Parasite Eve I or II, both, or neither?


75 (100%)
I'm wondering which Parasite Eve I should get. If one is clearly better than the other, I want to know about it, and I want to know why you think so. If they should be played together as a set, then I want to know about that too. If you think this series stinks then I want to know why you think so.

Help me figure out where to start. I don't have lots of money to blow on games now so I need to be choosy. Thanks for your help! ;)

EDIT: What can I expect as far as offensive content? How M-rated is this game (profanity, violence, frightening images, sexual content)?
It's a good series. The first one is your better choice because it's more RPG-like, is a better game, and you'll find it for cheaper. The second is more like Resident Evil action, but it's not scary. However, they're both good games, but the second one is rarer, so buy the first one, and if you like it, buy the second one.
The first one is very fun but also pretty damn short too so if you are looking strictly on bang for you buck, it may not be the game for you.
Great replay value, even for me. It's short, and powering up is easy (you take upgrades from other guns, and your guns carry over).
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']The first one is very fun but also pretty damn short too so if you are looking strictly on bang for you buck, it may not be the game for you.[/quote]

They're 4.99 at GameCrazy if you can find 'em (or less in the three for ten).. The games are worth at least 30 each, I picked them both up at full price and don't regret it for a second. Grab both, they're fantastic.
The first is about a million times better than the second. It is short but it has pretty good replay value. I personally loved it. And I played AFTER I played the second, which is a really shitty ripoff of RE gameplay that's just fucking horrible.
Both are fun. 2nd game is a cross between Resident Evil and parasite eve with upgradeable weapons and abilities letting you choose your play style.

They are a must have for any rpg fans.
I only played snippets of the both but they were pretty fun. The story is (or was) very dark and gritty for an RPG back then and the gameplay is really net.
The first is one of my most favorite games for the PSone. Amazing game. The second is OK, definatly worth a play if nothing else for the boss battle on the second floor of the motel. I really liked the setting of 2, the game play, however, I was not a fan of.
I'd say neither.

I only played the first one, but it was just too boring for me. The storyline was okay, but the battles were a snore. If you are on a budget, there are probably a lot better games out there that you have yet to try.
[quote name='CriscoKidd']I'd say neither.

I only played the first one, but it was just too boring for me. The storyline was okay, but the battles were a snore. If you are on a budget, there are probably a lot better games out there that you have yet to try.[/QUOTE]

Do you not like RPGs or something?

Because that's basically what the first's battle system is, with a minor blend of survival horror added in.
I didn't really care for what I played of the first game... I think I got through the first 3 days and called it quits. I'm a huge fan of RPGs and I love the RE series, but the gameplay just felt far too slow and unpolished in PE. In combat, it's particularly frustrating that you have no real way to evade a lot of attacks and you run way too slowly. The storyline was pretty good though and I liked the upgrade system for the weapons... but the gameplay just felt lackluster for the most part.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Do you not like RPGs or something?

Because that's basically what the first's battle system is, with a minor blend of survival horror added in.[/QUOTE]

ditto to what Chacrana said for me. Spending a bunch of time running around in circles waiting for the action bar to fill up so that she can move her trigger finger does not = fun for me.

I mean, if the guy has really exhausted a big chunk of the PS2 and 1 library, then yah, give it a shot. But I kind of doubt that's the case.

and for the record, rpgs are what I spend the majority of my gaming time on.
[quote name='CriscoKidd']I mean, if the guy has really exhausted a big chunk of the PS2 and 1 library, then yah, give it a shot. But I kind of doubt that's the case.[/quote]

That actually describes me pretty well. Parasite Eve wasn't really my first choice, but now that I've played so many other games in the PS1/2 library I'm looking for some games I may have overlooked, and Parasite Eve stood out as a possibility.

Tell me, what can I expect as far as offensive content? How M-rated is this game?
i liked the first one alot better, it had a much more eerie atmpsphere and the story was alot of fun too
the second one was good, but didnt have that same feel, its main appeal (uh oh, rhyming i should be a rapper) , was the fact that you could change the storyline through meeting (or failing at) certain events
i had the guide here awhile back, and it had this huge branching chart, so there was alot that could be done (and alot that could reverse the bad effects to change the endings)
[quote name='boyward']That actually describes me pretty well. Parasite Eve wasn't really my first choice, but now that I've played so many other games in the PS1/2 library I'm looking for some games I may have overlooked, and Parasite Eve stood out as a possibility.

Tell me, what can I expect as far as offensive content? How M-rated is this game?[/QUOTE]

well then I take back what I said. Might as well try it out if it interests you, provided you can find it for cheap.

cool things about it

- a decent anime-ish story
- one of the few rpgs set in a modern setting(in NY no less)
- horror - ish elements. like the first shadow hearts, but not quite that cool.

Hopefully you enjoy the battle system more than I did.
I played through the first one and I'd say it was just, "meh." I've always been a big RPG fan, but PE just never really struck my fancy. Nonetheless I sat through it, being the Obsessive Compulsive, must finish everything I start freak. The story was actually really good, but the fighting system was lackluster, at best. The fights were also pretty predictable (ie- the random encounters aren't REALLY random. Everytime you step into a particular room or section of a room, a battle will begin. So if you leave the room and reenter, be ready to fight the same "random" battle again.). The upgrade system to the weapons was kinda neat. Nothing really struck me as "M-rated" save for the violence of shooting a gun.
I'm not an RPG fan at all. In fact I hate RPGs, but I love both of the PE games. The first one has the classic RPG battle system which I dislike, but it's still a great game. The second one is more action-based Resident Evil-like.
I love both of these games, and I really wish Square had made a sequel for the PS2. Sadly, I believe we have seen the last of PE.

I recommend playing the first one, as others have said. But only if you can pick it up for cheap. Both of them are getting rare and fetching a high price these days. I wouldn't spend more than $20 for any PSone game.
Definitely get the first one, and if you can tolerate the RE controls for parasite eve 2, then get that too.

The first one didn't really have that much M-rated content, unless you want to count the half nekkid eve.
I absolutely loved the first game. I never could beat the Chrysler building though....

I haven't played the second so I will refrain from commenting, but you should at least get the first one.
I loved the first one and I have yet to play the second. The story of the first is great and the gameplay is also good. The battles get kind of annoying but they are okay because of the weapon upgrade system. I love making my own guns.
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