Olbermann fired by MSNBC


4 (100%)
Cable host Keith Olbermann and news channel MSNBC abruptly parted ways on Friday night, as the network announced it had agreed to end his contract and the last installment of his show would air that evening.
The surprise announcement strips MSNBC of its most-watched evening anchor after an increasingly tempestuous relationship, coming less than three months after the network briefly suspended the fiery host.


Firing the host of the top-viewed show. Brilliant!
Never really watched his show, but I'm a fan of Maddow. Hopefully she gets his spot, I think she does a great job.
Fired from MSNBC? That's like being to ugly to get asked to go to one of those "special" parties where everyone is supposed to find the ugliest person they can.
"How does it feel to beat a Palin?" O'Donnell asked that to a Dancing with the Stars winner. I kind of lost respect for him, he made too much of a big deal about beating Palin's daughter. Also his "exclusive" interview with the dancer was whack. O'Donnell was never shown sitting across the Dancer, instead the camera would cut to the person talking. So much for the "exclusive" face to face interview.

As for Olberman, gonna miss the "Worst Persons" segment.
[quote name='UncleBob']Fired from MSNBC? That's like being to ugly to get asked to go to one of those "special" parties where everyone is supposed to find the ugliest person they can.[/QUOTE]

Wal-Mart, dude. You work at Wal-Mart.
[quote name='UncleBob']Fired from MSNBC? That's like being to ugly to get asked to go to one of those "special" parties where everyone is supposed to find the ugliest person they can.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']Wal-Mart, dude. You work at Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

I bet Sarah Palin is responsible through her repub comcast connection. Evil vindictive women just couldn't stand Olbermann outing her stupidity every night.
[quote name='mykevermin']I take it you've never read the NY Post before?

I'll give you one guess as to who owns it. But you won't even need that.[/QUOTE]

I just thought it was funny. It read like a redneck hillbilly with a theasaurus and a rudimentary understanding of alliteration.
[quote name='camoor']I just thought it was funny. It read like a redneck hillbilly with a theasaurus and a rudimentary understanding of alliteration.[/QUOTE]
Umm.. it is the NY Post afterall.
[quote name='D_Icon']"How does it feel to beat a Palin?" O'Donnell asked that to a Dancing with the Stars winner. I kind of lost respect for him, he made too much of a big deal about beating Palin's daughter. Also his "exclusive" interview with the dancer was whack. O'Donnell was never shown sitting across the Dancer, instead the camera would cut to the person talking. So much for the "exclusive" face to face interview.[/QUOTE]

I think it's funny (and telling) that you base your entire opinion of the guy based on filler segment where he interviews a dancer.

As for the younger Palin, it's hardly like she was Gloria in "They Shoot Horses Don't They". There are bigger things going on in America, wake up
[quote name='mykevermin']Wal-Mart, dude. You work at Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

Yup. I work. Vs. Olbermann, who's just another unemployed Obama voter. :D :D :D

Seriously, though, Fox should pair Olbermann up with Beck for a new show. I might actually watch that.
As someone who has never really read the New York Post I have to say, wow. They should sell that alongside Weekly World News.
[quote name='Clak']As someone who has never really read the New York Post I have to say, wow. They should sell that alongside Weekly World News.[/QUOTE]

It is always been a rag and a right wing rag to boot. They don't even pretend to be anything else anymore.
[quote name='mykevermin']Wal-Mart, dude. You work at Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

Communist white tower condescending ivory tower liberal fascist progressive.
[quote name='IRHari']Communist white tower condescending ivory tower liberal fascist progressive.[/QUOTE]

Thing is, more people probably shop at even the smallest Walmart in a single day than watch MSNBC. It's funny because their ratings suck that much. :D

I tease, of course. Seriously - even though Olbermann probably has enough saved up that he doesn't have to worry in the near future, I wonder what his prospects are. While I can't honestly see Fox picking him up (again, would totally watch an Olbermann/Beck show at least once... dunno how long I could stand either one of them), would CNN honestly consider him? Talk radio? Could Olbermann be considered a contender for some kind of political office?
[quote name='mykevermin']Wal-Mart, dude. You work at Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

Where do you work and what is your position that can be critical of where he works?
[quote name='Ruined']Where do you work and what is your position that can be critical of where he works?[/QUOTE]

I've always wondered why Bob gets regularly flamed for working at walmart. I've noticed it more than a few times now. Who gives a shit where he works.
I think that post was more to point out how absurd it is for people to mock a rich guy like Olbermann getting fired when he's rolling in cash and will have no shortage of job offers coming in, than to mock him for working at Wal-mart.

Most of us, even those like Myke and I with advanced degrees, would love to be as well off as Olbermann. Much less anyone who works in retail and has limited career options (not that there is anything wrong with that--even if I loathe Wal-mart and haven't spent a cent there in going on a decade).
[quote name='Ruined']Where do you work and what is your position that can be critical of where he works?[/QUOTE]

We can't all be paid to post right wing bullshit.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']I've always wondered why Bob gets regularly flamed for working at walmart. I've noticed it more than a few times now. Who gives a shit where he works.[/QUOTE]

I don't give a shit. I also don't give a shit if someone has a PhD. Somehow that became relevant, and I don't think it should.

If we're going to have shitty rules, then shitty rules should be equally enforced.

[quote name='Ruined']Where do you work and what is your position that can be critical of where he works?[/QUOTE]

He works high in his ivory tower. From the summit of Barad-dur his eye watches ceaselessly. He thumbs his nose at the common man just because he has an 'education'.
The only reason that stuff (education, degrees etc.) matters to me is that it's at least a sign that the person is knowledgeable in some area and likely has some factual information I can learn from them.

There's not a single, solitary person on the face of the earth who I give a rat's wee ballsack about their opinion on something. I don't care what anyone thinks about a movie or book or game or moral issue or political issue etc. At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is my own.

But I have a thirst for knowledge and well-educated people have more knowledge than lesser educated--at least in whatever area of expertise they studied/work in.

Now people can of course be self educated and worth learning from, so degrees aren't required. But at the same time, they're aren't that many people working in things like retail jobs that I've met who are well read, self educated people who I'd call intellectuals. So I don't tend to give such folk the benefit of the doubt. They have to prove me wrong in my first impression, especially on something banal like forums which I treat as little more than time wasters/procrastination aids.

At the same time, there are plenty of people with Ph Ds who are morons. So while they may get the first impression benefit of the doubt, they can have it very rapidly rescinded.
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[quote name='Ruined']Where do you work and what is your position that can be critical of where he works?[/QUOTE]

I've paid my dues in plenty of shit jobs.

I'm not critical of anyone who puts in 40 a week, unless they want to start that battle themselves. If someone who works at Wal-Mart wants to criticize someone for where they work, I'm going to remind them that they've got no place to talk.
[quote name='IRHari']I don't give a shit. I also don't give a shit if someone has a PhD. Somehow that became relevant, and I don't think it should.[/QUOTE]

People with a degree tend to be more educated (natch), better skilled, and better informed.
you wanna know who else had an education? HITLER!

I'm not critical of anyone who puts in 40 a week, unless they want to start that battle themselves. If someone who works at Wal-Mart wants to criticize someone for where they work, I'm going to remind them that they've got no place to talk.

nah, you beefed with him because you don't like him. Be honest.
I appreciate those who have "came to my defense" - it's not necessary. I think it says a lot more about those posting it than anything else.
I hvae to wonder if NBC will now be forbidden to air any negative stories concerning Comcast. Say if they had already bought NBC back when they were caught manipulating certain types of traffic on their network, would NBC have reported on it as much as the other networks?
[quote name='Sarang01']I frankly think Olbermann being fired was one of the conditions of Comcast purchasing NBC.[/QUOTE]

It's easy to say that, but Olbermann had plenty of bridges on fire, if not totally burnt, well prior to this merger (the FCC's approval of which is a whole 'nother topic for the vs forum). I think the timing is *not* coincidental, but I also don't think Comcast is responsible.

[quote name='Clak']I hvae to wonder if NBC will now be forbidden to air any negative stories concerning Comcast. Say if they had already bought NBC back when they were caught manipulating certain types of traffic on their network, would NBC have reported on it as much as the other networks?[/QUOTE]

GE is the parent company of NBC. I always wanted to look and see how much reporting they do on GE compared to other networks, but never got around to trying. Now that Obama has nominated another anti-american (not in the conservative sense, but in that his work as CEO shows he doesn't give a shit about working Americans) in GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as his top economic advisor, I'd be curious to see if NBC stations are going to produce or air pieces that are critical of Immelt.
The free marketeer in me doesn't get this at all. Why would a middling brand with only 2 recognizable faces (in an industry where faces are all that matter) shitcan and/or allow their most valuable asset by far to walk? If we're talking money here, how does this make sense?
Well, obviously it wasn't about money or ratings. He'd just burned a lot of bridges and pissed off enough people that they were willing to take hits on those things to get rid of him.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's easy to say that, but Olbermann had plenty of bridges on fire, if not totally burnt, well prior to this merger (the FCC's approval of which is a whole 'nother topic for the vs forum). I think the timing is *not* coincidental, but I also don't think Comcast is responsible.

GE is the parent company of NBC. I always wanted to look and see how much reporting they do on GE compared to other networks, but never got around to trying. Now that Obama has nominated another anti-american (not in the conservative sense, but in that his work as CEO shows he doesn't give a shit about working Americans) in GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as his top economic advisor, I'd be curious to see if NBC stations are going to produce or air pieces that are critical of Immelt.[/QUOTE]
I had wondered that too, but GE doesn't seem to be in the news much anyway that I can tell. I expect Comcast and other ISPs to be in the news a fair amount in the coming years.
[quote name='speedracer']The free marketeer in me doesn't get this at all. Why would a middling brand with only 2 recognizable faces (in an industry where faces are all that matter) shitcan and/or allow their most valuable asset by far to walk? If we're talking money here, how does this make sense?[/QUOTE]

Olbermann has a long history of burning bridges and being a giant douche.

Also, he donated to Jack Conway. If George Bush were a Democrat, his name would be Jack Conway. Seriously, any credibility that wasn't lost after shutting up about Obama's continuation of Bush's "national security" directives was lost when that came out. Progressives deserve better than a massive phony.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']I've always wondered why Bob gets regularly flamed for working at walmart. I've noticed it more than a few times now. Who gives a shit where he works.[/QUOTE]

because it's a funny running gag
[quote name='nasum']because it's a funny running gag[/QUOTE]

and it's Wal-mart i.e. The Neighborhood Drain.
[quote name='speedracer']The free marketeer in me doesn't get this at all. Why would a middling brand with only 2 recognizable faces (in an industry where faces are all that matter) shitcan and/or allow their most valuable asset by far to walk? If we're talking money here, how does this make sense?[/QUOTE]

You're assuming that the rich people in power always make rational decisions.

The guy at the top is only there because he is a genius at cutting his competition off at the knees and surronding himself with well-paid yes-men on his staff and the board. Any business knowledge he happens to possess is completely secondary.
True, but it doesn't always have to be that kind of incompetence behind it.

At the end of the day, people don't want to work with assholes. Things aren't always about making the most money etc. You want people who do a great job etc., but sometimes its not worth it if they're assholes and make other employees miserable etc.

I hadn't thought about it much until talking to my boss about how they go about faculty hiring decisions since I'll have to vote on them etc. eventually and he said the two qualifications they use are basically "1) They have to be productive. 2) They can't be an asshole."
bread's done