OIL JUST HIT 70.90 PER BARREL unleaded gas UP 20% again 2.88 OUT OF HAND

[quote name='xzafixz']I'd argue with this completely out of context statement but it would be pointless. I had no idea people were so stupid.[/QUOTE]

Well, we do have one very vocal member of the board here whose reaction to anything he has no logical response to is "Yeah, but this is the internet, you're probably lying."

And some people don't believe we ever sent a man to the Moon, or that JFK was shot....
[quote name='xzafixz']I'd argue with this completely out of context statement but it would be pointless. I had no idea people were so stupid.[/QUOTE]

Respond however you want. I am simply mocking the fact that you think this is all pre-determined before hand. I'm sure oil companies planned this months, if not years in advance by your logic.

Get a clue.
[quote name='xzafixz']I'd argue with this completely out of context statement but it would be pointless. I had no idea people were so stupid.[/QUOTE]

Completely out of context? You had no idea people were so stupid?

Weren't you the one that just posted this:

"The hurricane hit in the last 3 days, there is no way the price of gas went up 50 cents in 3 days due to the natural shutting down of businesses in the south. This was a pre-determened price raise."

Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere.
the reporters are not helping either. last night on channel 15 news at 5 they said one gas station was out of gas and wont get any till Friday or mid next week.... STart the panic... Then at 6pm they come on and go The gas station will get gas tomorrow or thursday at the latest... They just wanted to start a panic and watch gas prices fly.

the LOOP has Power??? I thought everything was underwater

ALSO Unleaded gas now 2.88 ......... Okay the loop is working again and the gas will start to flow. Good luck seeing gas go back to 2.00 they was have other excusses

Lets all short Oil : )
[quote name='slidecage']the reporters are not helping either. last night on channel 15 news at 5 they said one gas station was out of gas and wont get any till Friday or mid next week.... STart the panic... Then at 6pm they come on and go The gas station will get gas tomorrow or thursday at the latest... They just wanted to start a panic and watch gas prices fly.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, damn those media moguls and raising our gas prices!

Speaking of the media, I watched an interview with one of these correspondents recently and he was like, "gasoline prices don't effect a large portion of a family's income ... " speak for yourself buddy. If I was raking in millions of dollars a year, I guess it wouldn't be a significant portion of my income either :)

I wish lunch break would come up, I'm starving.
[quote name='dtcarson']Wow. I paid 17 bucks for 30 lbs of food for my dogs. You must be rich to buy that stuff. Do you buy bottled water and Starbucks coffee too? You should be taxed extra for those 'luxuries'.[/quote]

I enjoy Starbucks coffee, and for a corporation, they treat their employees well. Others should model after them.

That I don't like. I won't stop at a gas station that doesn't post their prices easily visible.

Well, in that case, a third theory emerges: the employees are so sick of being bitched at that they deter sales by not posting prices, thus reducing the number of bitchy customers to deal with. Certainly not the profit motive, but what wage slave ever followed that old rule to a t?

There is a surcharge. It's called greater use of gas, more tax dollars paid on that same gas, etc. I think there ought to be a surcharge on people who drive out, using up gas and harming my precious environment, just to buy *dog food*, and expensive snobby dog food at that.

I'll omit the rest b/c it's easily available. I don't mind excessive taxation; god knows that one look at our annual deficits and accumulating budgets, not to mention arguably needless tax cuts, make it a good idea (beyond my liberal "taxation is good" mantra, right ;))

They do pay more taxes for greater use, but they also drive up demand, which effects how much you and I pay for gas. I'm paying more at the pump because of your largesse, simply put.

I'm not discussing "luxury items" necessarily, so your video game analogy isn't really useful here. I'm not paying more for Madden because you are also buying Madden; this is in stark contrast to the increase in demand for oil and the effect that has on daily prices.

I've considered taxing passenger cars that get under a certain milage (which would tax poor people who can't upgrade their cars like all of us, making more conservative people happy due to economic parity of bloodsucking taxation, right?) per gallon; the impact on the price of goods through taxing commercial vehicles, though? fuck, man, go to your grocery store and you can see that already.
[quote name='dtcarson']Well, we do have one very vocal member of the board here whose reaction to anything he has no logical response to is "Yeah, but this is the internet, you're probably lying."

And some people don't believe we ever sent a man to the Moon, or that JFK was shot....[/QUOTE]

[quote name='opportunity777']Yeah, damn those media moguls and raising our gas prices!

can you honestly say a gas station being out of gas is newsworthy?

its not. thats like burger king being out of meat, film at 11.

(obviously if gas stations all over a city were running out, this WOULD be newsworthy, but from my understanding of the description of the coverage, thats not the case.)
[quote name='punqsux']can you honestly say a gas station being out of gas is newsworthy?

its not. thats like burger king being out of meat, film at 11.

(obviously if gas stations all over a city were running out, this WOULD be newsworthy, but from my understanding of the description of the coverage, thats not the case.)[/QUOTE]

they had a reporter right at the gas station reporting live THIS STATION IS OUT OF GAS.. just trying to start a panic. I mean it was the only station that was out of gas...... They said the LOOP is working now Let see Unleaded wholesale gas fall back to 1.90 where it was last friday... Never will happen they will say UMMM what about the next storm
[quote name='Follandboy']My Motocycle gets 70 mpg, but $5 (1.5 gallon tank w/ .5 gallon reserve) to fill the tank twice a week is still expensive.[/QUOTE]

LOL my dad has a 99 Harley Night Train and he told me it was 6 dollaring him to death
[quote name='savestheday888']If it makes you feel any better, I've donated money to tsunami relief. Plus, this is a disaster, within the United States, which has impacted our gasoline prices. The point I was trying to make was that we shouldn't complain about the gas prices when there are obvious, and saddening reasons as to why they have risen sharply in the past few days. Buy a plane ticket to Indonesia? Don't be so ignorant. If we go by your logic, then perhaps everyone else in the world should have bought a plane ticket to New York after 9-11.[/QUOTE]

Clearly you didn't understand the exaggeration behind the plane ticket comment, or you wouldn't have posted so much stupid and taken it as a real argument. Please take that 9/11 bullshit out the door along with your comment about ignorance.

We shouldn't complain about gas prices? That's an opinion, one that I'll disagree with. Both Katrina and gas prices are having a major economic effect on the country and are issues that should be looked at, not one ignored for the other because it is "bigger" as you put it.

Regarding your donation to the Tsunami Relief: Good for you. Do I care? No. I don't preach to others as to what they should be doing with their free time and I don't appreciate when others do the same to me. Whether a person decides to donate, share, or be compassionate towards another is completely within their rights, but isn't required.

And a disaster in the United States doesn't make it more horrible than one that would occur in another country. Sure, it has more of an affect on us because it has a larger impact on our day to day life, but getting into its importance would be a game of semantics.
[quote name='punqsux']can you honestly say a gas station being out of gas is newsworthy?

its not. thats like burger king being out of meat, film at 11.

(obviously if gas stations all over a city were running out, this WOULD be newsworthy, but from my understanding of the description of the coverage, thats not the case.)[/QUOTE]

I don't think a gas station being out of news is newsworthy at all, it's one gas station. Now if like the entire southeast didn't have gas, I would say that it would be significant enough for the media to put it on the agenda.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
I will say this, I hope that the government (ALL PARTS) don't wait until oil is gone before they get serious about finding new energy sources. They should have been looking into it 10 years ago.[/QUOTE]

Funny, wasn't that a major part of Al Gore's platform . . . did people listen?

$2.99 here
[quote name='schultzed']Funny, wasn't that a major part of Al Gore's platform . . . did people listen?

$2.99 here[/QUOTE]

Dubya was obviously the more intelligent candidate, he's a bibleman ya know :roll:
[quote name='schultzed']Funny, wasn't that a major part of Al Gore's platform . . . did people listen?

$2.99 here[/QUOTE]
i was at a john kerry rally at CMU and he also mentioned the US having to invent itself out of this problem.

of course, if either were elected, would anything actully change, its hard to say.
[quote name='SkyGheNe']Clearly you didn't understand the exaggeration behind the plane ticket comment, or you wouldn't have posted so much stupid and taken it as a real argument. Please take that 9/11 bullshit out the door along with your comment about ignorance.

We shouldn't complain about gas prices? That's an opinion, one that I'll disagree with. Both Katrina and gas prices are having a major economic effect on the country and are issues that should be looked at, not one ignored for the other because it is "bigger" as you put it.

Regarding your donation to the Tsunami Relief: Good for you. Do I care? No. I don't preach to others as to what they should be doing with their free time and I don't appreciate when others do the same to me. Whether a person decides to donate, share, or be compassionate towards another is completely within their rights, but isn't required.

And a disaster in the United States doesn't make it more horrible than one that would occur in another country. Sure, it has more of an affect on us because it has a larger impact on our day to day life, but getting into its importance would be a game of semantics.[/QUOTE]

Alright, calm down. It's apparent that we are grossly misinterpreting each other's statements. For this, I call truce. :p
[quote name='schultzed']Funny, wasn't that a major part of Al Gore's platform . . . did people listen?

$2.99 here[/QUOTE]

Last I checked he was in the White House with President Clinton for 8 years and neither did much. Like I said, all of government needs to work on this. It's not a conservative/liberal thing.
[quote name='savestheday888']Alright, calm down. It's apparent that we are grossly misinterpreting each other's statements. For this, I call truce. :p[/QUOTE]

I will too.
According to the interweb, there's a place around here (as of 11am) selling at $2.49. I'm just going to fuel up and park until this weekend, when I can go home and bring my bike back down.
Cheapeast gas here is $2.99/gal (2 places) and most expenisve is $3.49/gal. And just imagine what Friday's increase will raise it to, especially with the holiday weekend and the missing oil rigs in the Gulf.
[quote name='slidecage']they had a reporter right at the gas station reporting live THIS STATION IS OUT OF GAS.. just trying to start a panic. I mean it was the only station that was out of gas...... They said the LOOP is working now Let see Unleaded wholesale gas fall back to 1.90 where it was last friday... Never will happen they will say UMMM what about the next storm[/QUOTE]

WAITING FOR POWER. LOOP sustained "no apparent catastrophic damage" and should be able to quickly resume offloading tankers once power is restored to its onshore pipeline systems, a spokesman says.

He tells Platts that utility Entergy (ETR) was working to restore power to the onshore systems, which must be in operation before the offshore terminal can begin unloading crude from tankers. The offshore terminal, 20 miles south of the Louisiana coast, has its own power source.

"Power is our biggest need... It shouldn't take us terribly long to get back once we get power," he says. LOOP could resume offloading vessels once power is restored "probably within a matter of hours."

FURTHER ASSESSMENT. A more extensive assessment of LOOP will be carried out shortly, the spokesman says. Additional testing of the offshore terminal can be done only once power is restored.

Power loss to the area surrounding the Capline and LOCAP crude pipelines were keeping both lines down on Aug. 30, according to a source close to the lines' operations. The Shell-operated (RD ) 1.1 million b/d Capline was shut late Aug. 28. It's not clear when LOCAP, which connects Capline to LOOP, was shut.

LOCAP is operated by LOOP and has a capacity in excess of 1 million b/d. Capline carries crude from St. James, La., to Patoka, Ill. Shell and LOOP officials couldn't be reached for comment.

[quote name='Moxio']Apparently gas is now under $70 a barrell, with Bush having resorted to emergency oil reserves.[/QUOTE]
So when will we see that difference?

You know what I hate? When gas companies raise a price... for example from $2.00 to $2.30, and everybody freaks because it's so expensive, etc. Then just a few weeks later it raises to $2.60-$2.70, people still freak out. But then it drops back again to $2.30, and then no one seems to complain or even realize that they were freaking out about that just a few weeks before.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if they shoot the price twice as much as they should, so that when they drop back to the other high price (in the example $2.30) people will stop complaining.

Like right now for example, last week it was an outrage at $2.69, however now it's $3.19. I'm curious to see how many people are thankful in another week or two when it goes back to the still outrageous price of $2.69 and totally forget that they were complaining about it.
[quote name='GuyWithGun']So when will we see that difference?

You know what I hate? When gas companies raise a price... for example from $2.00 to $2.30, and everybody freaks because it's so expensive, etc. Then just a few weeks later it raises to $2.60-$2.70, people still freak out. But then it drops back again to $2.30, and then no one seems to complain or even realize that they were freaking out about that just a few weeks before.

Sometimes it makes me wonder if they shoot the price twice as much as they should, so that when they drop back to the other high price (in the example $2.30) people will stop complaining.[/QUOTE]

I guess it's just psychology. They're somewhat thankful prices have dropped, but the sight of gas prices increasing that dramatically is frustrating.
[quote name='lowgear26']CNN said that there was a place in Atlanta charging $4.99 a gallon[/QUOTE]

Now THAT is WAY out of line.
Last night when i went to work gas was $2.59 a gallon, this morning when i came home gas was $3.09 a gallon! Luckily i told my ride that he had better stop and fill up his tank because i read here gas was about to pop and he listened.

I dont have a car, i was gonna get one to replace my old one that got wrecked awhile ago but i decided not to. I was gonna save up money and just buy something instead of making payments. I've been riding the bus for many months now and just paying a friend $20 a week to give me a ride to work. He doesn't live far from me so it's a pretty good deal for both of us. I ride the bus everywhere else i need to go, it's only $1.25 one way. You can go anywhere you want to go in the area for $2.50 roundtrip, a gallon of gas is $3 now! LOL the buses are getting packed more and more every day. I feel back for people driving in SUVs, i had a Explorer and it got TERRIBLE gas mileage!
[quote name='mtxbass1']...several places are reporting that they are completely out of gas now around this area.[/QUOTE]

Out of gas?????

Where do you live?

Watch we will end up going through another depression one of these days......
[quote name='$hady']Out of gas?????

Where do you live?

Watch we will end up going through another depression one of these days......[/QUOTE]

The five year cycle/depression is supposed to happen within the next 3 years - so who knows how we'll do with poverty levels rising, these crises, tax cuts and major spending.
Reality's Fringe]Ok said:
I never knew you were from Dayton. I guess Teddy Kennedy was always distracting me.

I know the guy who started www.gaspricewatch.com He's from the area. He started the site a few years ago before the gas prices went above $2.00.

Speedway has their own site for listing gas prices, and it doesn't look like Little York's prices are any lower than the other stations in the area.

Well, someone posted this, but i can't find it anymore:

"the man makes a point, our employers are good at taking away and giving back less and we never do anything about it."

Actually, we do. Whistleblowing, quitting without notice, taking the benefits/education a company provides and jumping at the first offer that pays more, etc. The workplace environment has changed on both sides. People used to work for a company for 40, 50 years, and the company returned that loyalty with a great relationship. Now people have 5 or 10 'careers' through their life, and they feel the company owes them everything, but they'll jump in a minute. So of course a company's 'indebtness' to its employees is much less. All a company really owes an employee is the paycheck at the salary agreed upon for the hours worked, everything else is 'extra.'

Sure you can complain. Free speech, voice of the consumer, etc. But anyone who 'bitches' at, say, a C-store counter clerk doing his job, is a total asshole and I'll tell him that to his face. Complain to the store owner or the company owner, but not the guy working a crappy job [and dealing with assholes] to pay his bills.

And true conservatives are for "fair" taxation, which the tax 'system' now is not at all. Very few conservatives buy into the 'class warfare' BS, that's primarily a function of the caring left and the MSM.
[quote name='onetrackmind']the man makes a point, our employers are good at taking away and giving back less and we never do anything about it.[/QUOTE]

I did. I went self-employed 5 years ago and haven't looked back. Best thing I ever did in my life, second only to getting divorced. :)
bread's done