One of those damn threads about thinking of buying a Wii...


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As the title states, I am torn in what to buy due to my situation:

I want a PS3, Wii, and/or an HDTV. I can wait on a PS3 since my 360 will tide me over until Tekken 6 hits, and HDTV is going to happen eventually, either before everything else or after, and the Wii either is a priority or not.

Here's my reasoning: I've ever owned an N64 or Gamecube and missed out on some exclusives that I want to play (Cubivore mostly, as well as PN03 with others as well). I currently own Odama and Chibi Robo whish I won't touch till a WIi hits my home. I never played the n64 zeldas (still don't care for them) and seem to like some of the VC roster so far. Right now as well I'm a huge Suda 51 freak (aka Killer 7) and I have to play No More Heroes or I can't live with myself... same goes for Wario Ware Smooth Moves. Mario galaxy looks too good as well.

Seeing as I have a backlog of Gamecube titles I can jump into easily (metroid, mario, etc.). Is it worth it at this time? $250 is a good price to me, though not the cheapest. I can hold off and get a PS3 or HDTV sooner then, or not. Anyone have input? (notice how indecisive and full of blueberry's I am)

just to spice things up, a random work I did...???

I'd say it's worth it now. Then again, I feel no pain from the trickle of games, since I barely have time to pull out my DS even these days. Super Paper Mario, Zelda, and Wario Ware are good games now, and if you have Cube games that you've yet to play, I'd say go for it.

Also, it's much more likely that a PS3 price drop will come (probably back to $500) than a Wii price drop since Sony (should be) begging for adoption whereas Nintendo still can't keep the damn things on the shelf.
Oh man, Rolento, don't fuckin' do it. Just get that HDTV. You are using a Commodore to play your games. I absolutely guarantee you that any games you play after getting an HDTV will be more enjoyable... so throw your money there instead.

There's some good Gamecube games out there, but there's nothing good that's particularly difficult to get ahold of, so it's not like waiting will kill you. And the Wii really doesn't have anything compelling coming out for a long time, so it's definitely not worth throwing down $250 on it now.
If I were you I'd just buy a cheap used Gamecube and then save up my money for an HDTV first. By that time both the Wii and PS3 will hopefully have some more must play games available.
As much as I love the Wii, I admit that I've used it much more as a Gamecube than a Wii. Part of that is that I can finally play GC games on component cables thanks to the Wii... but an even larger part is the end of the GC's lifecycle is making it much easier to pick up games cheaper.

If anything, I like the Wii because it does seem to be encouraging people to discover the GC, which I find to be an unjustly attacked system. That, however, is completely beside the point.

Obviously, not knowing what kind of money you're looking to throw down on a TV makes this a bit tough... but, for what it's worth, I was in the same situation (only with the 360 instead of the PS3) and I decided to get a Wii and drop an extra $250 on a new 27" CRT (my old TV was on a slow march towards death) and I couldn't be happier. The PS3 and all HDTV's will pricedrop sooner than the Wii, and I felt I could wait. HDTV's, to me, haven't cracked an acceptable pricerange yet, but I'd say we're looking, at most, at about 1-2 years for that.

I've strayed from the point here, but I'd say go for the Wii and let the expensive stuff come down in price.
Because you never had a Gamecube before and you missed out on some great games, I would say get the Wii. With its popularity, the price of it is not going to come down any time soon. Get it now and you will be able to play some Wii games and all the great Gamecube games from the past that you missed. Plus you also have a 360 so there isn't much need for a PS3 at the moment.
The Wii isnt going to drop in price anytime soon. And it sounds like there are enough games that youre interested in to warrant a purcahse.

That said, I used to think I could live without an HDTV, but now that I have one with DirecTV HD everything else looks like shit, especially sports and I can't imagine going back to normal TV.

So I say get the HDTV, you can good em fairly cheap, especially DLP tvs, and you can get the Wii this fall when those games you're looking forward too actually come out.
HDTV price drops are a good point, but it also can't hurt to wait on Wii. Although, the Nintendo press event next week might change your whole perspective.. we'll see.
I say from a cheap-ass perspective if you simply want something new get the Wii - you've got lots to do with it and it won't be dropping in price any time soon (and even if it does in response to some Sony/MS price war it won't be more than $50 by next year).

As others have stated, HDTV's will continue to decline in price and increase in quality. PS3 can only go down too...

Personally, I think Wii + 360 is the way to go (for now - I'll get a PS3 eventually) IF you have an HDTV. I wouldn't see much use in a 360 without an HDTV. Plus, the Wii looks fantastic on my HDTV, and I'm saying that after nearly a month of playing my first HD games ever (on my Elite). It holds up just fine compared to the 360. I mean, it obviously doesn't have the same resolution, but viewing Wii games after playing the 360 hasn't caused me permanent visual scars as some here would suggest :lol:.

You've got plenty to play on the Wii EVEN WITHOUT the GC games if you get into Wii Sports/WarioWare/SPM/Zelda/Elebits/etc... There isn't enough on it to keep you busy 6 hours a day every day until Metroid or Mario hits, but given that you have a 360 and a DS you won't find enough time to get bored with it ;). I have yet to finish Zelda myself (did just finish SPM though).

And you KNOW you will need it for Animal Crossing eventually, so you might as well!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']
Here's my reasoning: I've ever owned an N64 or Gamecube and missed out on some exclusives that I want to play (Cubivore mostly, as well as PN03 with others as well).[/QUOTE] I'd worry about actually finding Cubivore before getting a Wii. Personally I'd go with the HDTV, but I already have a Gamecube.
The only Wii price drop I can see on the horizon is a $50 drop without Wii Sports included. The TV and PS3 will definitely drop first. I have a Wii and love it for Wii games and VC. (I still have my Cube and play lots of games on it as well, so if you don't have a Cube that is another reason to buy a Wii.) IMO, there are more exclusive/must-have games on Wii than PS3 right now (especially since you already have a 360). Mario Party 8 is coming in a few days, Pokemon Battle Revolution in June, and all three heavy hitters (Galaxy, Brawl, Prime) all look to be coming out this year. Wii is going to be hard to find until after this Christmas, I think. So if you want one and can find it, start enjoying it now.
I say just pick up a don't say that it is any of the Wii titles that you want to play, with the solitary exception of the VC games. So save the money to put towards a HDTV, and buy a GameCube from anywhere around $50. You'll find plenty of enjoyment that way.

If money was no object and you already had a HDTV, I would say just go ahead and get a Wii, but you'll have to chase and hunt one down...and it doesn't seem as if it is the Wii titles are what is drawing you towards it.
I would grab a Wii along with Skies of Arcadia, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, and Super Paper Mario. At the end of the day, the Wii purchase would justify itself in the long run since you'll want a Wii anyway later this year when No More Heroes hits.

The PS3 feels like a better investment now because there have been next to no complaints about the actual hardware itself. And Sony finally seems to be listening to people and including things that people have been crying for since the system hit with their 2.00 update. I owned one for a little while and although there were not many games for it, I have to say that I wasn't fretting about the thing dying on me. Additionally, with the Blu-ray, and seemingly decent new games landing in the fall, it seems like a decent investment to make.

As for the Wii and games supposedly being released this year, check this out.

Resident Evil 4 Wii
Manhunt 2
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Strikers (with online play and leaderboards)
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Dragon Quest Swords
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
No More Heroes
Soul Calibur Legends
Zack and Wiki
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Nights: Journey Into Dreams
Fire Emblem: Goddess of War
Project Hammer
Battlion Wars 2

I personally believe those games make the Wii a worthwhile investment for this year. All of them may not be AAA, but that doesn't mean they're all going to be Superman 64.

I've had the console for a while and since I don't do the online multi-player thing as much (I don't believe in paying to play online - I am already paying for the connection), the system is an absolute blast to play whenever friends are over. Excite Truck, Wii Sports, and Bomberman '93 get the most play between us, but when they get up and head home, I still have a huge backload of Gamecube games to beat, including Resident Evil Zero, Star Fox Adventures, Odama, Battallion Wars, and a bunch of others.

On a side note, why didn't you like the Zelda games?
I say find a good HDTV first. 26" to 32" are pretty damn affordable now. Then go find a Wii. That way you can work through any 360 backlog before you start to acquire a Wii backlog.
Wii is a great choice if you've never had a Gamecube and have any interest in the old games thingy. Thing is, if you're playing on a really shitty television you might as well get a decent new one first, especially if you're planning on getting a PS3 in the future (and I see you already have a 360). I love my Wii, but there's a game drought right now so you won't miss TOO much by waiting a few more months.

I'm also itching for No More Heroes, by the way.
[quote name='Chacrana']We agree, heathen black coffee drinker[/QUOTE]

:rofl: I had 3 cups this morning and then went nuts in Virtua Fighter 5 matches
[quote name='seanr1221']:rofl: I had 3 cups this morning and then went nuts in Virtua Fighter 5 matches[/QUOTE]

I need to try not watering down my shit with cream and sugar and then playing some hyper crazy 2D fighter. I think it would literally be the greatest experience ever.

yes, Rolento, we derailed your thread and I won't pretend like I didn't notice. Just... get the HDTV, I promise you, that's the best option at this point. I repeat: YOU ARE USING A COMMODORE TO PLAY THE 360. There is a problem there.
Get the HDTV to truly enjoy what you have. Once you see Gears or DOA in 720p, you'll forget about getting a Wii for the time being.

Wow... that's alot of responses...

Thx for the input and I am superbly mixed in messages now.

From what I have gotten from everyone: Wait on PS3 and get a HDTV/Wii...

problem is now it's either a Wii or an HDTV.

The HDTV seems like it may be better to wait till Black Friday for (yes, I can survive with my Commodore 64 screen... that thing is almost older than me) or not. Yes the prices are comming down, but is it even worth it to wait? A 42' incher is what I am looking at, so it may be a bit before I have one (a few months or so). Also, I'm an idiot when it comes to specifics of HDTVs... I just want something good (1080p or i or whatever?), not blurry, and vivid.

As for the Wii, if I would get one, it would be soon. There's not too much of GC games I want to get into (didn't think about Twin Snakes or Pikmin actually) but what there is, it would keep me busy. Super Paper Mario, Wario Ware, and Wii Play would be the only purchases I would initially make and then there's the drought (with hopefully GC games for me to pass time). VC don't factor into it much really...

so there's more info, but I doubt it will help... And again: yes, I play all my games on a Commodore 64 screen. The 360 looks amazing on it ;)

as for me not liking the 3D zeldas: I like them, but not enough. For me, Zelda never feels right in 3D. The last good Zelda games were on the Gameboy Color and I have yet to play zelda games that take me back to those good days. Links Awakening is till the best Zelda game I've ever played.

oh, and another random pic I made to spice the thread further:

Now that you have deduced some...

Buy a HDTV...a nice one. Save your Wii money and buy a GC with a GameBoy player and be happy for a very long time. By then you can either buy a used Wii, as not everyone will be able to survive the drought or at least find one easier. Plus, you cannot go wrong with a HDTV. Think about HD broadcasts, especially if you love sports, and movies, whether through HD sources or upconverted DVDs.
I'd go with the HDTV for now if I were you, and then you can decide on the PS3/Wii a few months down the road when more games are out.

There's only a couple games worth playing (IMHO of course) on both of them right now, so really not much of a reason to jump in now.

I've had the Wii since launch, and still haven't bought a bame since Zelda. To be fair, I want to play Super Paper Mario but just have litte time for games right now so I haven't bought it yet as I'm trying to clear a few out of the back log first and hoping to see a deal on SPM in the mean time.

Given that you don't like 3D zelda, seems like the HDTV is even more of a no brainer...
Hmm... One thing I forgot to mention is that there is no way I'll buy a GC. Yes, it's cheap, but if I buy a GC, I would have rather of gotten a Wii.

still haven't decided yet.
I'd love to just be able to "decide to get a Wii".

I can't find one for the life of me. I'm probably going to camp at Best Buy this Sunday, but I'm not even sure if they'll have any. I guess we'll see.

I'll be playing my Wii on my ol' Samsung 27" flat tube standard-def. No HDTV for me yet, at least not until I move. I'll want something big (60"++) and DLP by then.
Rolento, I don't think a Wii would work with your commodore monitor. I think you'd have to stand to far away so that you'd be squinting to see anything on it.

I was originally going to say get a Wii now, and then an HDTV on Black Friday since that it'll give you some time to save.
I would think carefully about this, christmas is NOT that far away and the supply of Wii is probably going to be smaller than ever, so if you are even considering getting a Wii, i would buy it NOW while you can still find one. Most stores are getting regular shipments now so you should be able to hit on one if its what you really want.
bread's done