PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

We do realize that $499 euros = about $660 U.S.dollars, right??
If you're importing, yes. Region pricing is not done on conversion rates. For instance, on Amazon France, the PS4 is at 399. That's $529 U.S. dollars, but it's $399 here. The assumption is that the bundle would sell for $499-549 in the U.S.
I got a watch dogs launch edition bundle from amazon. Do you guys think I can keep the console and return the game? I want to go digital and I would assume the game won't really be included in the box. Though it could

If its not in the box would I be able to return it?
I got a watch dogs launch edition bundle from amazon. Do you guys think I can keep the console and return the game? I want to go digital and I would assume the game won't really be included in the box. Though it could

If its not in the box would I be able to return it?
pretty sure it would come in the box. I know with ps3 bundles that has been the case i.e. black friday

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I got a watch dogs launch edition bundle from amazon. Do you guys think I can keep the console and return the game? I want to go digital and I would assume the game won't really be included in the box. Though it could
If its not in the box would I be able to return it?
How could you return it, when you don't have a receipt for the game?
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I got a watch dogs launch edition bundle from amazon. Do you guys think I can keep the console and return the game? I want to go digital and I would assume the game won't really be included in the box. Though it could

If its not in the box would I be able to return it?

just sell the game
pretty sure it would come in the box. I know with ps3 bundles that has been the case i.e. black friday
Most likely not. It seems unlikely that Sony would make specially marked / designed bundles for various launch games. These are more likely bundles put together by resellers to make it seem more appealing or cash in on a game preorder.

Most likely not. It seems unlikely that Sony would make specially marked / designed bundles for various launch games. These are more likely bundles put together by resellers to make it seem more appealing or cash in on a game preorder.
Yeah, these launch bundles aren't like the AC3 or GOW bundles we've seen lately. It's just retailers knowing they can force late pre-orders to pay more.

He means the physical box to the game, not the whole PS4 box.
I don't think so. Why would he assume his game is not going to come in a case? He is asking if the game is sealed in the same box with the PS4 like AC3 or Uncharted bundle.

I agree with what Admiral and Eldritch said. These bundles are most likely Amazon shipping a separate sealed game along with the system. I'm not sure about returning it, but I would lean towards no because your receipt probably says you bought a bundle and not 2 separate items. You would have to return the entire bundle. You could always just contact Amazon CS and see what they say.

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Question for those who preordered on Amazon, does Amazon allow you to preorder more than 1 PS4 if they are not identical products (such as a launch day system and a Killzone PS4 Bundle). If a new bundle is announced at PAX (such as the Killzone bundle in France), would I be able to preorder it BEFORE canceling my existing preorder? Obviously I cannot test this yet but wanted to see if anyone tried this in the past. Thanks in advance!
I got a watch dogs launch edition bundle from amazon. Do you guys think I can keep the console and return the game? I want to go digital and I would assume the game won't really be included in the box. Though it could

If its not in the box would I be able to return it?
Bundled games typically have a "Not for resale" sticker or whatever over where the UPC would normally be, so the odds of you being able to return it to a Walmart are zilch.

I wouldn't assume the game would be in the box from amazon. Its not a national bundle that all store carriers get.

I was thinking of telling them I bought it for a nephew and the game is rated to high for him and I want to return it. In not sure they would make copies wuth bad upcs either
problem with that is you are paying for the game inside the purchase of the full bundle it's not like it's two diff orders. it's possible sony does back in the game with these bundles seeing alot of the bigger retailers have these bundles. 

oh snap, i just realized this will be my second Killzone bundle...I got the KZ3/PS3 back in 2011, now i have the KZSF bundle pre-ordered from amazon
Apparently I bought this from your wishlist. Don't get your hopes up though, it's not for you. ;)

Question for those who preordered on Amazon, does Amazon allow you to preorder more than 1 PS4 if they are not identical products (such as a launch day system and a Killzone PS4 Bundle). If a new bundle is announced at PAX (such as the Killzone bundle in France), would I be able to preorder it BEFORE canceling my existing preorder? Obviously I cannot test this yet but wanted to see if anyone tried this in the past. Thanks in advance!
Apparently they do since I just pre-ordered the bundle he linked above just now along with my standard PS4 pre-order. I would much rather have that KZ bundle but I doubt we'll see it in NA.

Also I just tried and it will let me pre-order up to 30 of that bundle.

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Now - which to keep?

-amazon w/ killzone and ps plus
-amazon w/ extra controller
-GameStop and assassins creed 4

Originally was going to use gamestop so I could pick it up and not have package sitting outside while at work.

But I HATE Gamestop. And now I'm thinking ill just have package shipped directly to work.
You guys wont need a preorder. These consoles will be available everywhere. Sony and Microsoft cant afford any sort of shortage because people will go and buy the other console without hesitation, especially parents. I recall reading when the 360 launched, that Bestbuy got nearly 50% of parents on blackfriday who were looking for a 360, to buy a Nintendo DS.

Times are different, 360 launched by itself, PS3 launched with the Wii but was available by post-Christmas. And if the reports are true that SONY has 10 million units prepared then we wont see any shortage whatsoever. 10 million will last a good 6 months alone and to have 10 million prepared on launch day is absurd. I'm sure stores will be receiving shipments every day because they prolly wont have space to store 500+ PS4 in their storage in the stores. Like with the original Wii the first shipment came for launch day, the 2nd came the thursday after which happened to be black friday. With the Wii U we saw the 2nd shipment 2 days later rather than 4 and the stores got replenished every 2 days so the Wii U was always in stock.

Just don't overpay for a console, it wont be difficult to find.

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Back in Stock!

Placed an order for this one along with my Watch Dogs PS4 Bundle. Will wait till closer to launch to decide which on to keep (who knows...maybe Watch Dogs will be a dud).

However I will cancel mine immdiately if we get the Killzone Bundle that France has available.
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You guys wont need a preorder. These consoles will be available everywhere. Sony and Microsoft cant afford any sort of shortage because people will go and buy the other console without hesitation, especially parents. I recall reading when the 360 launched, that Bestbuy got nearly 50% of parents on blackfriday who were looking for a 360, to buy a Nintendo DS.

Times are different, 360 launched by itself, PS3 launched with the Wii but was available by post-Christmas. And if the reports are true that SONY has 10 million units prepared then we wont see any shortage whatsoever. 10 million will last a good 6 months alone and to have 10 million prepared on launch day is absurd. I'm sure stores will be receiving shipments every day because they prolly wont have space to store 500+ PS4 in their storage in the stores. Like with the original Wii the first shipment came for launch day, the 2nd came the thursday after which happened to be black friday. With the Wii U we saw the 2nd shipment 2 days later rather than 4 and the stores got replenished every 2 days so the Wii U was always in stock.

Just don't overpay for a console, it wont be difficult to find.
I don't know where you got that 10 million units will be available at launch but you are so wrong believing that. We still have 3 months left for the console to come out and pre-orders everywhere are almost gone. People are in for a rude awaking thinking that going to the store you will actually find one.

You cant compare the Wii U to these launch line ups cause it wasn't a "hot item" to it never had a million Pre-orders like the PS4 has. Whatever is actually left over at the stores most are going to be over brought by Chinese/Japanese people trying to send them back home to China just like they do when the new iPhones come out.

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I don't know where you got that 10 million units will be available at launch but you are so wrong believing that. We still have 3 months left for the console to come out and pre-orders everywhere are almost gone. People are in for a rude awaking thinking that going to the store you will actually find one. You cant compare the Wii U to these launch line ups cause it wasn't a "hot item" to it never had a million Pre-orders like the PS4 has. Whatever is actually left over at the stores most are going to be over brought by Chinese/Japanese people trying to send them back home to China just like they do when the new iPhones come out.
ms and sony will for sure have systems ready for a decent supply for black friday and every couple weeks before xmas. it will not be hard to find like you think yes it will not be in every store but if you want one you should be able to get one with out preorder after black friday.

I don't know where you got that 10 million units will be available at launch but you are so wrong believing that. We still have 3 months left for the console to come out and pre-orders everywhere are almost gone. People are in for a rude awaking thinking that going to the store you will actually find one. You cant compare the Wii U to these launch line ups cause it wasn't a "hot item" to it never had a million Pre-orders like the PS4 has.
Agree with you over the other guy spouting out 10 million being made. Best I could find was this:

States that production MAY be up to 1 mill a month by September. So using those figures there will be LESS THAN 4 million WORLDWIDE shipped by 12/31. Gotta also factor in the fact that just cause they build them fast doesnt mean they get shipped out quickly. Takes a good amount of time for a ship to get from China to the US, those units to get shipped around the country, etc. I think it wont be crazy hard to get one, but will still have periods where you wont be able to and will have to get really lucky to find one.

That 1 million preorder number Sony put out is nuts. Thats an entire month worth of production, so right after launch I wouldnt be suprised if they were sold out for a couple of weeks and then get a little better right before christmas and then be good to go end of Jan.

I don't know where you got that 10 million units will be available at launch but you are so wrong believing that. We still have 3 months left for the console to come out and pre-orders everywhere are almost gone. People are in for a rude awaking thinking that going to the store you will actually find one.

You cant compare the Wii U to these launch line ups cause it wasn't a "hot item" to it never had a million Pre-orders like the PS4 has. Whatever is actually left over at the stores most are going to be over brought by Chinese/Japanese people trying to send them back home to China just like they do when the new iPhones come out.
I don't know where you got that 10 million units will be available at launch but you are so wrong believing that. We still have 3 months left for the console to come out and pre-orders everywhere are almost gone. People are in for a rude awaking thinking that going to the store you will actually find one.

You cant compare the Wii U to these launch line ups cause it wasn't a "hot item" to it never had a million Pre-orders like the PS4 has. Whatever is actually left over at the stores most are going to be over brought by Chinese/Japanese people trying to send them back home to China just like they do when the new iPhones come out.
Umm you realize the preorders have been turned on and turned off like at least 4 times now? The preorders arent gone, they just keep saying they are sold out to build hype. Bestbuy has put the preorder back up at least 4 times already, Gamestop has done it 3 times. They say its sold out and then put it back on to get more. If it was truly preordered out then we would not be seeing these preorders return every single month.

Not for nothing but the Wii U had a much better launch than the 360 and PS3, it got negativity because it was being compared to the Wii launch which sold out at a record pace.

And why don't you do some research, I have a legit source saying 10 million PS4's and 7-9 million xbox ones.

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These are also launching just before the peak of holiday shopping in NA explodes into madness. All the numbers sites are tossing around are launch window numbers not launch day. That's a three to six month window. Both consoles are also planning to launch in all the major territories so those numbers are also getting divided between all those regions.
Bestbuy and Gamestop saying the preorders are sold out is laughable, they have no been "sold out" multiple times and every month they keep coming back.

You have to keep in mind to the stores themselves arent putting every unit up for preorder. Besbuy will certainly have untits ready for those who didn't preorder in order to get people to come to their stores. 

Bestbuy and Gamestop saying the preorders are sold out is laughable, they have no been "sold out" multiple times and every month they keep coming back.

You have to keep in mind to the stores themselves arent putting every unit up for preorder. Besbuy will certainly have untits ready for those who didn't preorder in order to get people to come to their stores.
If you think you'll be able to walk in to Best Buy or Gamestop on launch day and get a system off the shelf you are very naive.

I wouldnt be suprised if they dont even have enough consoles to meet preorder demands.
No chance, these stores know exactly how many they are receiving. This isnt 2005 with Gamestop, the problem was fixed in 2006. The Wii U launch went smooth, the PS4 and One will go smooth to.

Bestbuy and Gamestop saying the preorders are sold out is laughable, they have no been "sold out" multiple times and every month they keep coming back.

You have to keep in mind to the stores themselves arent putting every unit up for preorder. Besbuy will certainly have untits ready for those who didn't preorder in order to get people to come to their stores.
That because Sony has made more units to allocate for the stores. Just wait and see BestBuy will probably have less then 15 units per store on launch date to sale without preorders .

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Well my gamestop claims they have 30 preorders and it would really suprise me if they get that many consoles. I am definitely getting there early.
No chance, these stores know exactly how many they are receiving. This isnt 2005 with Gamestop, the problem was fixed in 2006. The Wii U launch went smooth, the PS4 and One will go smooth to.
You are comparing Apples to Oranges with Wii U vs PS4/Xbox One. The amount of people preordering a PS4/Xbox One is WAY more than those who preordered a Wii U. Wii U was not on the shelf because the supply problem has been "fixed". The Wii U was on the shelf because not very many people wanted it (and still don't).
You are comparing Apples to Oranges with Wii U vs PS4/Xbox One. The amount of people preordering a PS4/Xbox One is WAY more than those who preordered a Wii U. Wii U was not on the shelf because the supply problem has been "fixed". The Wii U was on the shelf because not very many people wanted it (and still don't).
Umm you realize the Wii U preorders "sold out" 2 days after the preorders became available?

Just because the pre orders are sold out doesnt mean they wont have any units available. They will have tons available because they have to drive people into the stores.

Umm you realize the Wii U preorders "sold out" 2 days after the preorders became available?

Just because the pre orders are sold out doesnt mean they wont have any units available. They will have tons available because they have to drive people into the stores.
The Wii U had major production issues with the touchscreen gamepad. The number of units available for preorder were far less than those of the PS4 and Xbox One. Sony announced 1 million preorders worldwide back at Gamescom. The Wii U sold roughly 2.5-3 million in its first 6 weeks globally ( With the months remaining to launch, it would not be unreasonable to expect the PS4 to sell more than 50% of what the Wii U sold in 6 weeks on the first day (just in preorders). You cannot use WiiU as a gauge on how the PS4 and Xbox One launch will go.

Many major stores will get additional units on top of those preordered. The stock they have will be sold at midnight launches or at open. You will not be able to walk into a store at lunch time on launch day and grab one off the shelf. They will get them replenished from time to time through Christmas, but they will sell out when they hit the shelf.
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The Wii U had major production issues with the touchscreen gamepad. The number of units available for preorder were far less than those of the PS4 and Xbox One. Sony announced 1 million preorders worldwide back at Gamescom. The Wii U sold roughly 2.5-3 million in its first 6 weeks globally ( With the months remaining to launch, it would not be unreasonable to expect the PS4 to sell more than 50% of what the Wii U sold in 6 weeks on the first day (just in preorders). You cannot use WiiU as a gauge on how the PS4 and Xbox One launch will go.

Many major stores will get additional units on top of those preordered. The stock they have will be sold at midnight launches or at open. You will not be able to walk into a store at lunch time on launch day and grab one off the shelf. They will get them replenished from time to time through Christmas, but they will sell out when they hit the shelf.
Alright but if the report is true that the PS4 will have 10 million worldwide it in its launch period (which is usually the first 6 weeks) then we should not see any sort of shortage. Some stores might sell out for a day but I should be able to go to the store right next to it and get it.

I must admit though, SONY claiming 1 million preordered is a huge number, the PS3 launched with 400,000 in the United States and started to become available by Christmas. SONY does seem to have Generation 8 in its control. If the PS4 takes off like the Wii did in 2006 then the competitors will have a very hard time catching up. I am glad to be a future PS4 owner, I have never owned a SONY console, my siblings did but this console has the perfect price and momentum and that is why I will be purchasing it one day one.

The shipments should be coming daily to, I recall my brother calling gamestop everyday for 2 weeks for PS3 and they only were getting one shipment a week. The Wii U we saw replenishments every 2 days. I assume PS4 stock will replenished every 2 days also, rather than just once a week. 

Stores obviously cant hold that many units because they sell other stuff and don't have the room to set aside 100s of Playstations, especially during the holidays.

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Alright but if the report is true that the PS4 will have 10 million worldwide it in its launch period (which is usually the first 6 weeks) then we should not see any sort of shortage. Some stores might sell out for a day but I should be able to go to the store right next to it and get it.

I must admit though, SONY claiming 1 million preordered is a huge number, the PS3 launched with 400,000 in the United States and started to become available by Christmas. SONY does seem to have Generation 8 in its control. If the PS4 takes off like the Wii did in 2006 then the competitors will have a very hard time catching up. I am glad to be a future PS4 owner, I have never owned a SONY console, my siblings did but this console has the perfect price and momentum and that is why I will be purchasing it one day one.
If Sony can actually produce the 10 million units, I think they will be "easier" to find in larger markets in the weeks following launch. The people paying absurd amounts on ebay/Craigslist are in smaller markets who will not be replenished with that many units. I remember being able to walk into the Best Buy in NYC during the Wii shortage and seeing stacks of them. I went to my local stores when I returned home and you could not find them at any store. I think the average consumer will have a hard time locating them shortly after launch unless they walk in the store during a delivery (that's how I got my PS3 during the launch week and they only got 4 that day). Hopefully both Sony and Microsoft can meet the demand this time around.
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Unlike previous generations even if Sony can't meant launch allotment they will still restock stores within a very short period of time.

It's not going to be like the PS2-PS3 where it took weeks to months to be able to find one.

Anyone who is attempting to flip and profit off of them will probably get burned. That is exactly what happened with the WiiU Nintendo meant the demand and the shortage was like 2-3 weeks and only affected some areas.

I already know myself not to pay any high scalper premium because the week after you do that you'll see them back at stores.

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bread's done