Play Stand from Hori


Just received a shipment from yesterday & just
wanted to show off a picture :)

It was 14.90, but the shipping was around $14 too...:cry:

But I ordered 2 DS Pouches, and a silicon cover with the Play stand,
so I'm satisfied.
Can you close the DS while it's on the stand? Also, how well does it work with intense games like Trauma Center, EBA, and Ouendan? I tend to press pretty hard on the screen for those games(didn't play EBA yet), especially with the spinner.
[quote name='Teeheehee']Can you close the DS while it's on the stand? Also, how well does it work with intense games like Trauma Center, EBA, and Ouendan? I tend to press pretty hard on the screen for those games(didn't play EBA yet), especially with the spinner.[/quote]

Yes, you can close the DS while it's on the stand. I always have my DS Lite
sitting on the stand when I don't play it.

As for the games you mentioned "ie) Trauma Center, EBA, and Ouendan "
I don't have any of them.

I only play my DS Lite with the stand, is when I play Hotel Dusk
I just got one of these myself, under $20 shipped from JR Music World, came really fast. It's pretty stable, the angle of tilt "clicks" and locks into place very well. I'd recommend it.
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