Pics AND VIDEO of new GC Zelda game...

Gothic Walrus

6 (100%)
I'm declaring a tenative shenanigans. The next Zelda was supposed to be a continuation of Wind Waker, not [what looks like] a remake of OoT. I say this is nothing more than the type of disappointment fuel that the Space World demo was all that time ago.
[quote name='jmcc']I'm declaring a tenative shenanigans. The next Zelda was supposed to be a continuation of Wind Waker, not [what looks like] a remake of OoT. I say this is nothing more than the type of disappointment fuel that the Space World demo was all that time ago.[/quote]

Maybe...but going from the initial reaction to Wind Waker, and the fact that fans are STILL complaining about the graphics, it's possible that Nintendo has changed their minds on this one.

[quote name='JimmieMac']That site is going to be hammered all day bro, you should have copied them and posted them here.[/quote]

I don't have the space to rehost any case, don't you think that Nintendo and IGN have a fair amount of bandwidth at their disposal?

now THATS the zelda i wanted when i bought my cube...

EDIT:yes, im an idiot
I hate being @ work...I can't see any of the good stuff from E3 til I get home. This Zelda sounds incredible...Hope it isn't a hoax like the big N pulled b4 ( I still love you Nintendo! )
I hate to be that guy, but when it comes to Nintendo, I'll beleave it when I see it. So many past Nintendo games have either been canclled or had a 180 done to them that it's hard to get excited about any development shots from the big N.

But I digress, maybe I'm still bitter about never getting anything close to an arcade perfect Killer Instinct - @$#@ N64DD
Ok, this game is coming out AFTER WW2. Wind Waker 2 is going to be cell-shaded and will come out this Xmas. This next Zelda will be next year in 05'. Cheers
I just read the IGN news article accompanying the pics - unbelievable! Nothing from the quotes taken from Miyamoto indicates that this is some sort of remake. It is, however, titled simply "Legend of Zelda" - so maybe it is some sort of retelling, although its a grown-up Link. Hopefully it will be out by next spring - in the meantime, bring on Metroid Prime 2!

I would have linked the article, but the IGN Cube page was really slow-loading - the update was listed as less than 3 hours old so I guess they're still adding more to the page as we speak (write).
in any case, don't you think that Nintendo and IGN have a fair amount of bandwidth at their disposal?

Nah man you should try to get on IGN now. I waited for 5 minutes for it to load and that is with a cable modem. I'm not even gonna try to get back on till around midnight tonight.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']in any case, don't you think that Nintendo and IGN have a fair amount of bandwidth at their disposal?

Nah man you should try to get on IGN now. I waited for 5 minutes for it to load and that is with a cable modem. I'm not even gonna try to get back on till around midnight tonight.[/quote]

I've been proven wrong, apparently...all of the sites are down, including IGN and Nintendo. Guess there are more of us geeks out there than I anticipated... :oops:

If this does turn out to be separate from WW2 (which it seems to be), then the GameCube will be the first Nintendo console to have three Zelda games...Wow. :D
[quote name='"jmcc"']I'm declaring a tenative shenanigans. The next Zelda was supposed to be a continuation of Wind Waker, not [what looks like] a remake of OoT. I say this is nothing more than the type of disappointment fuel that the Space World demo was all that time ago.[/quote]

what is the "i delcare shenanigans!" from?...for the life of me i cant remember!
I saw the pics just fine. The video took about 5 minutes to load, but it worked. BTW, the video bascially shows the same stuff as the pics, just in motion.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus'][quote name='Jrunt20x']in any case, don't you think that Nintendo and IGN have a fair amount of bandwidth at their disposal?

Nah man you should try to get on IGN now. I waited for 5 minutes for it to load and that is with a cable modem. I'm not even gonna try to get back on till around midnight tonight.[/quote]

I've been proven wrong, apparently...all of the sites are down, including IGN and Nintendo. Guess there are more of us geeks out there than I anticipated... :oops:

If this does turn out to be separate from WW2 (which it seems to be), then the GameCube will be the first Nintendo console to have three Zelda games...Wow. :D[/quote]

What about the Gameboy Color? It had the "enhanced" Link's Awakening and Oracles of Ages/Seasons. Also, I believe the CD-i had 3 Zelda games also, but the less said about that, the better.
[quote name='karmapolice620']what is the "i delcare shenanigans!" from?...for the life of me i cant remember![/quote]

Why, South Park, of course!
[quote name='jmcc'][quote name='Gothic_Walrus'][quote name='Jrunt20x']in any case, don't you think that Nintendo and IGN have a fair amount of bandwidth at their disposal?

Nah man you should try to get on IGN now. I waited for 5 minutes for it to load and that is with a cable modem. I'm not even gonna try to get back on till around midnight tonight.[/quote]

I've been proven wrong, apparently...all of the sites are down, including IGN and Nintendo. Guess there are more of us geeks out there than I anticipated... :oops:

If this does turn out to be separate from WW2 (which it seems to be), then the GameCube will be the first Nintendo console to have three Zelda games...Wow. :D[/quote]

What about the Gameboy Color? It had the "enhanced" Link's Awakening and Oracles of Ages/Seasons. Also, I believe the CD-i had 3 Zelda games also, but the less said about that, the better.[/quote]

The GBC isnt a console. It's a handheld. It's a fine line, but I think that I'm still right...for once.

And the CD-i isn't a Nintendo console...fortunately. *shudders*

[quote name='rimsforsale']Thanks so much OP, you jus made me wet my pants at work...[/quote]

No problem. :D
Wait, so wouldn't Wind Waker, 4 Swords, Wind Waker 2, and this new game actually make 4 Zelda games for the cube? Or were we not counting WW2 yet?
[quote name='GreenNight']Ok, this game is coming out AFTER WW2. Wind Waker 2 is going to be cell-shaded and will come out this Xmas. This next Zelda will be next year in 05'. Cheers[/quote]

As much as what you're saying somewhat makes sense, it doesn't sit right with me. Nintendo has this new Zelda listed as 2005 on their website, with the full video footage from this morning's press conference. And they have said before that Wind Waker 2 would be out in late 2004. But why on God's green earth would Nintendo release 2 Zelda games that close to one another? Unless it turns out that this one doesn't come out until Christmas '05. But that'd be extremely uncharacteristic of Nintendo - they always seem to like holding out until the latest available date. So if it was coming out that late, I'd think that Nintendo is releasing Zelda before E3 next year.
Unless, of course, Nintendo is really changing all together and trying to build a hype machine. But, if that's the case, I'd almost expect to see footage of the "revolutionary" Mario 128 within the next few days on the show floor.
Does anyone know for sure whether or not this new Zelda is in addition to WW2, or instead of WW2?

The IGN site says this new Zelda is not WW2, but if you click on more info about the game it says its working title was Wind Waker 2," which makes me believe they are one in the same.

HOWEVER, at they're already taking preorders for WW2 to be shipped 10/18/04 and this new Zelda isn't slated 'til 2005. Anyone have the skinny on this?
I could really see this game coming out between March and May, it will be between 5-7months since WW2 and that is plenty of time to have all the people who beat the WW2 to buy. Plus they could release like a three pack of all the Zeldas would be sweet for all of those who have not bought any.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']I could really see this game coming out between March and May, it will be between 5-7months since WW2 and that is plenty of time to have all the people who beat the WW2 to buy. Plus they could release like a three pack of all the Zeldas would be sweet for all of those who have not bought any.[/quote]

It says 2005 on Nintendo's site...I'm not expecting it til about October or November of 2005, and hopefully it will come out on the cube.
[quote name='suprsaiyanMAX'][quote name='Ikohn4ever']I could really see this game coming out between March and May, it will be between 5-7months since WW2 and that is plenty of time to have all the people who beat the WW2 to buy. Plus they could release like a three pack of all the Zeldas would be sweet for all of those who have not bought any.[/quote]

It says 2005 on Nintendo's site...I'm not expecting it til about October or November of 2005, and hopefully it will come out on the cube.[/quote]

It just doesn't make logical sense. Showing the new Zelda would hurt WW2's sales (if there is a WW2 anymore) because a lot of people will just wait for the "cooler looking" Zelda. Also, again, why would Nintendo have 2 brand new Zeldas premeiring at the same event? We still haven't gotten so much as a screen shot of WW2, so for all we know it could be pushed back past this or cancelled. I hope its not, and it would be sweet if I got 3 new Zelda's by the end of '05 (WW2, the new one, and minish cap), but I just don't see nintendo pulling a move like that.
It is using a modified gameplay engine of Wind Waker, but graphics is a different story. I think Nintendo decided to scrap a Wind Waker 2 in favor of a new realistic Zelda because of the bitching fans.
...This new zelda IS WW2. That was its code name. It uses the WW2 engine. As of right now, its only this new Zelda and Minish Cap (which sounds like a Harry Potter toy...)
Wind Waker 2 comes out this year
"Realistic" Zelda comes out next year

This was stated by Miyamoto at the press conference when he displayed the new realistic zelda movie. Be prepared to wet yourselves for both of them.
This IS WW 2, it has just been pushed back and will be relased sometime in '05. Miyamoto said in his interview that they disclosed to the press they were working on WW 2, but they never said anything more, so people made a lot of assumptions because it would be tough to re-do an entire engine when they already have one established.

Although the graphics have been obviously changed, the underlying engine remains the same, so that helped them a lot with the development. WW 2 isn't coming anytime soon, this is it, so when this comes you'll have your next Zelda game, and what a game it will be.

Almost all of this was taken from the interview with Miyamoto at IGN
Yeah, what he said, that i said before. So give up hopes of another WW looking zelda for the moment, im pretty sure now that there re-using engines another one before the GC life cycle is up is likely.
Comparing the level of detail to the available storage space on the 1.5 GB disc makes me question the length of the game.

Unless they find a new compression algorithm or put it on multiple discs this game might suck.
I can not wait for this game! I started WInd Waker but stopped. It just wasn't as cool and engrossing as Ocarina of Time. I really didn't care if this stupid Link found his sister Whoop dee doo. I might try again this summer though.
honestly fellas... i couldnt be more hyped for Realistic Link on the cube... its gonna be a great game..

but seriously, in 10 years... realistic link will look like blocky old ocarina 64 link looks like now... but cartoony windwaker Link will retain his flair and style...

i'm all for realism... but unfortunately... realism has an aging curse. it'll only look good for so long. windwaker link... will ALWAYS look like a beautiful disney cartoon.... its visual style is timeless apart from technology.

think about it.
bread's done