Paris Hilton going to jail- weaseled out, then brought back!! Haha!!

[quote name='Brak']And camoor's logic is hysterical. The 50 Cent / Jack Thompson stretch is among my favorite highlights.[/quote]

OK - so you're in the camp that advocates the position that a young girl watching Paris Hilton's antics will grow up to be someone who videotapes herself having sex and doing drugs?
[quote name='camoor']OK - so you're in the camp that advocates the position that a young girl watching Paris Hilton's antics will grow up to be someone who videotapes herself having sex and doing drugs?[/QUOTE]

Just sayin': The stretches you're making are hilariously embarrassing.
[quote name='Brak']No.

Just sayin': The stretches you're making are hilariously embarrassing.[/QUOTE]Scooter Libby did 9/11, Brak. Paris knows this, that's why Cheney and Bush put her in jail.
[quote name='jmcc']Scooter Libby did 9/11, Brak. Paris knows this, that's why Cheney and Bush put her in jail.[/QUOTE]
Haha. I was going to say, to coincide with his political shoehorning:
[quote name='camoor']OK - so you're in the camp that advocates the position that a young girl watching Paris Hilton's antics will grow up to be someone who videotapes herself having sex and doing drugs?[/QUOTE]
That's George W. Bush for:
Either you're with me or against me.
Followed by a shit-eating smirk.
[quote name='Brak']Haha. I was going to say, to coincide with his political shoehorning:

That's George W. Bush for:

Followed by a shit-eating smirk.[/quote]

Bleck, whatever.

If you're not going to make sense I can't be bothered to reply further.

Except to say, nice troll at the end of a thread which should have already died.
[quote name='camoor']Bleck, whatever.

If you're not going to make sense I can't be bothered to reply further.

Except to say, nice troll at the end of a thread which should have already died.[/QUOTE]
Pot, Kettle.

Kettle, Pot.
[quote name='Apossum']well, it's nice to see you post up some good debate ;)

This is about a judge finally putting his foot down on a celeb case. I wouldn't call people's reactions an "overwhelming" degree of outrage. Holding a celeb accountable is just something very interesting and long over due. If it were any high profile celeb, I would be supportive of the judge.[/quote]

Holding a celebrity or other well-known person accountable is fine and dandy. The Magna Carta is *how* many centuries old at this point?

Believe it or not, her highly publicized life does have an impact on society. First off, 1000s of hours of media coverage have been devoted to her and for what? That time could've been used for better coverage of the Iraq war, world politics etc. I'm not going to get in to the things she symbolizes, since I will sound more conservative than I am. I'll just say that some idiotic rich girl selling her body for popularity is not a good role model for anyone. At the very least, her lifestyle promotes aspirations to the highest order of materialism and apathy.

Here's where I start to disagree. I'm not going to go the route of camoor's "Bush and Cheney drunk drove!!!" argument, but here is what I will say: ***WE*** are the "media." We are not unwilling participants in the media spectacle; Anna Nicole Smith got coverage because it was a sensational narrative and an absurd personality - collectively, we like that sort of chaos. Paris was and is the same way.

Shortly, "media" is a two-way street. People magazine is not *forced* upon you, you buy it. You *choose* to watch Fox News and their abundant coverage of Anna Nicole and their diminished coverage of the Iraq war relative to the other 24/7 news networks. There's a reason that you don't see copies of "Harper's," or "Mother Jones" magazine, or "Utne Reader" in the checkout lane of the grocery store: they don't sell. We'd rather pick up People, and their "OMG Kirstie Alley is SO FAT!" rag one week, and the next issue which is "OMG why are celebs TOO SKINNY!?!?!"

I'll say it again: media is a two-way street. I watch Wolf Blitzer on CNN because he insisted, during a production meeting last week, that the words "Paris Hilton" would not come out of his mouth while on air. I have to respect that, and if I want the news to become more like that, I have to contribute to those sorts of ratings. Right? If I want news mags, I have to buy "The Economist" or the aforementioned hifalutin' liberal rags. They won't have Paris Hilton in them.

You *can* go out of your way to hear everything and anything about Paris Hilton, so this sort of innocent "lil' ol' me just can't avoid hearing about her, oh I'm such a victim" claim is just nonsense.

We reciprocate with the media - if we look outside of "news," we can all see that being an awesome show didn't help Arrested Development stay on the air - there weren't enough people watching. THAT is the key to remember: news networks exist for ONE reason, and you're a fool if you think it is informing you. Their purpose in this world is to deliver you to their advertisers. Higher ratings means higher ad rates. If those higher ratings come from a "Talk of the Nation" style discussion on the genocide in Darfur (quick, if you're reading this, name the country Darfur is in: didn't think you could, either), then that's what they would show. If it's B-roll footage of Anna Nicole twittering about in a bikini, that's what they'll show.

Guess which one won? Worse than the content of the news programs is the feigned outrage by newscasters, followed by continuing coverage of the same shit. I think Nancy Grace went off on an assistant for showing "titty footage" (my phrase, not hers) of Paris the other week - and then continued to bring you up-to-the-minute information on Paris and her jail sentence. What fuckin' phonies.

That's my long-n-sweet. We *create* the media we watch, just like we *create* what prime time programs stay and go. It's based on viewership, which leads to ad revenue. It has nothing to do with informing you at all. Last of all, if you want to avoid Paris news nonstop, you *CAN* do it, so let's all drop the "attention whore" charade. Many people posting in this thread, even by reacting with "OMG what an attention whore!" attitude are knowingly reifing her status as just that.

I feel it's ridiculous that I'm even thinking about it. Part of my elation is that I've had to put up with this empty celebrity (she doesn't do anything) on a daily basis. That sounds more dramatic than it is, but you know what I mean--she gets too much attention, people discuss her antics too much, so it's nice to see a wrench get thrown in her system. I hope it slows down coverage of her life, though they say there's no such thing as bad publicity :roll: My greatest hope is that this somehow influences her to use her celebrity for the cause of good, even if it's just for some shallow awareness of some worldly problem.

Celebrities that do things for the public good are shit on. See Bono and Al Gore as two examples. When was the last time you saw positive press coverage of those two?

If she hadn't gotten convicted, it's showing that when you're filthy rich, it's ok to do what you want. Though this concept is affirmed on a weekly basis in the media, this time it wasn't, which is great. Hopefully this judge will influence other judges.

edit: though I sympathize with your point about Bush and Cheney, I feel throwing presidents in jail would do more harm than good. Hopefully something bad will happen to both of them after they're out of office (or something bad in office that doesn't cause chaos...)

Hmm. I don't really think that this changes the "class=power" argument at all. It's a light sentence, she has been given severe amounts of preferential treatment - she's not getting the kind of sentence your run-of-the-mill drunk driver would.

Moreover, there are more examples of the wealthy and powerful who have committed crimes in the past 12 months who have gotten away without even a "slap on the wrist." As a matter of fact, there is a website database of those people:
Myke-- I'll have to read all that later as I'm about to run to work.

all i gotta say right now is-- THEY LET HER OUT FOR ADD?!!! WHAT THE fuck? That's not even a real disorder! (jk) what do you need to pay attention to in jail? :lol: god that's so fucked.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Celebrities that do things for the public good are shit on. See Bono and Al Gore as two examples. When was the last time you saw positive press coverage of those two? [/QUOTE]

Interesting how people's perspectives are different. I always thought Bono was considered a saint in the press. I mean, he was Time's Man of the Year a couple years ago.
[quote name='mykevermin']Celebrities that do things for the public good are shit on. See Bono and Al Gore as two examples. When was the last time you saw positive press coverage of those two?[/QUOTE]Well, I think Bono just called the G8 out about their AIDS funding this week. That's good.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, I think Bono just called the G8 out about their AIDS funding this week. That's good.[/QUOTE]

What he did was good, or the press treatment was good? A cursory glance of "Bono" in google's news search prompts several interesting results: many editorials deriding him, a few pieces on what he and Bob Geldof said about G8, and notably, some really obscure papers getting top hits. So, he may be getting both good and bad press, but there appears to be a lack of major news stories on him. And that's fine, they can choose to diminish him or not (while he does a lot of good, I don't think he plays a pivotal role in much outside of AIDS advocacy in the third world).

All that aside, I still think that "Paris the saint" is not an image that will go over on the news at all. My larger point still stands.
[quote name='jmcc']The nice thing is, we'll be able to test that.[/quote]

The interesting part of the article that I'd found, outside of the whole "I've found religion and am a whole new person", was this:
She thought she might get toy companies to build a kind of Paris Hilton playhouse, where sick children might come, and the toy companies could donate toys.

Therefore, she's going to ask the toy companies to build the place, and donate the toys, and then put her name on it.
[quote name='sonderiaom']The interesting part of the article that I'd found, outside of the whole "I've found religion and am a whole new person", was this:

Therefore, she's going to ask the toy companies to build the place, and donate the toys, and then put her name on it.[/QUOTE]Well, it's thinking about someone else, so that's a step in the right direction.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, it's thinking about someone else, so that's a step in the right direction.[/quote]

Fair enough, but even still, I'll believe it when I see it.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, it's thinking about someone else, so that's a step in the right direction.[/QUOTE]
No, it's more like her publicist getting the idea and putting Paris's name on it. Paris isn't thinking of anyone but herself.
Also the news reported yesterday that Paris is not in jail anymore. She's being treated in the medical wing for all the bullshit ailments she suddenly caught and is expected to stay there for the duration of her stay.

They also reported that her parents were able to visit her AFTER visiting hours were over, but all you paris lovers are right. She hasn't gotten any special treatment. :roll:
To be fair, the medical wing is *still* jail. Whether or not she deserves to be there is pure conjecture on everybody's part, however. There's plenty of evidence of special treatment without bringing up something that many could mistake for special treatment.
[quote name='mykevermin']Holding a celebrity or other well-known person accountable is fine and dandy. The Magna Carta is *how* many centuries old at this point?

that's the thing they keep in the bathroom in case toilet paper runs out at the white house, right?

*long part*

I basically acknowledged all that in a post after the one you quoted-- that it's all our fault that she is every where. Just like you, I would like to see more intelligent mainstream media (what ever that may look like), but I believe I have a right to voice displeasure about seeing Paris Hilton every where.

I'm not victimizing myself-- just saying that her stardom has been a hot topic and thus, it gets into the media and conversational ether quite easily and frequently. I have heard enough to know I completely disapprove of her lifestyle and that tension only feeds the elation of seeing her get busted. That's all.

also, the only way I could not find out about Darfur here in Madison is by burying myself in a hole. There's a ton of graffiti spray painted and chalked all over here about it, as well as a ton of meetings and groups that promote awareness of it almost daily. so yeah, I knew it was in Sudan, but I got your point ;)

Celebrities that do things for the public good are shit on. See Bono and Al Gore as two examples. When was the last time you saw positive press coverage of those two?

I see a decent amount of good coverage about Al Gore...haven't seen anything about Bono lately. I'm not so interested that I would expect the media to eat up any philanthropy, but if she were to do that instead of baring her cooch just to stay the spotlight, I would feel good about it. I also think that the path she was on is not good at a humanistic level...her type tends to fall as high as they had risen.

Hmm. I don't really think that this changes the "class=power" argument at all. It's a light sentence, she has been given severe amounts of preferential treatment - she's not getting the kind of sentence your run-of-the-mill drunk driver would.

Moreover, there are more examples of the wealthy and powerful who have committed crimes in the past 12 months who have gotten away without even a "slap on the wrist." As a matter of fact, there is a website database of those people:

i acknowledge that, but it's still good that this judge is making an example (and has at least some measure of integrity when it comes to celebrities.) this probably won't lead to justice done for all celebrity criminals, but it's something, as sad as that sounds.

just like in HS and college, the athletes get away with everything. murder included, from what I understand.,0,404958.story?coll=la-home-center

The Times analyzed 2 million jail releases and found 1,500 cases since July 2002 that — like Hilton's — involved defendants who had been arrested for drunk driving and later sentenced to jail after a probation violation or driving without a license.

Had Hilton left jail for good after four days, her stint behind bars would have been similar to those served by 60% of those inmates.

But after a judge sent her back to jail Friday, Hilton's attorney announced that she would serve the full 23 days. That means that Hilton will end up serving more time than 80% of other people in similar situations.

This won't satisfy any of you calling for her head on a pike, but the reality is that in some regards she's receiving preferential treatment, and in some regards she's receiving harsher treatment. Many will remain convinced, however, that she deserves every last bit of harsh treatment she gets, and that every leniency shown to her is evidence of how spoiled she is. She just can't win.

I feel that my posts here have shown my opinion on her, so don't be a fool and consider me a Paris apologist. I'm merely fascinated by the fact that she's serving more time than 80% of the 1,500 comparable offenders, and people accuse her of getting off easy since she's a celebrity.
[quote name='mykevermin'],0,404958.story?coll=la-home-center

This won't satisfy any of you calling for her head on a pike, but the reality is that in some regards she's receiving preferential treatment, and in some regards she's receiving harsher treatment. Many will remain convinced, however, that she deserves every last bit of harsh treatment she gets, and that every leniency shown to her is evidence of how spoiled she is. She just can't win.

I feel that my posts here have shown my opinion on her, so don't be a fool and consider me a Paris apologist. I'm merely fascinated by the fact that she's serving more time than 80% of the 1,500 comparable offenders, and people accuse her of getting off easy since she's a celebrity.[/QUOTE]Comparable?
[quote name='jmcc']Comparable?[/QUOTE]


Read the "methodology" subsection. In addition, the criteria they used for selection were listed in the first quote of mine.

The Times analyzed 2 million jail releases and found 1,500 cases since July 2002 that — like Hilton's — involved defendants who had been arrested for drunk driving and later sentenced to jail after a probation violation or driving without a license.

It's not as if she did something unprecedented.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Read the "methodology" subsection. In addition, the criteria they used for selection were listed in the first quote of mine.

It's not as if she did something unprecedented.[/QUOTE]Well, I wanted demographic information.
There is a bit of a strange aura to this thread. Apart from mykevermin, not one of you have managed to research whether or not the treatment was, indeed, preferential. (This includes, by the way, the Paris Hilton supporters - way to go, you had to have one of the haters hand your cards in for you.) Yes, I edit Wikipedia, and yes, I'm the asshole that puts "citation needed" on articles. Sometimes.

Is it really _that_ fucking satisfying to all of you that a celebrity with a sex tape is going to prison? I don't really know what Paris Hilton does, and to be frank, neither do you. If the answer is an honest one: we are here because we think she's a bitch and we have a blast making fun of her, amen brother, and burn that bitch proper. But don't marry a bullshit "injustice" and "judicial system sucks balls" if you're not going to do the minimum research required to make a political claim.

This isn't about politics, this is about Paris being a spoiled whore. And if you think that, do expect some people to come out and say "you're being mean." You are, and that's the point. Don't justify that shit. Just say "I'm a dick, and I fucking HATE Paris Hilton."

Which brings me to my point:

I'm a dick and I fucking HATE Paris Hilton, for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

Feel free to point out how I don't get laid enough, or that I love Bush, because we all know that only conservatives and unmarried nerds are capable of such sentiment.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, I wanted demographic information.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's pure folly, since you know that, being in the top 1% of income-earning households (since I don't think she earns any herself), she's not "comparable" in that regard - and thus I'm sure there you'll find a place to say that she's not the same as the others being charged w/ the same thing (though ol' justice is supposed to be blind, whether or not you or I agree with that).

If you really want it, this is all public information.
[quote name='mykevermin'],0,404958.story?coll=la-home-center

This won't satisfy any of you calling for her head on a pike, but the reality is that in some regards she's receiving preferential treatment, and in some regards she's receiving harsher treatment. Many will remain convinced, however, that she deserves every last bit of harsh treatment she gets, and that every leniency shown to her is evidence of how spoiled she is. She just can't win.

I feel that my posts here have shown my opinion on her, so don't be a fool and consider me a Paris apologist. I'm merely fascinated by the fact that she's serving more time than 80% of the 1,500 comparable offenders, and people accuse her of getting off easy since she's a celebrity.[/QUOTE]

If she was released for good behavior or something similar-- that's fair game. Not sure what the other people had been released for. that is crucial to know.

I'm happy to see it's not some stripped down sentence. She's serving more time than average, alright, wow, that's wild as well.

It's not too much of a shocker that people accused her of getting off easy, because she was going to get off easy. And just because this data is out, doesn't mean that people who were pissed about her getting out early are now retroactively blood thirsty chauvinist pigs.

she was going to be released after 3 days to serve out the rest of her time at her mansion because she wasn't eating, as well as some other crap. 3 days is average according to the post-2002 graph (not that anybody could be expected to do this research) but the reasons for her release played right into people's ideas of how a princess might be treated in jail. I don't know for a fact what those other people were released for, but I'll say i'm not 100% on the idea that they too were not eating and had ADD.

yeah, most people, me included, bought into the narrative of the rich white girl getting off easy. I'm shocked it actually had a happy ending this time. I hope it'll lead to more just treatment of celebrity criminals and not cause Paris to crap on it by publishing "Mein Kampf for the Rich White Girl Soul." I doubt there will be too many complainers after they read this article, though.

There is a bit of a strange aura to this thread. Apart from mykevermin, not one of you have managed to research whether or not the treatment was, indeed, preferential. (This includes, by the way, the Paris Hilton supporters - way to go, you had to have one of the haters hand your cards in for you.) Yes, I edit Wikipedia, and yes, I'm the asshole that puts "citation needed" on articles. Sometimes.

Is it really _that_ ing satisfying to all of you that a celebrity with a sex tape is going to prison? I don't really know what Paris Hilton does, and to be frank, neither do you. If the answer is an honest one: we are here because we think she's a bitch and we have a blast making fun of her, amen brother, and burn that bitch proper. But don't marry a bullshit "injustice" and "judicial system sucks balls" if you're not going to do the minimum research required to make a political claim.

This isn't about politics, this is about Paris being a spoiled whore. And if you think that, do expect some people to come out and say "you're being mean." You are, and that's the point. Don't justify that shit. Just say "I'm a dick, and I ing HATE Paris Hilton."

Which brings me to my point:

I'm a dick and I ing HATE Paris Hilton, for no justifiable reason whatsoever.

Feel free to point out how I don't get laid enough, or that I love Bush, because we all know that only conservatives and unmarried nerds are capable of such sentiment.

or you can be specific and not paint yourself with such broad strokes. it makes for better arguments that way.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, that's pure folly, since you know that, being in the top 1% of income-earning households (since I don't think she earns any herself), she's not "comparable" in that regard - and thus I'm sure there you'll find a place to say that she's not the same as the others being charged w/ the same thing (though ol' justice is supposed to be blind, whether or not you or I agree with that).

If you really want it, this is all public information.[/QUOTE]Well, I'm just not sure I want to compare her to that data set when she's a huge outlier.
Seriously people, if you can't see that Paris got special treatment then there is no hope for you as far as common sense is concerned. Yeah, maybe she got more jail time than normal, but 1) It's the judges discretion and 2) she and her parents asked for it when they thumbed their nose at him and the legal system (arriving at court whenever they felt like it and openly insulting the judge).

Add to that the fact that she was allowed to turn herself in, illegaly sent home early for bullshit ailments by a paid off sheriff, allowed to wait 2 hours for her parents when the judge ordered her back into court, was sent to the comfy medical ward again for bullshit ailments and is still going to be allowed to leave without serving the full sentence, and you get the perfect definition of celebrity justice.
[quote name='jmcc']Well, I'm just not sure I want to compare her to that data set when she's a huge outlier.[/QUOTE]

An outlier in one regard, sure. But the thing you're ignoring is that what makes her an outlier are two things - her socioeconomic status and her % and days served; however, they go in the exact opposite direction that you would intuit. More or less, if you think she's not comparable because she's ultra-wealthy, it would help to understand why her being ultra-wealthy coincides with her serving more jail time than 80% of people with the same charges.

[quote name='Scrubking']Seriously people, if you can't see that Paris got special treatment then there is no hope for you as far as common sense is concerned. Yeah, maybe she got more jail time than normal, but 1) It's the judges discretion and 2) she and her parents asked for it when they thumbed their nose at him and the legal system (arriving at court whenever they felt like it and openly insulting the judge).

Add to that the fact that she was allowed to turn herself in, illegaly sent home early for bullshit ailments by a paid off sheriff, allowed to wait 2 hours for her parents when the judge ordered her back into court, was sent to the comfy medical ward again for bullshit ailments and is still going to be allowed to leave without serving the full sentence, and you get the perfect definition of celebrity justice.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, there is no pleasing some people. Little surprise that denying that, at least in some small, way she's being punished more harshly than the average person in her situation, is Scrubking. He's not been in the vs. forum in quite some time, but he denies data in favor of conjecture disguised as "common sense" just like it was yesterday. :lol:

It's just a no-win for her; any harsher treatment she "deserves," and anything granted as lenience leads to feigned outrage about her class. I'd be amazed if anyone here wouldn't cheer her for getting the death penalty.

EDIT: Woe be it for me to say, but Tommy Chong certainly has the best take on this whole scenario of *anyone* on the news media recently:
bread's done