Phantom Pain is lacking in midnight releases...let's fix this!


So, in Orange County California, there is a huge absence of midnight releases for MGS V: The Phantom Pain.

I propose we change this in anyway we can. I know I can unlock early with a digital copy on psn, but I really want the physical release. I don't know about GameStop, but Best Buy has the unboxed forum for us to voice our opinions. Please help me and fellow MGS fans by posting at this forum that you want a midnight release
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Probably just won't happen. The MGS crowd is usually older, less sociable people and the games just don't get midnights because of it. Last Midnight I actually had in my parts was for MGS3. I've been trying to get a midnight going for MGSV, but ended up just giving up.

For GS, you basically just have to continually say in surveys that you want a midnight for the game or talk directly to the DM.

When MGS 4 hit (6/12/08)  I was at the midnight launch at a Best Buy in Atlanta, and there were about 40-50 people waiting in line by then. (I was second in line, got there at about 3pm). They ranged in all ages and all races, but almost all were males, except for a couple gfs/wives. Granted, I and many others got the PS3 BC bundle instead of just the game, but there was quite a turnout just for the game itself.

I really think more and more people are going digital tho, especially since pre-installed hard drives have gotten bigger.

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Yeah I just don't see MGSV getting a midnight release party at most locations. I doubt where I live there will be one. I think it mainly comes down to the games that sell super crazy day one, like call of duty. I see MGSV selling great, I just don't see most stores seeing it as a midnight release. 

I would welcome a midnight release though. 

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