Operating system for gaming comp... Ubuntu?


CAG Veteran
Im building a new comp and currently on my laptop i have vista and its alright, thinking of getting xp instead of vista again but then i heard about Ubuntu. have any of you tried this, since it is free i was thinking about using it instead of xp/vista (for a gaming comp) but idk, any suggestions?
Did you just use "Ubuntu" and "gaming" in the same sentence? As much as I like Ubuntu (and Linux in general), it's not for a gaming computer. There are ways to run some games on a Linux box, like Wine and Cedaga, but those methods are rarely without issues. Until the PC gaming industry stops bowing down before Microsoft's altar, just stick with Windows.
A Linux OS isn't going to have DirectX so if you want to game you need XP or Vista.

Why don't you like Vista? Because the media told you it stinks?
[quote name='n25philly']Ubuntu is for gaming, if you are a masocist[/QUOTE]

I agree. I don't consider myself a Ubuntu-expert (and it's my only contact with Linux, really), but I've set up a couple of Ubuntu rigs in both offices and homes, and it's just not worth the effort.

If you want to play older DOS, Win 9x and even older Directx 9 games, then yes, it is possible but not trouble free, and there some some good open source games as well, but you'll save yourself a lot of grief if you just buy Windows XP for somewhat older games, and Windows Vista for new ones.

And I agree with some the above posters, Windows Vista is nowhere near as bad as people make it sound. Really, if you are not a computer illiterate (and there's nothing wrong with that), it is an awesome OS for home computing and gaming in general.
Ubuntu has games. :lol:


Use Windows XP for games or maybe even vista *shudder* (for DX10 games).
If by "gaming" you mean "WoW," Ubuntu is fine as long as your video chipset has a Linux driver for 3D acceleration. Otherwise, what everyone else said. If you really want to start experimenting with running Windows games on a Linux system, Crossover will ease the pain of configuring wine. If you want native linux games, there are the screenshotted gnome games, and vimtutor. vimtutor is crazy underrated.

Your call.
[quote name='kellehair']Why don't you like Vista? Because the media told you it stinks?[/QUOTE]

Or maybe because it's an inferior OS.. he said he has it on his laptop. We don't need to make this yet another thread with everyone making long lists of what sucks about Vista.

Consider Vista if you plan on building an ultra high-end machine (for DX10), otherwise go XP.
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