Operation Darkness X360 $29.99 at Best Buy B&M


I just came back from my local Best Buy (Harlem Irving Plaza in Chicago, IL) and picked up a copy of Operation Darkness for $29.99. There were about 5 or 6 copies left after I bought mine. The demo wasn't the greatest and the original price of $60 was too much for me but I figured I'd bite at $30. It's also an Atlus published game as well. So has anyone else spotted this at any other Best Buys?
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I'll wait until the price drop goes into effect at GameStop and grab it used or something

not spending more than $20 on either game

also I love SRPG's but honestly Operation Darkness' camera sucks
[quote name='txdave34']I agree with you. I had fun with this title. The graphics are not nearly as bad as people point out.

My biggest gripe with the game is that there is no option to skip cutscreens. Before each battle, the cutscreens can be as long as 10 minutes. If you die, you have to watch the whole thing over again. Even worse, you have to press a button to move the dialogue again.

It is awful game design.[/QUOTE]

I've found this to be a bit troubling one a few of the harder missions, but it's a relatively minor gripe in the grand scheme of things.

Apparently the people who are on this thread and indicating they like(d) it have similar play styles. One of the other posters mentioned using the mini-map (which eventually is turned on FOR YOU in later levels), making sure to equip skills (especially auto-heal), looting the corpses (also a plus since the Nazis generally have stronger weapons than you can buy in the store), using rocket launcher (definitely a must, especially when you get to stages where they warn you that there will be armored tanks), and even noting the carry weight/speed of the people.

The knocks I saw from people that played it (or say they did) were:
-Rough Camera - I don't entirely agree with this, especially with the mini-map. There are also hot keys on the control pad to focus you in the direction of the enemies. So between those and the map, I've run into limited to no issues.

-Hard - Seriously? Being hard is a reason to not buy a game? I thought the point of playing and beating games was to do things that not everyone could do? There are some tough stages, but the learning curve for the game is pretty easy and (as I mentioned before) you gain new styles of play as you move through the story.

-Menus - I'm not sure I understand the complaints here, since I had no problems with them.

-Generic Comments about boring/can't steal achievements from save files (yes, one of the people who keeps ragging on this game in this thread used this as a reason) - Sure, the game's not perfect. It's also not for everyone. But if it's a style of game you might be interested in OR the premise peaks your interest, $30 is hardly too rich for the purchase.

Feel free to check my XBox Live Gamer tag for proof I've played the game. You can also check my 360Voice Blog: http://www.360voice.com/tag/MrNEWZ
[quote name='MrNEWZ']I've found this to be a bit troubling one a few of the harder missions, but it's a relatively minor gripe in the grand scheme of things.

Apparently the people who are on this thread and indicating they like(d) it have similar play styles. One of the other posters mentioned using the mini-map (which eventually is turned on FOR YOU in later levels), making sure to equip skills (especially auto-heal), looting the corpses (also a plus since the Nazis generally have stronger weapons than you can buy in the store), using rocket launcher (definitely a must, especially when you get to stages where they warn you that there will be armored tanks), and even noting the carry weight/speed of the people.

The knocks I saw from people that played it (or say they did) were:
-Rough Camera - I don't entirely agree with this, especially with the mini-map. There are also hot keys on the control pad to focus you in the direction of the enemies. So between those and the map, I've run into limited to no issues.

-Hard - Seriously? Being hard is a reason to not buy a game? I thought the point of playing and beating games was to do things that not everyone could do? There are some tough stages, but the learning curve for the game is pretty easy and (as I mentioned before) you gain new styles of play as you move through the story.

-Menus - I'm not sure I understand the complaints here, since I had no problems with them.

-Generic Comments about boring/can't steal achievements from save files (yes, one of the people who keeps ragging on this game in this thread used this as a reason) - Sure, the game's not perfect. It's also not for everyone. But if it's a style of game you might be interested in OR the premise peaks your interest, $30 is hardly too rich for the purchase.

Feel free to check my XBox Live Gamer tag for proof I've played the game. You can also check my 360Voice Blog: http://www.360voice.com/tag/MrNEWZ[/quote]

I had the game but never put it in before I dumped it on a deal EB/GS had on getting a new game awhile ago,Really want to get this now though more then ever because to me the price is fair and the what I call "Mini Reviews" you are posting just makes me want to try it more.

I did play Spectral Force 3 though....
I'll wait for a price drop at GS before picking up SF3 and OD used. I love SRPGs but with what is out now (FFT:A2 & Disgaea 3), I know both these games would end up in my backlog.
I want to grab Spectral Force when It's $25 or less on Amazon.com. Amazon Rewards and free shipping for the win.

Wasn't a fan of Operation Darkness, but know some people that really dug it.

Sales were horrendous, this is off vgchartz which is the closest thing you'll get to NPD that's free.

Operation Darkness sold 4,703 copies in 10 weeks
Spectral Force 27,340 copies in 8 weeks
Zoids 5,932 in two weeks

Yes, Spectral Force didn't sell well either, but compared to OD it sold 83% better. Needless to say there won't be another Operation Darkness game coming to the US with sales like that. Spectral Force? Maybe. Zoids is also on it's way to becoming a rather poor seller. Poor Atlus :(

I don't think this is a 360 issue either. If these games were $50 on PS2 that would probably do equally bad. After seeing decent sales from Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata the 360 is just a viable option for JRPG. And like others said, your only other option for Next-Gen SPRGs are Disagea 4.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I want to grab Spectral Force when It's $25 or less on Amazon.com. Amazon Rewards and free shipping for the win.

Wasn't a fan of Operation Darkness, but know some people that really dug it.

Sales were horrendous, this is off vgchartz which is the closest thing you'll get to NPD that's free.

Operation Darkness sold 4,703 copies in 10 weeks
Spectral Force 27,340 copies in 8 weeks
Zoids 5,932 in two weeks

Yes, Spectral Force didn't sell well either, but compared to OD it sold 83% better. Needless to say there won't be another Operation Darkness game coming to the US with sales like that. Spectral Force? Maybe. Zoids is also on it's way to becoming a rather poor seller. Poor Atlus :(

I don't think this is a 360 issue either. If these games were $50 on PS2 that would probably do equally bad. After seeing decent sales from Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata the 360 is just a viable option for JRPG. And like others said, your only other option for Next-Gen SPRGs are Disagea 4.[/QUOTE]
Maybe the fact that there are Spectral Force games out on the PSP and therefore some kind of installed base helped Spectral Force sell more. It may also be that SF3 was the least crappy of the three, according to reviews, at least.

I also don't Atlus will be too eager to put out demos for its games anymore. I think the demo was what caused the poor sales for OD.
Considering it was that bad? I agree.
No game should have a "demo" if it blows that much ass.
Your bound to hurt your sales rather then help.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Considering it was that bad? I agree.
No game should have a "demo" if it blows that much ass.
Your bound to hurt your sales rather then help.[/QUOTE]

Bad demos hurt so much. I've never understood why companies would release a broken or bad demo, regardless of how good/bad the product actually is.

Another demo that hurt sales was the Full Auto demon the XBox. The demo was ROUGH, but the final product was a nice surprise. It wasn't the be-all-end-all wonder that everyone thought it was after it first showed at E3, but it was definitely a fun series that I'll miss.
[quote name='benjamouth']Bit too much for the worst game on the 360. IMO

If it was free and came with a $20 GC, I'd definitely think about it.[/quote]


The game has some serious design issues, and the horrible camera only makes the game more painful to play.
[quote name='IronsideGrunt']IMHO a game like this can usually be had on Black Friday for like $10 or less...we aren't too far off so I'd wait...[/QUOTE]

I don't really see this as being too likely given the print run of the game compared to other games heavily clearanced in the past (Pimp My Ride, The Outfit, etc.) Atlus generally doesn't print a bajillion copies like Activision or any of the other major publishers.

If it happens --- awesome. But most stores where I'm at locally don't even have copies of the game to sell, let alone mark down.
anyone who played spectral force 3 can you give some impressions about how it compares to the final fantasy tactics games? i'm deeply addicted to ffta2 right now and i don't really care for graphics so i was curious about sf3.

i tried the operation darkness demo and decided to skip it. besides the camera being too difficult, i felt the game was just too slow and drawn out...
Spectral Force 3 is a watered down strategy rpg. it kept me busy while i waited for Tales of Vesperia to come out. Now i don't play it anymore.
I picked up a copy of Operation Darkness at BestBuy--it was still listed at regular price, but rang up at 29.99. Thanks OP
bread's done