Persona / Toradora DVD packaging overview

Anime castle has gotten their hands on toradora and persona early so if you want to get your hands on it check it out at (on a side note the art books they come with is pretty nice)
Toradora can be found here
Persona can be found here
and till july 6th they are doing a special where if you trade in anything tword Toradora or Persona they will give you an extra 25% tword your trade in
Also their used section is pretty nice some times picked up the entire azumanga diao for like 20 bucks.
Honestly for the price VS what you get for 13 episodes i'll wait for it to go on sale. For a sub only show in half season boxsets its way too pricy.
This isn't early, I've had it for a week now.
Rosenqueen includes an exclusive poster for the same price as Anime Castle.
RACS has a lower price. TRSI has a lower price.
Has anyone seen Toradora? That packaging is pretty amazing, I'm tempted to pick it up, but I don't really know anything about it.

[quote name='slfc']This isn't early, I've had it for a week now.
Rosenqueen includes an exclusive poster for the same price as Anime Castle.
RACS has a lower price. TRSI has a lower price.[/QUOTE]

RACS? Robert's Anime Corner Shop?
Toradora is a comedy/romance type show that I thought was pretty solid. A lot of people have pretty high praise for it. I know that if it came out on blu-ray I'd buy it immediately.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']RACS? Robert's Anime Corner Shop?[/QUOTE]

Toradora is a high school comedy romance. The characters make the show as good as it is.
Got my Toradora, the packaging really threw me at first. I like it- although it did give me a bit of an issue for figuring out how/where to put it on my DVD shelf.

And just FYI- the RACS newsletter has mentioned that NIS told them they'd only be doing 1 print run on these. In other words, once this batch sells out, they're ain't no more.
I loved Toradora, but don't have the cash to spend on the DVDs right now :<

I wish Amazon would carry this, as I have a ton of credit to burn with them.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']
And just FYI- the RACS newsletter has mentioned that NIS told them they'd only be doing 1 print run on these. In other words, once this batch sells out, they're ain't no more.[/QUOTE]

Guess I'll order one then.
Toradora is a great show, but I don't have room for that packaging on my DVD shelf. Plus it's way too pricey for just half a season for me, even if it's got all the nice premium stuff. I'll wait for blus or a complete collection I think.
I'd be all over Persona if it wasn't subbed only. It doesn't really matter, I already have a huge backlog of shows to watch anyways.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Thanks for letting us know. So, we don't even have to send anything to them?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. No mention of it on their page there, but I'm sure they will e-mail people and ask. Plus they ask for where you purchased it, and they could check the addresses and names that way. These boxsets arent even sold on Amazon and such, so it shouldn't be hard to check the online retailers like Rightstuf or their own site, Rosenqueen.

I'm sure there will be a-holes who try to scam discs, but that is technically theft, and I wouldn't want to be involved with that. Not worth it imo.
As of now, no, you're not sending a thing back- they haven't actually made any replacement discs yet, so you'd be out your show.

As stated, these are only available from a select handful of speciality retailers, so they're collecting info now to likely a) cross-check against sales to avoid scammers, and b) see just how many of these discs they'll need to make. I mean, they just started their anime venture, I'm sure they'd like to cut their replacements costs as much as they can.
[quote name='G-Nitro']I got both sets in today, so I guess I'll watch them to see if I have that ghosting problem[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry you bought Persona G-Nitro.

It's starts off alright but then descends into incoherent boredom that does nothing to put itself at the level of it's gaming counterparts.

Toradora is adorable though. The VA for Taiga is the same as Louise from The Familiar of Zero and Shana from Shakugan no Shana (This is in Japanese of course, not English. I see no need for dubs, bravo NIS for skipping out on the standard low class VA that you get for most localized anime's.). She's so cute it hurts.

The packaging is really awesomely charming and I'm debating getting Toradora. I hope NIS continues with this interesting packaging because it's a good start, they just need to get some more licenses. Limited releases of collectible volumes is a great way to get high interest and purchases. I really wish the artbooks weren't done the way they are though. It's like I'm reading a Dr. Seuss book when they have that kind of binding...
[quote name='ArQuesta']I'm sorry you bought Persona G-Nitro.

It's starts off alright but then descends into incoherent boredom that does nothing to put itself at the level of it's gaming counterparts.

Toradora is adorable though. The VA for Taiga is the same as Louise from The Familiar of Zero and Shana from Shakugan no Shana (This is in Japanese of course, not English. I see no need for dubs, bravo NIS for skipping out on the standard low class VA that you get for most localized anime's.). She's so cute it hurts.

The packaging is really awesomely charming and I'm debating getting Toradora. I hope NIS continues with this interesting packaging because it's a good start, they just need to get some more licenses. Limited releases of collectible volumes is a great way to get high interest and purchases. I really wish the artbooks weren't done the way they are though. It's like I'm reading a Dr. Seuss book when they have that kind of binding...[/QUOTE]

Haha, I'm interested in seeing Persona, but its also a way of supporting NIS to help them see interest and pick up more titles. I can't wait to continue Toradora! Watched ep 1 & 2 on fansubs and when i heard it announced, I deleted those and waited for the release. :D
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