On Buying Ads and Posting "Deals"


34 (97%)
Hot on the heels of the "Limited Collectible: Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance Promo Edition (PS2) $30 A/C at GQD" thread, let's respect Cheapy's input and move the discussion here.

Cheapy's response to the reaction this deal received:


Personally, I don't mind that an ad buyer got a quid-pro-quo position on the page. Especially in an age where so many people use software that keeps the end users of this site from seeing those ads in the first place. My concern is that this was not disclosed as "not a deal," and was not disclosed as "doing the fine folks at GQD a favor." It was no different than listing a front page deal - a particularly unsavvy user could be duped into buying a $30 shitshow of a game, and an investment that's worth %13 of its value prior to the time of purchase.

That's deceptive and misleading, I'm afraid. Intentionally or not.
[quote name='mykevermin']My concern is that this was not disclosed as "not a deal," and was not disclosed as "doing the fine folks at GQD a favor."[/QUOTE] There is a $10 off coupon code for CAG members. That makes it a deal. You and I (and a shit-ton of other CAGs) may have no interest in the item, but I'm sure somebody does, and they just saved $10 by visiting CAG today. For them, it clearly is a deal.

[quote name='mykevermin'] It was no different than listing a front page deal - a particularly unsavvy user could be duped into buying a $30 shitshow of a game, and an investment that's worth %13 of its value prior to the time of purchase.

That's deceptive and misleading, I'm afraid. Intentionally or not.[/QUOTE]

There is nothing in that post that is untrue or misleading. In fact, there is nothing in there that can even be considered subjective or an opinion.

First paragraph
GameQuest Direct has informed CAG that they have exclusively acquired the last 1018 units of this out-of-print game directly from Midway. For more information on this game's history, read the official story here.
All fact, no option.

Last paragraph
Currently down to the last 900 units, GQD has issued a coupon code to the CAG community for a limited time. To get $10 off, use coupon code: MKDACAG3 at checkout. Coupon expires August 1st or when quota is met. Prices are expected to increase when GQD is down to the last 100 pieces.
All fact, no opinion.

I'm not sure what part is deceptive and misleading.

p.s. Thanks for attempting to move this to another thread :)
The deceptive part is that this was presented as a cream-of-the-crop deal (frontpage'd, that is) when it really doesn't come close.
I take Myke's point (and he makes a good one, as usual) but I also agree with Cheapy in that I don't think the way he worded his post ever promoted this as a great deal.

It may be that people will assume that because it's on the front page thats its a great deal, but that doesn't make that assumption any more valid.

Also we have the ability to comment on Cheapy's post, many people have, with a quick click into the thread you can see people opinions on this "deal". Cheapy has made no attept to surpress that in any way.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']The deceptive part is that this was presented as a cream-of-the-crop deal (frontpage'd, that is) when it really doesn't come close.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe the post was presented in any other way but a factual one, but if this somehow violates your (and others) perception of what should appear on the front page, I will take that into consideration in the future.
[quote name='CheapyD']If a sponsor does pay for a front page news post, you will see it detailed in the post itself.[/QUOTE]

If you're still reading this thread, CheapyD, this is exactly what you must do in order to avoid backlash like the one you just incurred. Take a lesson from Sony's PR/Marketing division: do not take your public for idiots. Much like the infamous "All I want for Christmas is a PSP" gaffe, this "deal" was quickly called out as an aberration and reeked of collusion from the PR-speak OP.

However, if you make your intentions plain and clear from the get-go, you avoid a lot of the backlash. For the most part, we'll understand the necessary evils that come with running a site with thousands of members and hundreds of thousand of hits per day.
[quote name='CheapyD']I don't believe the post was presented in any other way but a factual one, but if this somehow violates your (and others) perception of what should appear on the front page, I will take that into consideration in the future.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't necessarily deceptively worded, but rather it was deceptively placed, is what I guess I'm trying to say.

I just always assumed that front page posts are reserved for the best of the best deals that will positively affect a large number of people who may not read the deal forums every day. I'm not so sure there'd have been as much of a backlash as there was if it was simply posted in the video game deal forum without an accompanying front page post.
Well, like I said before, this post was not paid for in any way, shape or form. I have a standard rate for my 300x250 ad slots, and that is the exact amount that GQD (and any other sponsor) paid. I did not promise GQD a front page post in return for an ad buy, nor did they request one.

GQD has a history of offering CAG exclusive coupon codes and this is something that not a lot of other retailers have done for us. In this situation, I figured that those who would be interested in the item would appreciate the exposure (and the CAG exclusive code) and those who aren't interested would move on (silly me).

Although I didn't really think about it much at the time of posting, it is kind of interesting/noteworthty that GQD bought this stuff from Midway and believes there is a market for this. Judging from the comments, many CAGs thought it was interesting too. Maybe "interesting" isn't the best choice of words.

[quote name='DarkSageRK'] I just always assumed that front page posts are reserved for the best of the best deals that will positively affect a large number of people who may not read the deal forums every day. [/QUOTE]While that is certainly a fair assumption and often true, clearly that was not the case here (and in other cases). I'll write up some kind of "front page post policy" to clear up any future confusion.
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I really don't see what the big deal is here. I think because it was Cheapy posting a deal perhaps more people thought that it would be hot shit. We all know the deal is ass, and GQD is trying to rip people on a game that was given away for free at one point. But you have to look at it this way

" GQD has a history of offering CAG exclusive coupon codes "

If he does not in some way promote the codes they offer us they will stop doing so. Simple as that. However you feel about GQD in some way they are offering us deals from time to time.
[quote name='CheapyD']I don't believe the post was presented in any other way but a factual one, but if this somehow violates your (and others) perception of what should appear on the front page, I will take that into consideration in the future.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate your input, though I think framing it as "factual" is a bit erroneous.

A Greatest Hits title in Greatest Hits packaging has an MSRP of $19.99 (well, up until the end of the PS2 generation). This is $30 b/c of a $10 coupon and yet presented as a "deal."

Deceptive doesn't mean you are all villains who did so willfully aware, but that it's just a lame duck deal that shouldn't have been on the front page. GQD has had some good stuff in the past - I can't recall specifics of their reprints, but very rarely have they made the main page. This is one, I'm afraid, that simply does not belong on the front page.

This is deceptive because it's highly overvalued, and presented as a "deal" because it's 150% what the MSRP was without the "promo" sticker on it. Years ago. But after coupon.

We'll surely continue to disagree, I suspect.
I feel like some research might have been due here- it would be different if this were a legitimate collector's item, but someone in the thread just posted an eBay listing for the game that didn't sell for $5 shipped. It's not a deal for cheap gamers who want a deal, it's not a deal for collectors, so it seems kind of pointless and silly.
[quote name='Rocko']I feel like some research might have been due here- it would be different if this were a legitimate collector's item, but someone in the thread just posted an eBay listing for the game that didn't sell for $5 shipped.[/QUOTE] Some research would have revealed that ebay item was not a new/sealed item.
The two sides of the argument seem pretty clear to me:

On the one hand, this is obviously not even close to a deal since, as Rocko said, it didn't even sell for $5 shipped and was basically free to begin with (that's what promo means, no?).

On the other hand, Cheapy is trying to show people (ie other companies?) that CAG has exclusive codes cuz it's awesome, and that there is a good relationship between CAG and online companies.

It just happed to turn out that this deal is, while CAG-exclusive, pretty awful ;).
No, but anything that's actually rare or sought after, even opened, would at least sell for 5 stinkin' dollars.

I'm not sure why you try to demean my point by acting like I didn't click the link.
I think at least part of this also stems from the company involved, at least on some CAGs' part. They came to prominence in my mind by willfully trying to sell stuff at inflated prices on eBay, and so I have not, nor will I ever buy anything from them, CAG-exclusive coupon codes (which will get cross-posted everywhere as soon as they're posted here anyway) or not. The "deals" they've tossed us on their games have, for the most part, been insulting compared to the way they were trying to gouge the eBay market when they first started doing their reprints.

But regardless, I wasn't going to bitch at Cheapy for using the front page. I don't even use the front page. I stick to the forums. And even if I didn't, I still wouldn't bitch. Know why?

It's his site.

Two ads for the price of one! :p

Honestly though, if they have already purchased advertising space for their deal,
why do you have to reinforce the shitty "deal" by posting it on the front page

I'm curious as to how many CAGs have actually used the coupon
If it were a lot, then I'm sure a lot of people would back off
Until then, I'm with the others who feel that this is not a deal at all and shouldn't have been posted on the front page...
[quote name='sotc1988']I would take the spirit of the thread as harmless ribbing and not as anything too bad. Nice writeup though.[/QUOTE]

Jeez! You can't say anything nowadays without people taking it the wrong way. We're just giving you a hard time Cheapy, at least I was anyway. There's no need for you, Cheapy, to bust out your "I'm the owner I can do whatever I want" post(deal post). We got it. You're the supreme ruler and we should be happy to be in your presence. It seems that's your fall back answer anytime someone disagrees with you.
[quote name='CheapyD']Some research would have revealed that ebay item was not a new/sealed item.[/QUOTE]

Cheapy I'm surprised you're even trying to defend yourself here. I don't see why anyone would want a sealed promo version of a crappy Mortal Kombat game... let alone for 30 bones. This isn't a deal.. at all.
[quote name='PhrostByte']Cheapy I'm surprised you're even trying to defend yourself here. I don't see why anyone would want a sealed promo version of a crappy Mortal Kombat game... let alone for 30 bones. This isn't a deal.. at all.[/QUOTE]
Apparently the item is selling quite well, so....take that however you like.
[quote name='CheapyD']Apparently the item is selling quite well, so....take that however you like.[/QUOTE]

Selling well in general, or specifically with your coupon being used? I feel bad for any CAGs who are buying this game.
I dont see what the big deal is. If the item doesn't do it for you don't buy it, I personally am not interested but to someone this may be a good deal and they don't mind shelling out the cash for it regardless. But I can see the benefit of something like this for Cags in general. If a retailer sees a viable market here for there products they'll be more inclined to offer more 'cag' exclusive deals in the future and maybe the next one that comes down the pipe is something better you'll be all over or I will or somebody else will but others will still think isn't a deal. Its all a matter of personal opinion, someones clearly buying the games so let them spend their money how they want even if most of us don't think its a deal. But I for one want to have more exclusive deals in the future because, well Im a cheap ass.
[quote name='CheapyD']Apparently the item is selling quite well, so....take that however you like.[/QUOTE]

time to sell my sealed copy on ebay
[quote name='CheapyD']Apparently the item is selling quite well, so....take that however you like.[/QUOTE]

Sure, but how many people have actually used the CAG discount...?
Or more importantly, how many sales were linked from this website? Not sure if that data is available, but if it is, it would certainly be interesting, as we all know that the use of the coupon code is not indicative of the number of CAG users who took part in a deal.
[quote name='blissskr']I dont see what the big deal is. If the item doesn't do it for you don't buy it, I personally am not interested but to someone this may be a good deal and they don't mind shelling out the cash for it regardless. But I can see the benefit of something like this for Cags in general. If a retailer sees a viable market here for there products they'll be more inclined to offer more 'cag' exclusive deals in the future and maybe the next one that comes down the pipe is something better you'll be all over or I will or somebody else will but others will still think isn't a deal. Its all a matter of personal opinion, someones clearly buying the games so let them spend their money how they want even if most of us don't think its a deal. But I for one want to have more exclusive deals in the future because, well Im a cheap ass.[/QUOTE]


This is what i wanted to say. If you dont want it, fine than dont click and buy it. Its simple as that.

Here is the thing, Technically in the end its still a deal regardless of how bad or how shitty the item is. The CAG exclusive coupon makes it a deal for anyone or mainly cags to buy the game.so offering that coupon, in turn cheapy was nice enough to post it on the front page. I am sure enough he did not have to and could have started a thread in the DEALS forum but it went on the front page because they offered that coupon. It was only the nice thing to do.
Ahh forgot who it was that said these threads wouldn't be fun :]
My brother's wife bought a $1000 dollar Luievaton or whatever bag and personally I think that was a huge waste of money since it looks like it's from Target...this deal is the same somebody will want it and we can laugh and look puzzled at those who buy it

If we don't then who cares? it's that company spending cash and those CAGs who spend cash not ours
people really get mad haha
Nobody's really up in arms because everyone knows what happened. You own the site and if you have to cow-tow to business partners, even if it undermines the reputation and purpose of your site, you'll do it.

It's just the same as if Subway advertised a special on fries from one of their suppliers because they needed a way to unload their low quality batches. Subway's whole niche is that they offer healthy eating choices but they would go against that just because they're afraid of losing one of their suppliers.
I hadn't really noticed that there was a controversy over this, but after reading this thread, I think I have to agree. After all we pay to use this site, I think Cheapy owes it to us to not post deals that some of us may not want to buy.
bread's done