Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising @ gamefly $12.99

Not bad at all, might have to check it out. Heard this one was crazy realistic but not too fun...ala Full Spectrum Warrior.
This game was pretty bad, I foolishly paid full price for it on its launch day out of nostalgia for the original Operation Flashpoint. The controls, presentation, and mission structure are clunky and the gameplay is unforgiving in a "dude you can't see kills you in two hits from half a mile a way" kind of way.

Not sure it's worth your time. I wouldn't play it again if you gave it to me for free. It certainly isn't anywhere near as good as I remember the original game being in its time.
I just rented this game and while it was good I couldn't see myself taking the time to finish it so I sent it back in hopes of getting a copy of awake or RdR
I can also vouch for this game, if you have a little patience and a mind for realism.

Also, the sniping is pretty fun/rewarding (much like Bad Company 2). I haven't tried it online, but you can approach every mission, and every objective however you want. The entire map is pretty much given to you for every mission, too, leaving a lot of room for strategy.

Side note:

I'm currently trading this, so if you would rather trade than pay $13, PM me with your list. :)
do you actually have to join gamefly's RENTAL SERVICE in order to get free shipping? I'm a member but it doesn't give me free shipping when i check out :(
If you are really in the need to die as quickly as you do in this game, then just join the real army. I was looking forward to this game before it came out, but after playing it for a few hours I realized I didnt like it due to the brutal difficulty because its just makes the game not fun. I don't want to run a mile away from my drop point, just to get shot by some sniper 2 miles away that I couldnt even see, then have to redo it all over again 10 times. NO THANKS......PASS
I just started playing this with a buddy. It's repetitive and frustrating from the start. But it does have up to 4 player co-op story mode (which is why I got it in the first place).
I doubt I'd have the patience to finish it as a single player game but so far it's been tolerable with a friend along. We're only about 3 missions into the campaign, I'm hoping the game becomes more enjoyable as we progress.
I really want to bite on this game but can't do it. I rented it a while back and had a hard time playing it. It's possible that I'm not patient enough -- but you can't see crap. I spent 20 minutes creeping up as slow as I can only to get shot by some enemies I can't even see. If you stay back far enough to not die, it becomes very difficult to see and then kill the enemies in the field.

Like I said, maybe I suck at games - but this one was definitely not for me. I'm still tempted at a cheap price - but don't want to pay shipping either.
[quote name='NewYorkelite']Is it worth it at that price?[/QUOTE]
Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?
[quote name='NewYorkelite']Is it worth it at that price?[/QUOTE]

I'd rather take the 10 dollars and go to Family Video and pick up Rogue Warrior. At least that game is a subpar first person shooter with mickey rourke yelling cuss words the whole time. Two things that represent a timeless classic in my book.
bread's done