Ok, I know its a little crazy w/ all the DC tributes , but can we talk about Shenmue?


What were your favorite moments/memories with the series?

Let me start off with a question. I read somewhere that you can get a Sega Saturn for your home in the first one? I didn't know that and I wasn't able to find any information on-line? Are you just able to play Hang On and Space Harrier?
Favorite moment in Shenmue? Definitely the forklift.

I don't know about the Saturn... maybe a little figurine at best... but nothing functional, if i can remember correctly. And I do believe that in the 1st game, only Hang on and Space Harrier were available as in game arcade games, but the library expanded to include Afterburner and Outrun in the sequel. Shenmue was a pretty sweet game, I wish they had a conclusion to its story.
Actually, Ryo already has a Sega Saturn in his home. Fuku-san owns it, I believe. And there are Virtua Fighter posters as well. Which creates a time paradox, since the game takes place in the mid-80s; before VF and the Saturn came out. In fact, same with the Sonic and NiGHTS figurines.

And yes, you can play Hang On and Space Harrier at the arcade in the game.
Seeing as how it doesn't look like the Shenmue series will get a proper conclusion , as well as the fact that I heard it hasn't aged particularly well , would the games still be considered worth playing for someone that's never played them before? (I have both the first for the DC and the second for the Xbox)
I doubt it... I played the original to death when it first came out, but by the time I got the second one for Xbox most of the appeal had evaporated. I think you had to be there in 2000, when it was groundbreaking, to get the most out of it. Nowadays you see elements of Shenmue in everything, and usually it's done better than when it was done initially in Shenmue.

That said, you should certainly give it a chance to pull you in. Look for the man who killed your father, and a man named Charlie too. But watch out for those sailors!
If you've never played it, Shenmue is certainly worth a try. The graphics still hold up surprisingly well, and it can be immersive. The voice acting has always rubbed me the wrong way, but you can look past it.

I think I might fire it up when I get home. I'd like to play some Space Harrier.
[quote name='king9x']How about a game of lucky hit?[/QUOTE]


Every time I re-play Shenmue, I cant help but to bust my ass collecting every Sonic toy in the game. I guess that makes Shenmue more like my real life than any other game possibly could...
[quote name='Tsukento']Actually, Ryo already has a Sega Saturn in his home. Fuku-san owns it, I believe. And there are Virtua Fighter posters as well. Which creates a time paradox, since the game takes place in the mid-80s; before VF and the Saturn came out. In fact, same with the Sonic and NiGHTS figurines.

And yes, you can play Hang On and Space Harrier at the arcade in the game.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget, the desk in Ryo's room has Master System manuals.

I remember how awestruck I was the first time I bought a can of soda in that game. Then I felt cheated because the only thing that happened was I had to watch him drink it. :lol:
I remember that soda being pretty fucking refreshing for Ryo though.

I'm not sure about my favorite moment (might have involved sailors), but I remember my brother getting it for xmas and my whole family watching him play it because the graphics of rendering entire neighborhoods was unreal at that time.

Same xmas break my stepbrother (not a football fan) came over and thought we were watching an actual football game on tv and not playing 2k, which also says something about the quality of the 2k series graphically for its time.
I remember being blown away by it at the time, I poured endless time into that game. I'm sure it doesn't hold up now the same way many genre innovators (Goldeneye comes to mind) don't, but that's like saying Star Wars is a bad movie because the special effects seem lame now. Shenmue is a classic.
I loved the changing of the seasons (fall -> winter). Lol, the xmas music in the stores was a nice touch.
[quote name='StarKnightX']Seeing as how it doesn't look like the Shenmue series will get a proper conclusion , as well as the fact that I heard it hasn't aged particularly well , would the games still be considered worth playing for someone that's never played them before? (I have both the first for the DC and the second for the Xbox)[/QUOTE]
It's very story-centric. There isn't much gameplay, certainly no good gameplay. It's a very cinematic game. The story isn't nearly as good as most claim, my theory is that people overrate the story as a result of its at-the-time-groundbreaking presentation. Now, a decade later, after countless games have borrowed ideas from Shenmue and improved upon them, the weak story & gameplay are more transparent and there's really no enjoyment to be had. You're not missing anything.
[quote name='handsome_rakshas']Shenmue is soooo special to me! It's hard to decide my favorite parts. It's a yearly tradition for me to play Shenmue during the holidays.[/QUOTE]

That's awesome. At one point Ryo runs into a fat, jolly guy dressed up as Santa Claus during the holiday portion, doesn't he?

I have the import Shenmue 2 for the DC, but I never played it because I got stuck in the first game (around the docks)...

I think this is one of those games you had to experience when it was still unique and cutting-edge. Someone playing Shenmue in 2009 for the first time is not likely to be impressed. I do think while the game's storytelling was lauded more for presentation than for actual narrative (sailors, anyone?), I think people who *don't* think it's one of the most important games of its era on the "game experience" alone are just overreacting to the fact that the game (and the series) never quite lived up to its initial promise.
Sure, I'll try a game of lucky hit. I was thinking of wanting to play Shenmue again. But I don't have a DC or Xbox anymore to play it on. Ah, the joys of walking around and talking to random strangers aimlessly.
Never played the first one, but my favorite moment on the second one was the forest! /sarcasm

Seriously though, my favorite would have to be his surprised facial expression. I remember it looking really funny that it just stuck in my head. Oh and to those who've played the first, is there a time when he actually smiles? I don't recall him smiling in the second one, but I might've just forgotten...
I think the Wii would be a nice home for a Shenmue double pack with improved visuals and waggle

- tilted Wiimote for driving the forklift
- waving motion to pet the kitten Ryo's caring for
- stabbing/pulling motion to buy a drink from the vending machine
- Punch-out controls the fighting scenes
- wagging controls for the QTE's
- Wii Motion+ controls for the pool and dart games
- tilting slightly of the Wiimote to initiate the clueless look on Ryo's face when Nozomi pours her hoeart and soul to Ryo
- Tom's funky beats play through the Wiimote's speaker

Daydreaming of how well Shenmue would work on the Wii is the only thing that gets me thru my 3 hour lab classes each week -_-;
[quote name='mac101010']Never played the first one, but my favorite moment on the second one was the forest! /sarcasm

Seriously though, my favorite would have to be his surprised facial expression. I remember it looking really funny that it just stuck in my head. Oh and to those who've played the first, is there a time when he actually smiles? I don't recall him smiling in the second one, but I might've just forgotten...[/QUOTE]

I dunno, but he smiles a lot in the new game he's starring in:

[quote name='m0rningbreakfast']Daydreaming of how well Shenmue would work on the Wii is the only thing that gets me thru my 3 hour lab classes each week -_-;[/QUOTE]

You just gave me something to daydream about.

I loved the first game, but I liked the second one better.
bread's done