Pets are silly


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I just wanted to share a pic of my cat. I actually like her because she thinks she is a dog most of the time. I tend to whistle the Super Mario Bros. tune and she will meow the last tune. Outside she actually plays with one, she will run after you like a dog. Anyways she got in this box for X-Men Legends I just bought, and had my wife hold her and take a pic. No she isn't 12, I know she looks young, especially in her pjs but she is 21 :p

Anyways, anyone have some funny thing their pets do? (Besides Minx's dog great trick of pooping between the fence :lol: )

P.S. Notice the dreamcatcher with Wolves in them and the frame. Notice the Cardcaptor it isn't mine, it is my wife's
My cat plays fetch. Literally. I'll throw the ball (or whatever) down to him (Jinxy) down the hall and he'll run after it, pick it up in his mouth and drop it on the ground in front of me. Or a little ways away. Or sit down and gnaw at it. Hence, play catch.

Now I don't know about you but I've never seen a cat that played fetch before. I think that's pretty cool. I love my kitty. He's so affectionate.
Mine does too, I'll throw her mouse toy and she will do the same. Still doesn't beat my whistling Mario theme song I do with her :p
My cat used to do tricks too. We used to play fetch as well. At first I used a small green cloth dog, but then got lost, so I used this green glove that had no pair. And this glove was pretty huge.

She anticipated me throwing it, wiggled her butt, ran after it and brought it back to me. And the funny thing is, I would thow it from upstairs, so she would climb up the stairs with the glove, go underneath my bed and leave it there.

Another thing about her was that when my brother was around he would whistle a tune and she would stop whatever she was doing and start to bite me! (playfully of course).

When I whistled she would still go after me. Everntually instead of biting me she learned to just smack me on the face with her paw (probably to get me to shut up). I also learned to whistle in a high pitched frequency and she would come running.

MY brother said that there wouldn't be another cat like her, and he's right.

...I miss her. :cry:
Sounds like an awesome cat, sorry to hear about her not being there anymore. I understand completely. I miss my dog so much, she was great, but she passed away when I was 13 or so. My cats fights with me, she bites and not playfully! She would trap my leg and not let go and start smacking it with her hind legs and biting me. It's fun though.
[quote name='sm04as']
She anticipated me throwing it, wiggled her butt, ran after it and brought it back to me.

My cat does that too! "The Butt Wiggle" lol. He fetches tinfoil balls and his "toy-of-the-moment". We'd toss it down the stairs, he'd fetch it, bring it back, over and over. Lots of fun and good exercise for him!

When he was younger and we really worked him up, he used to pant like a dog. My sister or I would hold him in our lap and he'd stick his tongue out, kinda curl the sides up, then start panting! I took a picture of it, it was so funny.

I love cats :)
I have a huge Black beast of a cat Named Martin but we call him Bear for short because he looks like one . He weighs at least 30 pounds I keed you not. I have 4 Cat's and 2 Dog's all my Animals like to hang out with me wile I play Video Games.
my dog is kitchen trained.

when i boil water for macaroni and cheese he watches it to the whole time while im on the comp, and when the water is boiling, he comes over to come and stares at me to let me know.

he's also toaster trained, when he hears the door open he jets in like a bullet to see what im doing...same with plastic and the referator door.
[quote name='MorganWebbLover']Also your Wife is hot .[/quote]

haha... that made me laugh. But I agree she is quite a catch.

Anyways, I have a parakeet or para something at home named Noelle. She is tone deaf (at least my family thinks so) as she can't sing or imitate voices like other birds. She's really quiet unless someone opens up the front door, or when you put her in a closed room. Shes sort of a cheapass burglar alarm I guess.

The other day she was walking on the bottom of her cage, which she never does. She squatted for a few seconds... and out came a tiny egg! It was about the size of one of those chocolate foil wrapped generic eggs you get for Easter. Ahh.. I could go on with more stupid stories about her, but it would take up the whole thread.
Well, I had a "strange" or "special" cat once. It was born physicly deformed. It's two back legs were upside down and didn't really have any muscles in them. It was also both genders, I can't remember what it didn't have and did have, but I remember it had parts of both genders. But, the way it'd walk or run looked pitiful at first but then started become funny. He'd actually drag him self with his front legs and his back legs would just drag behind him, it was hilarious. Oh yeah, I just realized "it" isn't a he nor a she, but I'll just call it a he. Anyway, it could still climb up stuff, like it would climb up our couch, it'd just pull himself up with his front legs, it was pretty wierd. It would also go under the couch or my Mom's chair. Then I would lay on the carpet and pat my arms in front of my face. At that moment he would spring out of the couch and try and attack my face, but I'd have a pillow beside me that I'd pull in front of my face right before he reaches it. And I also had a cat that drooled once, it was kinda nasty 'cause it also loved rubbing up against you so much. So I'd be laying on the futon, watching TV and he'd come up to my face rub his against mine while drooling and it'd get all over my face. It was kinda annoying.
My cat has like mood swiings or something.One sec she's chill and the next she's zooming all over the place.Run and jump on something and before she's stopped she's off in another direction.We also have this footstool{they have a name I kno but I ain't no decorator so I don't need to}thing with a pillow that's pretty big.She likes to get under it,turn upside down on her back and drag herself across the floor upside down.
My cat is the most unplayful thing in the world. He just lays there in his window seat thing. All day. He poops in my bathroom and eats my food. Some cat. :(


its from an old americas funniest. it rules.

i have a 20 pound diabetic cat. yep. we have to inject the fat shit with insulin twice a day every day. hes pretty funny though. deathly afraid of vacums, even when off. liks, not eats, licks plastic, and one time i found him in my clothes drawer. and then you have my other cat, who can almost fly. this cat has literally jumped a good 4.5 feet in the air to bounce off a wall. and if you gat a straw, he'll go insane. the best though, is that he pushes open doors with his head. on time the door was locked. this is waht hapened:

GROVER (the cat): meow, meow, meow, just minding my own business, meow, meow meow.


GROVER:whats this? a door? ill just bump into it to open.



GROVER:argh! my fricking skull!
My cat Nermal (yes named after the cat from Garfield), isn't as silly as she is human. I swear she is the smartest animal I have ever seen. Reasons why I think she is a human trapped in a cat's body:

1) She pees in the toilet. No one tricked her into doing it, she just hops up on the toilet, gets a drink, turns around and pees.

2) She is above being a lapcat. Sure she enjoys being petted every now and then, but she doesn't beg for it.

3) She is capable of opening the lid to the DeliCat container. If not for us hiding the food because of her dropping the container to the floor when she opens it, she would not have to worry about asking us for food.

4) She very rarely meows for anything. She will just stare at you and wait until you get up and do what she wants, and if you do what she doesn't want she will look at you like you're a moron. And if you didn't get up in the first place and she gets impatient, she will come up to you and bat you lightly in the face to get your attention. She also uses this trick to get you up in the middle of the night so you can let her outside.

None of these traits take away from how sweet she is though. She is a very friendly cat, who won't stop someone from stroking her back a couple of times, just don't expect her to curl up in your lap.
I don't trust anyone that's married at the age of 21. Personal rule I have, kinda like I never shoot pool with a guy that has his own stick and case to hold it in.
My cat does the butt-wiggle too, we'll have something dragging across the floor and he'll shake his little butt and then pounce after it. He's a pretty smart cat, too. He'll paw my face every once in awhile when I'm not paying attention. In fact one time I was sleeping and he wanted my attention, so I was sleeping and minding my own business and all of a sudden I feel a flurry of feet run across my face. It was my cat. I woke up and he looked at me and meowed. His food dish was empty. He's also a spoiled little blighter. Even if his food dish is overflowing with dry food he'll ignore it and stare at you and wait until you come get him wet food. My mom had to open cans of tuna just so he'd eat it. He also enjoys milk and anything that falls off the table. Every day when I get home I find him in my room, buried and snuggled completely under my blankets asleep. He's an adorable loving cat though. He'll curl up on my lap when he wants attention and let me pet him for the longest time. Most recently he's been wanting his little collar off, today he had a spasm attack and started flipping out and trying to paw it off and bite it off like crazy, he was spinning around a few dozen times to try to get it off. And my cat chases his tail, too. While he's lying down. It's pretty funny. I love him though. He'll always be my special kitty. And to think, I scored a catch like that in an adoption center. I did a good deed. And he was only 65$ and he's still an adorable big little kitten. I'll get a pic when I can.
My cat was free, I found her at the barracks and she came up to me and started rubbing against my leg. I felt sorry for her, didn't want some of the other people in the barracks to throw rocks at her, since I know they tend to do stupid stuff like that. So I took her home, took her to the vet, and she's been with us since December.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I don't trust anyone that's married at the age of 21. Personal rule I have, kinda like I never shoot pool with a guy that has his own stick and case to hold it in.[/quote]

It's off topic, but those are wise words. :D
If you tell my dog "army crawl!" then he'll lay down on his belly with his legs stretched back and start crawling. He was always afraid of paintball and airsoft guns though, so he never learned how to fetch ammo.
Ha, my cat taught me how to play fetch. I'll throw her little mouse toy and she'll have fun chasing it until it comes to rest. Then she stares at me, I stare at her, then I get up to get it across the room while she sets up for the next thtow.'s a good workout for me though....
[quote name='PsyClerk'][quote name='JimmieMac']I don't trust anyone that's married at the age of 21. Personal rule I have, kinda like I never shoot pool with a guy that has his own stick and case to hold it in.[/quote]

It's off topic, but those are wise words. :D[/quote]
Don't know what that has to do with anything really. Does it count that I'll be 22 in a couple months? :p Besides, driving to Savannah on the weekend would have been a pain to keep in contact with my g/f after I was moved to NC. Besides, it's nice to have someone to come home to that you love.

Back on topic, my cat just destroyed my curtains! She like to jump on them and hang on and yesterday the whole metal thing bent!
bread's done