Phantom Hourglass

Thanks for the reminder, I still need to finish this! I think i'm returning to the temple for the last time - I'm pretty sure i'm near the end (I seem to do that with a lot of games - get to the end and then quit). Although, since I haven't played this in 6+ months i've probably forgotten most everything about it. I was going to try and get everything, all of the hearts, etc. Now I may just beat it and be done with it.......

Still, I do remember having a lot of fun with this game. Yeah the controls were a little uncomfortable (I also fell in the water more than I would have) but you have to give it some points for taking a chance and putting some unique stuff in there, as well as some memorable boss battles.
Well, I ended up finishing it tonight. I'm not sure why I put it down in the first place, because I was literally an hour or so away from beating it.

I still think the touch controls got a bad rap in this game. For the most part everything is done really well - the only part that gets complaints are the rolls, and I don't even think the game forces you to do any at all. I really like the controls for the final battle, lots of variety in there.

Just wanted to emphasize that if you own a DS and have any interest in the Zelda games, you should definitely pick this up and don't let the controls scare you. Especially with the Radio Shack clearance and other cheap prices lately.......
I am close to beating it i realized i needed to beat the ice temple before i could go to the ocean king temple part 5 i still dont want to do it
I actually forgot you could do rolls in the game. The only time I have bothered is near the beginning when you roll into a tree. I haven't went around rolling into trees just to see what they give, unlike Link to the Past, where I used to constantly ram into trees to look for goodies.
I finished the game 3 days ago and it was great. Refreshing. A little on the easy side, but what Nintendo game isn't? I don't know what the complaints about the temple are all about. Each time you go back, you have new items which give you huge shortcuts. My halfway point "save" used a measly 4 minutes. I finished the game with 9 something to spare (out of 23) and 4 minutes of that was wasted by repeatedly getting hit in the final phantom battle because I was careless and figured I had time to burn.
I think that if you made really good use of the note-taking features then the game was not as tedious as many would say. I wrote down detailed notes on how to beat each level of the temple and so going back through it was easy every time because I knew exactly what to do- and like you I had copious amounts of spare time to complete the new sections of the temple.

Same went for collecting items, etc. I made careful notes when I came across an area that pretty obviously was meant to be returned to later, and it made it all the easier to collect the items/hearts.

For me the temple just sucked balls as it hit two of my biggest pet peeves.

1. Replaying areas over. Short cuts helped, but still annoying.

2. Stealth gameplay. I hate having to hide and sneak around in games, so that made the temple suck all but the last time through.

As I've said, I love Zelda games but I really had to struggle to get through this one. Hated that temple, didn't care for the touch screen controls, didn't like the story, don't like Celda graphics much etc. etc.
This is still the shittiest Zelda game ever... probably worse than those CD-i games. It has no redeeming qualities and I'm glad I sold it.
[quote name='Ruahrc']I think that if you made really good use of the note-taking features then the game was not as tedious as many would say. I wrote down detailed notes on how to beat each level of the temple and so going back through it was easy every time because I knew exactly what to do- and like you I had copious amounts of spare time to complete the new sections of the temple.

Same went for collecting items, etc. I made careful notes when I came across an area that pretty obviously was meant to be returned to later, and it made it all the easier to collect the items/hearts.


The dungeon was easy enough that I didn't particulary need notes to get through it. It was however horribly repeatitive and boring and damn near ruined the game for me given it was the "only" part I didnt care for :(.
As good a thread to bump as any I suppose.

I'm looking to trade for some parts. I need the Log Prow, Stone Hull, the Drill Prow, the Battle Wheel, the Golden Wheel and that's it.
bread's done