want the movie spoiled.
You know...
About people saying Bane was killed by the Batpod shot, I'm not so sure it really killed him. It could've just knocked him out... I mean, you would think it probably would have, but they never really said for sure either way. Also, I thought I saw him move a bit after he hit the back wall.
I'm going to guess that
he was killed. I mean, those same shots were used to open that tunnel, I don't think a person could survive being hit by them.
Yeah I think bane is dead. This is a PG-13 movie they're not gonna show what happens to a man when a mortar round hits him hes just a mortal like everyone else in nolan's version of batman.
Isn't this nolan's last batman movie? This will just be rebooted and anything that happened in the last three films won't matter anyways.
If they were smart, whenever they "reboot" Batman, they would stay away from redoing the origin and stay away from any continuity of these films. Treat it like comic writers treat it (for the most part)

If it were my decision, I'd just adapt standalone Batman classic comic stories and make them into movies. I'm thinking Dark Knight Returns and Long Halloween. Stuff like that.
I Don't think the next Batman movie will follow the foot steps of any personal stories or anything close to "realism", because they literally have to distance themselves from Nolan's universe now. Especially that with the Justice League movie since now Gotham will no longer be it's own city, but just a part of a giant world of super villains and vigilantes everywhere now. So I think whatever the next movie or director forced to take this massive undertaking will have to reflect that, so probably if anything I can see Court of Owls storyline happening.
[quote name='rpg']do u guys see batman having a cameo in the new superman movie ?[/QUOTE]

Considering Bale is supposedly done being Batman, no.
[quote name='DestroVega']If they were smart, whenever they "reboot" Batman, they would stay away from redoing the origin and stay away from any continuity of these films. Treat it like comic writers treat it (for the most part)

If it were my decision, I'd just adapt standalone Batman classic comic stories and make them into movies. I'm thinking Dark Knight Returns and Long Halloween. Stuff like that.[/QUOTE]
DC is already adapting storylines into animated movies. I agree about not redoing the origin.
bread's done