older ps2 still available?


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Since Sony started selling new slim PS2, I was wondering if they are still making older style PS2's...
Probably this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find the answer here..

I checked everywhere online and no one seems to have older style PS2's.

I am not interested in refurbished one.. any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
you're out of luck then.

Sony switched over to the PStwo design. The recent dissapearance of regular PS2s was due to sony trying to empty the market of the old systems so they could introduce the new ones with the modem built in.
*If* you're looking for the older PS2 model so you can hook up a hard drive to it, I read on another board that there's a program coming out that will let you use the USB port to access a hard drive. I don't know if that's true and didn't look into it any more.
I have noticed a number of old model PS2s available still at number of my local TRU stores. Aside from that, -everywhere- I've been, the PStwo is being sold instead now. I think you'd have more luck from an online store than anything in store (have you tried sony's site yet? EDIT - not for sale anymore there, nor can I find even the colored PS2s?).
Refurbished PS2's are plentiful. I traded in my perfectly good SCPH-50001 for a 70001. (or is it 90001)? eh whatever
Xboxmaster, hush.

for the hundredth time sony dropped the connection to the HDD because they felt it's main market had been reached. With the millions of systems they;ve already sold the people who were legitamately interested in the HDD already have systems built to hold the drive. Sony didnt want to release the drive in the first place as they felt the desire for it wasnt great enough.

There wasnt a whole lot of support for it even after it came out so it wasnt worth the effort to contiue to push it, this dosent mean of course that there wont be games in the future with the capacity to use it but it only about as likely as it was when the drive was out in the first place.

As for the USB HDloader the first reports are that it's only good for loading emmulators or game saves from flash drives or external drives as it wont load full games.
well, my main interest is using my PS2 linux.. which uses HDD.
I guess this is as I expected. Sucks.. I guess I will have to get refurbished one if mine breaks. I just hope that refurbished price goes down enough.
[quote name='Alpha2']Xboxmaster, hush.

for the hundredth time sony dropped the connection to the HDD because they felt it's main market had been reached. With the millions of systems they;ve already sold the people who were legitamately interested in the HDD already have systems built to hold the drive. Sony didnt want to release the drive in the first place as they felt the desire for it wasnt great enough.

There wasnt a whole lot of support for it even after it came out so it wasnt worth the effort to contiue to push it, this dosent mean of course that there wont be games in the future with the capacity to use it but it only about as likely as it was when the drive was out in the first place.

As for the USB HDloader the first reports are that it's only good for loading emmulators or game saves from flash drives or external drives as it wont load full games.[/quote]

You make a very good point--I'm just mad that if my current PS2 breaks (which isn't unlikely considering it's a PS2), then I might not be able to find an older one to put my HDD in! Then I would REALLY would've wasted the $100 I spent last May when I bought the FFXI/HDD package. The only thing good about that was the HDD, so I'm still half-way satisfied with my purchase. The only thing I could do with it is sell it, which would probably be hard. Or, if possible, (question) put it in my computer (?).
I'd think the best answer would be to have the PS2 serviced rather thanbuying a whole new system, (I thought this was "CAG" not "I have money to buy multiples of the same system if one breaks" I'd even be willing to bet SOny would replace your system with a refurbished one assuming your's hasnt been modded.

The drive probably could fit into your PC though I doubt you;d have access to your stored game saves or FF11 without some form of emulatory/reader program (and even then for FF11 you might as well just buy a PC version at that point)
The drought for the big PS2's has been around since August or so, since that's when Sony stopped the production of it for the upcoming PStwo. I went and got mine replaced via the ext. warranty at BB and was shot down the first day I tried because they didn't have any and none around had any either. They had to get a shipment in from another store and I got mine a couple days after the first attempt.
I am one who was fucked by Sony in the ass. My PS2 broke Thanksgiving weekend and I could not find a new "old" PS2 anywhere. I bought a new slim PS2 and traded a 7 y/o kid the new slim PS2 for his old PS2 just so I could play FFXI. Grrrr I am still pissed about this!!!
I am never buying a Sony system again. BTW my PS2 broke 2 times before this last time.
If Sony didn't have a monopoly on platform and RPGs, I would boycott all of their gaming products.

I'll admit they make good televisions however.
[quote name='imacheapasstoo']*If* you're looking for the older PS2 model so you can hook up a hard drive to it, I read on another board that there's a program coming out that will let you use the USB port to access a hard drive. I don't know if that's true and didn't look into it any more.[/quote]

I'm no tech wizard, but I'm pretty sure that isn't possible, due to the fact that the USB 1.0 ports on the PS2 are not near fast enough to match the speed at which the HDD delivers data. Again, I may be wrong, but I've heard that from several different people.
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