OnLive Microconsole $66 until Jan 9, 5.1 Audio coming soon. *LAST DAY*

5.1 audio coming soon? This is like Netflix--fine for on-demand but if you are serious about a game just buy it instead of streaming.
Very smart dropping the price down to $66.
Almost the price of a current gen game. I've bought some stinkers for $60, so $66 for the "console" doesn't seem that bad.
not surprising with the news coming out of CES, just wait for liquidation, OnLive Microconsoles for $19.99! (But I'm thinking they really didn't make that many..)
This Microconsole is epic, visited my friends in Florida and they had it too. We linked up with Madballs on my friend's TV for endless lulz.
[quote name='token2k6']not surprising with the news coming out of CES, just wait for liquidation, OnLive Microconsoles for $19.99! (But I'm thinking they really didn't make that many..)[/QUOTE]

Is Onlive having financial problems? I wouldn't doubt it. It seems like they've been changing things every other month. I only play demos with it on my wife's desktop and don't know anyone who's actually paid for a full Game Pass.

EDIT: OK, I see that Vizio is incorporating Onlive as a app for some of their HDTV's. So, this kinda makes the console less viable.
Every game I've gotten on it has been free. Free founding members voucher, Humble Indie Bundle, and free game for buying the console, plus they have crazy ass sales on games every couple months, so it's all good.
[quote name='mogamer']Is Onlive having financial problems? I wouldn't doubt it. It seems like they've been changing things every other month. I only play demos with it on my wife's desktop and don't know anyone who's actually paid for a full Game Pass.

EDIT: OK, I see that Vizio is incorporating Onlive as a app for some of their HDTV's. So, this kinda makes the console less viable.[/QUOTE]

The box scales up to 1080 if I recall right, though they are looking into giving that to those without.

A lot is being added to Onlive that makes me more interested, may bite soon.
Keep in mind that you are going to need at least a 3 Mbps connection and it has to be wired. If you want to use WiFi, you're going to need a bridge or something clever to pull off a wired connection.

Personally, I'm going to wait for a WiFi enabled version of the console before investing in it.
[quote name='realwords']Every game I've gotten on it has been free. Free founding members voucher, Humble Indie Bundle, and free game for buying the console, plus they have crazy ass sales on games every couple months, so it's all good.[/QUOTE]

Wait, the Humble Bundle is redeemable on OnLive? How?
[quote name='kube00']For $66 id bite. Isn't it $10 per month?[/QUOTE]
They dropped subscription fees a while back.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Steam should make a device likes this, everyone would buy it.[/QUOTE]

The costs of running all those servers to render the streaming graphics would probably mean the end of the great sale prices though.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Very tempting, but the lack of Wi-Fi hurts it a lot.[/QUOTE]

That hadn't even crossed my mind. I know how terrible WiFi is on my PS3 & Wii (it's better on the 360 but still not great) and I have a 40mbs connection. The room I'd put it in already has a wire going to the Blu-ray player, but this one post just reminds me that this tech is not there yet. Getting there though.
I JUST started using Wifi last week so I wouldn't have a problem having to go back to play games. I actually do want to get this console because I think the idea behind OnLive and it's basic execution is great. For a big gaming geek like myself, I actually relish the idea of dropping in on people's games and seeing what they are doing.

I have it on my PC but my PC has struggled to run it lately. They also need to add a lot more PC exclusive games because most of the ones on xbox I will rent already.
I decided to try out the free PC version of the service to get an idea of the system was worth $66, and I'm not very impressed by it. The game selection is very limited, although stuff runs surprisingly smoothly. I've got probably 90% of the available games that I'm interested in either on the 360 or on Steam, so it doesn't make much sense for me to buy it right now. If you're on the fence, try the PC version out.
Just an FYI but there's also a $10 shipping charge.... granted its two day shipping but just thought it should be mentioned.

After trying it out on my computer I figured I'd bite.... worst case scenario I paid $75 for a copy of Mafia II, if things happen to work out at least slightly then I'll already have a controller for one of these intriguing "$300 3D Vizios" with Onlive built-in

I downloaded the Mac app and was pretty impressed by the quality, the way people talked about it way back when had me expecting the video quality to be like expanding a tiny youtube video to full screen on your 22" monitor but the grain and delay really isn't all that bad from what I saw/played. Right now the real problem is the game selection, AFAIK all of these games are available on consoles for much cheaper, where are the PC exclusives!? I've been rocking a middle-of-the-line macs all my life so I've completely missed out on PC gaming.... give me Starcraft II, Crysis, etc. Hell, I'd even be willing to go back to the subscription format if they do something like Gametap by adding all sorts of retro and previous gen games.
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Exactly. I'm going to play all the console games on my 360 anyway so I don't care for those. Now I never get to play any high end PC games or games that may be exclusive to PC/PS3. Those types of games are the ones they should target. The coolest thing I did on there was try NBA 2K11 out early when if first came out. Also as I have said, my PC has really struggled to stream the game lately. Not sure what that is about but when I first had gotten it, everything ran smooth.
The OnLive service has a lot of potential. I have a 5 month old Sony TV and won't be buying a new TV soon so I just bought the Microconsole.

$76 (with shipping) isn't too bad considering I get a free game (either going to get Mafia 2 or NBA2k11) and I get to use my Braid and World of Goo from the Humble Bundles.
I was going to point out the Vizio incorporation, but others have already posted links to them.

To summarize though:

OnLive is being incorporated into Vizio BluRay Players and TVs. The estimated OnLive enabled BR player is $66, hence the current price drop. Depending on how well the Vizio incorporation is, I would not be surprised to see the micro-console being phased out altogether.

OnLive did drop subscription fees for general service months ago. However, they started a beta program for micro-console only that should see general release this month, which offers the majority of the library for $10 per month. I did not bite on the micro-console, so I did not keep up with the titles, but from what I understand they can only offer titles that the publishers have authorized for the $10 plan. If you don't want the subscription service, you can still purchase rental or "full" copies of the games for an up front fee.
[quote name='bubo']
OnLive did drop subscription fees for general service months ago. However, they started a beta program for micro-console only that should see general release this month, which offers the majority of the library for $10 per month. I did not bite on the micro-console, so I did not keep up with the titles, but from what I understand they can only offer titles that the publishers have authorized for the $10 plan. If you don't want the subscription service, you can still purchase rental or "full" copies of the games for an up front fee.[/QUOTE]
One or two weeks ago, the PlayPack Beta was actually opened up to all users who have purchased full PlayPasses on the service, regardless of whether you own the MicroConsole or not.

I can see myself subscribing to PlayPack if they expand the game selection. Right now I own almost all of those games on Steam or a console, or they're titles not worth playing. Otherwise, the only game worth getting for me (a PC and PS3 gamer) that I'd play on my work laptop is Mafia II, but even the $25 sale was a bit much.
I'm very pleasantly surprised at how well the service worked on my netbook. The game looked decent on a 24 inch pc monitor and ran mostly smooth. The latency is pretty noticeable for first person shooters and it's about the equivalent of playing a Yellow Bar game of street fighter (unplayable for anything competitive). I don't think it's a great deal at the moment because of decent console sales and steam prices if you already have the consoles. The prices to own are too high if you already own the hardware but I am looking forward to how much streaming gaming can improve in the next couple of years. On demand netflix style streaming for games would be pretty amazing. tl;dr great tech demo, will keep eyes on this in the future. edit: Played ACII and Borderlands on wifi, video quality was mostly good. Speedtests rate my connection around 11 mbs. This would definitely interest me for anything that isn't action or twitch.
is this rebranded from something else tried a few years ago that just never seemed to materialize? I remember something with a kind of viking helmet for the symbol that was much like this.....or supposed to be anyway...
[quote name='jdangerc']Okay, I will be the first to say it, but what is it?[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Have you never heard of Google?
[quote name='jdangerc']Okay, I will be the first to say it, but what is it?[/QUOTE]


ignore the subscription part
I have been in the program since Beta and I am one of the founding members who received a "free year," back when they were going to charge for the service. I think it has a lot of potential and is a very cool and relevant service, especially to those without consoles. There are a few things they need to overcome to be successful though.

1. Overcome the "Leasing/limited" ownership of games. Currently a game through onlive has less value to me than a game on steam or console. It just feels to limiting and without a major company backing it I don't know how long a "permanent" access pass actually is. I would love if they sold a game I could download/install and run/render from my PC like a traditional game but also have a license to run through their cloud services on the go.

2. Make this relevant to PC Gamers who already have a gaming PC. Number 1 would go a long way to improve this but right now there is no benefit for me to buy a game on their service that runs fine on my computer. I don't know how they will accomplish this but they are already starting to win favor by the mobility of the application. Being able to access apps anywhere on any connection. My only concern is bandwidth.

3. Make the experience uniform when playing from a Vizio BD player, PC, Tablet, Phone, or Micro Console. My only hesitation with the Vizio app is that it probably will only be able to have limited updatability and how will I connect a KB/Mouse or controller?

4. Overcome that last Millisecond of Lag. Although in many cases it makes no difference, I can still tell that the game is being streamed. This needs to go away and make the experience so similar it is negligible much like watching a 1080P movie from xbox streaming etc.

I like the concept of a Microconsole and would love to pick one up to play games on the go when I travel but Hotel internet is so volatile I don't know how it will perform.
[quote name='pROvIs']I have been in the program since Beta and I am one of the founding members who received a "free year," back when they were going to charge for the service. I think it has a lot of potential and is a very cool and relevant service, especially to those without consoles. There are a few things they need to overcome to be successful though.

1. Overcome the "Leasing/limited" ownership of games. Currently a game through onlive has less value to me than a game on steam or console. It just feels to limiting and without a major company backing it I don't know how long a "permanent" access pass actually is. I would love if they sold a game I could download/install and run/render from my PC like a traditional game but also have a license to run through their cloud services on the go.

2. Make this relevant to PC Gamers who already have a gaming PC. Number 1 would go a long way to improve this but right now there is no benefit for me to buy a game on their service that runs fine on my computer. I don't know how they will accomplish this but they are already starting to win favor by the mobility of the application. Being able to access apps anywhere on any connection. My only concern is bandwidth.

3. Make the experience uniform when playing from a Vizio BD player, PC, Tablet, Phone, or Micro Console. My only hesitation with the Vizio app is that it probably will only be able to have limited updatability and how will I connect a KB/Mouse or controller?

4. Overcome that last Millisecond of Lag. Although in many cases it makes no difference, I can still tell that the game is being streamed. This needs to go away and make the experience so similar it is negligible much like watching a 1080P movie from xbox streaming etc.

I like the concept of a Microconsole and would love to pick one up to play games on the go when I travel but Hotel internet is so volatile I don't know how it will perform.[/QUOTE]

Let me share my thoughts on your statements.

1) Publishers are doing everything they can to take away customer ownership of software. That is why so much is now only available via downloads. Publishers will never allow this kind of thing to happen with OnLive. I'm sure the complete lack of customer control over the games is a selling point to publishers.

2) People like us who already have an investment in pc gaming aren't the target audience. This is why it has no pc exclusives in it's line-up. OnLive is for people who would buy consoles. If Onlive lasts long enough, it will steal sales from (or influence) next-gen consoles. Publishers and investors are taking a long-term approach (see #1).

3) Those devices will probably have multiple USB ports to plug in kb/m or a controller.

4) For me the lag is more noticable using a mouse compared to a controller. Notice the microconsole comes with a controller. Can you even plug-in a KB/M and have it work? This brings us back to #2. I'm sure the lag will go away when new streaming tech comes along. Right now, I don't think there is much they can do to improve it. The biggest problem I have is that the graphics look soft with poor textures (very noticable compared to pc versions of the games). It may be 720p, but it's 720p with a thin layer of vaseline over it.

I signed up early also just to see what is was about. So far, it really doesn't have anything I would pay a Full Play Pass for.
[quote name='mogamer']Let me share my thoughts on your statements.

1) Publishers are doing everything they can to take away customer ownership of software. That is why so much is now only available via downloads. Publishers will never allow this kind of thing to happen with OnLive. I'm sure the complete lack of customer control over the games is a selling point to publishers.

2) People like us who already have an investment in pc gaming aren't the target audience. This is why it has no pc exclusives in it's line-up. OnLive is for people who would buy consoles. If Onlive lasts long enough, it will steal sales from (or influence) next-gen consoles. Publishers and investors are taking a long-term approach (see #1).

3) Those devices will probably have multiple USB ports to plug in kb/m or a controller.

4) For me the lag is more noticable using a mouse compared to a controller. Notice the microconsole comes with a controller. Can you even plug-in a KB/M and have it work? This brings us back to #2. I'm sure the lag will go away when new streaming tech comes along. Right now, I don't think there is much they can do to improve it. The biggest problem I have is that the graphics look soft with poor textures (very noticable compared to pc versions of the games). It may be 720p, but it's 720p with a thin layer of vaseline over it.

I signed up early also just to see what is was about. So far, it really doesn't have anything I would pay a Full Play Pass for.[/QUOTE]

I agree and can stand behind everything you said as well except for the fact that it should mainly support console games. I think a wide variety of PC exclusives and Indie games would go a long way to distinguish the platform from consoles and make it an attractive option to those who already own a ps3 or 360. They already have King's Bounty. Things like this will scratch an itch that really isn't being scratched for TV gamers without a PC under their TV.

Also I assume but I'm not positive that the usb ports on the micro-console allow KB/Mouse. I'd love them to make a great wireless KB/mouse combo for it. I might use it on my PC hooked up to my TV.
[quote name='bubo']However, they started a beta program for micro-console only that should see general release this month, which offers the majority of the library for $10 per month. I did not bite on the micro-console, so I did not keep up with the titles, but from what I understand they can only offer titles that the publishers have authorized for the $10 plan. If you don't want the subscription service, you can still purchase rental or "full" copies of the games for an up front fee.[/QUOTE]
"The Beta is available exclusively to OnLive members with at least one Full PlayPass purchase as of 11:59 PM PST, December 12, 2010, and/or OnLive members who have purchased the OnLive Game System."
[quote name='FierceDeityLink1']"The Beta is available exclusively to OnLive members with at least one Full PlayPass purchase as of 11:59 PM PST, December 12, 2010, and/or OnLive members who have purchased the OnLive Game System."[/QUOTE]

Somehow I got into it and don't meet either of those qualifications.
Based on my experience I think OnLive is horrible.
Delay is one thing, but it asks you too much of money to play games that you are not going to own.
I see infinite benefits on buying a decent gaming system over OnLive subscription, but some people might not.
Been on the fence about getting this micro console - but $66 plus the $10 per month "all you can play" plan - I had to bite.
[quote name='pROvIs']I agree and can stand behind everything you said as well except for the fact that it should mainly support console games. I think a wide variety of PC exclusives and Indie games would go a long way to distinguish the platform from consoles and make it an attractive option to those who already own a ps3 or 360. They already have King's Bounty. Things like this will scratch an itch that really isn't being scratched for TV gamers without a PC under their TV.


I don't think that it should support console games, just that it currently does because I feel that it is the market OnLive is really aiming for. Just my opinion though. ;)

Also, I didn't know that King's Bounty is now available on the service. :cool: I guess I should check it out more often. Which one is it?
[quote name='Jerajdai']Been on the fence about getting this micro console - but $66 plus the $10 per month "all you can play" plan - I had to bite.[/QUOTE]

May I ask if you have the other consoles as well? I've been on the fence for a while also... but I have everything else (minus a gaming PC) and I'm trying to decide if it'd be worth it for me... bah! I have until Sunday.. =D
Games look like shit on this thing. Imagine playing a game on PC and turning all the video settings to low, that's Onlive.
[quote name='SEH']Games look like shit on this thing. Imagine playing a game on PC and turning all the video settings to low, that's Onlive.[/QUOTE]
Depends on your connection and the game. It didn't look that bad when i tested.
Got my microconsole today and played it for about an hour. Gameplay was okay, a little laggy at times but nothing I couldn't get used to.

The concept behind this device/service is incredible. I really wish it had more games right now though...
Just a reminder: Today is the last day to get it at the discount price.

I just bought mine this morning. As a founding member, I felt like I had too to give this thing a chance. It could end up becoming something special and I actually enjoy the service.
bread's done