Once again Circuit City screwed me on a pre-order


2 (100%)
I pre-ordered fallout 3 from CC cause I wanted the free stuff.. here it is the 31st and I still don't have my game. It shipped from CA on the 27th and has been sitting in Kent, WA for the last 2 days. I am so pissed. Last night I just stopped by the store near my house and picked up a copy and still got my $10 gift card. I shoulda just went to the store on the 28th. I'm going to file a complaint but I doubt it will do any good.

Thanks a lot Circuit City. You just lost any future business of mine!
where the hell do you live, and realize that CC has no control over the ungodly pukefest that is USPS.

I think people are starting to get extremely sensitive on shipping... expecting to magically appear in front of them when they hit the damn confirm button.

If you picked it up in the store... why the fuck did you pre-order it.

I bet you'll get it today or tomorrow which is pefectly reasonable. I've had CC ship one game media mail and that took well over week and a half.
[quote name='subieracer']I pre-ordered fallout 3 from CC cause I wanted the free stuff.. here it is the 31st and I still don't have my game. It shipped from CA on the 27th and has been sitting in Kent, WA for the last 2 days. I am so pissed. Last night I just stopped by the store near my house and picked up a copy and still got my $10 gift card. I shoulda just went to the store on the 28th. I'm going to file a complaint but I doubt it will do any good.

Thanks a lot Circuit City. You just lost any future business of mine![/quote]

Shipping is VERY slow from many B&M stores websites, especially if they're using the postal service. A company will usually use the SLOWEST rate available, especially if you pick something like free value shipping or something like that. Like xycury said though, why didn't you just order it from their store right by your house? Brick & mortar beats waiting for SLOW shipping anyday.

People are so impatient anymore and can't wait a few extra days to get something.
Yeah I tried to reserve Gears 2 tonight because of the free MS Points card next week, and was told their system wouldn't allow any more pre-orders after Oct. 26. Just hedging my bets as I would rather have a $20 MS points card I will use vs. a $30 Gears RC tank I'll never use.

If it can't be preordered anymore, then why the fuck was the pre-order box still out on the fucking shelf?!
[quote name='MSUHitman']
If it can't be preordered anymore, then why the fuck was the pre-order box still out on the fucking shelf?![/quote]

Lazy employees, what else?
[quote name='xycury']where the hell do you live, and realize that CC has no control over the ungodly pukefest that is USPS.

I think people are starting to get extremely sensitive on shipping... expecting to magically appear in front of them when they hit the damn confirm button.

If you picked it up in the store... why the fuck did you pre-order it.

I bet you'll get it today or tomorrow which is pefectly reasonable. I've had CC ship one game media mail and that took well over week and a half.[/QUOTE]

Fully agree, I swear to God, I get so tired of people bitching at me and leaving me negative feedback on ebay and amazon because the USPS didn't get their package to them on time.

One time a person sent me a message because an item took 2 weeks to get there and said "I feel I should leave you negative feedback for this because it took so long to get here, but I want to see what you are going to do about it first". Seriously, what the fuck?!

Just got a negative feedback a couple of weeks ago or so that said "It's been ten days and the item isn't here yet!". Are you kidding me!? They paid for the item sometime in the evening of Friday, October 10th. Well, I don't ship on Saturday, because my post office closes at 11:00 and it's the few days I take to sleep in, that's reasonable. Well, Monday was Columbus day, so the post office was closed, so it shipped Tuesday. Parcel post, which takes up to 9 days!

Once it arrived he sent me a message that said "I finally got the item and it arrived CRUSHED LIKE A PANCAKE! I want a full refund including shipping considering all I had to go through I think that's fair". I pretty much told him to go fuck himself.

Sorry about the rant. USPS is NOT Circuit City's fault, if you wanted faster shipping, PAY FOR IT!
I also pre-ordered Fallout 3 on 08/27. it came out on 10/28 It must have just shipped i should be getting it on 11/06.(3day shipping ha.)

i know all about shipping delays and all that crap (i have worked retail for about 6 years) but that is total BS half their stores dont have the game. Walmart target and best buy ALL have it so how can it be a shipping problem. if i wasent playing Farcry 2 and silent hill i world be really mad (and i got a 10 GC).

Their whole setup is uber F'd in my opinion this is the 3 rd time i have bought something from them and it will be the last.
Several things:

1) Circuit City is in the midst of a financial crisis and it's been known for a while that they are having trouble paying for inventory. No it's not an excuse, it's just a sign that you should be wary dealing with them no matter how large the brand is.

2) Don't know the details on this game but I remember GH:WT being $49.99 (PS3/360) on the website for pre-order and it was yanked first thing on release date and later appeared at $59.99, so that's a reason you may want to mail order over B&M once in a while.

3) I've shipped probably about 100 games USPS 1st class this year and never had a problem. If you're going to do it regularly you are best off buying a postal scale to weigh the items, recycle bubble envelopes, and using PayPal shipping to send things P2P (DC# are only 18 cents this way as well).

4) Media mail deserves all the slander it gets because the service is horrible. There's no reason anything should take 10+ days to cross this country unless they are using horseback couriers to operate. Not only does the speed suck ass, but the rates for things like mailing a game (dvd case, disc, manual) are so damn close to 1st class, you'd be a fool to not use 1st class and DC#s as well (you need to cover your ass with proof of shipping nowadays).

I guess the moral of this thread is to avoid Circuit City, or expect what you pay for when you are trying to save a couple $$.
I pre ordered little big planet in circuit city a week before it came out. I then picked it up and it took 25 min for them to give it to me. The guy at customer service is like "yeah we had problems with these" Im like "ok, i paid for it already just give it to me" He went and got a manager while holding it in his hand. The manager was said that the preorder skew was different then the actual game so it looked like i didnt pay for it. I told the him i bought it from the other guy and he remembered me. So 15 more min of messing of the register and i got my freakin game. Sorry Circuit City im done with U!
My copy of LBP shipped from CC.com on the 29th, had it this morning and I used the slowest shipping possible. Doesn't hurt that the warehouse was in IL and I live in ND lol
[quote name='QiG']Media mail deserves all the slander it gets because the service is horrible. There's no reason anything should take 10+ days to cross this country unless they are using horseback couriers to operate. Not only does the speed suck ass, but the rates for things like mailing a game (dvd case, disc, manual) are so damn close to 1st class, you'd be a fool to not use 1st class and DC#s as well (you need to cover your ass with proof of shipping nowadays).[/quote]

I agree with this, but:

Let's not forget that not too many years ago media rate was actually called "book rate". It's not really meant for a 7oz game package, and will sometimes be more expensive than 1st class.

The true reason for media/book rate is to ship out heavier items, usually at least 1-2lbs or more, without it costing more than the value of the book. People tend to forget about that nowadays.
[quote name='QiG']Several things:
Media mail deserves all the slander it gets because the service is horrible. There's no reason anything should take 10+ days to cross this country unless they are using horseback couriers to operate. Not only does the speed suck ass, but the rates for things like mailing a game (dvd case, disc, manual) are so damn close to 1st class, you'd be a fool to not use 1st class and DC#s as well (you need to cover your ass with proof of shipping nowadays).

I guess the moral of this thread is to avoid Circuit City, or expect what you pay for when you are trying to save a couple $$.[/QUOTE]

Close! They are using pigeons to ship things from the CC warehouse now. Birds keep dying from exhaustion and people are shooting them for fun. It's cheap to ship via pigeon express, but your stuff usually doesn't get there or is stolen. Just sayin... :lol:

Anyways, the moral of the story SHOULD be that CC is the worst store to shop at right now because of its current financial situation. The company has been a sinking ship for years and now it has finally caught up to them. Avoid CC, and other stores like CC, like the plague. I live in Phx where CC was a staple of the electronics market for years before Best Buy moved in. Now they are ALL closing in AZ. I'm not surprised or saddened. It's survival of the fittest and CC will either be a thing of the past or bought up by another company. My bet is that since the CC brand is so toxic right now, that they will just be left to die. K-Mart is going the same way in my area...see a pattern?
I preordered Fallout from Circuit City and I had it by the Friday of that week, and that's with the free shipping. Circuit City isn't to blame if they shipped it, that problem comes with USPS.
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