Paper Mario:TYD, Killer 7, or Ikaruga?


Alright, so I have this $25 gift card that's been sitting in my wallet for months now and finals are just around the corner, so I decided now might be a good time to buy a new game. Oh, and I got that $1 coupon from ebgames/gamestop.

Anwyho, while looking at some the under 20 dollar games I saw Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, Killer 7, and Resident Evil 0. Also I've recently started playing Gradius V again and seeing that topic on Ikaruga reminded me that it's supposed to be the best ever, but It's $30 online (and used, and that's assuming it's actually in stock). So, my question is, what do you think I should go with? It seems like if I can get a hold of Ikaruga that I almost have to, but those other three games also seem just as magnificent. Some guidance would be GREATLY appreciated.
You can get Paper Mario and Killer 7 instore, New, for about $35 total. So if you have an extra $10, I say get those. 2 COMPLETELY different games though.
You didn't say what type of game you prefer. They are all different genres. Personally, I'd go for paper mario, but that's because I enjoy the occasional light RPG and anything mario. Unless you like difficult and frustrating scroller shooters, Ikaruga is overhyped. Killer 7 is supposed to be a love it or hate it game and is $15 at most places now.
Paper Mario-Fun, Simple, Hilarious RPG

Killer 7- Weird action adventure game with a good story, fairly difficult

Ikaruga - Only buy this if you somehow enjoy memorizing every moment of the game and where enemies will spawn. I found this game to be an exercise in boredom and rote memorization. Lots of trial and error.
I haven't played Killer 7. But I definitely recommend Paper Mario Thousand Year Door especially if you like RPG-type adventure games. It's a very entertaining and not frustrating hard like some other games.

Ikaruga is very hard shoot-them-up game. I haven't gotten very far with this game.
1. Ikaruga
2. Paper Mario (but come on, the second one will rock!!!)
3. Killer 7 ( great game but you can find it used cheap)
Yeah, sorry forgot to mention what types of games I prefer. Thing is, I like all of those types of games. Which is why the decision is so hard. Just trying to see if other people's opinions will push me one way or the other.
Killer 7 is pretty cheap, so I would reccommend that.

Ikaruga is an awesome game, and for $30 you can't go wrong...however, if you order online most likely the game will come incomplete (no box/manual or both). If you find it in store then go for it.

Paper Mario was also pretty awesome, I loved the first one and I loved the second one.

Order I would go though is:

Ikaruga (if you can find it in store)
Killer 7
Paper Mario

If you can't get Ikaruga in store then get Paper Mario and Killer 7 as RF said above.
Paper Mario TTYD and Ikaruga are the ways to go. I still haven't played my Killer 7 that i got from Kmart for $10. Still, Ikaruga is insanely fun, but hard as hell. Paper Mario is just classic fun.
Completey different games but I'd go with...

...Killer 7 if you enjoy stylized graphics and an insane story.

...Paper Mario if you want something that'll last long and isn't too difficult.

...Ikaruga if you want a challenge and enjoy old school shooters.

I'd say in this order for me, personally.
1. Ikaruga
3. Killer 7

I'm not a big fan of old school shooters but Ikaruga kicked my ass but I just couldn't stop playing it. Definitely stay away from it if you suck at games though.:)
Ikaruga if you can find one > Resident evil 0 if i'ts a non-GH version :D > P Mario (never played, but seems fun) > Killer 7 (cheap, lots floating around... least priority to me out of these 4)
I'd go in this order:

1. Killer 7
2. Paper Mario
3. Ikaruga

They're all amazing games, but Killer 7 just plain redefines "amazing." It's without a doubt one of the greatest games I've ever played. Paper Mario is awesome too, and superior to its prequel, but isn't quite the masterpiece that K7 is. Still a must-buy though. Ikaruga is awesome, but just so. damn. HARD.
Ikaruga. It's my favorite shooter from this generation. Any shooter requires rote memorization and lightning quick reflexes. It's exactly the thing you need to really train your brain.
Paper Mario was one of the finest games I've played of this last generation, and in general -- very well done.

Killer7 is the shit, too. Very cool style and story.

I've never been able to play Ikaruga, though... I was waiting on a price drop, and they all vanished before I could acquire one.

So I'd say:

1.) Paper Mario
2.) Killer7
3.) Ikaruga

Why not get all three, though? ;)
Okay, what the hell is this "QFT" thing? I think that I'm safe in assuming it doesn't mean "Quantum Field Theory."

Oh, for myself, I'd go in this order:
Paper Mario
Killer 7
All three... find Ikaruga first in the interest of time though. It's already fairly hard to find, and I bet by the time the Wii comes out, there'll be a big rush for Cube games. Ikaruga will dry up pretty fast.
I haven't played Killer 7, so I can't give any opinion on that (and you posted this almost a month ago, so you probably already made your decision)

Ikaruga is simply awesome for what it is. It's a pure shmup (shoot em up) that seems so simple at first, but has so much depth (much like othello, a moment to learn a lifetime to master). I bought this for $20, and I never regretted the purchase. I never even got that great at it (I think I peaked at 6.9 million points and getting to level 3 without using a continue).

I'm Playing Paper Mario TYD right now, and it's awesome. Definitely not a deep RPG, but it's tons of fun, and I'm a sucker for Mario.

All things equal, I would get Ikaruga over TYD, but you can't go wrong either way with them.
bread's done