[OOS - Check often] TRU PS3 Bundles


Sony Playstation 3: 60GB Sports Bundle $999.92
  • Sony Playstation 3 Console, Sony Playstation 3 Chillstream Controller
  • Tiger Woods '07, Tony Hawk Project 8, Madden NFL '07, Ridge Racer 7, NBA 2K7 and NHL 2K7.
Sony Playstation 3: 20GB Sports Bundle $899.92
  • Sony Playstation 3 Console, Sony Playstation 3 Chillstream Controller
  • Tiger Woods '07, Tony Hawk Project 8, Madden NFL '07, Ridge Racer 7, NBA 2K7 and NHL 2K7.
If this is a repost, my apologies. Supposedly going live at midnight Nov. 17th. I don't know which timezone, but it'd be safe to start refreshing before midnight EST.

I found this on SD, and the poster did not explain how he found it. I tried to look for it myself on TRU.com and couldn't find this nor any other bundles.

I also have no idea about shipping.
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']This PS3 business is tiring. I don't want to wait till 3, but I will do what I must.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. 2 hrs is gonna be a pain, and I'm gonna be cranky as hell if it don't go happen, but what can ya do, eh?
[quote name='DaBadGuy']Well the first post said Eastern.[/QUOTE]

How credibable is the first post though? It's a CAG newbie posting second hand information. Not to troll but I hate acting on bad info...that's how people end up married.
On the playstation forums people are saying that this is a rumor. I have my doubts that this will ever show
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']I would put money on at least one CAG at the very least seeing that it was in stock if it went live at 12 EST.[/quote]

No one at the Amazon PS3 forums has bought the online bundle at TRU. If no one got it there, no one has got it anywhere. I doubt it is going live tonight...
[quote name='Zmonkay']OK, it's going live sometime today (Fri), but the customer service guy couldn't confirm a time...[/quote]

Did you just make up a rumor to make the poster above you happy?
There's also the little problem that the fine print says:

NOTE: Release dates, pricing, and bundle components are tentative and subject to change based on availability at launch. Product is not guaranteed on release date. Orders are shipped on a first-come, first served basis due to limited supplies and indeterminate launch quantities.

Who knows when you'll actually get it?
lol you know what, they all seem to be saying its a rumor on the playstation forums yet they are still up and I bet that they are constantly hitting refresh. I still have hope
carp, I lost CAG and TRU right at 9 Paciffic time. My heart skiped a beat when the add to cart button showed up, and disapeared right away.

I then realised it was just that java or whatever playing games with me.
[quote name='Lou-Dawg']Did you just make up a rumor to make the poster above you happy?[/QUOTE]

lol, no. I actually just got off the phone with the guy. Nice and ambiguous, but at least it'll happen sometime.

If anyone doesn't belive me, give em a call yourself at 1-800-ToysRUs
[quote name='opportunity777']This is the worst fucking bundle ever.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, but it's pretty much most peoples only shot at actually getting one. I'll be ebaying all the games except tony hawk and mebbe ridge racer, but at least I'll have the system (if it ever goes live that is!)
[quote name='opportunity777']This is the worst fucking bundle ever.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, seriously they chose all the crappiest games (in my opinion). However, in terms of price, it's not that bad since the cost of the games and controller is actually more than the bundle price (I think).
Dear Sony Playstation 3 system sport bundle buyer. The Sony Playstation 3 system is currently out of stock. BUT GOOD NEWS we were able to send you a large portion of this great deal. You can now play these quality sports games the minute you purchase your Sony Playstation 3. You have been credited 599.99 for the price of the PS3 game system. The remainer of this purchase is non-refundable. Have a great day.

The ultimate prank
http://www.psxextreme.com/ there is an article at the top regarding the TRU PS3 online sales. Guess I'll wait another 1.5 hrs and check it out.

By the way does anyone else see the "Add to Cart" button flicker when they refresh the page. I got it to stick for about a second but I couldn't click on it.
I think you will end up losing considerable money buying and trying to resell this bundle if you intend to keep the system, but sell the games. The games all suck and will be abundant at all B&M and online stores. Also, the ebay fees can kill you. Most people who make a killing on this deal are the ones who don't want the PS3 at all. You should sell the whole bundle together; system and all (which should work because people are stupid).
I just got the "Add to Cart" to stay up and I clicked on it but the next page said my cart was empty. Maybe this will go live soon.
I bet they can't legally sell it till 3:00am EST because people on the West Coast would then be able to buy it before midnight.
Legality has nothing to do with it. It's possible that Sony might not like it (although I kind of doubt that they care) but it's not "illegal" to do so.
Legality has nothing to do with it. It's possible that Sony might not like it (although I kind of doubt that they care) but it's not "illegal" to do so.

I believe you must sign a contract not to sell items prior to the street date. If you break the contract that they can refuse to sell to you. A legal contract can be considered legal. Maybe not criminal but legal.
[quote name='opportunity777']I think you will end up losing considerable money buying and trying to resell this bundle if you intend to keep the system, but sell the games. The games all suck and will be abundant at all B&M and online stores. Also, the ebay fees can kill you. Most people who make a killing on this deal are the ones who don't want the PS3 at all. You should sell the whole bundle together; system and all (which should work because people are stupid).[/QUOTE]

I've done a lot of ebaying (it's how I payed for extra stuff in college) and I've found that bundles don't net you much more than the main product alone.
Where is the thread here discussing Amazon selling some tomorrow morning? I can't seem to find it anymore. What time were those supposed to go on sale?
[quote name='morelloman88']i wonder how some of the crowds are doing..........some people are at home right now booting there ps3 up (lucky)[/QUOTE]

I've been watching eBay tonight and its going crazy, so I'm not sure how many people are really booting them up :)
I've been watching eBay tonight and its going crazy, so I'm not sure how many people are really booting them up

EVERY person in line at the best buy near me said they were selling the unit on ebay. One guy paid 2 other guys $200 to wait with him. Ohh yeah this was Wednesday at 12 NOON !
[quote name='ratruby']I believe you must sign a contract not to sell items prior to the street date. If you break the contract that they can refuse to sell to you. A legal contract can be considered legal. Maybe not criminal but legal.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I suppose that's possible.
[quote name='morelloman88']there will be 140,000 on ebay but Sat.[/quote]

Time to buy stock in eBay again. They will be the true winners in this mess.
I'm debating selling or keeping the system (assuming I get this bundle...)...I'm not sure if they'll be as much profit when all 140,000 of those come up...And then I'm a Sony fanboy (though I'll be in line for the Wii)., so part of me wants to keep it...even though I could use the $$$ for college (though I'll be in line for the Wii)...so confused...
[quote name='blueboy']Time to buy stock in eBay again. They will be the true winners in this mess.[/QUOTE]
No joke! Ebay must love these system launches. They get the auction fees and the Paypal fees.
bread's done