

So i went to play paintball this weekend for the first time and i borrowed a friends equipment and i had a great time. Im looking to get more into this and was wondering if anybody knows any good websites or stores to buy from, btw i live in the central jersey area and go to school in north jersey. Also what guns you guys like. thanks.
The only gun I'll use...
[quote name='Dicerion']So i went to play paintball this weekend for the first time and i borrowed a friends equipment and i had a great time. Im looking to get more into this and was wondering if anybody knows any good websites or stores to buy from, btw i live in the central jersey area and go to school in north jersey. Also what guns you guys like. thanks.[/quote]

dude i am not trying to rag on paintballers,but... dont do paintball please do airsoft i dont mean with cheapy guns i mean with guns like tokyo marui and classic army, the reason i say this is because about 4 years ago i had a pball gun and was gonna get into it and its really expensive ,and its not worth it.
plus I play airsoft at a paintball slash airsoft slash abandoned huanted house field, and there are usaully some pballers finishing up when we get there and they allso freak out shen they see us all decked out in ou bdus helmets goggles etc. and they come up and wanna see our guns. we say ya wanna get shot once to compare it to the feel of a paintball and they allways chicken out.

but what i am saying is if your into sceanario games and creativity Airsoft is the way to go,heres a site you can go to and read up a lill bit on it

there are lots of great people on there.
Interesting, i just feel like airsoft would hurt a lot! I mean i got shot in the hand when i was playing painball this weekend and even with gloves on that hurt like hell. I don't know how much i am into the realism and scenerios of it, i just thought about it more to have fun with my buddies, that's all.
First the biggest paintball site around is

Second Hit up to check reviews of guns, paint, air systems etc.

Third there are a lot of great priced sites. Actionvillage, etc.

Fourth I would not suggest you start out with a gun that can ramp (ie multiple your trigger pull to give you 15-30+ balls per second). If you start with ramping then I have seen way too many people depend on ramping to play and not get down to the skill of the game... plus its much more expensive as you have to buy a loader that is motorized etc.

Start with a simple gun Ie Tippman, Piranha, sypder etc. Learn it and work your way up.

I had about a year ago jumped form my gun to a Dangerour Power Fusion.. Its now insanely fast if needed, and accuracy is awesome.. The price was only $450 and compared to guns in its class (build, accuracy,speed,) its at least half the price. The customer service level from DP is insane.

Anyway start out researching around. If you get talked into an Ion at least look into what you have to spend to get it to optimum working/reliability levels... also before you buy one consider how hard it is to take apart and maintain.

Good luck the sport is beyond fun. It can get costly but it doesn't have to be if you don't turn your gun on ramping, and don't rely on mass quantities of paint to get your kills.

There are some really big games that are great if you get into scenario as well. Michigan has some at hells Survivors (global conquest, Monster Game, Tippman vs World) as well as D-Day (Oklahoma), and many more.
Thanks for all the info snake, its much appreciated. Yeah i don't think i need a gun that is an automatic or i guess ramped. I was really conservative when i played and i like having single shot for accuracy, and i can just fire more by pulling the trigger more times and thats fine. I figure ill work my way up, not spend too much money and slowly make my way into paintball. thanks for all the info again.
No problem. I love the sport. I actually brought my Father-in-Law this past weekend for his first outing (hes getting close to 50 now) he loved it... hes a little sore but hes been in good shape his entire life.

If I can help in any way pm me.
its definitely a lot of fun, but very pricey =( the equipment costs is just a small part of it.. what'll get you is the on going cost of paint..

i used to play league and honestly in retrospect, i should've done airsoft >.< u get the same adrenaline rush without the clumsiness.. (ie air tank, hopper, pods & harness, etc.)

and for the record paintball hurts more ;-)
[quote name='Achilles']its definitely a lot of fun, but very pricey =( the equipment costs is just a small part of it.. what'll get you is the on going cost of paint..

i used to play league and honestly in retrospect, i should've done airsoft >.< u get the same adrenaline rush without the clumsiness.. (ie air tank, hopper, pods & harness, etc.)

and for the record paintball hurts more ;-)[/QUOTE]

In airsoft though are there actually fields to play it at? I mean what stops some stranger from staying in to play... and I cant imagine you feel every hit with airsoft if you have baggy clothes.

For the most part there is no mistaking you have been hit, or have hit someone in paintball.
Tippmanns are generally the best choice as a starter gun. They're dead simple, incredibly reliable, and so sturdy you can beat people to death with them. Some version of the 98 custom or custom pro is a good start.

Though I'm now noticing that Autocockers have gotten INSANELY cheap, and they're quite possibly the best fully-mechanical marker out there. They are a little finicky though, and you have to spend a bit of time learning how they work and fine-tuning it to run like a champ. I spent about a grand on mine 7 or 8 years ago, and now you can get one with more than half the stuff on mine for about $95, which is just SICK.

If you're looking for an electro (and it seems everybody is these days), I can't help you too much there because I've been out of the market for too long.
[quote name='geko29']Tippmanns are generally the best choice as a starter gun. They're dead simple, incredibly reliable, and so sturdy you can beat people to death with them. Some version of the 98 custom or custom pro is a good start.

Though I'm now noticing that Autocockers have gotten INSANELY cheap, and they're quite possibly the best fully-mechanical marker out there. They are a little finicky though, and you have to spend a bit of time learning how they work and fine-tuning it to run like a champ. I spent about a grand on mine 7 or 8 years ago, and now you can get one with more than half the stuff on mine for about $95, which is just SICK.

If you're looking for an electro (and it seems everybody is these days), I can't help you too much there because I've been out of the market for too long.[/QUOTE]

The one point I like to make about the Tippmans vs say a Piranha and/or a spyder is the easiness to clean the tippman... its a longer process. It reminds me of what you have to do on for example the new Ions that were all the rage last year... you blow a ball in the chamber and your down for 15-45 minutes... in a spyder/Pirnha,Dangerous Power, etc you are able to access that point in less than 30 seconds.

The tippmans are tough though.. I would relate them to say an original Gameboy! I have seen them go through fires and work fine (with the change of a few o rings)

Most mechanical markers (major brands) are pretty solid now days. The issue happens when people try to get into the mid-high end electro for cheap.
[quote name='Snake2715']In airsoft though are there actually fields to play it at? I mean what stops some stranger from staying in to play... and I cant imagine you feel every hit with airsoft if you have baggy clothes.

For the most part there is no mistaking you have been hit, or have hit someone in paintball.[/quote]

ya, a paintball weighs 10x more than an airsoft pellet.. if both are 300fps, a paintball will hurt around 10x more.. and you're right with my heavy cotton camo gear u don't feel it as much... but u still get the adrenaline rush of not wanting to get hit :D

the times i played airsoft it was just with friends, but i hear some local pball fields also run airsoft now.. i have a feeling its not as popular (yet?) because fields don't make much money from it.. it all goes back to cost of paint, which is where fields make most of their money from..

one big thing airsoft has over paintball is realism in a fire fight... i don't know how many times i've been "hit" because of my hopper.. its so damn big and it sticks out.. lol.. the other huge advantage i can think of is jamming/chopping/pinching balls.. everyone plays at all times with a stick squeegy.. goes to show u how reliable the marker (gun) is.. :cry:
[quote name='geko29']Though I'm now noticing that Autocockers have gotten INSANELY cheap, and they're quite possibly the best fully-mechanical marker out there. They are a little finicky though, and you have to spend a bit of time learning how they work and fine-tuning it to run like a champ. I spent about a grand on mine 7 or 8 years ago, and now you can get one with more than half the stuff on mine for about $95, which is just SICK.[/quote]

i feel your pain... i spent $800 on a *USED* bob long.. $500 on CA tank.. barrels, motorized hopper, etc. etc.. :cry:

but i took a look, ya u can get a basic for $100, but the high end stuff is still pricey... ie $500-1000+

hmm... anyone wanna buy some old school gear?? LOL
[quote name='Snake2715']The one point I like to make about the Tippmans vs say a Piranha and/or a spyder is the easiness to clean the tippman... its a longer process. It reminds me of what you have to do on for example the new Ions that were all the rage last year... you blow a ball in the chamber and your down for 15-45 minutes... in a spyder/Pirnha,Dangerous Power, etc you are able to access that point in less than 30 seconds.[/quote]
I don't know anything about the Ion, but on the 98 you just flip down the feed tube (it's a quick release) and toss a pull-through squeegie in the breech. From break to fire is under 10 seconds if you're any good. A few seconds quicker than my autococker even, because you don't have to remove the bolt.
[quote name='Achilles']i feel your pain... i spent $800 on a *USED* bob long.. $500 on CA tank.. barrels, motorized hopper, etc. etc.. :cry:

but i took a look, ya u can get a basic for $100, but the high end stuff is still pricey... ie $500-1000+

hmm... anyone wanna buy some old school gear?? LOL[/QUOTE]

What tank you got? When is the hydro date, its always nice to have an extra if the cost is right.
[quote name='Snake2715']What tank you got? When is the hydro date, its always nice to have an extra if the cost is right.[/quote]

its a pure energy 3000 psi 88cu.. hydro? prolly like 5-6 years ago my gear is OLD.. lol

i swear i paid $450 or so for this tank and i see it online for under $100 - i think i'm gonna be sick :cry:
[quote name='Achilles']its a pure energy 3000 psi 88cu.. hydro? prolly like 5-6 years ago my gear is OLD.. lol

i swear i paid $450 or so for this tank and i see it online for under $100 - i think i'm gonna be sick :cry:[/QUOTE]

Yeah hydro,

I will link you to DOt (Dep of Trans) webpage next week to look it up.. but the tank has to be rehydrod every 3 or 5 years. Its about 35-45.

They basically fill it with a bunch of water if it blows open your SOL. If it doesnt it gets a stamp for another 3 or 5 years.
[quote name='Snake2715']Yeah hydro,

I will link you to DOt (Dep of Trans) webpage next week to look it up.. but the tank has to be rehydrod every 3 or 5 years. Its about 35-45.

They basically fill it with a bunch of water if it blows open your SOL. If it doesnt it gets a stamp for another 3 or 5 years.[/quote]

i know what hydro is, i was just being stupid... don't mind me. what i meant to say is my tank is like 10 yrs old i don't think you want it.. i'm supposed to have it done every 3, but even if it passes i think i'll just keep it around.

thanks for th einterest tho
bread's done