Painkiller 19.99 shipped at Gamestop


CAG Veteran
Here is another great game from what I've heard. Like an old school Doom wish I had the system to but it I would probably get it. Its been price dropped down to 19.99 and once again with free shipping and no tax a great bargain.
Its apretty good game. The thing does NOT require that much of a system to run at a good frame rate.

Read some of the reviews and they all mention that its not a heavy system requiring game.
I'd pick it for third best FPS of last year.

HalfLife 2
Doom 3

The stakegun is teh r0xx0rz!
[quote name='darin']Here is another great game from what I've heard. Like an old school Doom wish I had the system to but it I would probably get it. Its been price dropped down to 19.99 and once again with free shipping and no tax a great bargain.[/quote]

I picked this up for a few bucks out of the junkbin at Target and was surprised to find it to be one of the most entertaining FPS games to come around in a long time. The story is so stupid it is almost an insult, but the action is fantastic. The graphics engine is terrific, like many games it also uses Havoc physics. The gameplay engine is as sharp as Q3A, and it throws enough braindead AI at you to keep you busy enough that you don't realize they are braindead. Boss battles are a bit too brutal, IMHO, but for twenty bucks, you'll have plenty of fun with this one.
[quote name='jrutz']I might have to get this one, now that the Xbox version is listed no where anymore. :( :cry:

I didn't know there was an xbox version in the works, ever...even so, I can't imagine it would translate well. It is hyper twitch--this aint no halo.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']The reason it dropped is because they're coming out with the gold edition on DVD.[/quote]

see thats what ive been waiting for
I also agree its a great game. Even liked it a bit more than Doom 3. You should also pick up the expansion Battle out of Hell for $20 as well.
bread's done