Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 1 and 2 - $15 each - Episode Two out 12/18

I know this has nothing to do with the topic, but it's always made me wonder. What the hell is a Frisky Tanuki?
Racoon with huge testicles and... um... is really frisky. Oh also, they are quite adored by the Japanese.

I don't think I'll be buying this unless it's cheaper than the debut price on XBL.
When it arrives on the PS3, Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode One will be priced in line with the PC and Xbox 360 editions of the game, which sell for about $20.

If you have to ask, you'll never know the answer.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you have to ask, you never knew the answer.[/quote]


Anyway, did anyone expect it not to come to PSN? How does it play on 360. From the videos I saw I thought that it looked like it would play better on a keyboard/mouse.
It controls like any other console turn-based RPG out there. I didn't really see anything that would be significantly improved with a keyboard/mouse.
It'll still be $20, and because of the delay, it'll make it basically a non-buy for most people because of depreciation over time. And Episode 2 might already be out on PC/XBLA by then.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It controls like any other console turn-based RPG out there. I didn't really see anything that would be significantly improved with a keyboard/mouse.[/quote]

Oh I thought you might have to time clicks on things and navigate menus/shortcuts with keys. I went and watched the videos. Guess I was wrong.
There are button-mashing mini-games for the special moves and you're able to block by pressing the trigger button, nothing huge on that front.
This game is probably OK (there's a Cthulhu reference, what more could I ask for), and I like PA, but honestly I don't see me picking it up.
It has to be cheaper than release for one. Secondly, since it's episodic gaming they have to prove that they are, in fact, keeping up with this ideal (have they annnounced part 2 yet)?.

Finally, PA seems to be quite the Sony haters. I'm not a fanboy, but it is a bit annoying to see them release their goods so much later than the PC and the 360. This feels like The Orange Box all over again, we're just a second thought. If they don't think they can make enough money off PS3 owners, then screw them.

Just my 2 cents.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']This game is probably OK (there's a Cthulhu reference, what more could I ask for), and I like PA, but honestly I don't see me picking it up.
It has to be cheaper than release for one. Secondly, since it's episodic gaming they have to prove that they are, in fact, keeping up with this ideal (have they annnounced part 2 yet)?.

Finally, PA seems to be quite the Sony haters. I'm not a fanboy, but it is a bit annoying to see them release their goods so much later than the PC and the 360. This feels like The Orange Box all over again, we're just a second thought. If they don't think they can make enough money off PS3 owners, then screw them.

Just my 2 cents.[/quote]
It's a good game. There should be a demo anyway to let you try it out to see if you like it, though if you're a fan of PA and RPGs, you'll probably like it anyway.

Yes, they've announced the second episode already, as there's a cutscene at the end of the game that gives you a hint about what's in it that includes the character you made for the first episode. Should probably come out in the fall, so it's not too long.

I don't think they've said anything about pushing this version off to another developer like it has the plague, so I wouldn't compare it to the Orange Box yet.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']

Finally, PA seems to be quite the Sony haters. I'm not a fanboy, but it is a bit annoying to see them release their goods so much later than the PC and the 360. This feels like The Orange Box all over again, we're just a second thought. If they don't think they can make enough money off PS3 owners, then screw them.

Just my 2 cents.[/quote]

The game was made on an engine that didn't support PS3 so it had to be completely ported. They could have just not ported it to PS3, but they obviously figure they have enough fans who only have PS3 to support paying people to port it. Hopefully the next ones will come out at the same time. And I agree that $20 is too much.
I just don't understand the general stigma toward the PS3. Why, two years into its lifespan, are we getting stuff six months later than the others? This is ridiculous. I would say that we should boycott this kind of thing, but then again, they would think that there is no interest from PS3 owners, and never do it again. Catch-22!
I enjoyed episode one on the PC, and will probably get the rest of them on that platform as well. I don't regret the $20 I payed for it, but I definitely think $15 would probably have been the really sweet spot for the game.

I'm definitely going to pick up Episode 2 when it drops later this year (still for my PC, since I want to import my character which is also my avatar here at CAG). I'm also looking forward to the increased character creation options since the first game is sort of limited (I remember reading somewhere that they would let you tinker with your old character's look in episode 2).

Nothing about the game is completely amazing, but it is a solid 4-5 hours of classic RPG action in the Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger ATB vein with some good Penny Arcade humor mixed in (like the a boss whose weapon is a sack filled with very interesting things)

As a warning for those with standard def tvs, you might want to wait on getting the PSN version until others have tried it and confirmed the text readability. Apparently on the 360, the text was incredibly hard to read due to the size/resolution on anything but a HD set.
I played the PC demo and thought there was too much clicking around (which wasn't so great on a laptop w/out using an external mouse). What are the console controls? Is there just one button that cycles through characters in combat, or are there shortcuts? Do you select a character first, then select the action? How do you select objects in the environment without the mouse?
For the 360 version, when a character has an action to perform, you highlight them and press the corresponding button to either use an item, attack, or use a special attack. The remaining face button is used for the side characters when they have an attack to use and the triggers blocked attacks. I think that's it, but I'll be reminded of what does what when I get episode 2 tomorrow.
I played the demo on the 360 and got it on the PS3. The PS3 one seems to play the same, although its pretty buggy. Twice i got stuck at the orange tree in the beginning. I would have to save my game, then exit, then load it again, and it was fine then. Nothing deal breaker but not what i expected. Great game tho and extremely charming, something missing from the typical bald space marine games we've all been playing so often.

Although i think the controls are overly complex just to make it more complex. Too much micro-managing the characters during battle.
Yeah, I'm tempted to get into the Penny Arcade games sometime. The price kind of turned me off at first, but seeing they are RPGs has me a bit interested.
bread's done