Pivotal PS3 Games To Own?


I'm in the market for a PS3 (way too poor to buy a PS4 at launch) and I was wondering, what are some of the games y'all think are the most important to play? I was thinking: 

Heavy Rain

The Last of Us 

Little Big Planet 

Journey (made an account on my friends just to buy it and play it, so I already own it I guess)


MLB The Shooooooow (I'm a huge baseball fan btw)

What else? 

If you like unusual titles, try Catherine. The best way to describe it is part dating sim, part anime movie and part puzzle game. It's very unique(and very weird).

There are I believe 7 or 8 endings to it too, including some that are WTF moments.

If you like unusual titles, try Catherine. The best way to describe it is part dating sim, part anime movie and part puzzle game. It's very unique(and very weird).

There are I believe 7 or 8 endings to it too, including some that are WTF moments.
How is it part dating sim game
As much as people disagree with me I think

Demon's Souls is probably still the most pivotal game for PS3 even though Dark Souls was released I hated the way it was made to be seamless and enjoyed the Megaman sense you get from it.

I  still help people with the weapons trophies with my character.

I am not a collector by any means, I end up trading/selling every game eventually so own is a tricky verb for me. How about I give you a list of "Must play" games? Okay here we go.

Last of Us

Uncharted series (Uncharted 2 is the best)

Heavy Rain

Honorable mention:

Little Big Planet 1 or 2

Infamous series (I haven't beat 2, just can't get into it but the first one is great)

God of War 3 (if you liked 1&2, I myself was so so on them so I got bored with 3)

ah drats forgot PSN..

Unfinished Swan

Journey (personally I don't get it but everyone loves that game, maybe I should try it again)

Fat Princess is fun, but will get repetitive.

The Uncharted series basically defined the PS3 so they're definitely worth trying. You might also wanna pick up the God of War and inFamious Collections- all great games. If you liked Journey, flower is definitely worth trying. It's SP only but it was an amazing game.

BTW, sign up for PS+ for the free games. It'll be worth it for you since you're buying a PS3 this late and probably don't have most of the freebies they offer.
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watch this video of Beyond two souls


God of War 3 and Portal 2 are both must buys and can be had for cheap.  Honorable mention to Red Dead Redemption and the Bioshock trilogy if you haven't played them. 

If you like racing, GT 5.

Cannot think of anything else off the top of my head that others have not mentioned.  Although the original Dead Rising was pretty fun.

I'm going to second the plan to sign up for PS+.  Tons of great games to play on there.

I've had my PS3 for about 8 months and I've sunk a good chunk of that time into Tokyo Jungle.  It's by no means essential, but I found it highly addictive.  And I'm going to recommend Valkyrie Chronicles as well.

I've played Uncharted 3, LBP 2, and some of Infamous and I've played through Heavy Rain with a friend.I had a chance to demo Beyond Two Souls and I definitely think that any fan of Heavy Rain should check it out. 

Some of the mentions like RDR and Portal 2, I've played on PC and Xbox 360, but I do agree that they're fantastic. 

I loved God of War 1+2, but thought 3 was a let down. The puzzles in God of War 3 were so easy they solved themselves, no thinking required.

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I recently bought a PS3 and am trying to build up the library of exclusives. I noticed at Target yesterday that the Infamous Collection is at $19.99 do you think that's a good buy price for it or will it go lower around Black Friday? I just got GTA V so I won't be playing them right away either.
Valkyria Chronicles


Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction or A Crack in Time

Yakuza 3/4

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I recently bought a PS3 and am trying to build up the library of exclusives. I noticed at Target yesterday that the Infamous Collection is at $19.99 do you think that's a good buy price for it or will it go lower around Black Friday? I just got GTA V so I won't be playing them right away either.
Since you're not in a rush, just wait till BF. You might get it cheaper. Personally I rented 1 & 2 since there is not much replay value.
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