Pilotwings Resort is Longer than 3 Hours Thread (lol)


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So I've bought four launch titles (Nintendogs, Pilotwings, Street Fighter IV, and Ridge Racer) and I love all four of them, they are pretty good. But of them, I keep finding myself going back to Pilotwings Resort over and over again. I wasn't expecting much from it after all the reviews were going around. I actually picked it up because my pre-order of Samurai Warriors wasn't in at GameStop so I cancelled it and got this game instead.

And that was probably a good thing too, because I'm starting to feel it's one of the better launch titles out there. I actually feel the ones who say its about "three hours long" didn't spend too much time with it to begin with. It's certainly one of those kind of games where if you want to beat it quickly, you could, but then you be missing the point of the game.

I been spending time getting three stars on each mission and I am finding out real quickly that can be pretty difficult, especially in the later missions. I mean, its easy if all you are trying to do is get the minimum amount of stars in each medal in order to move forward. But to really discover and appreciate the game, mastery of each mission and getting all three stars is a must. I been playing it this way and I'm really liking what is there.

Don't get me wrong though, the game has faults. I wish there was more to discover than Wuhu Island and I also wish the island is a bit more..."interactive". There's no Mii's running around the island playing on the basketball court or anything. That's a real shame when you think about it. Despite that, I really have come to love the little game.

Does anybody share the same opinion? And how far along are you in Pilotwings?
Yeah, Wuhu island feels completely vacant. I haven't gotten that far in the game, since I'm still working on Okamiden, but I really like free flight mode. I just wish it didn't have that time limit on there.
I am up to the gold level. I must say for the first new pilotwings in 12-14 years, it's not bad. Still not as good as pilotwings 64 but it's fun.

I just hope Nintendo doesn't take 12-14 years to make another damn pilotwings.
I just finished Silver last night, and you are right, if you aren't going for 3 stars you aren't really playing the game. I'm probably playing Pilotwings less than my other 3DS games, but not because I like it least, I just keep playing it in 10-15 minute increments.

It would be nice if there were Miis running around the island, like on Wii Fit. I did laugh a little when I was flying low and passed over the Wii Sports bowling alley.
Although my initial impressions of the game weren't fabulous at the 3DS demo kiosk at Best Buy, I'll try a great many things if I can get them through Goozex. ;)

My copy will be arriving in a few days. I've never been great at flight sims, nor have they ever held my interest long. We'll see.
Yeah I actually didn't plan on getting this in the first place, but I'm really enjoying it. Maybe ever more than SSFIV. Great 3d, and just really relaxing when you want to kick back and chill for a while. Love the music.
i really like it and i definitely consider it to be my favorite 3ds game so far, but i hope they consider making another one in a year or two with the rest of the features that people would like. i'd like if they could make it like an open world game with several different large islands with different looks. they should bring back the old mission types (cannon, jumble hopper, skydiving, gyrocopter, etc.). add both online competition modes as well as free mode.

i think that would be good enough...more areas to explore, more vehicles, and online play.

also, if you want to see the absolute most impressive example of the 3D that i've seen on the 3DS, unlock the first plane diorama, zoom in, turn the plane sideways so one of the wings is pointed towards you, and be amazed.
Eh... I 3-starred everything and found about half the junk in free flight. System clock says I put in about 4 hours. It's a fun little launch game, but it's definitely over very quickly unless flying around an empty world collecting bafmodads thrills you.
[quote name='Rage Goblin']Eh... I 3-starred everything and found about half the junk in free flight. System clock says I put in about 4 hours. It's a fun little launch game, but it's definitely over very quickly unless flying around an empty world collecting bafmodads thrills you.[/QUOTE]

If I had actually paid for Pilot Wings rather than received it in a trade, I would be disappointed at this revelation. But personally, it makes me happy that I'll be able to quickly play this game and move on. But still, 4 hours of gaming for $40 is a bit steep.
If at some point you could unlock unlimited free flight I would keep playing it just to f around on the island.
Anyone know what old Nintendo song (at least I think it's an old Nintendo song) is sampled for the regular rocket belt levels? I swear it sounds so familiar, but the only thing that comes to mind is that it might be stage music from Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon.
3 Starred all of the missions, and have found about a 1/3 to 1/2 of all of the collectibles in free flight with a flight time of 3:21:32. I just wish they would have put some more action into Wuhu Island (maybe shooting something other than targets). The game's fun, but I'm not sure there's enough replay value to make it a standout.
I must suck at the game because I believe the last I checked I had put 7 hours in and i still have to 3-star the last 2 missions. i like it a lot but once I 3 star the rest im probably going to send it on it's way.

if it wasn't for the time limit on the free flight mode i'd probably keep it in my collection
[quote name='trent82']i really like it and i definitely consider it to be my favorite 3ds game so far, but i hope they consider making another one in a year or two with the rest of the features that people would like. i'd like if they could make it like an open world game with several different large islands with different looks. they should bring back the old mission types (cannon, jumble hopper, skydiving, gyrocopter, etc.). add both online competition modes as well as free mode.

i think that would be good enough...more areas to explore, more vehicles, and online play.

also, if you want to see the absolute most impressive example of the 3D that i've seen on the 3DS, unlock the first plane diorama, zoom in, turn the plane sideways so one of the wings is pointed towards you, and be amazed.[/QUOTE]

fuck, I would be happy if they just remade Pilotwings 64. God knows they are too fucking idiotic to release it on the god damn Wii Shop Channel (Pilotwings 64 is one of my favorite 64 games, I would even go as far as to say top 3 besides Super Mario 64 and Zelda OOT).

With that said, I would really love a new game with all the different features from pilotwings 64 and possibly more. Although I can only dream because I know Nintendo wont do it.
Man I must suck, it took me eleven hours to 3 star every mission in the game. Meh, at least I finished it finally. It was pretty damn good while it lasted though, I'm glad to see a few of you liked it.


The missions get better after you get out of training/Bronze. They are pretty damn easy and don't require much of a challenge.

@ sirfragalot

I agree, I tried finding it on the VC and didn't see it so I ended up going to a local flea market and actually found it for about $4. I'll have to play it at some point, everyone keeps telling Pilotwings 64 kicked major ass.
[quote name='smoger']I must suck at the game because I believe the last I checked I had put 7 hours in and i still have to 3-star the last 2 missions. i like it a lot but once I 3 star the rest im probably going to send it on it's way.

if it wasn't for the time limit on the free flight mode i'd probably keep it in my collection[/QUOTE]

That pedal glider mission is a fucking bitch. Work on the technique for getting the individual speed panels (don't raise the nose too high) and then put it all together in one run. You have to be almost perfect just to three star it (you might get lucky and get a perfect score the first time you three star it).
Yeah, the game does have repeatability, however I noticed you said that you got it instead of Samurai Warriors due to them not having it, I would still recommend picking that up at a later time as well cause out of the launch titles I picked up that is the one that I am putting the most time into. They are both good games though and they both definitely last a while if you don't mind replaying certain parts.
[quote name='M-PG71C']@utopianmachine

The missions get better after you get out of training/Bronze. They are pretty damn easy and don't require much of a challenge.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the encouragement, M-PG71C. I decided to stick with the game, and it picked up considerably once I got to the Silver Missions. I'm currently 3-starring them and having a pretty good time. The flying squirrel suit is pretty amusing. :D
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