Playing games while on the can - do YOU do it?

i play my gba while i pee, cause i have my gf.. well nvm.. =] i did that once, um. i used to play my xbox in the restroom, wirelessly. =] while i was doing the #2
my bathroom use to have a NES hookup in there on top of the fish tank.. but no one ever used it.. that i know of but i think i might have played pokemon red while in the bathroom when i was younger.. otherwise no
my buddys place at college had this convenient shelf by the commode, they set up a 13 inch tv and nes so you could play super mario while defecating
Back when Metroid Fusion came out, I was all over it. Since then, I have tried to focus on grunting and enjoying the sweet smells of the restroom facilities.
I don't recall doing this....usually I try to concentrate on the task at hand, or read a magazine...but I can't rule it out in the future...
I honestly have never been in the bathroom long enough to ever get any reading done or play videogames, unless I'm passed out drunk on the floor. I really have never understood how people could sit on the toilet for more than 5 minutes...
Now that I think about it, I do recall an awful morning about two years ago. The meal I had the previous night wa spiced with pure concentrated evil. After the fifth or sixth trip to the bathroom in less than an hour I pulled a 100 foot Cat 5 cable from supplies and used it to let me work on my laptop while seated on the throne and still connected to the household network.

The investment in a 802.11b WAP became much easier to justify after that experience. I didn't play any games except maybe Spider Solitaire but the old joke about a craptop computer proved highly practical that day.
i play super street fighter turbo revival and fire emblem while on the can... fire emblem is running out of gameplay though... any suggestions for a crapper game replacement? preferably with more reading, haha
Metroid Fusion and M&L Superstar Saga have been my restroom companions. I think most of you have heard about the 10 or so hours I lost when my GBA fell on the floor while it was saving. There are pros and cons to the porcelain gaming throne.
[quote name='daphatty']Metroid Fusion and M&L Superstar Saga have been my restroom companions. I think most of you have heard about the 10 or so hours I lost when my GBA fell on the floor while it was saving. There are pros and cons to the porcelain gaming throne.[/quote]

heh, I know what you mean. I was playing a game of Tetris for about 3 weeks worth of bathroom time and the battery died right as I passed 7,000 lines. I lost my game. I was so pissed that I haven't played Tetris since...
Nah, I don't do the bathroom thing. Games are too important to interrupt for any reason, so I just go in my pants whenever the need arises. Let the bodily functions, my roommate, and the rest of the world deal with it. I won't give up my games for anything!!! :headache:
[quote name='kristianator']i play super street fighter turbo revival and fire emblem while on the can... fire emblem is running out of gameplay though... any suggestions for a crapper game replacement? preferably with more reading, haha[/quote]

I had good bathroom time with FF:TA, both Legend Of Zelda Oracle games and Pokemon Sapphire recently.. all worked pretty well.
FFTA missions are typically right about the right length of time for me to finish. Occaisionally I'll take a book or a mag in there with me. I don't know how it'll be when I head to school...
[quote name='cmdryuk']I honestly have never been in the bathroom long enough to ever get any reading done or play videogames, unless I'm passed out drunk on the floor. I really have never understood how people could sit on the toilet for more than 5 minutes...[/quote]

I'm with you.
Im in and out in a couple of minutes, so no time to play games. I hate sitting on th crapper, I want that shit out of me ASAP.
I have an original Game Boy (grey, size of a brick, green screen) with Tetris that I keep in the bathroom for just such an occasion. I tried Game & Watch Gallery with it for a while, but it's just not as satisfying as breaking one off while clearing a Tetris.
While at work, I play Go on my Palm in the crapper. Sometimes I'll do Dope Wars, but its usually Go. Needless to say, good time killer.

(and yes that's in the can at work)
i usually read a magazine or whatever is in there, but occasionally ill take the gba with never really does any good though, because apparantly unlike the rest of you poor unheathly souls, i dont have bowel problems....if i gotta take a crap, i simply go in there and do it...i dont sit on the toilet forever waiting for the crap to come out...on average, im in there for about a minute...but there are those days every few months that i just had to eat the wrong mixture of foods...

anyway, the real question you leave your gba or magazines in the bathroom for others to play and/or read....i cant help but to imagine someone else going into the bathroom, playing my gba or reading my magazine, than whiping their ass, only to continue playing my gba or reading my magazine....than with dirty hands, they touch the water knobs to turn them on and wash their hands....but, they have to touch the water knobs again to turn the water they have crap back on their hands....then they touch the doorknob to get out and touch everything in the house....THEIRS CRAP EVERYWHERE! god i hate over-analyzing everything....this is a disgusting world
I have the best story. On a bad day of constapated hell, sadly my psone/lcd accompinied me while I worked out my problems. (007- The World is not enough).

I usually play final fantasy tactics advance on the can. I really think its the most comfortable chair in the house (that loop sculpting to ur ass, GENIUS!!!) as long as u flush before the smell spreads across the house, i could sit there for a half an hour
The real question is after you were finished attending to the buisness at hand, what's the longest you ever stayed in the bathroom 'cause you didn't want to have to stop playing for a minute?
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']The real question is after you were finished attending to the buisness at hand, what's the longest you ever stayed in the bathroom 'cause you didn't want to have to stop playing for a minute?[/quote]

The longest I was ever in a bathroom was before video games were common. I was about 8 years old and the only other person home was my visiting grandmother. Something happend to the lock on the door and it wouldn't open. I was too small to force it and my grandmother too feeble. I was there for about four hours before she gathered her wits enough to get someone over to free me. She thought I was on the verge of starvation and push things like slices of cheese and salami under the door wrapped in Saran Wrap.

I can think of worse plaes to be stranded than a clean bathroom. There is water and a toilet, so short of hunger things are fairly comfortable.
I never go anywhere without my GBA.

It sucks when I accidentally put on small shorts (ADD) because then I have to leave my wallet at home.
Sometimes it slides out easy, but if you don't drink enough water only a little will come out and you either have to sit there for 30 minutes or go back in for a second round shotly after.
bread's done