Play 'n Trade


3 (100%)
Hi everyone,

I was just curious on everyone's opinions of Play 'N Trade

I just moved to Florida and prior to moving here I never even heard of the store. I used to live in Ohio and bought most of my games at Wal-Mart (it was the closest store to me and it wasn't worth driving to other stores) and what I couldn't find there I would get on Amazon. Since moving to Florida Wal-Mart is a lot further away and the prices at the Wal-Marts nearby are really high, compared to what you can find everywhere else. There is a Target not too far from me, but they rarely have good prices and even their clearance items are high. I found a K-Mart yesterday, but they hardly had any games in stock and I don't really like Game Stop and Game Crazy is pretty far away.

I still plan to do most of my shopping on Amazon because comparatively their prices are much better than in store, but I would still like to have a few good options to get games if I don't want to get them online. I've been in Play 'N Trade once, but didn't have much time because it was during a quick visit down to Florida to get a few things finalized before moving and I haven't had a chance to go back. When I was in there they seemed pretty knowledgeable and were more than willing to help, but again it was just a quick trip.

So again, any comments on this store, i.e. how their workers are, prices, etc. Also, do they sell new games as well as used? I can't remember when I was in there if they had any new games and I only buy new games.

I think they're a franchise, with each store individually owned, so opinions and experiences could vary wildly.

I've always wanted to go to one, but I don't believe there's one in Michigan. :(
the one i use to go to in south carolina was awesome, they didnt try to sell you magazines, or discount cards, and they left you the fuck alone while you looked around. and they let you try any game before you buy it. so i liked play n' trade. thats my experience anyway lol
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I think they're a franchise, with each store individually owned, so opinions and experiences could vary wildly.

I've always wanted to go to one, but I don't believe there's one in Michigan. :([/QUOTE]

I do believe they are all individually owned, so I guess that could make a huge difference, never thought of that. I'm pretty sure the guy I talked to was the owner of the one by me and like I said he was really great and helpful, so I'm thinking it may be a pretty decent one.

[quote name='crzyjoeguy']the one i use to go to in south carolina was awesome, they didnt try to sell you magazines, or discount cards, and they left you the fuck alone while you looked around. and they let you try any game before you buy it. so i liked play n' trade. thats my experience anyway lol[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed that. When I first came in the guy (again, I believe it was the owner) welcomed me, asked if I had been to one before and explained what they were and how they worked. He mentioned that you could try games before you buy them, so how does that work? Do they just put a used copy on one of their systems in the store and let you play?

Also, how did their prices compare, i.e for games and to trade? I have a couple of games I'm wanting to trade (I have never traded because of the low trade values) because I never play them, but I just hate giving them away for $1 to $3 (I tried getting enough for the 50% off coupon at Amazon the other day and trading all the games I didn't want and some I didn't really want to get rid of would have got me a whole $15) but at the same time there are a few games I really don't like and it seems all the stores/sites are giving the same trade in value, so I didn't know how they compared.

Thanks again!
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']the one i use to go to in south carolina was awesome, they didnt try to sell you magazines, or discount cards, and they left you the fuck alone while you looked around. and they let you try any game before you buy it. so i liked play n' trade. thats my experience anyway lol[/QUOTE]

Same here, It truly depends on the owner and it's employees. The Owner and employees know me by name and NEVER EVER try to sell me anything. They just let me browse.

[quote name='1NintendoFan']I do believe they are all individually owned, so I guess that could make a huge difference, never thought of that. I'm pretty sure the guy I talked to was the owner of the one by me and like I said he was really great and helpful, so I'm thinking it may be a pretty decent one.

Yeah, I noticed that. When I first came in the guy (again, I believe it was the owner) welcomed me, asked if I had been to one before and explained what they were and how they worked. He mentioned that you could try games before you buy them, so how does that work? Do they just put a used copy on one of their systems in the store and let you play?

Also, how did their prices compare, i.e for games and to trade? I have a couple of games I'm wanting to trade (I have never traded because of the low trade values) because I never play them, but I just hate giving them away for $1 to $3 (I tried getting enough for the 50% off coupon at Amazon the other day and trading all the games I didn't want and some I didn't really want to get rid of would have got me a whole $15) but at the same time there are a few games I really don't like and it seems all the stores/sites are giving the same trade in value, so I didn't know how they compared.

Thanks again![/QUOTE]

The prices arnt too bad, even though EB has some cheaper games, I will still pay the 2 dollar mark up since I don't have to deal with any douches trying to sell me this or that. Also they put in a used copy and let ya test it. Also, if you get to know the manager and employees they can help ya out with trades in. Hell BEFORE I even got to know the manager and employees I got some good money for my games. I remember getting $40 trade in for NHL 09 when UFC came out. They will always try to beat EB's prices. But also, it all depends on the owner since it is franchise business.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Same here, It truly depends on the owner and it's employees. The Owner and employees know me by name and NEVER EVER try to sell me anything. They just let me browse.

The prices arnt too bad, even though EB has some cheaper games, I will still pay the 2 dollar mark up since I don't have to deal with any douches trying to sell me this or that. Also they put in a used copy and let ya test it. Also, if you get to know the manager and employees they can help ya out with trades in. Hell BEFORE I even got to know the manager and employees I got some good money for my games. I remember getting $40 trade in for NHL 09 when UFC came out. They will always try to beat EB's prices. But also, it all depends on the owner since it is franchise business.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'm going to have to make sure and stop in this weekend when I'm over there. I've found that Amazon has become a great friend trying to find cheap games, so I will probably still do a lot of shopping there, but I just like to have an option where I can go and just pickup a game without waiting and stuff. Plus, I'd like to trade in a few games as well.

What about consoles, would this be a good place to buy a console? I'm looking to get an Xbox and I'm deliberating where to get it from, I'm kind of leaning towards Best Buy because I heard their warranty is pretty good, but I'm not sure. Since Play 'N Trade repairs systems I wasn't sure if it was a good place to get the system too.

Thanks again!
I love Play N Trade. There is five stores in my area and I find tons of great deals at all of them. However, I've heard quite a few stories of Play N Trade stores pricing all of their inventory to eBay. If my stores did that, I'd never set foot in them.

All the stores I go to have prices that are well below eBay and in most cases well below Gamestop. It's worth checking out your local Play N Trade store, because there is a good chance you'll like the store. PnT stores also sell retro stuff which judging by your username, I'd assume you'd be into. If you want an example of the rampant underpricing, I picked up a copy of Earthbound (Complete in Box) last August for $26.99 ($29.99 + 10% discount).
The one that was on Route 9 in NJ was awesome the one time I went to it. I don't think it lasted a year, though. I went back a month later, and it was gone. I was going to go there rather often to get classic games, and then they had to go and close. :(
[quote name='Doomstink']I love Play N Trade. There is five stores in my area and I find tons of great deals at all of them. However, I've heard quite a few stories of Play N Trade stores pricing all of their inventory to eBay. If my stores did that, I'd never set foot in them.

All the stores I go to have prices that are well below eBay and in most cases well below Gamestop. It's worth checking out your local Play N Trade store, because there is a good chance you'll like the store. PnT stores also sell retro stuff which judging by your username, I'd assume you'd be into. If you want an example of the rampant underpricing, I picked up a copy of Earthbound (Complete in Box) last August for $26.99 ($29.99 + 10% discount).[/QUOTE]

I didn't really get a chance to check prices, I wasn't even in the store for 10 minutes, it was pretty busy and I had very limited time. It would be great to find some good prices there as well.

I do like Retro stuff as well. I have an SNES that I'm planning to hook up shortly, it has a bunch of games I loved and have missed playing. I had an NES with a somewhat large game collection, unfortunately I think it may have been lost during the move. I'm almost through all the boxes and haven't found it yet. It's pretty depressing and I have my fingers crossed I will find it, but I don't think I will be that lucky. I haven't played the NES in years because I was having issues with it not working on me so I put it away and stopped playing. I wish I least had the games and controllers so I could possibly replace the system.

[quote name='Chuplayer']The one that was on Route 9 in NJ was awesome the one time I went to it. I don't think it lasted a year, though. I went back a month later, and it was gone. I was going to go there rather often to get classic games, and then they had to go and close. :([/QUOTE]

Well that stinks! The whole area where my Play 'n trade is, is only about a year old, so hopefully it will survive. It was really busy when I went, so hopefully they will stick around. The guy I spoke with seemed really pationate about games, so if he was the owner I think he would do everything possible to keep it open.
I can't stand them, or at least the ones around here. One has prices that are *maybe* $1 cheaper than gamestop on new games, but several dollars more on used. On any "classic" games, they having eBay-esque pricing. I'm sure there are some good PnT's out there, but I've yet to find one.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Where are you in FL? I kind of work for one.[/QUOTE]

Near Orlando... I'd be very curious to know what "kind of work" means :lol:

Where are you located?

[quote name='mtxbass1']I can't stand them, or at least the ones around here. One has prices that are *maybe* $1 cheaper than gamestop on new games, but several dollars more on used. On any "classic" games, they having eBay-esque pricing. I'm sure there are some good PnT's out there, but I've yet to find one.[/QUOTE]

I usually don't buy games used, so that isn't an issue, but a dollar less than gamestop would be that good, at least the gamestops near me have prices a lot higher than anywhere else. If you can get one of their sales you can do good some time, but in general the stores near me have really high prices.
one up in ohio isnt bad, always helpful and match prices from other places. Plus they always have a buy 2 get one free all the time. Overall experiences have been favorable
[quote name='osugsxr']one up in ohio isnt bad, always helpful and match prices from other places. Plus they always have a buy 2 get one free all the time. Overall experiences have been favorable[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I really miss Ohio (I'm sure everyone thinks I'm crazy!) I just prefer having the small town environment. When you went in to the stores people would no you and you would get better service, good deals, etc. In Florida you are just another person in the crowd.

Hopefully, with them being owned individually, Play 'n Trade will feel more like the stores I'm used to. I'm going to try and make it there this week, but definitely will be there by the weekend.
[quote name='1NintendoFan']Near Orlando... I'd be very curious to know what "kind of work" means :lol:

Where are you located?

Im in Tampa. There are 3 PnTs in my area. The one I kinda work for is the best. I am the one that goes & hunts for a major part of their old school games at the fleas & pawns. I also occasionally stand outside in a mario costume & wave at traffic, as well as test games & help with pricing on obscure stuff. They are the only one in the area that does not base everyhting off Ebay. For instance, mine got in X-Com UFO Defense & MvC for PS1. The system price is $24.99. However, the one in the next area over put out the very same games for $49.99 because "thats what you would pay on Ebay". I even had a friend go in and ask to price match X-Com, & the guy got pissed & told him no, grabbed the game, & threw it back on the shelf. So ya pricing varies depending on how douchebaggish the owners want to be i guess...
[quote name='mtxbass1']I can't stand them, or at least the ones around here. One has prices that are *maybe* $1 cheaper than gamestop on new games, but several dollars more on used. On any "classic" games, they having eBay-esque pricing. I'm sure there are some good PnT's out there, but I've yet to find one.[/QUOTE]

It truly depends on your PnT since it's a franchise. The one that USE to be in business did that and well, they are not in business anymore. But I'll tell you this also, I'd gladly pay 7 more dollars for a used game then deal with a Gamestop/EB employee who thinks "That game sucks" or they know so much more than I do. Actually, I remember a mother in there buying a used game an she said "Game stop has it on there site for 3 bucks less" So the Manager said "Go check the website, if it's cheaper mark it down to that price and then take 2 bucks off. If it isn't, then just take 3 bucks off." I believe IMHO that the PnT employees treat you much nicer and arn't EVER pushy. Sure they have a 10% off card, but they don't try to push it down your throat like GS/EB does. They don't even try to push the thing where you wreck your game and you can bring it back either. I just love PnT and the only time I will go into a GS/EB now is if I need a new Gameinformer Magazine. That's it and that's my take on it honestly. But of course opinions will vary from store to store.
My experience has been horrible. I have an extra 360 with the rrod which is out of warranty and about 5 weeks ago decided to bring it to my local store to have it fixed. Not only do they still have the system but they haven't even looked at it yet. If this was my main system I would be beside myself.

I called them about a week ago and the employee I talked to had no idea what he was talking about telling me that the guy who works on the systems had gone on vacation for the 4th of July weekend. WTF kind of explanation is that I asked him, then he began stammering and stuttering until I just told him to forget it, and that I was coming to pick up my system, at which point he told me I would have to pay the 15 dollar fee for having them look at the system. I basically told the guy that I was going to contact the BBB due to their shady buisness nonsense so he then "waved" the fee.

I will bad mouth this store every and any chance I get.
[quote name='C0IN']My experience has been horrible. I have an extra 360 with the rrod which is out of warranty and about 5 weeks ago decided to bring it to my local store to have it fixed. Not only do they still have the system but they haven't even looked at it yet. If this was my main system I would be beside myself.

I called them about a week ago and the employee I talked to had no idea what he was talking about telling me that the guy who works on the systems had gone on vacation for the 4th of July weekend. WTF kind of explanation is that I asked him, then he began stammering and stuttering until I just told him to forget it, and that I was coming to pick up my system, at which point he told me I would have to pay the 15 dollar fee for having them look at the system. I basically told the guy that I was going to contact the BBB due to their shady buisness nonsense so he then "waved" the fee.

I will bad mouth this store every and any chance I get.[/QUOTE]

Not all stores are the same since it's a Franchise, you know this right? Apparently not since your going to badmouth the store every chance you get.

Anyways, You have seen the reviews of the stores, I'm pretty sure you know where your gonna go. ;)
the one on route nine closed because of the location and he wanted to move back with his family. every time i went in he would always complain about how bad of a location he chose but he was always really nice and it was a great store
[quote name='dnrrule']the one on route nine closed because of the location and he wanted to move back with his family. every time i went in he would always complain about how bad of a location he chose but he was always really nice and it was a great store[/QUOTE]
That sucks. I had just discovered it, too.

The location sucked, but maybe the PNT store locator had a factor in that. I went straight off of the website's map to find the store, and the website sent me to an abandoned building. The store was actually miles away.
[quote name='Segasonic01']Im in Tampa. There are 3 PnTs in my area. The one I kinda work for is the best. I am the one that goes & hunts for a major part of their old school games at the fleas & pawns. I also occasionally stand outside in a mario costume & wave at traffic, as well as test games & help with pricing on obscure stuff. They are the only one in the area that does not base everyhting off Ebay. For instance, mine got in X-Com UFO Defense & MvC for PS1. The system price is $24.99. However, the one in the next area over put out the very same games for $49.99 because "thats what you would pay on Ebay". I even had a friend go in and ask to price match X-Com, & the guy got pissed & told him no, grabbed the game, & threw it back on the shelf. So ya pricing varies depending on how douchebaggish the owners want to be i guess...[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a very interesting job. Are all three stores located in Tampa, I will have to look them up online if your store is that good. Like I said, I don't know what mine is like, but if they aren't good I may travel to Tampa, from what I've heard it is only about an hour away.

[quote name='C0IN']My experience has been horrible. I have an extra 360 with the rrod which is out of warranty and about 5 weeks ago decided to bring it to my local store to have it fixed. Not only do they still have the system but they haven't even looked at it yet. If this was my main system I would be beside myself.

I called them about a week ago and the employee I talked to had no idea what he was talking about telling me that the guy who works on the systems had gone on vacation for the 4th of July weekend. WTF kind of explanation is that I asked him, then he began stammering and stuttering until I just told him to forget it, and that I was coming to pick up my system, at which point he told me I would have to pay the 15 dollar fee for having them look at the system. I basically told the guy that I was going to contact the BBB due to their shady buisness nonsense so he then "waved" the fee.

I will bad mouth this store every and any chance I get.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it sounds like you don't have the best store, unfortunately that is the problem with individually owned stores. You can have really bad service like this, on the plus side you can have fantastic service, you get the benefit of a chain with the benefits of a privately owned store, so in the end it can be the best of both.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']It truly depends on your PnT since it's a franchise. The one that USE to be in business did that and well, they are not in business anymore. But I'll tell you this also, I'd gladly pay 7 more dollars for a used game then deal with a Gamestop/EB employee who thinks "That game sucks" or they know so much more than I do. Actually, I remember a mother in there buying a used game an she said "Game stop has it on there site for 3 bucks less" So the Manager said "Go check the website, if it's cheaper mark it down to that price and then take 2 bucks off. If it isn't, then just take 3 bucks off." I believe IMHO that the PnT employees treat you much nicer and arn't EVER pushy. Sure they have a 10% off card, but they don't try to push it down your throat like GS/EB does. They don't even try to push the thing where you wreck your game and you can bring it back either. I just love PnT and the only time I will go into a GS/EB now is if I need a new Gameinformer Magazine. That's it and that's my take on it honestly. But of course opinions will vary from store to store.[/QUOTE]

I haven't shopped at a Gamestop/EB Games in probably a year. I've never really had any problem with them, or even had them try to sell me things, but I think most of them were too lazy to do more than just ring out the games. The main reason I stopped shopping there was because their prices were so high, compared to all the other stores I could buy from. I also didn't like the fact that the stores, at least in my area, would sell new games that were already opened, so you really had no idea whether or not they were used. I personally don't buy my games used because I just prefer getting them new, but also with the Gamestop/EB Games stores, they were a good distance away from me, so I didn't want to get a game only to find out wouldn't read on my system or something and have to go all the way back to return it. But what they would do is have empty boxed on the shelf, so at first i assumed they just had an empty case that you took to the register and they would get the game from the back. What they actually did was remove the games from the case and then they would store the disc or cartridge in a file cabinet and then put it back into the case. I've heard from other people that this isn't how all of them work, but I never really liked it, so I never really bought from them. On occasion I would stop in the store when I was in the area to see if they had any specials, but generally the stores were so busy and so small you couldn't even get up to see the games, so I pretty much stopped shopping there.

[quote name='Vulcan2422']Not all stores are the same since it's a Franchise, you know this right? Apparently not since your going to badmouth the store every chance you get.

Anyways, You have seen the reviews of the stores, I'm pretty sure you know where your gonna go. ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm sure there are a handful out there that are not real good, but I think there are probably a lot of them that are great. One thing the guy told me when I went in the first time was that they were a lot like Gamestop/EB Games, but better, so you can't claim that unless you are :lol: or people won't keep coming back. Privately owned franchises are more likely to have better service since it is harder for them to stay in business and I think most people could agree that the service at a lot of the other game stores usually isn't that great.

[quote name='dnrrule']the one on route nine closed because of the location and he wanted to move back with his family. every time i went in he would always complain about how bad of a location he chose but he was always really nice and it was a great store[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Chuplayer']That sucks. I had just discovered it, too.

The location sucked, but maybe the PNT store locator had a factor in that. I went straight off of the website's map to find the store, and the website sent me to an abandoned building. The store was actually miles away.[/QUOTE]

I hate it when I finally find a place I like and I'm satisfied with and then no more find it and they are gone. So hard to find good business' sometimes, of any kind, and it seems like the ones I like always go out first.
I just got back from my Play 'N Trade store, it was a little disappointing. The store was a lot nicer than other Gamestops I've been to, so that was nice, but price wise they were really high. For example, I'm contemplating getting SSBB so I thought I would pick up an old copy of Melee (spell?) and they were wanting $30 for a used copy. Gamestop has them online for $20 used, but you can take advantage of their deals to get it even a little lower. Unfortunately it looked like pricing was quite a bit higher on everything, so I'm thinking I won't be shopping there too often.

Still a nice store, so I will stop in once and a while, but don't know if I will have much success.

Thanks again for all the feedback!
The one nearest me is in Herndon, VA and it is total horse pooey. They want more than ebay prices for used games ($43 for Harvest Moon 64, cart only; $55 for Chrono Trigger, cart only; $55 for Mega Man 7, cart only; $35 for Kirby Superstar, cart only). I wish the guy that owns this one wasn't such a douche...he was telling me people complain to him all the time about his prices and how they suck...he needs to get a clue. The same old games have been in the glass case up front for a year...
I took a job as a manager of one in Utah, What a crooked store! They had us marking down trade values, if the system said $12.00 we would tell you $6.00 and say that we want your buisness and give foy $8.00. Not to mention we sold completly destroyed games for full price and wouldent give a cash refund. I quit there pretty quick.
[quote name='jimmybob_theblob']The one nearest me is in Herndon, VA and it is total horse pooey. They want more than ebay prices for used games ($43 for Harvest Moon 64, cart only; $55 for Chrono Trigger, cart only; $55 for Mega Man 7, cart only; $35 for Kirby Superstar, cart only). I wish the guy that owns this one wasn't such a douche...he was telling me people complain to him all the time about his prices and how they suck...he needs to get a clue. The same old games have been in the glass case up front for a year...[/QUOTE]

I'm paraphrasing here, but someone (I think Robert Christgau) said of Sonic Youth: "Record collectors shouldn't be in bands". This applies here. Game collectors shouldn't sell games. Having something for sale at an unsaleable price is ludicrous. You're not here to show off your collection, you're here to move product. No one cares that you're selling Chrono Trigger if you can't actually sell it.
bread's done