Oink Invite?

[quote name='gage006']Hrm...now i'm tempted to make a post asking for Blackcats invite.[/QUOTE]

Blackats has stopped giving out invites and registration is closed indefinitely. Don't know when or if they'll ever be back, otherwise I'd give you one. Underground-Gamer is better anyway.

I'd hand out some Oink invites but I just gave out a bunch a few weeks ago to people who all PROMISED me that they'd seed and keep a good ratio. So far, none of them have uploaded anything but continue to download tons of music.
People are more careful about oink invites. I don't know about oink but I know demonoid doesn't enforce any rules about if you invite someone who doesn't seed. Also I don't think you get as many. I've been a member 4 months and only have received 2.
Also I doubt you'll get anyone to trade you a oink for a demonoid.

I did get my oink invite from handing out free demonoids though, I gave them out on other message forums and when I sent my invites I attached a note "if you ever get an oink keep me in mind ;) ) within that week I got one. Also receive other invites by doing that without even asking.
I barely use it though, I have only downloaded one thing on it.
Too bad about Blackcats I had 13 invites at one time for it. Whenever they allow them again I'll post them here. I rarely use them anymore either.
Oink does punish people who refer selfish leechers. Hence, you should only give them out to people you actually know, if you care about your own membership.
Also, keep in mind Oink will delete your account if you're inactive for 6 weeks. I found that out the hard way :(
[quote name='floormat']I know odds are not but if anyone is giving an oink, demonoid or any decent torrent site preferable one that has cartoons, tv shows or odd stuff I would greatly appreciate it.

i'll give you a free link to pirate bay

heck here it is free period



one to torrent typhoon too



I know youre joking about those sites, but I highly recommend NOT using the piratebay for torrents. I downloaded a torrent from there (it didnt even start downloading) and a few days later Comcast emailed me telling me how I violated their terms by downloading copyrighted material blah blah blah. It was just a warning but still.
Willing to trade......

I want:

I have:
[quote name='musha666']I know youre joking about those sites, but I highly recommend NOT using the piratebay for torrents. I downloaded a torrent from there (it didnt even start downloading) and a few days later Comcast emailed me telling me how I violated their terms by downloading copyrighted material blah blah blah. It was just a warning but still.[/QUOTE]

dont know what to say. I had comcast and used pirate bay and never had a problem. my fried got a bandwidth violation from them and he uses irc. I have verizon fios now and no probs so far. I pretty much just go for odd stuff mostly
bread's done